Summary: The solar plexus is the 3rd of our main 7 chakras and in my opinion one of the most important areas of our being to master in order for our highest potential overall health and well beingĀ  to manifest in our life. The solar plexus chakra holds space for SELF-EMPOWERMENT, BOUNDARIES, GIVING AND RECEIVING, BRAVERY, COURAGE, AND STRENGTH, PROSPERITY, VITALITY AND LIFE-FORCE ENERGY, SELF-MASTERY, HAPPINESS, JOY, SELF-ESTEEM, CONFIDENCE and it also is what dictates our digestive health and overall mental health since our gut directly communicates with brain. You know how you get that sick to your stomach feeling or gut feeling? Well that's because your gut is your second brain. It contains 200 million neurotransmitters which are communicating with the subtle realms and are receiving information. That information then travels from your stomach up through your vagus nerve to your brain where the information is processed and then action is taken. The most we can support this space on the energetic side of things the more we create space for physical promise and radiate health.