Don Woods show

Don Woods

Summary: Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website 5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012 Click picture to get Don's Website Don has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


 On the road again with Don Woods! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Here's the demo of a song I wrote for Penny Page's husband David Alexander.....this is the actual demo I gave was record of the week on Radio City and sold very well... We have had a bit of freak weather...30 degrees no less....which we are NOT ready for........and a spot where you can park the whole nation of sheep congregate resulting in everyone crammed on to 100 yards of shore.... Heathrow and Gatwick had computer problems......leaving thousands stranded and missing flights....and it has been mentioned that 30% of people travel without insurance so it's bye bye to their holiday and their cash.. I was pleased to see a foreign hotel suing a holiday maker for falsely claiming food poisoning which is the latest scam..........similar to "whiplash"...or "WhipCASH" as it is called..... t Aled Jones has a light hearted chat show on Saturday and Sunday mornings and he is a breath of fresh air....he has good guests and gives them plenty of room to chat....unlike is awful......I think Graham has past his sell by I have said many times TV in this country has hit an all time low or am I just getting old....with the likes of "Britains Got Talent"...Ant and Dec's "Takeaway"....The X Factor etc etc wowing our wonderful general public I give up....I think I'll go back on the road.....

 Googie the Liverpool Duck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

...The song this week is called #Googie The Liverpool Duck" and has been very kind to me over the years....I wrote it for a friend of mine called #PennyPage who was a ventriloquist...the duck ...listening to on #bbcRadio 2 featuring #Jimmy McGovern.... I spent the weekend in #Wales and paid a very interesting visit to #Holyhead in #Anglesey...... Foxes are now infiltrating our towns and cities....but they are not the only things to do so....for also coming out of the countryside is a new threat....the rambler....this strange why "ramble" around a city?.... Wow !! someone has come up with the idea....and BANNING fast food in public places will solve the obesity problem.....I give up. ..finally....I've always thought celebs should stick to what they do....which brings me to #DavidBeckham who is now in a film...and the nobility as "geysers"....he seems to have no command of the English language but then again he is a hard case....or at least he is one in East Enders.

 Tribute to Bobby Vee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The song this week is dedicated to Bobby Vee who I had the pleasure of working with on two in New Brighton and the other in The North Wales Theatre in Llandudno......a great bloke. What did I tell you a few weeks back?...because of a possible impending DRAUGHT we might be facing a hosepipe ban...I give up...apparently there hasn't been much rain in the south east over the winter so the river levels are down......the Victorians built canals everywhere....oh...I forgot they are too busy spending billions on rail links we don't need. .I watched a programme which featured a modern art exhibition....I have another word for "modern art" which is unprintable.....yet these "artists" make a fortune...Tracy Emin with her unmade bed on display etc...not to mention the psychologists who tell you where you are going wrong stating the obvious......very sad. I watched the Eurovision Song Contest with a few glasses of wine....I always find variety of music quite interesting and am totally bemused as to what some countries find musical....what do they GENERALLY listen to?. .I also watched the there was NOTHING worth watching on any other channel....Ant and Dec strike again...their "Saturday Night Takeaway" winning yet another award.......I'll have to start watching the soaps and try not to regard them as a scrapheap for out of work actors and popstars....and just enjoy them like so many other viewers.......thank goodness for Netflix.

 Tribute to Ricky Nelson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The song this week is taken from my doowop album I put together a few years ago called Doowop Days and takes us back to the golden years of rock and roll...the track is called "Tribute To Ricky Nelson........James it was like playing golf with #Tiger Woods or climbing #MtEverest with #Edmund Hilary..... I am punchdrunk with elections.....#UKIP saying they are pleased with the gives them a chance to build etc...they were WIPED OUT totally..general elections they will sort out the obese problem by legislating the advertising of junk food... French elections....blanket news...including world changing facts like the new presidents missus being 25 years older than him... I used to enjoy "Have I Got News For You"....but lately it has become seriously infected with canned laughter... I watched...for the last time...Britains Got Talent which has reached a new all time low...some bloke who couldn't hoola hoop...topped off with a young lad singing a song he had written for his granny who has Alzheimers.... Now I have heard it award ceremony which is "gender neutral" it's one award for the best or woman

 Don's Seen and Done it All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

.The song I have sent you this week is called "Seen and Done It All" and it was commissioned by a publisher I was signed to in the 70's called #Evolution Records....I wrote it specially for #DianaDors who actually recorded it......they also had #Mud and #GeorgieFame on their books and The #BonzoDog Doo Dah Band who I also wrote a song for which they recorded called "Strangle My Boss"... Still on the music scene they are all coming out of the everywhere...#Steps...#Bananarama.......the word "band" grates on me a bit when they call them girl "bands" and boy "bands".... There is a new game show called "Big Heads" hosted by Jason Manford involves contestants wearing big rubber spitting image heads of celebrities and they have to compete against each other running over obstacles and falling over etc.. connected with the character it would make more sense....a bit bland. I watched #BritainsGotTalent and tried to cancel the judges out of my mind...there was a really good comedian on....he was a black guy and he discussed how he found it funny how this country thinks it is in he comes from Africa where there is a real crisis...he was really observant and hit the nail right on the head....what he was actually saying was we don't realise how lucky we are and he is right...... The latest earth shattering news item is concerns "doggy bags" in restaurants.... your dog.....

 Don's Seen and Done it All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

.The song I have sent you this week is called "Seen and Done It All" and it was commissioned by a publisher I was signed to in the 70's called #Evolution Records....I wrote it specially for #DianaDors who actually recorded it......they also had #Mud and #GeorgieFame on their books and The #BonzoDog Doo Dah Band who I also wrote a song for which they recorded called "Strangle My Boss"... Still on the music scene they are all coming out of the everywhere...#Steps...#Bananarama.......the word "band" grates on me a bit when they call them girl "bands" and boy "bands".... There is a new game show called "Big Heads" hosted by Jason Manford involves contestants wearing big rubber spitting image heads of celebrities and they have to compete against each other running over obstacles and falling over etc.. connected with the character it would make more sense....a bit bland. I watched #BritainsGotTalent and tried to cancel the judges out of my mind...there was a really good comedian on....he was a black guy and he discussed how he found it funny how this country thinks it is in he comes from Africa where there is a real crisis...he was really observant and hit the nail right on the head....what he was actually saying was we don't realise how lucky we are and he is right...... The latest earth shattering news item is concerns "doggy bags" in restaurants.... your dog.....

 How Don Made it to the top! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

"I made It to the top" .. refers to the top of Mount #Snowdon.... album I produced for my pal #PaulDamian who pronounces the Welsh names accurately.. There was a 10 minute article on the news regarding "mumbling" in TV dramas....which I've been going on about for years...we discussed the #BBC big shot the other week coming out with gems like "It creates the atmosphere when actors lower their voices" these "stars" learn to act? There was an interesting article on the news about a couple of scientists who have discovered material which changes sea water into fresh water when poured through it..... On the entertainment front I watched #BritainsGotTalent .......I haven't watched it for years and thought it MUST have improved....WRONG.. I have been watching "Line of Duty" which is excellent.....the script is so cleverly written....also #Broadchurch" is another good drama which keeps you in suspense...thank goodness for #Netflix.

 A Lucky Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

..The song this week is called "How Lucky Am I"......extolling the virtues of this wonderful Peninsula....the DVD displays what I am singing about. There's a guy who took his kiddie out of school during term time to save ...if everybody decided to do the same it would totally disrupt the education system... It's the same with parking...there is a big issue at the moment about parking fines....I don't get them because I DON'T PARK ILLEGALLY... The record of the week on Radio 2 is a track off #Chuck Berry's final album and it is brilliant...a price can't be put on what we owe this me he is the absolute undisputed King of Rock and Roll.. Still on the music scene watched the Take That concert last Saturday night and thought it was brilliant.....#GaryBarlowe is a bit of a genius...#BradleyWalsh was pushing his album on the "Nightly Show"... Just got back from four days in #Caernarfon and the weather was wonderful... a place called Llyn Ogwen where you walk up to a mountain lake.....I'm off for a Welsh !!".......I do love Wales.

 Seagulls Over Hilbre | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

..The song this week is taken from one of my videos which I made a while ago showing the changes which have taken place in our area over the last 20 years.... have the seagulls over our beloved Hilbre Island. There is a programme on TV called "Little Big Shots" featuring very talented young kids ranging from 5 to is hosted by #DawnFrench and is brilliant. A problem with TV these days is all we seem to get is the same faces all the time...Tuesday night has #BradleyWalsh on with #TheChase I do wonder why the #BBC...who we PAY for via our licence fee...not only has the worst news programmes it also has the worst "catch up" system... April 1st had the usual April Fool gags in the Prince Harry's secret wedding .....#TheWirralGlobe...

 What happened to Julie? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

.The song this week is from my doowop album "Doowop Days" which takes us back to the golden day of the 50s....the song is called "What Happened To Julie?" and wonders ... I watched Comic Relief....I must say it was a relief when to was over.......however I was well impressed with #Ed Sheeran who really is a huge talent.... I tuned into BBC #Newswatch where there was a lot of complaints about the excessive coverage of the death of Martin McGuiness and the London terror attack....which is what we discussed last week...lots of Emails and video appearances complaining...then they bring on this BBC bigshot who didn't answer any of the complaints..... I must say I do like characters who say it like it is....#JohnLydon was on the breakfast programme promoting his book and gave his opinions on Brexit,sovereignty,politicians and a few other topics...he is a strange bloke but talks a lot of sense... concerns a huge explosion in #Bebington #Wirral which destroyed a large dance studio and several houses close by....

 Burt Lancaster and Chuck Berry | File Type: | Duration: Unknown

The song this week is a track off an album I did taking a look at film stars...this one is called "The Ballad Of Burt Lancaster"...and came about after some ugly rumours were spread about my hero....he seemed to spend rather a lot of time in male company so eyebrows were raised....but I'm having NONE of it !!!! indeed the song says. .I was sad to hear of the passing of the great Chuck me he was the undisputed king of rock and roll and was a huge influence on so many guitarists...myself included....his songs were not only lyrically brilliant they were uncomplicated and easy to play...once you get those classic riffs off away you rehearsals required....I saw him live on three occasions and his charisma was stunning.....his sound wasn't to clever...but it was CHUCK....even today you play a bit of Chuck and everyone gets up to dance....he was a one-off...irreplaceable. The "experts" have been at it again....apparently if you work at the top of a high rise building you could get depressed...not necessarily because of the job...wait for it...because the building wobbles....obviously the buildings are designed to withstand the wobble (I hope) but those inside are apparently affected psychologically....they KNOW this because other countries have also done tests....and this wonderful experiment has only cost 7 million to come to this conclusion....good value or what? would be interesting to know how they arrive at this figure...and where the money actually goes ... ...and talking of money we are not being bombarded with the Comic Relief Appeal....which is indeed are all these fund-raising activities....I'm even part of one myself where we have weekly rock and roll jam sessions and raise money for sick kids...but what I just don't get is why money should have to be raised for starving kids and the homeless etc by the general public....a bunch of billionaire Sheiks and Arabs and even our own Royal hangers on could solve the problem overnight...we are constantly being told that £5 will feed a starving child for a week...or buy a homeless person socks and gloves....Tony Blair gets 250 grand for ONE after dinner speech....that's 5000 can you possibly justify this sort of payout?....and that's ONE person.....and the stupid part is the filthy rich wouldn't even miss the's obscene...not to mention the 60 billion high speed train service no-one wants. I don't know whether it's an age thing but I find the news programmes are going worse...especially the BBC...I feel if I never watch the news it would make no difference as there is never anything's just constant drawn out items repeated every 20 minutes....the death of Martin McGuiness was reported as "breaking news" for an many times do we need telling?...fortunately ITV get a better balance....if you can stand the adverts.

 Something Fishy About Sturgeon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The song this week is one close to my heart..."The Magic of #Wales" is sung by #Paul Damian and was the follow up to How To Say Llanfair P.G.....which has had 1.3 million hits on #YouTube There has been a lot of discussion on the news lately concerning speeding...they had a lady on whose son was killed by a speeding taxi........ #Brexit is building up to a crescendo...and still no-one seems to know what is going on...all made more complicated by #NicolaSturgeon still trying to get independence for Scotland.......everyone would go out and buy shoes with leather souls ... when you get to a certain age it is hard to find decent entertainment...I often wonder who decides to put boring soaps on TV...or people being chopped up in A & E...or sit-coms like Benidorm... Because there is so little of interest on TV I have been watching the remake of "Roots" which is very interesting...

 Love at First Sight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The song I have sent is called "Love At First Sight" is a track off my #Doowop Album called "Doowop Days" (available from my website I was browsing through Facebook and came across an article about The Swinging Blue Jeans.....but if they can make money kidding people who fall for it good luck to them. I watched #TheVoice ...two hours of hopefuls hoping to "change their lives"...and wanting to "fulfil their dreams". We are now finding planets billions of miles away which could support life and finding new universes....yet we can't predict the weather for the following day.... forecasts why have them? With modern technology what I fail to understand is the mentality of those boneheads who send out sad must someone be getting entertainment from spoiling the lives of those you don't even know........but I have a better vision of someone finding them out and introducing their teeth to a baseball bat.

 The Ballad of Barbara Stanwyck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

......I was watching an old #Hollywood movie this week and it starred #Barbara Stanwyck... wrote a song for a novelty album which explains this...The Ballad of Barbara Stanwyck... There has been a bit of a moan about bad diction in dramas... ...I have always gone on about wife tells me I'm going deaf but now she knows it's not just ME!!.....what's the point of dialogue if you can't hear whats being said... I always thought whoever came up with the idea of selling bottled water was a's WATER which in the civilised world you get from a tap.. has come up with bottled FRESH AIR!!!....yep AIR...and wait for it £80 a bottle... There has been a programme on TV about #WindsorCastle and the Royals don't come off too well. the House of Lords have been popping in to get their £300 daily allowance while leaving the taxi running outside........the scientists are at it again....they have discovered planets so many light years away which could possibly support!! mind blowing is that?...SO WHAT......the money could be put to far better use

 Donald doesn't Duck! | File Type: audio/mid | Duration: Unknown

The song I've sent you this week is ..The Ballad of Forgotten Popstars and lists those artists who entertained us in the early ... Big news ..a GLOBAL survey no less!! was discovered that vitamin D can prevent you getting a there....snd .....heading a football can cause dementure because some aging footballers suffer with this.. Stoke-On-Trent council have suggested giving expectant can't say "mothers" any expectant PARENTS vouchers to encourage them to stop smoking.......also Liverpool Council have come up with another wonderful idea.... I am really enjoying Donald Trump's appearances on the news...he is classic entertainment... Our wonderful ex PM. ...and we should rise up and vote stay in...that's rich from a man who caused an unnecessary war ....So Tony thinks we should stay in Europe?...could the reason possibly be that Brexit might effect his 435 grand salary ....all supplied by the taxpayer...


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