when it all falls apart its really all coming together


Summary: Oh this physical realm and it's illusions. We so often think that when everything is taken from us or we're separated from a partner or our jobs taken away that our world is over. We suffer and cry and hurt and rightfully so. It's hard to face human loss when we are existing solely in this limited way and not in tune with our soul's higher purpose through this manifestation. When the truth is that destruction only frees us. It only removes all of these cords and ties that bind and restrict us. destruction leads to creation and the even higher truth is that our soul only removes us from connections no longer meant for us. Sometimes it has to intervene and use force and cause things to happen to(for) us because we dont listen to all the signs we've been given and all of the pain we feel and continue to stay in places long after we've outgrown them. this episode will shed some more light on this and how to step back in to grace to detach from the less than and carry on higher.