Summary: Welcome to August, luminous one. In my perspective August has always served me and the collective as one of the most powerful months of the year. Not only are we finishing up the last of 3 eclipses and the last of 3 supermoons, we also have a large amount of planets retrograde. All of this is here as the most beautiful Divine and cosmic support to help you release all that's not of service to your highest and greatest good! These times are nothing short than the greatest miracle as they carry the full potential to help us rise in to everything we have ever wanted to be by letting go of our interference and removing obstacles. August Carries an 8 vibration which is that of instant manifestation, karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, and abundance. This energy is calling us to be incredibly conscious of our power as divine Co Creator and to only send out that which we want to receive back tenfold. Your future is being determined by each and every thought-form, decision, and action so step in to your worth beloved one and birth the life of your dreams.  What you sow you shall reap. x