Summary: this sacred space is here to help guide you, inspire you, ignite you, + to shift your perspective to one that sees the light in all things. that honors the blessings of being present in human form at this vital time in evolution. to assist you in cultivating your most divine expression + mastery, to give you energetic insights beyond what you may be able to perceive, to help you illuminate your shadows + to nurture them with forgiveness + love, and to empower you to be your most resilient and radiant self.

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 TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ENERGY + CREATIONS to return to your highest Self-Empowerment | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 33:05
 OCTOBER 2018 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 24:21
 UNDERSTANDING + HEALING TRAUMA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 22:08
 THE RISE OF THE DIVINE FEMININE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 23:35

Energetically on this planet right now there is a HUGE and powerful return of the divine feminine occurring and a rebalancing of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. This has been going on now for years, but this year it has felt + been extremely heightened for many reasons. This year resonates with 11 which signifies new paradigms/beginnings and both halves of life(feminine + masculine) This will reach its peak on 11/11 which is a divine counterpart/twin flame frequency and master number of perfect unity in to oneness. What happened many many moons ago was the suppression of the divine feminine because our power of creation was feared. Women were silenced because men knew their capabilities, their strength, their divine wisdom, their connection to source & the lower masculine energies that very much stem in greed, control, manipulation, domination, aggression, & anger all of which are the complete opposite of true feminine energy and men who vibrated lower feared these things because of a lack of true understanding of their highest intention. Feminine energy by divine birthright carries the qualities of compassion, of love, of nurturing, of peace, of vitality, of passion, of sensuality, and of gentleness. (This is not to say men can not be these things... these are divine feminine qualities which men do also possess as all of life need both aspects for creation.) I ask you to step back in to your consciousness & view whats happening right now on a much larger scale and the potential being brought through. The beauty that's coming from these wounds that we're healing which are paving the way for the feminine to rise back up in full force. It's only in letting go and honoring what's not working that things return to harmony.

 THE POWER OF POLARITY | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 23:55

As I started to record this podcast spirit flowed so much information through me in such astounding ways that will assist humanity at this time for a greater understanding as to whats really here for us. That the darkness and shadows of ourselves and this world are nothing more than such powerful portals for our expansion and healing. That they're here to lead us all in to the highest realms of our soul and deliver us to our potential.

 SEPTEMBER 2018 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 16:09
 YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 11:50
 SPIRAL CREATION + MANIFESTATION FOR ABUNDANCE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:38

I woke up this morning, on the Lionsgate 8/8/18, and so much clarity, so much light was pouring in. All I see in my consciousness right now are these golden spirals of creation - which is the 8 - today. Today we have some of the most powerful and potent energies for creation and manifestation thanks to this specific and sacred vibrational frequency.

 AUGUST ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:44

Welcome to August, luminous one. In my perspective August has always served me and the collective as one of the most powerful months of the year. Not only are we finishing up the last of 3 eclipses and the last of 3 supermoons, we also have a large amount of planets retrograde. All of this is here as the most beautiful Divine and cosmic support to help you release all that's not of service to your highest and greatest good! These times are nothing short than the greatest miracle as they carry the full potential to help us rise in to everything we have ever wanted to be by letting go of our interference and removing obstacles. August Carries an 8 vibration which is that of instant manifestation, karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, and abundance. This energy is calling us to be incredibly conscious of our power as divine Co Creator and to only send out that which we want to receive back tenfold. Your future is being determined by each and every thought-form, decision, and action so step in to your worth beloved one and birth the life of your dreams.  What you sow you shall reap. x

 FEELING ISOLATED ON YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:18

Times of immense transformation, like the one we are currently in, can often times feel incredibly "lonely" or "isolating" for so many beautiful reasons. As we return to our Divine embodiment, other's serve as mirrors, but they can't show up and do the work for us. We must. And this requires us to return back home. To lean further in to ourselves. Our wounds, Our strength. Our pain. Our glory and to dig in and find the light. We can't hear this guidance when it's suppressed or we have distractions interfering and are surrounded by noise so this space of being becomes vital to our ascension. As we transform and cleanse, we also are constantly shifting vibrations, which means that the energy that brought people in to our space may no longer be the frequency we are currently vibrating out and so people truly can't see us anymore when this happens and they flow in and out just as energy does - we're beings of movement constantly changing forms. Also is this space it's very normal to feel a sense of disconnection as we move from familiar to unfamiliar and need to realign with who now best serves us.So remember that all states eventually pass. That you have power over your thoughts. And that humans are just one, that's right - only 1 aspect of creation in a universe full of infinite potential. There is support all around you - just open your eyes to see all the forms it truly comes in.

 CROWN CHAKRA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 12:06

We have many energetic centers called chakra that are the direct manifestation of our physical health and well-being. Our crown chakra happens to be the highest of our main 7 chakras and the chakra which connects us in with our purest embodiment, oneness, and sacred truth. It opens us up to the infinite potential that is our Divine Birthright in the most high. May this information activate your remembrance of the true power and majesty of your being. x

 UNDERSTANDING RETROGRADES | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 17:25

Right now we have some huge cosmic support and potential that is showing up in the manifestation of 6, well 7 if you count Chiron, planets going Retrograde. There's a who lot of non-beneficial association and connotations attached with the word Retrograde that we really individually and collectively need to rewrite for us all to exist in the highest and most luminous existence possible. Nothing has the power to possibly harm us or go against us unless we have chosen this vibration to believe in and the blame that comes with retrogrades is exactly what feeds this harm and keeps us stuck in cycles of victim-hood and fear only recreating endless karmic cycles that cause suffering that is so less than your true worth. It is my purest intention that through the information provided in this episode you can return to your truest remembrance of how Incredibly Divinely supported you are by all of existence and that these times that physically might seem challenging and difficult are here on your highest and purest behalf, expanding your heart and soul and realigning you with golden paths of infinite rising and emergence with your soul.

 JULY 2018 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:11
 KARMA PART 2 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 23:04

This episode gives you some insight in to the current energies present with this Solstice we have present and the huge portal we are in right now along with some incredibly powerful visualizations which were brought through me to help give you some higher clarity as to whats occurring right now in our own individual lives and the planets via the process of ascension. This episode really holds space for greater understanding and will help realign you with your own potential. enjoy x


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