Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast | Reviews | Analysis | Discussion show

Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast | Reviews | Analysis | Discussion

Summary: A married couple from SoCal discuss and review ABC TV's Once Upon a Time. Listen and send in your feedback as we enjoy Once Upon a Time together. This is a different type of podcast. We explore the magic of the episodes with an eye on relatable themes, connections within the show and to other classic stories and films.

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  • Artist: Jeff Roney and Colleen Roney, Once Upon a Time Reviewers, Hosts.
  • Copyright: 2015 RoneyZone Media


 3X08 Think Lovely Thoughts – First Thoughts – Pixie Dust doesn’t grow on trees! Oh wait. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:52

Show notes to follow –

 3X07 Dark Hollow – Main Show – Lowest Ratings, Don J, Hook, Rumbelle, Pandora like a safe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:28:20

Episode Name: Dark Hollow The Crew on Social Media: Facebook: facebook.com/ouatpodcast Aubrey - • I just noticed that in the Disney movie, Michael carries a teddy bear with him the whole time and in this episode of OUAT, there was a teddy bear key chain hanging the mirror. Marilyn Did anyone else notice that there was a small bear hanging from the rearview mirror on Michael & John's car? Fun reference back to Michael's character always carrying around that stuffed bear. And I think that button Ariel found in Gold's shop was off of Rumple's father's uniform. Also, I think that I saw Ariel put it into her little pouch. Loved seeing the dwarves again. They had some of the best lines in the episode. Email points: From Maii Hello Guys! I hope you guys had a good week! It's been highly stressful so I'll be glad when it's over... This season just keeps upping the ante every single episode I am just blown away by how good it is.. Ariel - I have a really really special place for Tink in my heart (especially this one bc I feel like I connected a lot with her..but damn I think Ariel is beating her for favorite new character.. She's just so wonderful and I feel like we got more of her this ep than in the prev one and I really just want to see more of her..Her curiosity, her kleptomania =P , the way she just wants to help...anyone else would have been like you know what you screwed up my life, good luck with your life I am out but no she chose to help.. Fav line:  I'm not afraid of your gun, and not just because I don't know what it is Storybrooke -  I love neverland, you guys know I love the arc but damnn I missed SB.. Archie, Granny and Grumpy were fantastic, and Belle I really liked Belle this episode! I liked her doubting and then realizing she could do it.. She's kind of a yo-yo character for me sometimes like I like her then she annoys me, then I love her, then I'm facepalming..but I completely loved her this ep (AND That Star Wars reference was golden "HELP US BELLE YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE") Nealfire- I know i've ragged a bit on him since Quite a Common Fairy but damn this episode I had no complaints about him (well one but I'll get to it later) I just thought he was great in this ep.. and damn it man I saw your smile with TInk ok, damn my shipper tendencies.. I was really proud of him this episode ok, his if Henry is the only thing that came from us being together I think we did alright.. Like he is realizing okay maybe it is a bit late for me and Emma but we've got this beautiful, intelligent boy and that's enough Darling Brothers - they broke my heart and I just wanted to hug their hipster selves.. They just want their family back together, they may be older but deep down they are still just kids..  Regina - She had few scenes but they were golden..My friend Sarah brought up some really good points so I'm just going to C/P them here ( link to the full episode meta, it's really good -> http://onceuponamirror.tumblr.com/post/66747728469/3x07-full-ep-old-skool-analysis )  What I loved was the way she was…actually really happy to help Ariel. Like, when Ariel held up the bracelet, Regina seemed almost…proud. This is what I’ve been saying about Regina’s character development being really subtle this year, but I enjoy it. Regina is not someone who ever relished in another person getting their happy ending, but here she is, genuinely smiling about it. Interestingly, this comes right after Rumple calls Regina out on her own bitterness revolving Rumple’s (generally) successful relationship. At the end of last season, I was hesitant to say that I felt like Regina was ready for a love interest, but I have absolutely changed my mind. Or, rather,

 3X07 Dark Hollow – First Thoughts “What’s a Gun?” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:26

3x07 Dark Hollow – First Thoughts “What’s a Gun?” Important Topics Discussed Thank you Kelsey for the fantastic synopsis of First Thoughts. Check out Kelsey's Tumblr: http://lanamariaparillas.tumblr.com/ A. “Dark Hollow” begins five days prior to present Neverland time, bringing us back to what has been happening meanwhile in Storybrooke: • Colleen mentions that it seems a lot longer. • Belle is seen crying on the pier as Rumple and the others have just left to find Henry. • We catch up with Team 7 (the Dwarves), Mother Superior, and Archie, who are happily cheering that they and Storybrooke were saved. • A scene with two men in a car, driving towards Storybrooke with a map and X on Storybrooke are seen. • Jeff mentions that Greg had a smartphone to locate the town while the two men only have a map. • The car is red (which is foreshadowing ‘danger’) and is a 1960s or 70s looking model. • Belle tells them that Rumple left her with the cloaking spell and they needed to hurry so ‘the others’ don’t come into town. • Mother Superior/The Blue Fairy tells them that fairy dust runs through the walls of the mine, similar to diamond or gold dust. • Grumpy tells them no whistling boys, just get to work. • Belle is very unsure of whether or not she can do this, and asks the Blue Fairy to do it for her. Blue Fairy says that it needs to be Belle and that Belle needs to believe in herself. • By entrusting Belle with the spell, it proves that Rumple truly loves her and trusts her. • Jeff compares Belle’s situation to that of Star Wars. • The spell works once Belle ‘believes in herself a little harder’ and it creates a dome over Storybrooke, but not before the others’ car bumper gets cut off. • The license plate of their car is from Minnesota. B. Back in Neverland, Regina and Rumple are trying to get Ariel to go to Storybrooke: • Ariel was very suspicious of Regina but eventually agreed to trust her, despite their past. There was no bitterness and Ariel had no desire for revenge. • Peter Pan can sense when people leave the island. • Pan says that he is going to go check on who is in the other box. • The shadow that is most active on the island is, in fact, Pan’s. • We do not know if Felix has his shadow or not. C. Back in Storybrooke, the dwarves are sitting around having lunch: • The Seven Dwarfs are sitting around and talking. • Sleepy is sitting apart from everyone else. • It seemed like a lot of the people in Storybrooke were not like themselves. • Grumpy told everyone to relax. • Granny was very grumpy as well. • Belle has been worried, won’t eat her hamburger. Archie steps in to help out Belle and calls her a ‘hero.’ • Belle is now on a Hero’s Journey. • Granny told Ariel, “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service” and Grumpy mentions that Ruby had a lot of outfits that broke dress code. • The two strangers mention a ‘home office.’ • There is a McCutchan Whiskey bottle in Gold’s office, perhaps a representation of Belle’s old life. • Belle places the sand dollar that Ariel gave her from Rumple down and Jeff mentions that it is a lot like Star Wars Jedi hologram ways of talking when he appears to give her a cryptic message. • “The strength of our love” will guide Belle to the object she needs to give Ariel to save them in Neverland. He mentions that he has found a way to come home. D. Back in Neverland, the Love Triangle and The Charmings agree to split up: • Charming and Snow are still fighting/not speaking to each other over Charming not telling Snow he was dying. • Emma agrees with Charming in saying that telling Snow would only be distracted from the real journey. • Henry is starting to wake up from the Lost Boy spell; he tells Pan that he is keeping his family and secrets from Henry. • Pan tells Henry that he isn’t holding his family prisoner. • This is technically the truth, but Pan is hiding the real truth. • The romance love triangle between Hook, Emma, and Neal continues.

 3X06 Ariel – Main Show – Hook Good, Neil Bad? #ArielStabs #OncerQuiz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:12

Episode Name: Ariel Once Quiz Question: What did Ashley say she was doing in Mr. Gold's shop? Play News bumper News: Our top 3 US States that download our podcast (as of right now); #3 Pennsylvania #2 California #1 Virginia Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines 195 mph and gusts of 235 mph. http://www.fundmytravel.com/Victoria-Mita-1383870715/campaigns/Super-Typhoon-Relief-for-GoAbroad-Philippines-1383872183/view Ratings: Ariel had a boost to Season 2 territory of 7.55 Million viewers That is the third highest number in Season 3. -- Play Squawks on Social Media bumper The Crew on Social Media: Facebook: facebook.com/ouatpodcast Danielle Here's a question, I was watching after Owen comes to Storybrooke. How is it that no one has ever stumbled upon the town? I know it's cloaked but what happens if someone just happens to turn down that road. Do they crash? Do they enter Storybrooke? Do they just keep driving and pass through as if the town is not even there? Second watches always seem to bring up questions. ------------ Danielle You know what after rewatching Season 1 and most of Season 2, I realized Cora is the cause of the mess between Regina and Snow. 1. Cora killed Snows Mother 2. Cora cause Snows horse to go wild 3. Cora practically forced Snow to tell her about Snow and Daniel, you could tell that Snow didn't want to say anything. I am wondering if Regina had known what her mother did to Snows mother do you think the relationship between Regina and Snow would of been different? Do you think Regina still could of been with Daniel? ---------------- Marilyn After seeing the naval uniforms in Hook's backstory, does anyone else now think that Rumple's doll seems to be dressed in a naval officer's uniform? Twitter: @ouatpodcast New Listener Shout out - @crazyjouat Other shoutouts @dangelus Still the best OUAT podcast great job! @ouatpodcast pcasts.in/cD1r @visitrichmondbc RT @ouatpodcast: #OnceUponaTime See a map of #Storybrooke's Main Street and it's #Steveston counterpart. ow.ly/qoz3q Blog comments: Play Dead Men Email intro Email points: From Holly Hey Jeff and Colleen, This was another fantastic episode. I agree with the both of you that this season has been fantastic and that whatever changes that were made between season 2 and this current season that they don't go back.  Pan's still up to his vindictive mischievous best. We still don't know who or what is in the other box that was next to Neal before he got moved to the Echo Cave. Loved the training scene with Emma and Regina. I'm thinking now that Regina's realizing some of Rumple's frustration when he was training her. Snow's track record for keeping secrets is still not doing so hot. She's kept like maybe one. Ariel asked her not to say anything to Prince Eric and she was able to manage that. I was on Charming and Hook's side to not say anything to Emma in case if what Pan had told Hook would have been a lie. That could have sent Emma further over the edge. The Student becoming the Teacher when Regina force chokes Pan's shadow version of Belle. Rumple and Regina teaming up to bring down Pan had me cheering. I'm really hoping that Pan doesn't see this one coming. One ticked off Grandfather and one of two Angry Mamma Bears on the warpath, I'd be a little worried. That fate worse than death thing sounds rather ominous. I'm also glad that Ariel got her voice back. I'm really hoping that Regina won't have to do too much more convincing to Ariel about having her head to Storybrooke and getting the item from Gold's shop to bring Pan down. Snow and Emma finally know the truth that Charming had been poisoned by the dream shade. Snow was none too thrilled. Very glad that Neal said that even though Emma kissed Hook that he still wouldn't give up on her and stop fighting for her.  The Fairy Tale land scenes with Ariel were great.

 3X06 Ariel – First Thoughts “Secret, Secret, I’ve Got a Secret” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:27

Snow was wearing her "Forest Snow" outfit. Probably around the time Snow lived in her Stump apartment, and wear she was trapped by Charming in the rope net trap. Snow's slide down the hill reminded me of Romancing the Stone. Also in The Fugitive movie, Harrison Ford's character did a as Tommy Lee Jones' character called it a "Peter Pan" into the water. Other movies had a jump off a cliff into water, like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, etc. The Regina and Emma scene reminded me of the Karate Kid and the training portion. Regina also channeled Yoda, Palpatine and Dooku. Focus, Anger and Concentration. Emma's anger started a fire. Lying .vs a Secret. Lying can be keeping a secret until it is confirmed, right Hook? Secrets seem to keep us from the people we really care about or it protects the ones we love. Snow's a very good tracker. We think Red taught her. Hi @MeghanROry, we miss you! Ariel is a rescuer and a collector. Under the Sea Ball, like the song from The Little Mermaid and from Back to the Future "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance. Ursula grants wishes, but she is a myth. So many stories involve Love with false pretenses. Emma now reads people (or at least what people say) real well - now. Time stands still on Neverland. Mr. Gold has EVERYTHING in his shop (Even bowls of soup, too). Pan is a cook, too. He cooked Eggs "in a basket," but alas no soup. Robbie Friggin Kay is awesome! Evil Munchkins line was funny. Regina takes action and leaves the group. The groups were split up again. We see an Ursula statue. Salad trident line was great. Eric dreamed of Ariel from a vision from Ursula. How and why did that happen? Eric will wait for Ariel, like Never been kissed. Darth Regina neck snap. If you work for her, you better always be a great worker. Pan is a voyeur - a voyeur with a spyglass. Echo Cave is mentioned again. Moving the prize when the other army gets too close. Pan mentioned to Rumpel to start a family, and so did Vision Belle. "Take my hand and we'll go," It seemed very much like the shadow. Regina outed the Vision Belle. Notice that the Vision Belle had to "die" before it was transformed to what it really was. Did you notice the look of fear and uncertainty on Rumpel's face as Darth Regina was force choking the Vision Belle? If the entire #SaveHenry party (including Neal) was together, they would have found Henry and rescued him by now. David would never have been hurt, drank the water and been trapped on the island. Also, Hook and Emma would never have kissed, etc. However, splitting up the group as they did adds much more possibility for drama and heartache. We send #BigLove to you all Please Tweet out "I am listening to @ouatpodcast #FirstThoughts #OUAT #Ariel" when you listen to the podcast. Thanks We would love to hear; your thoughts, what you noticed, etc.

 3X05 Good Form – Main Show – Not Jack, but Wendy?, King Who?, Cocoon and Star Wars connections. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:06

Instead of Jack, is it Wendy in the Box? Maybe a True Love of Someone on the island? Who is the King? Is the Island removing Hook's Pirate side? Is Regina (and the group) learning to play well with each other, and how ill they play out for Pan? Never judge a book by it's cover, even if its a Pirate, an Evil Queen, etc, etc. Neverland is an island of permission, even Regina knows this. Cocoon and (More) Star Wars connections. Don't fall under a sleeping curse, stay awake for this. Ahoy Mateys! This is Jeff and Colleen Roney from the deck. Episode Name: Good Form Squawks on Social Media: Facebook: facebook.com/ouatpodcast Nicole Since time stands still essentially on neverland, I wonder how much time will have actually passed back in storybrooke. Will it be months / years later? Also what is Henry drinking while there ? We know the others have rum.... --------- Cindy I wonder if Henry's mirror will still work, since it's broken. It did land face up, so maybe Regina will see Neal in the cage, or maybe she will hear Pan talking to Henry. So far, Peter has shown no interest in Regina, David or Mary Margaret, which raises my suspicions. He's only spoken to Rumple, Bae, Henry, Hook and Emma. I'm not convinced that Peters main target is Henry, or if he's using Henry as bait to lure someone else. He's extremely interested in Emma. Personally, I think Emma could be the truest believer, and Henry is the 'heart" of the truest believer. The wooden cage/ box has taken the viewers back to the most frustrating question of all. First it was "what's in the box?". But now it's "who's in the box?". (Those writers are truly evil). As for Neal, as a boy, there was something that set him apart from the other lost boys. They seemed to have followed Peter willingly, and stayed willingly. But Bae did not choose to follow Peter or stay willingly, because he left. Whether he escaped, or was let go by Peter is still in question, but clearly, Bae wanted to leave. (How he left, and where he went are still in question) When Peter said to lock Neal up with the other one, my first thought was that there is another person, besides Bae who's mind Peter could not control, who wanted to leave Neverland The other child I've seen who chose to go home, and who Peter let leave, is Wendy. Can't control Neal's mind, then lock him in a cage. Can't control Wendy, lock her in a cage. I think it will be another few weeks until we see who's in that cage. The saying you can't leave Neverland is clearly untrue. Multiple people have left. Neal left Neverland. So did Rumple. Wendy left. Hook left. Smee left. Liam left. The whole Jolly Rodger crew left Neverland. Regarding Hook, I think he might decide to work with Peter, but only to get closer to Neal,Bae. I think hook truly did love Bae, and would have been good to him. I think as his last gesture of love for Milah, and as his last attempt at redemption, Hook will choose to help free both Neal and Henry. Somehow he will look like a villan, or he might even die trying, but if it's Neverland and Peter Pan, in this story, Captain Hook will save the day. It's Neverland, come on, in a twisted tale, Captain Hook is obviously the hero, right? Emma has lost her gift of knowing when people are lying to her. She didn't detect that David lied about Hook risking his life, saving him from an ambush of lost boys. She questioned Hook about it, but he avoided the answer and went for the kiss instead. -------------- Amanda I had the craziest idea .. What if the person in the cage is Rumple's dad ??? He could be there all this time ... I also thought the reference to Princess Bride very sweety especially coming from Hook : As u wish!!! I think if he tells Emma that Neal is alive he can have chances with her ! I dont think she will forgive Neal so easily he really harmed her in many ways!!! And just one more thing : where does all that rum comes from??, its endless lol

 3X05 Good Form – First Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:23

Great very different music from Mark Isham Lost Boys – School yard bullying to fight We were right. Just like in the movie "Hook" they believed things into existence. Henry believed and the inferior copy of a sword becomes the real thing. Henry cut the Lost Boy’s cheek, like Snow cut Regina’s cheek. I would also mention the sword (That represented power or divined by believing) giving someone power. Henry seemed more powerful after creating the sword. Henry is still a good boy, by apologizing, but like the Dark Side of the Force, the power lures you in further. Like the Sith (sort of), Pan says the Lost Boys don’t have to apologize. The Lost Boys are like thugs. When the Lost Boys cheer, it’s as if he likes being part of the Lost Boys. He passed the test, and Pan has done his manipulative work to win him over. Remember Henry said previously, “I’m not like you”. Why did Neal mark underneath the bed cushion? What else was the slab used for before bed time? Regina – "I didn’t see a Neverland Post Office." Neal lost HOPE, and started to settle in to his fate. What gave him hope later that he could escape? Hook didn’t hook Emma early on. Charming “She’s never going to like you” Dad does not approve - “You’re nothing but a Pirate”. Check off another of the “Who you really are” list. Lieutenant Jones Rum makes you drunk. Captain Laim Jones, Killian’s brother. Sextant. A Hero’s Journey (Joseph Campbell) to bring peace to the Kingdom. Daddy no like Hook. Dream Shade almost reached his heart. Time is ticking and a visual clue of impending danger. Dead Man’s Peak. The sextant will decode Neal’s star map. Going to a new land. Columbus-y Sail made from the feathers of Pegasus. Greek mythology. Everyday without hope is a day closer to being a Lost Boy. Add something to that message to send to Henry, “Tell him Grandpa loves him”. Does Emma know Charming was lying, and that he is dying? No hug for Regina. Boar hunting – like Lost. Apollo Bar. He doesn’t like chocolate. Rope trap like Charming used to trap Snow. Charming blamed Hook for his death. Hook and Charming were similar. Brothers. A plant that could heal any disease. Pan is the King of Neverland. Pan offers a deal. Pan disappears and reappears like Rumpel. Pan wants Hook to kill Charming and work for him. Charming is stronger than we thought. Pan introduces doubt, but actually the truth. Mistrust. “It’s too late,” said the Lost Boy. We already know it’s never too late, right. “Don’t let him get to you” Snow tells Emma. All Lost Boys are manipulators. Regina’s smile and a Mola Ram got the working walkie Talkie on the island. Compact. More mirrors that can be used to see and now, communicate. “There is a way to stopping him from dying” Revenge of the Sith Spring. Lost. Fountain of youth, or at least healing. Talking into the heart. “I’m here, too” They didn’t tell Henry, Grandpa’s message. Is the water like the candle? To fight battles using unholy weapons is bad form. Mermaids in the window. Once you drink this water, you can Never leave Neverland. Liam died because he left Neverland. Magic and Magical water comes with a price. Charlie’s Angels pose was AWESOME! Charming finally told the truth. Well, sort of. “I don’t do Rum” Regina’s lines just kill me. Well, you know what I mean. Hook and Emma sitting in a tree… Colin O'donoghue is awesome! No one sails to that cursed land or they will walk the plank! Death and betrayal makes Killion – a Pirate. There is honor among thieves. Big, fat secret. The penalty. Neal, Hook’s nemesis is on the island. Hang him up, next to the other one. Is the other one Greg? Maybe Rumpel? We send #BigLove to you all Please Tweet out "I am listening to @ouatpodcast #FirstThoughts #OUAT #NastyHabits" when you listen to the podcast. Thanks

 Time on Neverland, Is Hook a Tattle-Tale? Dream Catcher and Storybrooke Pest Control 3X04 Nasty Habits – Main Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:18

Teaser: We will be talking about; Bae's drawing, What powers the concept of aging on Neverland, Grinding slabs, I put on my Grumpy hat, We ask the question - Is Hook a tattle-tale? A Dream Catcher, Getting rid of pests in Storybrooke and more News: Marilyn Manson's voice cast as the voice of the shadow Jamie Dornan cast as Christian Grey in the upcoming film, Fifty Shades of Grey, or as we like to call it "Fifty Shades of Graham". Ratings: Nasty Habits viewer number were the lowest numbers for any OUAT episode at 7.05 Million Viewers. The lowest before that was Tiny at 7.08 Million Viewers. ------- Play Glockenspiel Our Points: Felix seems to be the "welcomer" to Neverland, why? How long has Pan been searching for the heart of the Truest Believer? Were there others that he thought was and never made it past the "tests"? Who were they? Time in Neverland. Is there some kind of Age Freezing statue/item? Fountain of youth? Is that item fueled/powered by belief? What if the power has grown weak (Like magic grew weak in Storybrooke as Emma broke the curse in different increments (Stayed in the town, accepted the job as Deputy, became Sherriff, etc)) because belief wasn't as strong as is used to be? Is it belief or youthful imagination? Why didn't Neal tie up Felix after he knocked him out? What was Bae drawing? Dyland Schmid is a fantastic actor! Amanda on our Facebook pointed out how great of an actor he and Robbie Kay are. We agree! Dylan Schmid Extra: Check out a Classic OUAT Fan Podcast episode when Dylan left a voicemail for our podcast. So awesome! http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/029-fam-ouat-part-a-main-show-dylan-schmid-vm-glow-with-the-show-mulan-aurora-ouat-at-comic-con-lee-arenberg-bio-pt-1/ In Fairy Tale Land, Rumpel doesn't trust Bae to return if he let him out of the hovel, and Bae doesn't trust Rumpel that he has changed and won't kill Henry, etc. "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust" in other words Belief - We seen a lot about that Trust - we are seeing more of that Pixie Dust - the missing piece Think of a wonderful thought. Any merry little thought. Rumpel used a Morter and Pestle to crush something (Berries? I hope they were Dream Shade) to apply the War Paint. Metate - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metate Grinding slab Did you notice Regina's big smile as Tink talked about Greg's demise? I would imagine she felt it was the Karmic payback for shocking her. Neil called Rumpel "Papa", who was the last person (other than Bae) to call him that? August August: "Well, then… I guess all the lying can stop… Papa." Charming's "I'm still pretty hot" was proving to the group of his worth and that the poison wasn't killing him. Some question his keeping the Dream Shade wound from Snow, but he wants to keep the focus of the group from him and no finding and rescuing Henry. How can Bae be dropped onto Neverland, met DaddyDarkOne, outsmarted Pan, rescued Henry, tricked and froze Daddy Dark One, rescued Henry again - and the Neverland 5 still haven't found Henry. The have; 1. A Magical savior, 2. A Pirate that once lived on Neverland (he a Neverland botanist for sure), 3. An an Evil Queen that can magify a map and get led to where a Lost Boys camp was - And yet they still can't find Henry. The P and S on Bae's cave wall was a representation of when Hook carved it on the Jolly Roger to show the Port and Starboard ends of the boat. Many contacted us on this. We were testing you. :) Neglected/Unwanted/Lost boys (Why no girls?) that heard Pan's Flute lived in homes (with families, I assume). Choosing - Pan goading Rumpel to as Bae if he wanted to stay with the Lost Boys or return with Rumpel. At the risk of possibly being abandoned by his son, he took the cheaters way out (Thus forfeiting the game). Colleen dagger/knife theory. Two daggers in play?

 3X04 Nasty Habits – First Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:48

Neal untied the overhand knot because of what he learned from Hook. In a strange way to show love to his son, Rumpel stole a small knife to help Bae sharpen his coal. Thus, helping Bae with his talent and at the same time flexing his "Dark One" terrifying muscles at the man that owned the knife. Will we ever see the knife again, I wonder? Rumpel wanted to build a palace for Bae. many have built palaces to the ones they love (The Taj Mahal and more. Check this link: http://weburbanist.com/2010/02/10/architectural-love-story-10-castles-built-for-love/), but Rumpel built it to give Bae freedom - in a palatial prison. Rumpel used war paint. It reminded me of American Indian war paint, and more recently Johnny Depp as Tonto in The Lone Ranger. Rumpel described Belle as a vision, but is it really Belle - or Pan? Have there been other visions that Rumpel have seen? Will he use it to speak to others in the future? The Lost Boys fort was drawn in sand. Classic war "breaking people out" or "Escape plan" or "Battle plan" in movies. Hook shot Charming a look when the group was talking about Dream Shade, and wanting him to tell Snow. The only time anyone can leave Neverland is when Pan allows it, except for Bae (and Rumpel, too?). Lana had some great lines "Did you learn that from Bail Bondsperson School?" Here are some screen shots of Neal's cave on Neverland. Stars on the ceiling Other various wall screenshots Cindy from our Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/ouatpodcast) added these incredible thoughts: "Drawn on Bae's cave walls was P & S. These were the letters Hook carved on the Jolly Rodger when he was teaching Baelfire to sail. Port & Starboard. Also, we're the people he drew, the Darlings? What building was that? His home...Also, I liked that Baelfire loved to draw, like his mother. He was drawing a picture when Rumple entered to give him that knife, and how that tied into his cave drawings... I thought it was interesting that when Rumple cast that sleeping curse over all the lost boys, Rumples spell didn't effect Peter, thus the need for squid ink. Poor Henry, Pan caught him when he was VERY vulnerable, just being woken from the sleeping spell. Remember, Rumple warned Neal it's dangerous to wake him before the spell has worn off... If, in the beginning, children only came to Peter's Neverland in their dreams, would that make Peter The Dream Catcher? Reminding me of ( I think, Tallahassee?) Neal once gave Emma a map so they could find a "home". Now, Neal seems to have given her a new map leading to "home". But where might that map lead? Enchanted Forest? Storybrook? Wendy? Tallahassee? New York? Tink took a watch from Tamara's body. Why a watch? Was it Neal's watch? It didn't look like a woman's watch. Maybe it was my imagination, but I saw lots of little tidbits from Neal and Emma's past together in this episode." Here is the scrawling of P and S from "And Straight On 'Til Morning" that we forgot to mention as a connection. Pan gave Hook a portal. Is Pan growing beans on the Neverland island? Colleen noticed a lot of similarities with this episode and the book, Lord of the Flies. Neal left Neverland without Pan's permission - how? We know he knew a sneaky way to get to Neverland. I am very interested to see how he got away from Neverland. Rumpel said that he would sacrifice his life to save Henry, but does he mean it? Rumpel said "Magic led him to the hamlet (Shown in the episode)," so I would guess that his "magic tracking spell" works similarly to Tink's Pixie dust trail that led her to Regina's true love in the tavern. The Pied Piper is introduced. He used a pan flute to lure children to follow it. Neal showed that not only can a person use a (Conch) shell hear the ocean, but when sounded, the ocean can hear the shell "call". Brilliant idea! Neal uses it call a squid (a la 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea).

 3X03 Quite a Common Fairy – Main Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:06

Episode Name: Quite a Common Fairy Ahoy Mateys! News: #BigThanks to Maiqu and xobuffy for their rating and reviews on Itunes. We really appreciate them! Ratings: Quite a Common Fairy Dropped a bit 7.53 Million Viewers Lost Girl ...

 3X03 Quite a Common Fairy – First Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:29

Emma and the group continue farther into the island to find Pan. Tinkerbell is mentioned as a possible ally to find Pan and we see the backstory between Tinkerbell and Regina. Pan is trying to convince Henry to be a part of the Lost Boys and prove that they have been waiting for him for a long time. Regina almost finds true love and so does Mulan. Will Tinkerbell do something selfless and good to regain her wings and Pixie Dust to save Charming? Please Tweet out I am listening to @ouatpodcast #FirstThoughts #QuiteACommonFairy

 Oh My Gosh!, Was Belle, Belle?, Shadow and Henry? 3X02 Lost Girl – Main Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:42

News: Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas are engaged. Maybe Lana and Ginnifer could have a double wedding! This just in! A very cool fan congratulations video to Ginny and Josh's engagement: http://t.co/Xdp6tuj8Mq Here is the great Ginny and Josh FB page I mentioned: http://snowing.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ Viewing numbers: 8 million viewers (adjusted), just under the Season 3 premiere of 8.52 million. No Breaking Bad finale this time. Email points: From Aleana " The actor who plays Peter Pan aka Robbie Kay is amazing but I do wonder is Peter Pan is just going to play mind games with just Emma and Henry" ----- From Holly " Loved how Team 7 played big brothers and did not trust Charming right of the bat. Maybe they had heard things about his twin brother??" "The ending scene with Pan and Emma and him saying that Henry hadn't forgiven Emma for giving him up had me growling. Pan's very manipulative, and his line about Emma being an orphan at the end of this really makes me a little nervous, I really hope they aren't foreshadowing too much. I mean sure Charming lied and he did get nicked by one of the Lost Boy's arrows, I'm really hoping that there's a cure for him on the island. I'll wrap it here. Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on this episode. Big Love to everyone. Holly  ----- From Marilyn Hi Jeff and Colleen, I thought you might get a good laugh out of this article from Entertainment weekly about a pop-up animated graphic of the Wonderland white rabbit that occurred during the Once broadcast. It sure escaped my notice when I watched the show Sunday. http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/10/07/once-upon-promo-blunder-snow-whites-magic-crotch/?xid=email-top25-today-%27Once+Upon%27+promo+blunder%3A+Snow+White%27s+magic+crotch! Take care, Marilyn ----- From Maii Hey guys! Wonderful podcast as always.. They are truly going back to what made the show amazing in season 1.. Plus I like the focus on the main characters because I feel like we sort of lost sight of them in season 2.. This episode was amazing..didn't you guys love the moment where Hook is asking Emma about our world's version of him? He's like I figure he's sexy and Emma is like yeah nope "I take it by your tone perms are bad" I would pay to see this hook watching the Disney version of Peter Pan Everyone going back to who they were is just incredible.. Few things I noticed Regina.. Normally I'm not a big Regina fan but I am really liking her this season. She's like a weird mix of the person in early season 2/ pre Daniel and the evil queen.. But yeah she is being very trigger friendly with the magic, I think it's that she feels she needs to protect herself, she's with her enemies and honestly? If you think about it there's no one on her side.. (There was rumple kind of but he left, and hook while he is a villain he's always been more on the Charmings side) so I think we'll see her and the charmings having to trust each other and maybe finally coming to a real cease fire. Emma and Snow.. This episode killed me with their parallels.. They were both lost and needed to have someone who believed in them and knew who they were from the start show them who they were.. Charming - he knew she was the true leader but she needed to believe it. As well Hook- back in Tallahassee he tells Emma "An orphans and orphan" meaning he saw through her from the first moment they met And there was some paralelling between Charming and Hook too (and seriously how awesome is that blossoming bromance?)  They both wanted/want to prove themselves worthy of Emma/Snow .. Charming with the dwarves and Hook with Charming  And the Rum sharing scene was great bc we see Emma actually bring flirty (wouldn't you like to know?) and he answers her completely serious (Perhaps I would) and that freaks her out and she runs away like she did in Tallahassee And is anyone curious as to what Hook did to Rufio?

 3X02 Lost Girl – First Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:48

Rumpelstiltskin is a cutter - a shadow cutter. Was this the only (special?) place to cut/detach a shadow? Did the Dark One dagger help or hinder the shadow cutting? Where did Rumpel's shadow going to hide the Dark One dagger so "No one can find it. Even me!"? Hopefully his shadow won't hide it anywhere in Storybrooke (especially the clock tower). We think that Rumpel hiding his dagger was a further sign of his cowardice, and his fear of death. Rumpel felt pain when he detached his shadow. Are there other negative repercussions to detaching his shadow? Colleen thinks that is removes the dark side that hide weaknesses in a person. Hook is working very hard to make himself more important to the survival of the group in Neverland. We think there is a correlation to the show, "Survivor". The Magic Mirror was back - briefly. Snow had a Braveheart moment - briefly. Regina had a "Gold"en Deal moment, then a "Hans Gruber" in Die Hard moment. When was Regina exiled in comparison to the moment of Regina threatening to exile Snow, Charming and Team7. One of the core themes was identity, and denying who you really are.

 3X01 The Heart of the Truest Believer – Main Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:22:39

Ratings: From TV Ratings by the Numbers (http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/10/04/l3-ratings-abcs-once-upon-a-time-emerges-as-sundays-top-broadcast-in-adults-18-49-revenge-is-the-nights-biggest-overall-gainer/206981/) - Updated on 10/4/13 10.3 million viewers By Comparison (from wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Once_Upon_a_Time_episodes#cite_note-52)) - S2 Premiere (Broken) 11.36 Million Viewers, S1 Pilot 12.93 Million Viewers News: - Happy Birthday to Malini! Over the Summer Happenings - - We send #BigLove and Congratulations to Lana Parrilla for her engagement to Fred. (Link: http://www.timesofisrael.com/scandal-actors-gush-about-their-trip-in-israel/ ) - Jmo starred in a movie called "Some Girls" that is now available on Vimeo and iTunes. (Link: http://somegirlsfilm.com/ ) - Ginnifer starred in a National Geographic Channel movie called "Killing Kennedy," in which she plays Jackie Kennedy. The film premieres on Sunday, November 10. (Link: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013/09/12/killing-kennedy-teaser-trailer-hits-the-web/ ) Shadow of the Queen, the Illustrated novel and The Once Upon a Time Behind the Scenes magazines were released: http://Store.onceuponatimepodcast.com Thanks to Marissa and Paige for their help. Jeff and Colleen's thoughts: How did Pan/The Lost Boys communicate with Greg and Tamara? How did He/They deliver the "communicator"? How did they know to light a signal fire? How did Greg and Tamara know where Neverland was? According to Neal, if you think of a place you go there. How did they know? Tamara was surprised they made it. I would assume they've never made that or any trip through the portal. Who taught them about portal travel? The Charming family seem to be pulling apart, but the more dastardly and dashing characters are working together more easily. Bae's Sword. Did Hook teach him to fight? Can Team 7 or Mother Superior somehow send some pixie dust to Henry? To give them a way to escape? Mermaids seem to be the first line of defense of the Neverland island. How kooky is it that all the exposition from Greg and Tamara about The Home Office led to it to be revealed and now (it seems) nullified? Rumpel referred to Pan the way most people referred to Rumpel (Especially Regina, "There's always something more with you") Wizard of Oz - Crystal Ball Will Emma rescue all the Lost Boys (as she connects with him as an orphan), or just Henry? Will our heroes have to complete games to gain control over Pan and escape the island? Rumpel's connection to Neverland. Collecting babies. Email points: From Marcie Jeff and Colleen,   My friend and I were talking last night after the premiere and we had a thought about peter pan and his shadow and would like to get your thoughts on our theory. We were wondering, since there is a human pan now, why does the shadow get the kids and not the boy? We thought that even peter is trapped because Wendy said once you step foot on neverland you cannot leave, but maybe your shadow can? Please let us know what you think. Thanks. Marcie From Lorie I don't know why I didn't catch this last season, but the thought just occurred to me and is really bothering me.  Hopefully someone will have some insight for me.   We know that until Emma arrived and decided to stay, the clock didn't move.  toward the end of season 2, it showed Regina walking through town and the day kept playing itself over and over with no real changes.  So, I guess we are to assume that these characters were stuck in the same day for 28 years.  Now to the part that bothers me.  We know that at some point before Emma arrived, Mary Margerete and Dr Whale had a fling, Dr Hopper was treating Henry and he would not have started that when henry first arrived.  it had to be at some point later in time.  also, we know that at some time in the 28 years, Red tried to leave,

 3X01 The Heart of the Truest Believer – First Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:53

3X01 The Heart of the Truest Believer – First Thoughts


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