The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 What Is War Like | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

War is chaos. Violent chaos. You might already know I am a Marine Combat veteran. It's been 28 years since the 9 months I spent in combat. I was deployed for 6 months home 4 days and deployed again for 9 months. It changed me. It's now part of the fabric of who I am and nothing can ever change that. This my story. War was hard. Coming home and adjusting was harder. I have a photo taken shortly after the war and I can see the intensity in my eyes. Piercing. It's called the 1,000 yard stare and it kind of freaks me out when I see it. Being a Marine is hard. Being in a Marine ground combat unit is intense. Everybody's story is different. Very different. I didn't talk about it for a lot of years. 3 years ago that all changed So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 America's Next Civil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

I think in a lot of ways there's already a civil war going on in this country. It's not being be fought with rifles and armies but there is absolutely an ideological war going on in this country. If you look at the goals of the socialist wing of the democrat party. If you look at their agenda, how they're trying to implement it and how there marching this country toward socialism. If you look at that and consider the number of people in this country who still believe in the constitution, still believe in the American values of personal liberty and freedom. There's a total difference in ideology. It's very black and white with not much gray And, we're left with this constant fighting instead of any focus on real solutions. When you look at people's opinions on ALL the major issues there is a complete difference of opinion and the split is right down the middle 50/50. One small shift is all it takes to see a massive change in policy. Some of these policies would have a major impact on the country and our way of life. I put the issues in 2 categories. The first is cultural issues, abortion, gun rights stuff like that. The second is fiscal issues like taxes, the size of government, health care Personally I wish the government would pretty much stay completely out of cultural issues and have very very limited involvement in fiscal issues. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Government Shut Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Well here we go again, threats of shutting down the government. How old is this little game getting? Government shut down, government shut down and everyone starts running scared. Oh my God there going to shut the government what will happen. Oh my what a catastrophe. How's it a catastrophe? I say shut it down. Shut the whole thing down and start over. What's this dead beat, dysfunctional government doing for us anyway? This isn't a government. The sex scandals the corruption, they can't even get a decent law passed it’s a joke. You want to blame Trump? Its his fault? What do you want him to do roll over and let these lying thieving perverts have their way? I think everybody is just sick and tired of the nonsense. How dysfunctional has this whole thing become? It NEEDS AN OVERHAUL. BADLY. And, I'll tell you what I see, I see Trump playing these Senators like fools. He came out guns blazing over the past few days. I saw it a mile away. I knew this was coming. Remember a few months ago, back when they did the last debt limit increase. Remember how all the Republicans were screaming mad because they said Trump sold out. It was a play and he's going to come out on top. You can call this guy an idiot, you can call him an complete idiot. Whatever you want - he's a master negotiator. And, unfortunately negotiating is a messy business. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Free College! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Free college. Sounds tempting for a lot of people doesn't it. But, it's not for everyone and it's not free at all. So, right out of the gate, free college it's a lie. The whole idea raises a lot of questions What exactly would be free, 2 year degrees, 4 year degrees or all the way to a doctorate? One degree or as many as you want and what about living expenses And, at what colleges because there not all equal. There's a few countries in Europe that offer free college so why not here? But, when did we start following Europe's lead? What happened to American beign I think if you've got 2 or 3 kids that your facing putting through college the idea of free college probably sounds pretty good. But, before you jump on board or make up your mind that it's bad let's talk it through. We'll talk about the pros and cons and I'll also layout two better options. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Income Inequality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

When I was a kid my mother was constantly saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. She said it all the time and we'd just kind of nod our heads or sit there with a blank stare because I'm not sure we really understood what she was talking about. That was the 70's. My mother was a waitress and raised 3 of us. But, we survived. We were basically poor but we survived. All growing up I had one pair of shoes. We didn't go on vacations. I remember eating potato soup for dinner, oatmeal for dinner. But, we survived. We didn't have any of what most kids have today and somehow we did ok. I have fond memories of growing up. That was the 70's and my mother constantly talked about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Today we call it income inequality. Is it bad that the rich get richer? Or, is it bad the poor get poorer? When you hear that doesn't it seem to imply that rich people are bad or doing something wrong? And, doesn't it seem to say that things are hopeless? Are they? Are things hopeless? Is the American dream gone? Is the idea that anyone can make it big, is that idea gone? Income inequality is a real thing. It's very real. If you're not poor, if you're not hungry you might not care. But, if you're feeling kind of hopeless you might care. But what does it mean and what's the cause. I don't think the answers are what most people are led to believe. I do believe it's a problem but I don't think the cause is what most people think. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

If you listened to the show I did for Thanksgiving I talked about the real story of Thanksgiving. The roots of the holiday are spiritual. It was a time to purposely give thanks. Basically for life. Then, as the holiday it evolved, the earliest official Thanksgivings were giving thanks for our constitution. We don't do that anymore. When have you ever heard someone giving thanks for our constitution? Ever? Should we be thankful for the constitution? Do we take it for granted? Or, have the socialists won and convinced all of us the constitution is too old and not working for us anymore. Well at least we could take a break from all these sex scandal allegations. Have you ever thought about how many lives have been torn apart by all these sex scandals? How many careers ruined, how many marriages ended, how many families torn apart? Who's next and when is this madness going to end? This isn't a new thing. Sex scandals are as old as humanity. Have you ever heard the Bible story of David and Bethsheba? This is the story of King David of Israel a favorite of God. He had an affair with a woman who was the wife of one of his generals. She became pregnant and King David essentially ordered the death of his general. David is a bible hero. How do you reconcile that story with everything you see going on now? I want to talk about that. How is it King David is a BIBLE HERO and he cheated with the wife of one of his closest generals then KILLS him to cover it up. And he's a hero. We'll talk more about that but believe it or not there is more going on that just sex scandals. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 How To Podcast: Behind the Scenes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:00

Today I thought it would be fun to take a look behind the scenes of the show, how this podcast came to be and how it's made. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Learn The History and Story of Thanksgiving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Happy Thanksgiving! I thought it would be fun to take a look at the history and story of Thanksgiving. You know Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays if not my very favorite holiday. Who doesn't like Thanksgiving? Mainly because I like food, I like to eat a lot and, it's basically an excuse to over eat. Indulge if you will. Who doesn't like to eat? But, it's also time to get together, give thanks, hang out and enjoy family. All the good basic things in life. Good food, good family, good times that's what Thanksgiving is all about to me. But the story of Thanksgiving it's made me wonder is it all really about pilgrims and Indians.  We're there really a bunch of pilgrims and Indians sitting around a big table outside having stuffing mashed potatoes and apple pie like we do today? Is that really how the first Thanksgiving went down? The answer might surprise you. I wanted to learn a little bit more about the history of Thanksgiving I thought you might enjoy it to. I wanted to find out what all this means, what's the history behind it? How did Thanksgiving begin? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Are People Good or Bad? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

It's an age old question: are people inherently good or bad? To put it another way are people basically selfish or more or less cooperative? And, I guess you could also ask who cares? We'll I tell you why I brought it up. One of the things that has always fascinated me is how some great minds, brilliant people have been advocates of communism. You have some incredible brilliant people that support communist and socialist ideas. And, I've often wondered what drives that way of thinking? Why would someone who clearly had an advanced level of intelligence, why would someone incredible smart support something so clearly destructive. And, it comes down to a basic perspective. Do you think people are generally good or do you think people are generally bad. The way you answer that question for yourself is going to answer how you feel about a whole bunch of other things and political views is one of them. The results are split almost exactly 50/50. Just as many people feel people are inherently good as there are people that feel people are inherently bad. Is it ironic that political views seem to follow just about the same split? But, the question is how does it affect people's political views? Whether or not you view people as generally good or generally bad - how does that shape your political views. Well think about it, if a person believes people are good they probably also believe that ideals like communism have a higher chance of succeeding. But, if you believe people are mostly bad then you probably want to see more protection of individual rights. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Social Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

Suppose I said hey, I want you to try something but before you do there's a few things about it you should you know. And I said, when you do this there's about 100% chance you'll feel like crap, you'll probably get angry and oh by the way there's a real good chance you'll get addicted to it? What would you say to that? You'd probably tell me I was nuts right? Then what if I said hey look here's the thing, EVERYOBODY'S doing it, it will be ok. Come on give it a try. You might think I was a drug dealer or you'd probably think I was a sociopath right? No, it's none of that and the answer might surprise you. If you were aware of something as destructive as I just mentioned you might at least expect a warning label right? Would you expect it to be illegal? Well I'm talking about Facebook and I'm not making this up. There have been tons of studies detailing the harmful effects of social media. The only site that actually produced any positive results overall was YouTube. So why are so many people using it? Why do so many people freely let their kids use it? And besides the personal impact what's the impact on society as a whole? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Bribery and Corruption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

New Jersey Senator Menedez has been charged with violations under Federal bribery law. The trial brings up a few big picture questions. Should siting politicians be able to accept expensive gifts from what they describe as friends? Now, stop and think about this a second. If an ordinary citizen had a wealthy friend and some do, what's the harm if that ordinary citizen accepts a from his wealthy friend? And, how often does that happen? How often do wealthy people go around giving away expensive gifts to friends. If you stop and consider it a minute it probably happens more than you think. Think about professional athletes. How often do you think they buy things for friends, host expensive parties or bring along friends on trips? It probably goes on quite a bit, right? And, if you're on the receiving end of it it's tempting right? Who wants to turn down a nice a gift? What's the harm in someone sharing in their success especially with people close to them.   What about when that friend happens to be a politician? Should politicians be able to accept expensive gifts from anyone? And, what limits should there be on what they can accept? What's considered a gift, what's considered appropriate? And, why are so many politicians getting rich while their in office? Is that ok, that we have a small army of politicians and their getting filthy rich while there in office. Rich far beyond what the government salary provides. Is that ok? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Roy Moore Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

Last week news broke that a political candidate in Alabama, Roy Moore was accused of having inappropriate relationships with young girls. And, of course all the opinions and accusations start flying around. Everybody has all the answers when really nobody knows. But, here's the thing. I was listening to a conservative commentator the other day. I'm not going to mention any names. I don't need to do that. And, I'll tell you this is someone I highly respect. It doesn't mean I agree with him all the time but I respect him. So he comes out and says he's not declaring Roy Moore guilty without a trial. He said he's not ready to even say that Roy Moore is guilty without a trial. Ok, I respect that. I really do. But, where's that consideration for Hilary? Now, before you throw up your hands in anger I'm not trying to defend Hilary. All I'm saying is right is right and fair is fair. Nobody wins by changing the rules in favor of their team. Nobody wins with that. That's the whole reason WE, the taxpayers keep losing this game. Isn't that a big part of the problem we face? Isn't it the hypocrisy on both sides that create a lot of the division that we all complain about? Look I'm going to share my opinion about this Roy Moore thing. It's my opinion and I'm going to walk you through the logic of my reasoning. I want to talk about the Roy Moore case but I also want to look at the bigger picture of these sexual harassment allegations that are flying around everywhere at this point. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Sunday Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

It dawned on me, looking over the news over the past 2 weeks that there's an all-out war on white men going on. 2 weeks ago the DNC announced 8 new job openings and get this, the literally said white men need not apply. That's not racist. Not one bit. But, let's face it 2 weeks ago in today's universe is like an eternity. 2 weeks ago might as well be 1,000 years ago and the blatant racism of the DNC against whites really doesn't matter because they've found a much, much more effective strategy. Paint white men as sexual predators. And, it's worked so effectively the republicans are playing right along calling out all the democrat sexual predators. But, I don't think that an ideology that is comfortable eating eats young has any problem whatsoever sacrificing a few white men for the cause. We also learned who really controls the elections in this country and it's not the Russians. The republican tax plan passed the house so it will move on to the senate. Is it a plan or a scam? We'll talk about that a little bit. This is great, the democrats are trying to impeach Trump. And, their really, really serious this time because as they say, he's a threat to the country. A threat to whom, exactly? It can't be immigrants because citizenship applications are the highest levels in years. So who's he a threat too? I'll tell you who I think he's a threat too. 26 people slaughtered inside a church including a baby shot in the face. You'd think this would be enough that maybe, just maybe we could have an intelligent, rational discussion on guns but probably not. The 3rd largest bank has been ripping off hundreds of thousands of customers in broad daylight. Isn't this a funny twist, now the bank robs you. Who do you call to report that?

 Big Bank Scam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

Wells Fargo the 3rd largest bank in the country got caught ripping off millions of customers. How have the gotten away with this? Why weren't criminal charges brought and why haven't regulators done more to shut the bank down? Those are the questions we're discussing today. This isn't a new story. In fact most of what went on at Wells Fargo happened a few years ago. But why hasn't this gotten more attention and why have the people responsible not been charged. Part of the reason is a typical fantastic word play. Instead of calling it a rip off. Instead of calling it stealing, Wells Fargo labeled it overly aggressive sales goals. Isn't government supposed to be the entity that protects the public from this type of thing? Isn't government that's supposed to enforce laws? Why wasn't more done? Aren't we supposed to be able to have a basic level of trust in certain institutions? When that trust is lost how does it erode the confidence of a society? It spreads. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Gun Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

Last week 26 people were shot and killed inside a church in a small town in Texas and another 20 were injured. The victims included elderly and an infant that was shot in the face. It is pretty much the very essence of evil. That incident like many others before has sparked the cry for more gun control. Do we need to increase restrictions on certain guns or completely ban certain weapons altogether. That's the questions we're asking today. We've seen this before. Some crazed, evil idiot opens fire with a military style rifle. Just a few weeks ago there was the Las Vegas shooting that left 60 people dead and 500 people injured. That incident was an absolute massacre. Of course that raises the question about gun laws. Do we need more restrictions on guns? Should military style assault rifles be banned altogether? Should high capacity magazines be outlawed? Or, should we do nothing in order to protect the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms? There's a whole bunch of other questions that come out of this but I want to focus mainly on the question of gun laws. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:


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