Get in the PROSPERITY Game. Your Touchdown is Here.

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Some time ago, I was a player in a Prosperity Game that challenged my relationship with money.  To my surprise, I found I had a glass ceiling on my abundance, and receiving beyond that amount created discomfort.  Before that game I would have laughed if you suggested that I unconsciously sabotaged my ability to earn more than $60K per year, however, that was the exact number that had me stuck. Having faced and busted through that glass ceiling, the sky is now truly the limit and I came to realize that $1M was a number that seemed to create financial relaxation in the sense that $2M or $50M did not feel that much different.   Rich people DO have a different relationship with money than people who are broke and stay broke.  A healthy relationship with money does not stop a rich person from becoming broke, but that relationship keeps them from staying broke.   It's your turn to play the Prosperity Game.  I have created an open facebook group that will be evergreen (join anytime).  It is a 14 day game and is most powerful if played 14 days in a row because the rate at which the Abundant Universe delivers prosperity to you may create a sense of overwhelm and that is what clears the fog and lets you come nose to glass with your financial glass ceiling.   Join me in the Debt Free Wealth Prosperity Game. YES!  It is FREE!   We launch it officially on November 4, 2013; but you can join anytime.  Here is the link to join the facebook group:  if you need to, copy/paste this into your browser