Summary: Most of the time we are walking around day to day carrying the thoughts, emotions, and patterns of others in our being unknowingly. Whether we have taken them on or absorbed them from a family member, partner, friend or co-worker it does not matter, all that matters is that they are not ours. One of our greatest tools of empowerment and greatest ways that we can practice self love is to keep our being pure and to only process our own stuff as to not add to the collective lower energies of fear, anger, lack, etc. And as we empower our self to only process our own "stuff" we empower others to learn how to work through their own "stuff" as well, which helps us not create karmic debt or any lower attachments and contracts. In this episode I talk about why this topic is so important this month as the veils continue to thin, and how we are impacted when we don't have tools and a practice that helps keep us safe from the lower energies around us that can so easily be absorbed in to our own field especially if we aren't conscious of them. You are worthy of living in your highest expression and light and I hope that this helps give you a higher understanding of your own energetic expression x