Primal Diet - Modern Health show

Primal Diet - Modern Health

Summary: Primal Diet – Modern Health combines the best of Natural Health and the Paleo Diet in one terrific show. Host Beverly Meyer offers a wealth of information on food, hormones, supplements, sleep, neurotransmitters, and more, often with great guests. She is a Clinical Nutritionist in practice since 1985. Beverly has worked actively on her own health since the 1970's. Find her popular blog at

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  • Artist: Beverly Meyer, Holistic Nutritionist
  • Copyright: 2012 Beverly Meyer


 Nora Gedgaudas on Neurofeedback: INTERVIEW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:39

You may THINK you know this, but you might not really get it.....  Your BRAIN is in charge of most of your life. Neurotransmitters are messengers giving instructions and feedback to all parts of the body.  If the message is inaccurate, the outcome is inadequate   Take the neurotransmitter GABA for instance.  It has partial control over functions as diverse as breathing, sleeping, anger, reflux, urination, anxiety, attention, pain and allergies.  If you can impact a neurotransmitter as important as this, you can make changes in a lot of places at once. If the brain is chronically under-aroused or over-aroused, feedback loops don't work right.  Neurofeedback can get these interferences rebalanced.  It's brain TRAINING, not brain ALTERING.  The brain LEARNS from the Neurofeedback sessions and makes its own changes to allow it to perform more masterfully and efficiently. Nora Gedgaudas is a Certified Nutritional Therapist and author of the best-selling book "Primal Body, Primal Mind". She developed a passion for Neurofeedback in 1994 when it resolved her chronic depression and panic attacks.  I spoke to her recently to tell me more about this wonderful brain work.  Listen to our discusiion from the link below or from my website. Nora distinguishes between two types of Neurofeedback.  I had some experience with Qeeg testing (a form of an EEG brainwave test) and Neurofeedback based on that test.  Nora prefers a newer, more subjective model, where a person's history and their response to each Neurofeedback session help the clinician choose the subtleties of brain training for the next session. A Qeeg-based system generates a lot of data, but the data must be interpreted correctly.  Search for a Cygnet software-trained practitioner in your area at  If you can't find one, other practitioners may provide useful support for you too.  Qeeg is still valid, just more cumbersome. Neurofeedback can support a happier, stronger and more resilient brain for a huge variety of people.  Competitive athletes, corporate executives, autistic children (and their weary parents), and those with chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Sessions are about a half-hour long, and the brain will need 20 sessions or more to learn new ways to behave.  Results are lasting, and can be followed-up when new life issues appear.  It may be a Missing Link n your quest for change.  I'm beginning sessions again myself, this time with a Cygnet-based system. If you have any comments to add on Neurofeedback, please share with other readers. Thanks!  

 Adrenal Health: Testing and Support PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:52

Are you “wired and tired”?   Spending too much time and energy worrying, or pushing yourself physically?  If so, this Podcast on adrenal health is for you! I’ve had three lifelong areas of health challenge: the adrenals, the neurotransmitter GABA, and Celiac Disease.  They all affect each other, as is true with most things in the body.  Adrenal fatigue... Keep Reading >

 Adrenal Health: Testing and Support PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:52

Are you "wired and tired"?   Spending too much time and energy worrying, rushing or pushing yourself physically?  If so, this Podcast is for you! I've had three lifelong areas of health challenge: the adrenals, the neurotransmitter GABA, and Celiac Disease.  They all affect each other, as is true with most things in the body.  Adrenal fatigue occurs when we push ourselves too hard to be/do/have and see it ALL.  And right NOW!  This can include soldiers, students, business professionals and harried moms.  For starters... The best way to test the adrenals is with saliva.  This measures the FREE levels of cortisol in the body, as opposed to blood, which tests total cortisol and is rarely useful.   I talk here about the online lab you can buy a good saliva test from, and how you can add progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and other hormones to the test. If you need to restore the adrenals, the hardest part is learning to live more in balance.  That means saying NO when you need to, and probably a lot more often than you do.  "Thanks SO much for inviting me, but I know I'll be really tired after that big day at work.  Can I send some flowers to remind you of me that evening?" Other boundaries?  Exercising too much, too hard... Too little sleep!!  Too much work and inadequate outdoor time.  Being harassed by "friends", co-workers or family will do you in too...  Mostly, it means letting a good saliva test tell you it's time to make some changes. I'll give you some specifics on adrenal support products I carry and recommend, including Cordyceps in "Adaptogen" by PR Labs, "Ga" by Systemic Formulas, and Passion Flower to calm your overactive mind. Listen in and be well!    

 Real Food vs. The Hunger Response with J. Stanton: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:04

What is Hunger? Ask J Stanton hunger questions and you get some great info… Why would we choose cookies over steak? How does Hunger override Willpower? J. Stanton is a writer/researcher (and outdoorsman) who spoke at the Harvard Ancestral Health Symposium on the topic of HUNGER. I was struck by his data and conclusions and we spoke more... Keep Reading >

 Real Food vs. The Hunger Respose. Interview with J. Stanton: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:04

What is Hunger? Why would we choose cookies over steak? How does Hunger override Willpower? J. Stanton is a writer/researcher (and outdoorsman) who spoke at the Harvard Ancestral Health Symposium on the topic of HUNGER. I was struck by his data and conclusions and we spoke more about Human appetite, satiety, willpower and more.  Here's an interesting interview on a wide-ranging variety of topics including Predator vs. Prey; Nutrient Deficiencies in the Obese; Whey Protein; and "The Gnoll Credo". Humans are predators.  In fact, we're the top predator alive since T.Rex roamed.  Predators think, eat, and act differently than prey.  We hunt, eat and rest.  Prey grazes constantly as a way to keep alert and energized, ready to run when needed. Our digestive and nervous systems are completely different. It's not what is IN the food that's so bad, it's that the fast/fake food replaces REAL food.  Bingeing on cookies, eating cake even though you know it will make your gluten-free body hurt, and having most any processed food fools our satiety/satisfaction centers in the short run. We forgo the good stuff and can't stop eating the empty bad stuff. In the long run, the nutrient deficiencies caused by eating processed junk makes us overeat, attempting to find that FAT or CALCIUM or B12 that our body needs right now!  We are driven by hunger, and the more overweight you are, or real-food deprived you are, the more you crave.  Isn't it easier when hungry to grab a bag or box of something rather than shop for, cook and eat that prime rib which is what you really want!  We'll take the easy way out and pretend that our desire for fatty red meat isn't true or correct. Whey Protein can contain Hydrolyzed (Wheat) Protein, containing gluten. Also known as Glutamine Peptides, read labels carefully to avoid this in many commercial whey powders.  Whey meal mixes are frequently sweetened with Splenda which simulates food to us, and replaces the desire to eat Real Food. Nutrient Dense food that turns off the Hunger Center in our brain.... that's the ticket and is why Paleo/Primal/Ancestral diets such as my Diet For Human Beings are so satisfying with so little food.  Check out some of Stanton's blogs on everything from Dental Plaque, Footwear, to, well, you name it, and he talks about it.  He's at along with a nice 20 pge snippet from his fantasy book "The Gnoll Credo".  You're going to learn something new, and that's a promise! POST ADDITION ONE WEEK LATER:  Here’s J. Stanton’s own newsletter post about our recent interview. Check it out! He’s a pretty sharp guy... “As becomes more and more popular, I’ve been getting more and more requests to review or plug other people’s products, ranging from books to foods to skin lotion to informational videos. I turn almost all of them down. I’ve built up a great deal of credibility over the years, and I have no interest in cashing it in for a few pennies in referrals. I place a much higher price on myself, my work, and my pride… …and that is why you don’t see me selling cookbooks, “paleo” snacks, “paleo” supplements, or anything but my own books and shirts. Nor do you see me starting fake controversies in order to get more page views: since I don’t advertise, I don’t make money on page views anyway. I only make money when you buy The Gnoll Credo or a T-shirt, or when you buy things through my Amazon referral link. Anyway, that has nothing to do with today’s update, in which I give an interview for the first time in nine months! We covered some productive ground, so if you’ve got 40 minutes to spare, check it out.” THANKS J. – glad you picked my show! Beverly

 Mothers Helping Others: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:10

Liz Thompson at "Mothers Helping" and "Funny Postpartum Lady" is on a most excellent mission.... To help Moms talk to one another about their everyday concerns! Questions on pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby food, sleep, potty training and all the rest.  Her multitude of fans on the blog and FaceBook offer opinions and support 24/7, no matter what the question is. She's a "Mom helping others" connect and if you have kids or grandchildren, you're going to want to know more.   Read on and get the scoop! Liz is a military wife, mother of 4, and is finding her way more into Paleo.  We talk here about supporting each other, saving trips to the doctor, using coconut oil, and some Meal Planning helpers.  All opinions are welcome on her pages, except those voiced in "the Mommy wars" - issues that just aren't allowed as they are too positional. I'm RIGHT and YOU'RE wrong is just not going to happen when Liz is coordinating things! If you're a new parent or a seasoned parent, new to Paleo or an old-timer, you'll find some refreshing love and support here. Listen in and check out her website and Facebook pages.  We talk about the Whole 30 for sugar detox, having a hunky Marine husband, and how to manage a page with 20,000 anxious moms seeking advice. Three great features.... On her blog, there are tons of giveaways and prizes; you can post pictures of your self and your kids; and there are dozens of sub-groups, so you can follow the ones you want.  Military wife; Paleo; postpartum; grandparents; special needs kids; nursing and many more. Listen in and share the show with others!

 Fitness and Fat Loss with “The Paleo Coach”: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:26

Jason Seib Paleo Coach!  Jason is a professional fitness trainer and health coach. Partnering with Sarah Fragoso, they do wonderful podcasts, coaching and seminars. You know Sarah from her best-selling books, “Everyday Paleo” and “Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook“. But did you know she and Jason also host the Everyday Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcasts? Jason and I talk... Keep Reading >

 Fitness and Fat Loss with “The Paleo Coach”: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:26

Jason Seib is a professional fitness trainer and health coach who partners with Sarah Fragoso for podcasts, coaching and seminars.  You know Sarah from her best-selling books, "Everyday Paleo" and "Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook". But did you know she and Jason also host the Everyday Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcasts? Jason and I talk about Fitness, Fat Loss, body image, change, and his new book "The Paleo Coach:  Expert Advice for Extraordinary Health" in this episode.  He's a great blogger and writes with depth and insight on all things weight, nutrition and fitness.  You'll learn something new hearing (and reading) Jason! Here's a Timeline to the show! 3:15 What makes this book different and how following "Rules" brings failure 6:02  How Everyday Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness got started 10:15  Why Diet alone won't bring sustainable Fat Loss. 19:55  Body Image, and throwing the scale away! 28:35  What is the Paleo Lifestyle anyway??

 “The Vegetarian Myth” interview with Lierre Keith: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:01

A passionate activist for Health, Women, Justice, the Environment, and Sustainability, Lierre Keith is an amazing writer.  Her writings on the vegetarian myth go well beyond a casual observation.  Her controversial book “The Vegetarian Myth” is deeply thoughtful and provocative, with passages that are often lyrical and sometimes hard to hear. Her writings on the... Keep Reading >

 “The Vegetarian Myth” interview with Lierre Keith: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:01

A passionate activist for Health, Women, the Environment, Justice and Sustainability, Lierre Keith is an amazing writer. Her controversial book "The Vegetarian Myth" is deeply thoughtful and provocative, with passages that are often lyrical and sometimes hard to hear. Her writings on the consequences of the Agricultural Revolution go far beyond the short summaries we hear from low-carb bloggers and Paleo writers. Formerly a vegan, Lierre digs deep into the destructive  role of grain-based diets on people and on the land. Like Michael Pollan and Joel Salatin, she offers a vision of truly well-rounded farming, where each part of the farm helps feed and maintain the next, restoring the land, the topsoil, and the health of the animals and people as it works. I loved reading this book, and I think you'll love hearing our interview. We talk about veganism, how to properly define agriculture (it's not as easy as you think!), and whether plant-based diets are sustainable to people and to the environment.  Listening to Lierre is a treat!  Check out her books and other work at .

 Preparing Multiple Meals at Once: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:10

The Diet For Human Beings – my version of the Paleo Diet – is a simple diet. Cook plenty of clean proteins and veggies, adding the right kind of fats to everything!  Condiments such as garlic, herbs, curry, hot sauce, avocado, olives and more keep recipes fresh each time you make them. In this podcast,... Keep Reading >

 Preparing Multiple Meals at Once: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:10

The Diet For Human Beings - my version of the Paleo Diet - is a simple diet. Cook plenty of clean proteins and veggies, adding the right kind of fats to everything!  Condiments such as garlic, herbs, curry, hot sauce, avocado, olives and more keep recipes fresh each time you make them. In this podcast, I share my cooking goals, such as how to plan ahead to cook enough food for the week at one time!  If I do that, I'll have my meals ready in minutes, either to eat at home or to pack up to go.  I'll tell you how I get my planning, shopping and cooking done in just a few hours, once a week.  NOTE: I live alone so cooking for a family will be a bit different.  The principles are the same though. If you don't have my FREE EBOOK, click to get it now and follow along with the show.  It's called "Planning and Preparing Multiple Paleo-Inspired Meals at Once". This way of cooking is so simple, even "I hate to cook" people can get inspired.  As well as the "I'm afraid of the kitchen" people.  No more excuses!  

 Winterize Your Brain & Body: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:06

Here’s a winter healthcare podcast to keep you feeling and functioning better in colder, dryer months. Lots of tips here, including replacing fruits with more fats and proteins.  Fat will fulfill your sugar cravings and keep you warmer and craving-free. Winter Healthcare is Unique! 2:18  At two minutes into the podcast, I talk about Seasonal... Keep Reading >

 Winterize Your Brain & Body: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:06

Here's a winter weather podcast for mind and body.  Follow your natural instincts to eat seasonally too, replacing fruits with more fats and proteins.  Fat will fulfill your sugar cravings and keep you warmer and craving-free. 2:18  At two minutes into the podcast, I talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder - making us tired, hungry, depressed and sleepy.  Different types of light therapy can be used, including sunlight in the correct way. 3:45  Maintaining Vitamin D levels in the winter, and why testing is so important. 9:20  Breathing cold dry air is hard on us.  I share some ideas on the Buteyko Breathing Method and taping the mouth at night   And no, I don't use duct tape! 15:50  Maintaining indoor humidity levels at 45 to 50 helps us lower the thermostat and be more comfortable.  I discuss the difference between humidifiers and air-washers. 20:29  Here's some Cold/Flu natural prevention support and a few words on flu shots and other vaccines. 27:20  Dry Skin Care - we all need to feed our skin, and here are some ideas for better moisturizing as well as toxic-free skin care.  

 “Stop The Thyroid Madness” Interview: PODCAST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:25

Here I am with Author Janie Bowthorpe of “Stop the Thyroid Madness” interview  – she joins me for this lively podcast discussion on thyroid dysfunction – how to recognize it, run correct labs, look for contributing factors such as adrenal and gluten problems, and much more. (Click below to listen or go to iTunes). Her... Keep Reading >


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