Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth

Summary: An UNAPOLOGETIC Christian perspective on ALL THINGS MONEY; helping breadwinners enjoy lifestyle upgrades the debt free wealth way. We make no apology for our Christian foundation. You have the right to tune out just as much as we have the right and freedom to create the content. I approach each show with the mindset that I am of the caliber of Oprah or Bill O'Reily - in other words, this is my way of delivering high value at high standards to my listening audience. Our RISING STARS segment features the Movers & Shakers in their niche who are providing massive value to those they serve and are building raving fans along the way. RISING STARS goes behind the scenes to showcase the driving force of their passion and success. If you would like to appear on Debt Free Wealth RADIO, or my RISING STARS segment of this show, please see my policy sheet at for more info.

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 Get in the PROSPERITY Game. Your Touchdown is Here. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:00

Some time ago, I was a player in a Prosperity Game that challenged my relationship with money.  To my surprise, I found I had a glass ceiling on my abundance, and receiving beyond that amount created discomfort.  Before that game I would have laughed if you suggested that I unconsciously sabotaged my ability to earn more than $60K per year, however, that was the exact number that had me stuck. Having faced and busted through that glass ceiling, the sky is now truly the limit and I came to realize that $1M was a number that seemed to create financial relaxation in the sense that $2M or $50M did not feel that much different.   Rich people DO have a different relationship with money than people who are broke and stay broke.  A healthy relationship with money does not stop a rich person from becoming broke, but that relationship keeps them from staying broke.   It's your turn to play the Prosperity Game.  I have created an open facebook group that will be evergreen (join anytime).  It is a 14 day game and is most powerful if played 14 days in a row because the rate at which the Abundant Universe delivers prosperity to you may create a sense of overwhelm and that is what clears the fog and lets you come nose to glass with your financial glass ceiling.   Join me in the Debt Free Wealth Prosperity Game. YES!  It is FREE!   We launch it officially on November 4, 2013; but you can join anytime.  Here is the link to join the facebook group:  if you need to, copy/paste this into your browser

 SERIES: Steps to Prosperity. Why YOU? Why NOT? Why NOW? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

This is part 3 in this 3 part series, and today we deliver 5 mindset steps, and 5 actionable financial strategies to move you powerfully toward increased prosperity and a Lifestyle Upgrade the Debt Free Wealth way. Regardless of your opinion on prosperity, everyone will agree that money IS a powerful tool, and MORE money CAN be a good thing in some circumstances. If you are broke, prosperity may seem like the realm of the unknown, but prosperity IS within reach.  True prosperity will not suddenly rain from the sky, nor are you likely to trip over it on your journey through life.  There are proven steps and strategies that many have used to change their life, or to at least improve their lifestyle and chances to increased wealth. This series will explore some of those steps; specifically why YOU should consider taking this journey, right now. During this 3 part series, 'Breakthrough' Coach Fabiola Murphy, will contribute as co-host and guest expert.   Missed Part 1?  Get it HERE Missed Part 2?  Get it HERE

 SERIES: Steps to Prosperity. Why YOU? Why NOT? Why NOW? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Part 2 in 3 part Series.  Self talk factors into our prosperity. There is NEW TEACHING out there that is creating success in shifting mindset, and it turns out, what we have been doing all along is not very effective and in some cases, we have been doing it all wrong for a long time.  Fabiola Murphy will take the lead on this one, as we look at mindset, self talk, and manifestation. Prosperity is a word that creates emotionally extreme responses in many people  Some people embrace it, those that do, some see as greedy, some avoid it like the plague and associate wealth with evil, some wear it like a trophy and flash it publicly at all opportunities, and some people take it in stride. Regardless of your opinion on prosperity, everyone will agree that money IS a powerful tool, and MORE money CAN be a good thing in some circumstances. If you are broke, prosperity may seem like the realm of the unknown, but prosperity IS within reach. True prosperity will not suddenly rain from the sky, nor are you likely to trip over it on your journey through life.  There are proven steps and strategies that many have used to change their life, or to at least improve their lifestyle and chances to increased wealth. This series will explore some of those steps; specifically why YOU should consider taking this journey, right now.During this 3 part series, life Coach Fabiola Murphy, will contribute as co-host and guest expert.   Missed Part 1?  Get it HERE Get Part 3 HERE

 SERIES: Steps to Prosperity. Why YOU? Why NOT? Why NOW? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Part 1 in 3 part Series.  Prosperity is a word that creates emotionally extreme responses in many people  Some people embrace it, some see as synonymous with being greedy, some avoid it like the plague and associate wealth with evil, some wear it like a trophy and flash it publicly at all opportunities, and some people take it in stride. Regardless of your opinion on prosperity, everyone will agree that money IS a powerful tool, and MORE money CAN be a good thing in some circumstances. If you are broke, prosperity may seem like the realm of the unknown, but prosperity IS within reach. True prosperity will not suddenly rain from the sky, nor are you likely to trip over it on your journey through life.  There are proven steps and strategies that many have used to change their life, or to at least improve their lifestyle and chances to increased wealth. This series will explore some of those steps; specifically why YOU should consider taking this journey, right now.  During this 3 part series, life Coach Fabiola Murphy, will contribute as co-host and guest expert.   Get Part 2 Here Get Part 3 Here

 Live WITHIN Your Means? How BORING! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Most of the celebrity gurus in the industry speak about debt so negatively.  They say repeatedly, live within your means, or worse - live below your means.  HOW BORING! Most people cannot enjoy the lifestyle they want ON their income.  They dance the happy dance every time a new credit card comes in the mail, or their credit limit gets an increase, or the tiny promotion or pay increase, allows them to take on a new $X payment to get that SWEET thing that will make them oh so happier... Then reality hits.  The lifestyle we gotta have at all cost, comes at a cost. Overtime is not enough.  How dare the creditors call AGAIN!  A kid getting sick and causing you to stay off of work is a huge problem.  Suddenly, life feels like it is closing in, and is not so fun any more.  Desperate applications for another credit card or limit increase is denied AGAIN!  Mom and dad won't take your call because you still owe them from last week and now they are hurting.  The spiral of chaos sends that lilfestyle into a wicked spin and all of a sudden you are hiding as you hit the pawn shops for what you can dump for anything they give you. I get it!  I promise you. I get it!  Living within or below your means IS BORING - but necessary, for a time.  Strategically, it is my mission to help you enjoy LIFESTYLE UPGRADES the debt free wealth way.  Living within or below your means should only be a TEMPORARY STRATEGY to move you toward increasing your life experiences and quality. Albert & Rachel Blake is a young set of newlyweds who are living debt free.  They recently won a contest for the wedding bands they WAITED to enjoy.  Without settling for what their budget could afford, this couple used debt free wealth strategies to get EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED and this is to be celebrated and shared.   Let's talk lifestyle upgrades!

 Financial Devastation: Starting Over series | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Part 3 of 3 in the series: Starting Over.  Building Success from the Rubble of Defeat.  We will look at Divorce, Bankruptcy, and Identity theft.   These may seem disconnected initially, however the common thread in these is massive loss of a sense of who you are, a big chunk of your life feeling like it was a waste, and the challenge to create a new you when you start over.

 Loss of Health or Life. Starting Over. Building Success. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Part 2 in this series:  Starting Over.  Building Success from the Rubble of Defeat. This series will look at some of the big losses that crush many people, reducing their years of joy to a desperate level of personal loss.  Things like divorce, long term illness or chronic pain, loss of a significant loved one, loss of a well paying career position or business.  My guest expert Darlene Somers O'Shea, Founder and CEO of Empowered through Pain, will be with me to share and help us learn how to rebuild from that loss despite the pain.    

 Starting Over! Building Success from the Rubble of Defeat. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Starting Over.  Building Success from the Rubble of Defeat. This series will look at some of the big losses that crush many people, reducing their years of joy to a desperate level of personal loss.  Things like divorce, loss of a significant loved one, loss of a well paying career position or business.  I will have guest experts during this series who will share and help us learn how to rebuild from that loss despite the pain.    

 Business Opportunities Build WEALTH. Biz Opp Shop 5. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Entrepreneurs share their business opportunity with you so you can 'window shop' for your PERFECT income from home adventure.    If you have a full schedule, but still need extra money and cannot imagine squeezing in ANOTHER job, even part-time. Retired but need a few extra dollars?  Unemployed, but not really looking forward to heading back into the 'rat race' and curious about becoming your own boss? Whatever you extra money needs, we want you to consider the business opportunity as a valid alternative to bringing in those much needed extra funds.   Consider the Biz Opp Shop show as your pressure free way to check out various business start-up options, similarly to how you try on shoes in a shoe store.  Try one of these biz opps on for size.Currently inviting to this show.  Guest line up: 1.  Bill Contain, Pure Leverage 2.  David McFarlane, Organo Gold  3.  Julie Muller, Send Out Cards 4. Sylvia Tarnuzzer, Plexus

 Reinvigorate your ROI. The Catlyst of Change in Employment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

My guest, Ron Goldstein is known as the Jobs & Homes Guru. His company, Silver Professionals works with companies on a flat fee for professional jobs.    He is with Rubloff  Real Estate company.   Jobs and Homes.  Is there a connection?  If so, what?  Ron will enlighten us on how jobs and home statistics leave clues regarding the state of the current economic times and what that means to us.

 How to Maximize Your Life On Your Current Income | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

This episode is Part 4 in the 4 part Lifestyle Series. This recession has forced many people to scale back on the lifestyle they are accustomed to.  Indeed, the statistics of the number of Americans on Food Stamps (SNAP) are at a crazy, record high.  Somehow, survival is possible on less - but that does not mean we like it. It IS possible to maximize your quality of life on your CURRENT income and we will talk about those strategies in this show.  However, I can't think of one person who would argue, that access to more money expands the opportunity for fun and quality of life experiences.  Consequently, we will also throw out there, some reasons and strategies for expanding your income so as to maximize your life.  Join me!  If you are listening to this after the live recording, still contribute by adding your comments to the facebook box below this show summary. Catch the episodes you missed: Part 1:  Go from Enduring to Enjoying Life.  The Secret to Living the Best Life Possible in Every Circumstance.   Part 2: DEBT FREE VACATIONS!   Why Vacations Matter. How to Afford them; How To Enjoy them Often, and How to Plan & Pack   Part 3: Why Vacations Matter and how to afford many more.  This episode is hidden and available on request only.

 Creating the Lifestyle you Want. The Secret to Freedom. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

This episode is Part 3 in this Lifestyle Series.  The lifestyle you want and I want is as unique as we are.  The process of creating that lifestyle though, has some common elements among those who have successfully done it.  Most of us go through life on default mode, reaction mode; rather than creative and decisive mode.  Our life falls into place so to speak, rather than is the outcome of deliberate and decisive action.  Not so surprising then that many people are ready with blame of others when their life is not how they wish it would be – they blame others because they allowed others consciously or not, to shape their lives for them.  When others control your day, and your destiny – it is no surprise that it seems we are not so free to live life as we want to.  The moment you attempt to go your own way, you are met with so much resistance, the fences to keep us where we are, because we never did set our feet on open road, the road of freedom.   Part 4: How to Maximize Your Life On Your Current Income, While Maximize Your Income to Expand Your Life. ****** Catch the other shows you may have missed:   Part 1:  Go from Enduring to Enjoying Life.  The Secret to Living the Best Life Possible in Every Circumstance.   Part 2: DEBT FREE VACATIONS!   Why Vacations Matter. How to Afford them; How To Enjoy them Often, and How to Plan & Pack

 Enduring Life v. Enjoying Life. The Secret Exposed. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Lifestyle Series: This episode is Part 1 in this Lifestyle series. Part 1:  Enduring Life v. Enjoying Life.  The Secret to Living the Best Life Possible. If there is 50% content in a glass, SOME will say the glass is half-empty, and SOME will say the glass is half-full.  Mindset and perspective impact how you filter and receive the facts of your life.  In part 1 of this series, we will discuss how to shift your view and begin to enjoy life more.  Money does solve a lot of problems in life; it can buy healthcare, but not health.  It can buy escorts but not true love.  Money can buy toys but not fun. Regardless of your financial status, there are things that we can do RIGHT NOW to immediately shift our view of our current life.  There is truth to the saying "Smile and the world smiles with you.  Cry, and you cry alone."  Join me and let's enjoy life, and smile more. Part 2: DEBT FREE VACATIONS!   Why Vacations Matter.  How to Afford them; How To Enjoy them Often, and How to Plan & Pack Part 3:  Creating the Lifestyle You Want.  The Secret to Time, Money, freedom Part 4: How to Maximize Your Life On Your Current Income, While Maximize Your Income to Expand Your Life.

 Tithing Series: Does Tithing Impact Financial Prosperity? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Should we tithe when we are broke, and if so, HOW do we do that?  The fact of the matter is that 4-4=0. The concept of tithing, giving 10% of the 'first fruits' of your harvest, whatever your harvest may be - originated in the Old Testament. This series will join the global debate, not necessarily to come to any definitive conclusion, but to help participants and the audience become clear about what tithing is, and how they really feel about it, and how and IF their life and prosperity is impacted by this practise at all. •    Part 1: Should Tithing Remain an Old Testament Thing? •    Part 2: Is Giving to Charity an OPTION to Tithing? •    Part 3:  Should You Tithe When You are BROKE?  How? •    Part 4: Does Tithing Impact Financial Prosperity? Remember, faith is personal, so participate / listen, and be refreshed and confirmed about your postion on this topic.  Feel free to put your comments in the facebook box below.   Want to stop being broke? Just for listening to this show, get a 25% discount on a 12 module online course with Debt Free Wealth Academy  

 Tithing: Should you Tithe When You are Broke? How? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Should we tithe when we are broke, and if so, HOW do we do that?  The fact of the matter is that 4-4=0.   The concept of tithing, giving 10% of the 'first fruits' of your harvest, whatever your harvest may be - originated in the Old Testament. This series will join the debate, not necessarily to come to any definitive conclusion, but to help you become clear about what tithing is, and how they really feel about it, and how and IF their life and prosperity is impacted by this practise at all. Part 1: Should Tithing Remain an Old Testament Thing? Part 2: Is Giving to Charity an OPTION to Tithing? Part 3:  Should You Tithe When You are BROKE?  How? Part 4: Does Tithing Impact Financial Prosperity? Remember, faith is personal, so participate / listen, and be refreshed and confirmed about your postion on this topic.  Feel free to put your comments in the facebook box below.  Want to stop being broke? Just for listening to this show, get a 25% discount on a 12 module online course with Debt Free Wealth Academy 


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