The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Ground Hog Day: How Accurate Is He? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

This is the transcript of the introduction for this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: How accurate is the groundhog? Why would anyone be interested an a groundhogs prediction of the weather? Maybe we should ask the groundhog if climate change is real. Then we could stop all the bickering. At this point I think more people might be willing to listen to the groundhog. As a matter of fact grab that furry little wood chucker and let's ask him a bunch of questions. If he can predict the weather maybe he can solve this whole Trump, Russia, FBI scandal too. I wonder if he can answer if aliens are real. So why would anyone want to take weather predictions from a groundhog? It's been going on a long time. Groundhog day started in 1887. I can give you a prediction for the weather. Cold, dreary and miserable. I don't want to give you any false hope. If it turns out better you'll be thanking me. The groundhog is only accurate about 40% of the time. Twice as good as the average weatherman and three time more likely to give you an accurate answer than a politician. That's pretty good when you think about it. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Trump Tweets: 10 Trump Tweets the Media Hates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

Every time Trump sends out a Tweet the media goes bonkers. Absolute bonkers. They rip it apart. They ridicule him. I sit back watching this. I only see it on the little bit of news I watch because I'm not on Twitter. And, the whole thing is laughable. He's playing the left. Absolutely playing them. He's playing them like fools. He's like a sniper. He throws out an insult and all the sudden 10 more coming running into his sights. How many people actually see his Tweets? I don't know let's say it's a million. Then the Tweet gets shown on TV a thousand times and millions more see it. A lot of people say he needs to quit it. Stop with the Tweets. Why would he? He gets more press out of a Tweet then most speeches. Speeches are boring the Tweets are entertaining. He even said himself he would quit if he got elected. He said it wasn't very presidential. Well he hasn't stopped. Here's 10 that got the most attention. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Organizing For Action: Obama's Third Term | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:00

Do we have two presidents, or did someone forget to let Obama know his term was finished?  He’s a private citizen now so he’s free to do as he pleases including organizing protests if that’s his choice. But is it right? Do you even know it’s going on? President Obama has championed a group called Organizing for Action. You wouldn’t know that looking at their website. Other than one photo of Obama you wouldn't know he was involved. They use terms like social justice, basic fairness, equal rights, and expanding opportunity to everyone. That sounds noble doesn’t it? What is the OFA and why should anyone care? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 National Debt: Are You Happy Selling Your Children To Slavery? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

Are you happy selling your children to slavery? It's happening whether you want it or not. There's all this finger pointing in politics and all of it misses the main point. The one thing that's killing the future of this country. The debt. It's over sixty seven thousand dollars for every man woman and child in the country. So for a family of four that's two hundred sixty eight thousand dollars per family. More than the value of most people's homes. Our children and their children will inherit this debt they had nothing to do with. What do you call it? What do you call it when someone is forced to work to pay for someone else? Last Monday while the government was shut down and everyone was arguing of illegal immigration the government set a spending record. That was while the government was shut down. You might not think it's a big deal. Interest rates are low. The government just cut taxes. The stock market is up. But, what about the generations that inherit this debt? Doesn't it amount to slavery? What else can you call it? Is anyone stopping to think about the long term effects of all this debt? It's not even talked about. Do we think it's just going to go away? That somehow it's just going to vanish? Maybe we should take a look at what's happened to other countries that went down this path because it's not a pretty picture. We're so focused on cultural issues and arguing with each other. It's causing us to turn a blind eye to the country's biggest problem. A problem that could end the country as we know it.  So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Maybe The Super Bowl Should Be In North Korea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

After the NFL rejected an ad by AmVets which is a veterans organization the NFL released a statement through their spokesperson Brian McCarthy. They said, "The Super Bowl game program is designed for fans to commemorate and celebrate the game, players, teams and the Super Bowl. It's never been a place for advertising that could be considered by some as a political statement". Well is that right! So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

I sometimes wonder if politics and the news is totally fake like professional wrestling. Do you ever get that feeling? It's like there's a little game going on and we're all clueless about the real facts. California seems to acting like its own country. The whole situation is bizarre. And, I had another thought. Take this whole immigration thing. Trump campaigns in this idea of building a wall along the Mexican border. It gets millions of people riled up and millions of others all pissed off. What about all the people coming here on planes? Meanwhile California's issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and now they want to let them vote. The whole thing's crazy. We had the government shut down for one whole day you would have thought the world was going to end. And, nobody said a word about the budget and the fact that the countries bankrupt. Remember how in professional wrestling you'd have two guys that hated each other then they'd become partners? Look at the way Democrats have completely flip flopped on immigration. 9 years ago, Obama was campaigning saying the same things Trump was saying. Now it's racist. I can shed a little light on this. Let me explain what Trump voters want. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Is The Country In Political Turmoil? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Earlier this year John McCain said we were going through a period of political turmoil. Do you think? I think as far as leaders go. Not just political but any leader. You have people know as disruptors. The opposite being assister, arranger or organizer. There different. Each one has it's time and place. Trump is a disruptor. It's not on its own good or bad, that's just the role he's taken on. Do you think we needed it? Our country is mired in debt and corruption. We no longer have a government that represents the will of the people. Politicians aren't working for the people. Have you ever had a conversation with anyone that told you the national debt was a good thing or, something they wanted? Is there one single person that thinks all the debt the government is taking on is a good thing? No. Nobody thinks that. So why does it go on? Why if the voters don't want it does it continue? If we're supposed to have a government of the people by the people why does this go on? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 What Do Trump Supporters Want? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:00

I guess you could argue Trump is the most loved and most hated president ever. Either way here's an interesting question, what do Trump supporters want?  I don't know if you support Trump or not but either way it might help you to understand what exactly, Trump supporters want. Now I'm not some political pollster and what I'm about to say isn't based on some crazy study or research. But, I think a lot of what got Trump elected is what a lot of people don't want. So, whether you're a supporter you might like to know because it really defines most of what you see him doing. Once you understand this everything he does makes sense and, I don't think it's a big secret he was elected to undo some of the things Obama promoted. I'm just laying out the facts and explaining the way some people are looking at things and you can make up your own mind. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 California's Immigration War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

There's politicians in California that are fighting to protect illegal immigrants, to allow them to stay here and give them access to benefits. Their fighting for it. They're breaking laws they're making their own illegal laws and the Mayor of Oakland California is even ready to be arrested to defend her position. Gas stations in California are refusing to serve immigration officials.  And, companies can face fines for cooperating with immigration. So what does California have to gain? Why would they be taking such a hardline stance? Some of the facts might surprise you. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Immigration: What's Changed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Why is it that barely 10 years ago some politicians we're singing a completely different tune about immigration? They talked about all the reasons why we needed to STOP illegal immigration. Bernie Sanders remembers because he blames the open border philosophy on REPUBLICANS. Now some of these politicians have completely shifted, they've done a complete about face. To argue with them means being labeled a racist. Don't take my word for it I'm going to give you all the facts and you can explain it to me. Don't worry I'll explain it and make it simple and you can make up your own mind. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Government Shut Down: The Real Issue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

The Federal Government shut down again and nobody's talking about the underlying problem. Why is that? Why isn't anybody talking about the debt problem? That's the whole thing that's driving this. The Federal Government has to go back and beg for more money to keep the doors open. Here we are again. The federal government is shut down. Who cares? Why would we care that this dysfunctional, corrupt worthless government is shut down? Maybe it’s a good thing. You wouldn’t know it from the news. They act like it’s a catastrophe. What catastrophe? Because parks are closed? That’s the big catastrophe? I guess it’s a catastrophe if you’re in the military. They won’t get paid. They’ll tell you oh don’t worry you’ll get the back pay. Ok, what about a young private first class who has a baby to feed? What do you tell him? But, let me ask you this, why isn’t anyone talking about the underlying issue here? Have you noticed that? Nobody’s talking about the debt problem. That’s the whole reason this is even possible, and nobody is even talking about it! This has been going on for at least thirty years now I can remember. It seems every year we’re talking about threats of a government shut down or an actual shutdown. Why does this continue to go on? What does it say about how dysfunctional our government is? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

Well talk about drama. Oprah goes to the Golden Globe awards, gives a speech and all the sudden some people are ready for her to be president. Just as quickly the bombs start falling like she's America's arch enemy. Why? Why do some people love her and now all of the sudden after one speech there's people hating her? I'm going to give you my thoughts on all this. But I've got a couple of other things to talk about. The president set off a fire storm with some alleged closed door comments calling some countries crap holes. If we're going to talk about crappy living conditions maybe we should start with what's going on right here in this country. Maybe that should be our first priority. It's easy to talk about how bad someone else has it. What about the things going on right here? I tell you what I think about all this. And, have you thought about what will happen when robots take over? Do you think we'll be living in a time when robots will take over all the jobs? Will artificial intelligence run everything? Will we be able to sit back and relax and finally live a life free of jobs, stress and worry? Everything handed to us on a silver platter. What would that world look like? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Resist and Protest: Resist What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:00

Today there are millions of people marching in what's being called a Women's March. What is it? Who's behind and what's the purpose? I think there are a bunch of us scratching our heads asking what's going on. If you go on the resist and protest website that creates more questions right away. Resist and protest what? Even the about page says very little to explain what this is really about. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Hottest Fake News Headlines, Rumors, Gossip and Mob Fuel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

When you hear the term fake news what do you think about? It comes in all forms right? Well it's Friday so I thought we'd have a little fun and talk through some of the hottest fake news headlines, rumors, gossip and mob fuel. One things for sure there's enough to go around. I can almost guarantee you've seen one of these stories and chances are you never pegged it for fake news. The stories range from politics, inside scoop on celebrities and out and out fake news stories. I'm also going to go over some the year's most popular conspiracy theories. Just in case your believing any of the nonsense. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Las Vegas Shooting: Latest News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Do you think we deserve an explanation of what happened during the Las Vegas shooting? Should we have detailed results of a complete investigation? It was the largest massacre in U.S. history. Don't you think people would want to know what happened? Two and a half months ago, 10 weeks ago, the Las Vegas shooting was the biggest news headline. It sparked all kinds of calls for gun control for all of about what a week? One week, maybe two weeks that was the extent of the gun control frenzy. Fifty eight people died, and 546 injured by a carefully planned shooter. One shooter that's all that's reported. No real answers on what happened but now there's new news breaking and nobody's really talking about it. It was by far the largest scale massacre of innocent people our country has ever experienced and now not even three months later and nobody cares about it. What's going on? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:


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