Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth

Summary: An UNAPOLOGETIC Christian perspective on ALL THINGS MONEY; helping breadwinners enjoy lifestyle upgrades the debt free wealth way. We make no apology for our Christian foundation. You have the right to tune out just as much as we have the right and freedom to create the content. I approach each show with the mindset that I am of the caliber of Oprah or Bill O'Reily - in other words, this is my way of delivering high value at high standards to my listening audience. Our RISING STARS segment features the Movers & Shakers in their niche who are providing massive value to those they serve and are building raving fans along the way. RISING STARS goes behind the scenes to showcase the driving force of their passion and success. If you would like to appear on Debt Free Wealth RADIO, or my RISING STARS segment of this show, please see my policy sheet at for more info.

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 Delete Debt 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00  Deleting debt has to become a priority and in this show we go back to the basics, because many are STILL not doing it; and we will add some other tips and strategies for those who are actively working on it In this show we look at 15 of the most common ways people get into debt, and 16 strategies to delete debt. Debt. How You Got it Matters. 1. lavish student loan living 2. lost job 3. lost breadwinner 4. identity theft 5. sudden emergency 6. married it 7. debt by divorce 8. business failure 9. co-signed induced 10. out of control spending 11. inherited it 12. ignorance  13. negligence 14. law suit 15. sucker - mail and mall offers   16 Strategies to deleting debt - Listen in to find out.  

 Precious Metals for Dummies and Smart People Too. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

UPDATE:  Our website is now Gold and silver was once the privilege of royalty and the rich. Today, there is a silent accumulation of gold and silver in mass quantities by global and national banks, and by more and more private citizens who seem to be in on the know.   Convinced that precious metals is for royalty and the rich, many blue and white collar workers still have not even considered acquiring precious metals unless guided to do so by a Financial Planner or expert. We believe anyone in any walk of life can, and should add gold and silver to their financial plan.  My special guest  Mr. Paul Mladjenovic otherwise nicknamed the Raving Capitalist will help us understand how and why. Paul is a speaker and author or many books the newest of which is Precious Metals Investing for Dummies. If you are an asset collector like I am, and a RAVING FAN of collecting gold and silver or at least, have a healthy value for it, then get it at wholesale prices so you have more money for more gold and silver.  Learn more

 Business, Economics, Stewardship and Transfer of Wealth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Tony Waldrop, our special guest teaches BEST - Business, Economics, Stewardship and Transfer of Wealth.  According to Tony, there are three branches of Kingdom Leadership - Priests, Kings and Lords. Priests are our traditional church leadership. Kings deal with government, and I believe we had some good ones in the founding of America. Lords are Business People.   Join us as we chat with Tony about what God is doing today and how you can become partners in this process.

 Christian Race Car Driver's Powerful Passion Powers On. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Clint Thomas was featured in a 2008 Christian Motorsport Illustrated article. Here is a person who is using his talent and passion for Christ.   Discussion anything that has to do with the world of race car driving may seem to be a bit out of format for Debt Free Wealth Radio.   I believe we will hear from Clint how to bring together a love for Christ, a personal passion, hands on talent all come together in a life driving mission that could also be personally, and Kingdom profitable.

 Fasting or Feasting. It's All About Income Security Baby! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Job security is a historical concept in this era.  The best job with the best candidate can still result in a pink slip.  Suddenly that family experiences an immediate big hole in their finances as they go from paycheck to zero. The entrepreneur understands the experience of fasting and feasting.  Income is never guaranteed, but what is guaranteed is the entrepreneur will never get a pink slip.  Done smartly, entrepreneurs build a legacy and plan for seasons.     Join us as some entrepreneurs share their experience of working to build a part-time, or full-time income option via their involvement with a business opportunity that you too can participate in.

 Protecting Family and Assets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:00

In light of the recent Trayvon Martin case triggered by a Neighborhood Watch Protection process gone wrong, and the challenge to the stand your ground law; protecting your family and assets just got more difficult.  Join us as we take a look The Castle Law Doctrine, home security systems, owning a safe, a personal weapon and much more.  When it comes to protecting your family and assets, we all need some strategy options to consider.

 Whitney Houston. Artists, Assets, and After Goodbye! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Whitney Houston's death brought a parade of her hit songs and performances out of the archives, reminding us that she is indeed a legend.  Singers, actors, writers, and those otherwise involved in the arts, need to be especially conscious of the  importance of planning for the distribution of their interests in royalties after goodbye.    What if your is the next Vincent Van Gogh? What if a peice you ask $100 today is worth millions tomorrow?   Artists are sometimes worth more when they are gone, and their estate may need special handling. Guest attorney, Kevin Astl will be on for this show.  A Leader in Legal Consultation to Artists and Celebrities, Kevin will weigh in on how artistic talent is marketable property and many potential celebrities are leaving money on the table may not get discovered or even realize the true value of their work because they have not sought entrepreneurial help or legal consultation.   Artists sometimes unknowingly sign bad contracts, or have no contracts at all. If you are making money from your art or talent, you need to listen to this show!

 Zero and Low Cost Social Media Marketing Strategies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Google Yahoo and Bing have replaced the telephone directory.   Pinterest has taken on the social media giants and has become a site to reckon with. Facebook, Twitter,  Blogging, YouTube and more are some of the established social media giants.  All can create viral buzz within your target market. Join me as I  show you how to increase and track your online Klout and your Social Influence spending anywhere from $0 to less than $10 per day.

 The Storm is Raging. Who Cares? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Special guest, Spiritual Leader Bryson Baylor will be with us to share about his new book The Spirit of Wealth.  The Next Dimension of Prosperity which looks at next level steps to wealth and prosperity from a Christian perspective. According to Mr. Baylor, this book goes way beyond the basics of tithing to look at relevant ways to tap into all that God has in store for us. Economic collapse may be happening at a global and national level, but it is the personal level that matters to us.  Most of us know someone who has lost their job, their home, or their marriage as a result of the financial stress. The storm is raging around us and around our friends and family.  Who cares?  Twelve men in a boat faced a literal storm where their lives were in mortal danger.  This may sound like a scene from the popular TV show 'The Deadliest Catch', but it is a scene right out of the pages of the Bible. In this show we will explore an alternative way to view the storm around us, and the miraculous option that is within reach of the Christian.  If there was ever a desperate need for hope and change - this is it. Join us.

 Wall Street Walk Out! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:00

Many have personal experience where their 401K's have tanked.  Savings are all gone.  For retirees who are now too old, tired or sick to work.  Now this!   A March 14 article in The New York Times titled Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs is likely to become viral.  Goldman Sach's ”Greg Smith is resigning as a Goldman Sachs executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa”.  This is HUGE!  Mr. Smith’s reason “I hope this can be a wake-up call to the board of directors. Make the client the focal point of your business again. Without clients you will not make money. In fact, you will not exist. Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm. And get the culture right again, so people want to work here for the right reasons. People who care only about making money will not sustain this firm — or the trust of its clients — for very much longer.” This should only serve to fuel the existing and growing distrust of the so called 'experts', and the public may increase their search for alternative ways to prepare for retirement.  Join us for this discussion.

 Prepping for the What Ifs and the Oh Nos! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Debt Free Wealth Radio is committed to discussing all things money that lead to helping those who desire it: delete debt, build wealth and protect family and assets.   The disater that swept Kentucky Feb 29 - March 3 of this year was bad enough for the President to declare Federal Aid "to supplement commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area affected by severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds, and flooding". This follows an earlier declaration of disaster for "the state of Washington to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by a severe winter storm, flooding, landslides, and mudslides during the period of January 14-23, 2012". Oregon also qualified for Federal aid for disaster activity that occurred Jan 17 -21, of 2012. Hurricane season has not yet arrived, and still many other natural and man-made disasters are possible. (source: Without doubt, being prepared for the what ifs and the oh nos, makes sense.  Whether or not you feel compelled to prepare at the level of those practised by the Doomsday Preppers - a popular TV show on the Discovery Channel, because of their heightened awareness for disasters; I believe this group offers a lot of great tips for consideration when creating your own plan to protect your family and assets. Join us as we discuss ideas for prepping for the what ifs and the oh nos of life so you can protect your family and assets.

 Debt by Divorce. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Divorce statistics almost rival marriage numbers these days. Divorce is one of the big reasons for a plummeting credit score. We will chat with guest experts Attorney Lizbeth Potts, and CPA Tony Holbrooke and explore how and why divorce negatively impacts credit scores and the ability to repay debt. Also, we will look at some strategies to walk away from the experience with fewer debt dings. See for more. Connect with me on

 10 Wealth Building Habits that will Change Your Outcomes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

NOTE:  Website mentioned in this show has CHANGED.  We are now at A habit is an action that happens naturally and without effort. Habits do not require intention to exhibit themselves in our lives, but plans do.  When we have a plan to build wealth, there are some deliberate steps we must take to execute that plan. Execute those steps repeatedly, and your brain will eventually be hard wired to automatically, and effortlessly generate those actions.   This is the  point where you will now have wealth building habits. Join me as we explore some bad money habits we may need to consider eliminating from our lives, and 10 new wealth building actions to adopt, and do over and over again till they become habits, moving us effortlessly toward more wealth.  To shorten your timeline to Lifestyle Upgrades the Debt Free Wealth Way, sign up for Debt Free Wealth Academy.

 Write Your Own Paycheck! The Entrepreneur is You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

NOTE:  We have MOVED all website activity mentioned here to   I think this show content will seem PROPHETIC in the future.  If your paycheck is a problem, this may be your solution!  National statistics indicate more than 40 million people are now involved in a home-based business. Part time, or full time, the home-based paycheck is gaining momentum as a solid strategy for supplementing or replacing a J-O-B paycheck. I am not a stay-at-home mom.  I am a WORK- FROM- HOME Mom. So with national statistics indicating that more than 40 million people are now involved in a home-based business;  Part time, or full time - the home-based business is gaining momentum as a solid strategy for supplementing or replacing a paycheck. The writing is on the wall.  You can either prepare now to learn how to be a free agent and earn your income in the ‘hire at will’ world, or join the growing pool who still think they will be among the few hired in a ‘hire for life’ opportunity. I chatted with Shandra, an entrepreneur sharing her IsaGenix opportunity. I mentioned becoming a CPR instructor to earn extra money. I mentioned the business opportunity of gold and silver.  If you want to join the Debt Free Wealth TEAM, contact me.  

 Guns, Gold, and Groceries. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

Application for gun permits, the sales of guns, and concealed weapons permit are on the rise.  The purchase and holding of gold is too.  Not as public, but definitely happening, is the storing of food.  The doomsday apocalyptic believers would be proud at the growth in this behavior, whether or not you believe the world is about to end any day now or not. The fact is, the world is changing.  Priorities are changing. Public mood is changing.  The 70+ deaths and injuries at a soccer match in Egypt on February 1st, 2012 is testament to the fact that people are easily triggered when upset and the mob mentality is at an all time high. Preparing for the worst, just in case is getting more and more urgent.  Gold, guns and groceries will be staples on many 'To Do' lists.   Join me in this discussion,  to help you be on your way to being able to check, check and check those items off as DONE!


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