Summary: Energetically on this planet right now there is a HUGE and powerful return of the divine feminine occurring and a rebalancing of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. This has been going on now for years, but this year it has felt + been extremely heightened for many reasons. This year resonates with 11 which signifies new paradigms/beginnings and both halves of life(feminine + masculine) This will reach its peak on 11/11 which is a divine counterpart/twin flame frequency and master number of perfect unity in to oneness. What happened many many moons ago was the suppression of the divine feminine because our power of creation was feared. Women were silenced because men knew their capabilities, their strength, their divine wisdom, their connection to source & the lower masculine energies that very much stem in greed, control, manipulation, domination, aggression, & anger all of which are the complete opposite of true feminine energy and men who vibrated lower feared these things because of a lack of true understanding of their highest intention. Feminine energy by divine birthright carries the qualities of compassion, of love, of nurturing, of peace, of vitality, of passion, of sensuality, and of gentleness. (This is not to say men can not be these things... these are divine feminine qualities which men do also possess as all of life need both aspects for creation.) I ask you to step back in to your consciousness & view whats happening right now on a much larger scale and the potential being brought through. The beauty that's coming from these wounds that we're healing which are paving the way for the feminine to rise back up in full force. It's only in letting go and honoring what's not working that things return to harmony.