Live WITHIN Your Means? How BORING!

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Most of the celebrity gurus in the industry speak about debt so negatively.  They say repeatedly, live within your means, or worse - live below your means.  HOW BORING! Most people cannot enjoy the lifestyle they want ON their income.  They dance the happy dance every time a new credit card comes in the mail, or their credit limit gets an increase, or the tiny promotion or pay increase, allows them to take on a new $X payment to get that SWEET thing that will make them oh so happier... Then reality hits.  The lifestyle we gotta have at all cost, comes at a cost. Overtime is not enough.  How dare the creditors call AGAIN!  A kid getting sick and causing you to stay off of work is a huge problem.  Suddenly, life feels like it is closing in, and is not so fun any more.  Desperate applications for another credit card or limit increase is denied AGAIN!  Mom and dad won't take your call because you still owe them from last week and now they are hurting.  The spiral of chaos sends that lilfestyle into a wicked spin and all of a sudden you are hiding as you hit the pawn shops for what you can dump for anything they give you. I get it!  I promise you. I get it!  Living within or below your means IS BORING - but necessary, for a time.  Strategically, it is my mission to help you enjoy LIFESTYLE UPGRADES the debt free wealth way.  Living within or below your means should only be a TEMPORARY STRATEGY to move you toward increasing your life experiences and quality. Albert & Rachel Blake is a young set of newlyweds who are living debt free.  They recently won a contest for the wedding bands they WAITED to enjoy.  Without settling for what their budget could afford, this couple used debt free wealth strategies to get EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED and this is to be celebrated and shared.   Let's talk lifestyle upgrades!