The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 How We'll Earn Money In a Future Without Jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:00

Do you think we'll be living in a time when robots will take over all the jobs? Will artificial intelligence run everything? Will we be able to sit back and relax and finally live a life free of jobs, stress and worry? Everything handed to us on a silver platter. What would that world look like? Do you remember the Jetsons? Remember that cartoon of the futuristic family that robots that took care of everything? It cooked, it cleaned, they had these little self-driving flying saucers and even the dog was a robot. How great would that be? There's a lot of talk about it. Sex robots are a real thing now. Self-driving cars seem to be right around the corner and a bunch of companies are working on artificial intelligence programs. Some are in use now. Where's all this headed? What's our future look like? Is it a life of no jobs where everyone will be destitute or living off the government? Or, will it be a life of easy living like the Jetsons? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 People Who Live In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:00

If we're going to talk about crappy living conditions maybe we should start with what's going on right here in this country. Maybe that should be our first priority. It's easy to talk about how bad someone else has it. What about the things going on right here? Some politicians are claiming the president made remarks last week criticizing conditions in some countries. The president denies the claims and once again we'll never know the truth but who cares anyway? How about if we talk about some of the things going on right here? Would it be a better idea if we focused on the problems we can solve right here before we begin judging and comparing this country with other countries? I'm just trying to be practical. At the end of the day what good does it do to talk about how bad other people have it? Who gains anything from that? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Oprah Winfrey's Rousing Golden Globes Speech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

Well talk about drama. Oprah goes to the Golden Globe awards, gives a speech and all the sudden some people are ready for her to be president. Just as quickly the bombs start falling like she's America's arch enemy. Why? Why do some people love her and now all of the sudden after one speech there's people hating her? I don't know Oprah and you don't either. We know of her. We know what were told about her. We now what we see on TV. So let's just stick to the speech and the facts for a second. Let's start with a little recognition of the accomplishments Oprah has made. She suffered a horrible childhood and built an entertainment empire. Pretty much single handedly. I know there's people that have dug photos of her with Harvey Weinstein and all kinds of other little clips from over the years. Some of those clips don't play very well to her character or her ideology. But, I want to talk about the speech and why suddenly that speech would be a call for her to be president. Before I get into this let me ask you this, why does anyone even care that much about any of this? Why, one year after the election are we already talking about elections? And, why the quick jump to pounce on her for this speech? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

What do you think about the idea of Oprah for president? She give's one little speech at the golden globe awards and boy some sparks were flying. Some good. Some bad. If you live in Baltimore you might have other things to worry about. Baltimore set a new record for murder this year what does all that mean. Baltimore isn't the only one setting records. Elizabeth Warren has raised more money than any incumbent Senator. Where's all that money coming from? Why do some people want to change our history? And, why should anyone care? You haven't given up on your New Year's resolutions already have you? There's a few things to consider when you want to accomplish something. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Everybody Starts Somewhere: At the Bottom - 100 Shows 100,000 Listens. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

100 shows 100,000 listens. That was my first goal for this show and this week we hit that! Amazing! Especially considering the first show was recorded with a microphone inside a cardboard box? It's been a short period of time. Sometimes the progress was slow and it was actually a bit of a rut that really got me going. I remember a story from a few years ago. I was in a public speaking workshop group. Toastmasters International. It might sound funny to some of you but it's a GREAT organization. Tony Robbins does a talk and he says the number one key to your success and happiness is your ability to communicate. I agree with that and Toastmasters is a great place to develop speaking skills. Anyway, I had been going for a while and I hit a rut. I was in a rut. I was having trouble speaking without using notes. A friend of mine Bryan Toder, the No Fear Guy. He had a show on 510 AM the Big Talker in Philly. He pulled me aside and he said stop you using notes. You already know how to talk. When you talk to someone on the phone you don't use notes do you? His pep talk got me out of that rut! So fast forward to October. I started this show in September and by October I was kind of in a rut. Not a rut that the shows weren't progressing but the whole thing just wasn't moving really the way I wanted it to. I remembered that talk with Bryan and it made all the difference and I'll tell you exactly how it worked. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Why Is History Being Rewritten? Why are there people changing our history? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:00

Why Is History Being Rewritten? Why are there people changing our history? Do you think they're making changes to reflect some new found information? New facts that somehow shed a different light on actual events or is there another agenda? I haven't seen anything to suggest there's been some newly discovered information about the history of this country so why would the history of our country be re-written now? I don't know a lot of people that are history buffs but let me ask you, do you think it's important to preserve the history of country? Should future generations know our history? I can think of two examples that reflect why it's important to teach and know history. The United States Marine Corps from day one of recruit training teaches Marine Corps history. It's engrained in every Marine. And, the Jewish people for thousands of years have made history a central part of their education. Why? Why do the Marine Corps and Jewish people do this? Who cares about history in the first place? Why does it even matter? There's a simple answer. Whether you think it's important or not, our history defines us. The good and the bad. History shapes the culture of a nation there's no way around that. Is it always changing and evolving? Of course it is, but that doesn't changer the facts or the story. If the facts haven't changed why is the history being changed? The question of whether history is being re-written has come up fairly regularly lately. Let's talk about what it means. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Senator Elizabeth Warren Has Raised More Campaign Money Than Any Senator In Hist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Senator Elizabeth Warren it seems has set a record. She has raised more campaign money than nearly any incumbent senator in history. Supposedly she's got over twelve million dollars in cash and some people are saying she should run against Trump in 2020. After taking the time to learn a little more about Senator Warren I have to tell you my impression of her is very different than what the media would generally have you believe. She seems to be a smart, hard working person. But she says the stupidest things and I think despite her background she's lost touch. Beyond my opinion on all that it's really hard to clearly understand what she stands for but I have a few ideas. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 How To Accomplish Anything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

What's the first thing you do when you want to succeed or accomplish something? Most of the so-called guru's will tell you to write it down. Write it down, it's very important to achieving goals. Some will tell you about visualization. If you can dream it you can do it. You have to first believe you can do it. That's not completely true. There's a big difference between believing you can do something and knowing you can do it. You hear it all the time. If you believe it you can do it. If you just create the right mental image and really, really convince yourself you can do anything. That's not exactly true. You can close your eyes and dream you can fly but I promise you no matter how hard you flap your arms it just isn't going to work. So why do so many motivational speakers push this mantra? I have a theory on that but it really doesn't matter because there's a better way. Knowledge, training and practice. Those are the keys to accomplishment. Maybe it doesn't sound quite as exciting or mystical but that's the simple facts. I'll tell you what I'm talking about. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Baltimore Sets New Record For Murder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Baltimore set a new record, for murder. 2017 was one of the deadliest years ever. 343 murders almost one per day. Adjusted for the drop in population it was the deadliest year ever. What does that tell you? Well of course it's the police, they're to blame for this mess. Who else would you blame? Isn't that the first place a logical person would blame for an increase in murder rates? It's because of the police. Call me crazy I think the problem is something else altogether. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

How's your New Year's resolution going? Let me guess ah you haven't quite started yet. I don't do the whole resolution thing. My method for constant forward progress is discipline and planning. I did a show on it last week you can go check it out if you really have something you want to accomplish. Let me ask you a bigger question. Are you excited about this year? If so, what are you excited about? Are you excited about your personal life, work, the economy, what? You have to have to have something you're excited about. I have a story to tell you that might put all this into perspective. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Practice Your Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

The big news concerning civil rights has been cases involving gays. There's the wedding cake stories. One before the Supreme Court right now and a recent appeal ruling in Oregon upholding a one hundred thirty five thousand dollar judgement against a bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The other big story is the stay from the presidents order banning transgender people from serving in the military. At least for now transgender people will be allowed to serve in the military in 2018. If you listen to these headlines and stories you'd probably be led to believe there's a fight for civil liberties going on. You'd think the whole issue is about equality and allowing free access to anything and everything to anyone. Sounds noble at least on one level. But there's more going on. A lot more and if you care about Christian values you might want to listen up. These court rulings should be enough to scare the hell out of every American. And, I'm not just talking religious people. There's a lot to consider with all this. Plenty of hypocrisy on both sides and plenty to argue about. At the end of the day you're going to have to decide which side you're on. I suggest you consider that carefully. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 North Korea: Kim Jong Un Declares North Korea Is A Nuclear Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Are you concerned about the situation in North Korea? Let me just ask you doesn't this whole situation seem like a bit of a distraction? I don't know it kind of seems like those WWF interviews where you've got these two knuckle head wrestlers trading stupid threats back and forth. That's what it looks like. Two guys making threats. But here's where this gets a little a little scary. Un said, "The entire area of the U.S. mainland is within our nuclear strike range. The United States can never start a war against me and our country," Here's the problem I see with all this. He's kind of posturing and doing this back and forth dance but it wasn't that long ago he was out and out threatening the United States. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Where Does the Government Get All That Money? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:00

Do you know how much money they government take in every year? I'm talking about all of it not just the federal tax revenue. All the state, local and federal taxes, how much does that add up too? You have no idea do you? Why not? If we're supposed to be a government of the people by the people shouldn't we know how much of our money our government is taking? Think of it like a corporation. If we're the shareholders in this Ponzi scheme wouldn't we get a year report of income and expenses. In this case tax revenue and expenditures. Why don't we get that? Why don't we demand it? Every single corporation in the world produces a basic annual report. And, I don't think I have to tell you if the company were losing money year over year the shareholders would probably fire the management. Don't you think? So, why do we the tax payers accept anything less? When I tell you how much money our government spends you're going to look at this differently. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Why is Everyone Freaking Out About This Tax Cut? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:00

We've had tax cuts before why is everyone freaking out of this tax cut? Senator Marco Rubio voted for President Donald Trump’s tax bill, but he thinks that maybe companies got too good a tax break. Ron Paul said, "The economic boom under Trump is ‘an illusion’ that will come crashing down." President Donald J. Trump said, "Once again rest assured that our brightest days are still to come." Forbes reported, "The Tax Cut And Jobs Act Can Help The Middle Class Retire." Well which is it? I've said this bill is too complicated but at the end of the day I'll be happy if my taxes go down and not so happy if my taxes go up. I guess there's a more basic question, do you want taxes to go down? I really believe there's a large number of people that DON'T! I'm not getting into that whole debate here. I just want to know why is everyone freaking out? I have some answers. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 We Are Now Able To Edit DNA - But What Are The Implications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:00

Have you ever seen the movie Jurrasic Park? Great movie if you like dinosaurs. A group of scientists were fired to clone dinosaurs. Bring them back to life which they did. All to create a theme park. But, things didn't exactly go as planned. The dinosaurs learned how to break free from the protective barriers and decided to snack on some of the visitors. In the movie the dinosaurs we're cloned from fossil DNA. Does that sound like a science fiction movie? Well it was except now it might be possible. Crazy right except this is no theme park we're talking about here. Everything has a genetic code. Every living thing, from cantaloupe to CANCER, cockroaches and kittens and even Eels and Ebola. They all have a genetic code. It's like the recipe for how things are created. It's been around since the origin of life, one of life's great mysteries. Here's the freaky thing. Now it can be changed, by humans. It's called DNA editing. Humans revising the genetic code. It's here. It's being done as we speak. What is it? What are the implications? Where's this all headed. Why would anyone want to mess with this? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:


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