Summary: this sacred space is here to help guide you, inspire you, ignite you, + to shift your perspective to one that sees the light in all things. that honors the blessings of being present in human form at this vital time in evolution. to assist you in cultivating your most divine expression + mastery, to give you energetic insights beyond what you may be able to perceive, to help you illuminate your shadows + to nurture them with forgiveness + love, and to empower you to be your most resilient and radiant self.

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 EARTHS ASCENSION PROCESS + WHY WE INCARNATE HERE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 12:33
 SACRAL CHAKRA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 22:53
 KARMA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 28:48

This episode dives in to the subject of karma.

 JUNE 2018 ENERGETIC INSIGHT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 11:43
 PHYSICAL ASCENSION SYMPTOMS | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:27

Everything that we experience physically here in our bodies is a manifestation of our physical body trying to align with the more heightened frequency of our soul. At this moment in time more concentrated and amplified creation is pouring in and with this comes a greater natural call to purify as the only way for higher energy and our higher selves to integrate in to our bodies and take root is for them to have a foundation that supports them. Hense in this time and space we are being called to remove this density, this outdated patterning and programming, these non-beneficial contracts, oaths, vows, obligations and agreements that are keeping us from receiving more and from accessing Divine information.

 THROAT CHAKRA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 13:28

The throat chakra is one of our main 7 energetic centers(even though we have many more) and it is the 5th of the main 7 chakras up. It lies in between our heart/higher heart and our third eye or brow chakra and resonates with the color Sapphire blue and the Sapphire blue ray. We also are moving in to the 5th dimension which perfectly aligns in harmonic resonance with this chakra making it of even more importance right now as we create new paradigms to exist in in alignment with the ONE or in other words our heart, unity, love, and Divine flow.The throat chakra holds space for many vibrations and embodiments; our Divine self-expression, creativity and living out our life's passion, honesty and speaking our truth, affirming what we're receiving in our world, and creating our loving boundaries on behalf of our empowered hearta long wtih creation in general. As we are in times of such rapid change, transformation, and amplification its so important that we are being conscious of the words we speak and how we are expressing ourselves as our ability to create reaches higher intensity especially when used for our highest good and the highest good of all.  xhighest blessings and light

 MAY 2018 ENERGETIC INSIGHT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 9:22
 THE TRUE ENERGY OF ABUNDANCE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 7:17

The energy of abundance is so often immediately associated with money and financial success while the main energy of abundance is actually an energy that emanates from the heart chakra. This energy can manifest in so many incredible ways on this physical plane, and yes money is one of those ways that the universe shows us that we are supported here, but there are also many people who are rich with money who simultaneously have a poor spirit, who are unhappy, and who are very much stuck in their ego and working only out of service to greed and power instead of love and the fulfillment of their Divine plan. In this podcast I dive in to what abundance truly is and how gratitude is the key to unlocking the flow of riches in to our lives.

 HOW CLEANSING WORKS ENERGETICALLY | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:30
 APRIL 2018 ENERGY REPORT | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 11:45

APRIL is a 4 vibrational month in a 11 vibrational year. What this means is that we are fully supported with so much potential to move forward realigning with a new path and our highest foundation possible as our Divine Birthright. Right now you might be in states of confusion or fear or just simply feeling like everything is unknown and that's perfect because whats happening is that a new you is birthing forward and anchoring in to your being. It takes time for the physical realm to manifest what has previously occurred in the subtle realms so have faith that exactly what is meant for you will be arriving sooner than you know it. This month is all about nurturing ourselves. Just like a seed must be tended to, watered, offered adequate sunlight and warmth, you too are blossoming and blooming and you need the same love and care to sprout your highest potential. Happy April! xAPRIL'S THEMES: RESURRECTION, REBIRTH, RISING, TRANSFORMATION + NEW FOUNDATIONS, HEART CHAKRA, NURTURING YOUR SELF AS YOU BLOOM AND RETURNING TO YOUR HIGHEST PATH, ABUNDANCE.

 SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 32:32

The solar plexus is the 3rd of our main 7 chakras and in my opinion one of the most important areas of our being to master in order for our highest potential overall health and well being  to manifest in our life. The solar plexus chakra holds space for SELF-EMPOWERMENT, BOUNDARIES, GIVING AND RECEIVING, BRAVERY, COURAGE, AND STRENGTH, PROSPERITY, VITALITY AND LIFE-FORCE ENERGY, SELF-MASTERY, HAPPINESS, JOY, SELF-ESTEEM, CONFIDENCE and it also is what dictates our digestive health and overall mental health since our gut directly communicates with brain. You know how you get that sick to your stomach feeling or gut feeling? Well that's because your gut is your second brain. It contains 200 million neurotransmitters which are communicating with the subtle realms and are receiving information. That information then travels from your stomach up through your vagus nerve to your brain where the information is processed and then action is taken. The most we can support this space on the energetic side of things the more we create space for physical promise and radiate health.

 CHANGE IS A BEAUTIFUL BLESSING | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 7:17

Change is such an incredibly beautiful expression of the Divine. At our very core we are destined for movement. We exist in a spiral universe. We're made of energy which is always in movement, we're physically comprised of water which always flows and physically we were gifted with a vessel that was created to move, to stretch, to expand and experience life to reflect the innate nature of this universe we chose to be a part of. This aspect of change is a gift of the heart. Its the trust and surrender that our soul is orchestrating this all on our behalf and every form of movement is what is now highest aligned for us or carrying us to a higher destination. It also gives us hope in the moments that are dark and heavy that this two will pass. Everything has to continue moving. It is the universal law. Nothing is permanent and because of that this gives us an even greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for how incredibly brief each and every human experience is.

 HOW TO HEAL OUR WOUNDS WITH SELF-LOVE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 14:51

I read the most powerful quote the other day by Maryam Hasnaa that said, "forgive your self for needing tough lessons." and since we are in the midst of such an incredibly powerful time of being triggered and called to heal, I wanted to share some wisdom and guidance with you as I received a wave of emotions rise to the surface today to be cared for and they taught me so much more about self-love than I ever could have expected. A lot of times when we make decisions which are intended to bring things up in us, we can feel guilt or judgement or shame towards our self for not choosing higher in that moment, when in reality all choices are our highest. Some things do need to be chosen so that a deeper part of us, maybe one we didn't even know needed attention could be held and nurtured and brought to conscious completion. So in this episode I'm fresh in the midst of my own emotions rising, tears falling, but I felt so amazing that I chose love in this moment instead of a less beneficial choice and so I wanted to share with you tools you can call on when your wounds call for healing as well so that you can ignite your own inner flame of resurrection and self-love.

 THE YEAR OF SELF-LOVE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 16:06

 My soul has named this year the year of self-love and for such divine reasoning and resonance. We are currently in an 11 year which is absolute realignment with the highest divinity and oneness within ourselves. This oneness is our Divine Feminine energy, its compassion, its nurturing, its care, its honoring our highest self in every moment and thus seeing our self mirrored in all of life around us. As we bestow this grace on our self we cause immense healing, more joy, ecstasy, abundance, gratitude, and peace which emanates out in to the world. In times such as these I don't know a force more powerful for producing the beautiful change that we all desire and deserve. For all of life to be seen as equal, for all beings and states of beings to be respected and cared for, and for all of existence to thrive. I hope you will join me in dedicating this year to loving your - self more than ever light x


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