Summary: Change is such an incredibly beautiful expression of the Divine. At our very core we are destined for movement. We exist in a spiral universe. We're made of energy which is always in movement, we're physically comprised of water which always flows and physically we were gifted with a vessel that was created to move, to stretch, to expand and experience life to reflect the innate nature of this universe we chose to be a part of. This aspect of change is a gift of the heart. Its the trust and surrender that our soul is orchestrating this all on our behalf and every form of movement is what is now highest aligned for us or carrying us to a higher destination. It also gives us hope in the moments that are dark and heavy that this two will pass. Everything has to continue moving. It is the universal law. Nothing is permanent and because of that this gives us an even greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for how incredibly brief each and every human experience is.