Summary: this sacred space is here to help guide you, inspire you, ignite you, + to shift your perspective to one that sees the light in all things. that honors the blessings of being present in human form at this vital time in evolution. to assist you in cultivating your most divine expression + mastery, to give you energetic insights beyond what you may be able to perceive, to help you illuminate your shadows + to nurture them with forgiveness + love, and to empower you to be your most resilient and radiant self.

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 LUNAR ECLIPSE + MORE 2018 INSIGHT - THE YEAR OF SELF-LOVE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 21:12

I am so overjoyed and blessed to walk this great path with you. Thank you for being here. I hope you are a having a life-changing 2018 thus far in all of the good life-changing ways even if you can't see where this change is leading to yet. We have been in such powerful energies already this year as we are stepping in to this realignment with our oneness and self-mastery - the gifts of our present 11 year. The upcoming total lunar eclipse has been divinely designed to really get this year going and to be a catalyst - a push if you will to a new path that is in even higher resonance with our soul. Even though it doesn't occur until the blue moon (the second full moon in 1 month) on 1/31, I've been feeling it's effects since mid-january and I'm sure you might be on some level too, whether consciously or unconsciously. Eclipse windows are powerful jolts of transformation. They are times of upheaval, resurrection, immense cleansing, purging and like I said before re-alignment with your highest potentials, worth and blueprint. But eclipse windows in years such as this one which is focused on deep inner work, oneness, and the heart - carry more of a specific cleansing - emotions, emotions from the past, heartache, shadows (especially tied to the second full moon of the month) and removing any sort of blocks that are keeping us from existing in our purest state - love. It's also beautiful to recognize the Divine Feminine energy of emotions and what a gift it is to allow the flow of tears, of release and to simply just let ourselves feel - feel all of it. That if we can stand by and watch our emotions like a flowing river that our feelings and emotions are just simply in movement, washing their way through us and then on out of us and transmuting to light. But if we choose resistance - if we chose anger, fear or a lack of understanding as this information arises we will create dams that block their flow and cause internal suffering for postponing our own healing and lack of nurturing and love for our selves. These times may have you feeling a bit more overwhelmed as a lot of this said information is coming up for release to flow on through you. You may be feeling incredibly emotional - this is truly how the heart opens - by releasing the flow of things which are blocking your most unconditional love :) Your dream state may be extra active, triggers from your past may be coming up. This time almost has a sense of looking backwards or reflecting on the past, but not to have you move backwards or feel immense sadness even though you might - and that's perfectly perfect and ok as long as you don't unpack and live there, but to become empowered by the things that you have overcome. To see the blessings that came from the lessons you endured. To realize the strength you gained from the pain. To have gratitude, not regret or remorse or victim-hood. To find the ways to accept what was, let it go, and walk forward in peace. To no longer be tied or shackled to those things which were only there to gift you more love, but you just couldn't see that then. As we are able to walk forward with forgiveness, we then open up more room in us for love.

 DECEMBER 2017 ENERGY REPORT + 2017 REFLECTION | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 24:44

Powerful one, Oh what a year it has been. A year of change, transition, awakening, rebirth, resurrection and there's still more to come with the final illuminating portals in December especially the Winter/Summer solstice. This year has really called us to rise up and return home. Our soul has gifted us with so many opportunities to re align with this strength, empowerment, and love within. Sometimes these opportunities looked like complete destruction, like pain and ache, like feeling lost and isolated, like a new relationship or location, but regardless all that has been placed before us or that has met us this year was a chance for us to resonate with a more divine aspect of our self and to return to our divine feminine wholeness of flow, nurturing, and of understanding instead of fear and hate. In this episode I talk about how we can further return to our empowered self to connect with life from states of fullness and unity instead of from desperation or need. And how all of creation is working for us even if it doesn't arrive in a pretty package.I also dive in to some detail on my new membership portal I created to assist you through your continued transformation which is launching mid December and how you can become a part of this sacred, supportive and safe space.xhighest blessings

 STEPPING IN TO YOUR POWER AS A CONSCIOUS CO CREATOR | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 22:30

Whether you know it or not, you are consciously and unconsciously creating every second of your existence. Your thoughts, words, actions, and overall energy are emanating out in to existence on your behalf and sending out information that you soon will receive under the law of cause and effect. As each one of us return to our highest divine feminine presence centered in love and oneness and consciously co create our reality through our purest intentions, we help to birth a new paradigm of existence that will support and nurture all of life and which will be rooted in safety, security, and abundance. In this episode I discuss how we can access our highest presence to be aware of the energy we are sending out in to the world and how powerful we truly are; that source purposefully sent each one of us here in this time and space to lead existence in to a higher and more luminous space for all to reside in.

 CHOOSING HEALING OVER FEAR | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 18:40

These are powerful times gifting us with incredible opportunities to shift in to higher states of being. In order to do that though we must first face our shadows and parts of our selves that feel uncomfortable, fearsome, painful, and traumatic. These expressions of our self arent less worthy of being present or seen and are actually the most luminous portals we have to learn from and to return back to our divinity. In this episode I talk about what may be manifesting through you at this time and how you can honor all of your self no matter what surfaces. I truly wish that you come to the beautiful understanding that you are such a perfectly created masterful soul on every level and you deserve to live in your most sovereign state. x highest blessings

 NOVEMBER 2017 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:02

November is upon us and shining down more divine encodements than ever before to reactivate and reawaken all of your limitless potential that has been lying dormant. This is truly a month of illumination, insights, reflections and transformation as we are in the presence of an 11 frequency in a 1 year which so beautifully magnifies the energies of new beginnings, new cycles, a return to our purest blueprint, new foundations, and of course oneness. We are also, by divine design, still in the midst of powerful Scorpio energy which further supports and intensifies our personal and collective death of all that is no longer serving our highest and a rebirth of that which is held in the reservoirs of our heart and soul. And as each one of us honors our shadows and darkness and brings healing and compassion to the places within that have only known pain, we embody grace and love and send waves of hope out in to the futures that we are co creating with every choice and breath we take. may you have a luminous november

 ENERGETIC PROTECTION | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 23:06

Most of the time we are walking around day to day carrying the thoughts, emotions, and patterns of others in our being unknowingly. Whether we have taken them on or absorbed them from a family member, partner, friend or co-worker it does not matter, all that matters is that they are not ours. One of our greatest tools of empowerment and greatest ways that we can practice self love is to keep our being pure and to only process our own stuff as to not add to the collective lower energies of fear, anger, lack, etc. And as we empower our self to only process our own "stuff" we empower others to learn how to work through their own "stuff" as well, which helps us not create karmic debt or any lower attachments and contracts. In this episode I talk about why this topic is so important this month as the veils continue to thin, and how we are impacted when we don't have tools and a practice that helps keep us safe from the lower energies around us that can so easily be absorbed in to our own field especially if we aren't conscious of them. You are worthy of living in your highest expression and light and I hope that this helps give you a higher understanding of your own energetic expression x

 OCTOBER 2017 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 25:09

October is here and fully present. I know you all are feeling it by the messages I've received so I wanted to gift you all with a bit more insight as to help you navigate your way through it with some higher understanding. October is a 10 month full of new potentials, new creation, new cycles and completion. We also will be entering scorpio season shortly which is continuing to encourage this incredible rebirth within us and as a collective to step in to our highest divine expression and to create some new foundations and platforms all rooted in oneness and the heart as we are also in a 1 year, which magnifies this transformation even more. This is also an incredibly multidimensional month as the veils continue to thin leading up to "Halloween". This is a time where we are open to a greater field of information both lower - as in our darkness, density, shadows and fears, and also that of our highest light. All will be illuminated this month.

 EVERYTHING IS A SYNCHRONICITY | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 9:36

As humans we have a tendency to label and believe that only those things which feel light, blissful, and of the highest order are synchronicities and are perfectly meant for us, when in divine truth every single moment of your life has been designed by the highest forces of your own soul to bless you, to gift you, to evolve you, to assist your ascension and crystalline embodiment. Because of the illusions present on the physical realm and 3d reality we rarely are able to see how much incredible spiritual growth and expansion comes from the times that feel tough, where pain is present or where lessons show up, but these are actually the moments that provide us with the most healing and the most love. They give us the greatest strength and opportunities to seek the purest place within our soul to empower our sacred nature that lies in every breath and co creation. x

 NEW MOON IN VIRGO - SEPTEMBER 2017 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 11:58

luminous one,welcome to this beautiful opportunity in the now moment to cultivate new blessings, new creations, new experiences all rooted and centered in love and oneness. we have had a lot of upheaval and transformational energies in the last 1 1/2 months with the powerful eclipses and now with September carrying the 9 energies of cleansing, release, endings, and completions of cycles. As we have shed the skins, the thoughtforms, the emotions, the paradigms that no longer served us and released the connections that were heavy, we have allowed ourselves to step in to the infinite pool of the divine. the surrender has carried us back to our sacred and holy source. And now we exist in a moment of immense potential where we can set our sights on the most luminous light of what we desire to birth. This new moon along with other celestial aspects is having a huge impact on our heart space. On healing our wounds and tending to all the blocks that have kept us from receiving the fullest love we are capable of.  Its calling us very much inward. To release our divine feminine qualities to tend to our own aches and to give them all of the care they have been starving for. And in simply answering this echo, our new worlds are being birthed. A new reality is taking place in the subtle realms as you are paving the way for a new destiny where your heart in honored because as you honor it, the outside world reflects that. So dont be afraid to lean in to the pain this week. Let your pain gift you with wisdom. let it carry you back home.

 YOU ARE WORTHY - honoring your highest + creating loving boundaries | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 24:13

Boundaries are one of the biggest struggles for those who label them selves empaths, sensitives, and healers, because our hearts are naturally expansive and want all to exist in their highest state of being, but showing up for ourselves in our true worth is the most sacred gift we have to give ourselves in any realm and also to give to others. It is our divine birthright to be honored, acknowledged, respected, and we are allowed to demand that treatment for ourselves. Lower and karmic vibrational relationships most often are rooted in another using guilt, control or manipulation to get us to behave in a certain way for this benefit and this will only leave both souls struggling. As we each rise in to our sovereignty we not only hold self love for ourselves but we empower and hold the space for others to too return to their own source light and to overcome their own shadows that are keep them from existing in their purest state of being. This episode goes in to depth about why this is coming up for strongly right now, what boundaries are, how to strengthen, what areas of our being are most impacted, and how we can show up for ourselves. I hope you know how much you are truly worth beloved one. You deserve nothing less than magic. x

 SEPTEMBER 2017 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 22:59

You made it my love. I know those eclipses, the lionsgate portal and Mercury retrograde were no easy feat, but you came out victorious. Did you think things were gonna finally settle down after August? Well September is just as powerful of a month as the eclipse energies are still present and ushering in the immense change they were so divinely sent to deliver. They truly flow in to this new month with such grace as September carries a 9 vibration which resonates with endings, completion of cycles, clearing karma, letting go, release, and death and rebirth. The energies of September are extremely important this year as we are in a one year, which resonates with new beginnings. September is here to support us in letting go to the highest degree of all that is no longer serving our body, heart, mind, and soul. It is here to encourage us to stand in our purest love, peace, empowerment, and divinity. In this episode you'll hear more in depth guidance, some insight as to what the energy is behind all of the "natural disasters" currently occurring, and how you can make it through this month with as much ease and grace as possible. May these words ignite your light. highest blessings luminous onex

 no is not a rejection, it is a cosmic redirection | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:16

This one felt so ripe and appropriate with these current eclipse energies and overall with the energy of this year that I couldn't wait to gift this perspective shift to you all to assist your current life experiences and maintaining more peace of mind, soul and heart. Being deep in the midst of a 1 year which resonates with new cycles, new creation, new beginnings + resets, many things are ending, whether that be jobs, locations, relationships, partnerships, and the connections go on so that we can create now from a new higher paradigm that better serves our soul. Laying a new foundation for our next cycle to come. When something outside of us physically breaks a tie with us, our mental mind can immediately turn to fear, and with this fear will come a lack of understanding, victim-hood, resistance, confusion, hurt and often times suffering of what this end really came to gift us. Instead of looking at this occurrence as something outside of us that's here against us, I share insight on how to stay empowered and honor this beautiful end and the blessings that lie in us being set free to seek out whatever is waiting for us that is going to be of a higher resonance. I share how our soul divinely delivered this here for us and what it all means from a higher aspect. xmay these words ignite your light. highest blessings

 AUGUST ECLIPSE PORTAL ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 22:04

My luminous ones,What an incredibly powerful portal of opportunities we have in front of us right now on all planes of existence. Tomorrow, on August 7th, we have a partial lunar eclipse along with a full moon, on August 8th (8/8) we have the lionsgate portal, and on August 21st we have a total solar eclipse along with a new moon. These energies so perfectly assist us in really cleansing ourselves multi-dimensionally of all that's no longer serving our body, mind, soul + energy field. We then have the potent 8/8 energies to encourage our courage and sovereignty to continue to say NO MORE to what isnt in alignment with our highest divine blueprint and then on the Solar eclipse and new moon we have so much support to truly moving forward with a new cycle, new beginning, and new connections in our lives in all areas. This period is a immense time of resetting how we want to experience our future. If you no longer want to be a victim, if you no longer want to live in lack, unhappiness and lack of worth, rise my life. Rewrite your story. Now is the time. xhighest blessings

 your vulnerability is your gift to creation | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:17

It can be really scary to open our selves up. To break down our walls and fears and programming to stay small and to let ourselves experience life, the beautiful and the hard and every single expression in between. I share a bit about my own personal journey recently and ways in which easing in to this space can open you up to such incredible miracles and blessings. At the end an angel floats down, which you have to listen to understand what i'm speaking about, but it was truly a gift of love and support and affirmation of this truth and for those who have the courage to rise in their authenticity and divinity. thank you for listening divine one. x

 when it all falls apart its really all coming together | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:39

Oh this physical realm and it's illusions. We so often think that when everything is taken from us or we're separated from a partner or our jobs taken away that our world is over. We suffer and cry and hurt and rightfully so. It's hard to face human loss when we are existing solely in this limited way and not in tune with our soul's higher purpose through this manifestation. When the truth is that destruction only frees us. It only removes all of these cords and ties that bind and restrict us. destruction leads to creation and the even higher truth is that our soul only removes us from connections no longer meant for us. Sometimes it has to intervene and use force and cause things to happen to(for) us because we dont listen to all the signs we've been given and all of the pain we feel and continue to stay in places long after we've outgrown them. this episode will shed some more light on this and how to step back in to grace to detach from the less than and carry on higher.


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