Black Talk Radio News show

Black Talk Radio News

Summary: Black Talk Radio News covers national & global social/political news with a focus on the Black community. This program is part of the Black Talk Radio Network. Visit online @

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 Black Farmers Call For Sacking of Vilsack for Sherrod Firing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

On July 31, 2010 in Memphis, Tennessee in front of the USDA building, members of the Black Farmers’ and Agriculturalists Association, Inc. (BFAA, Inc.) held a press conference calling for the resignation of USDA Secretary Thomas Vilsack for his cursory firing of Shirley Sherrod a former USDA employee who is being targeted by right wing propagandist Andrew Breitbart whose video excerpt prompted Vilsack and members of the Obama administration to force her resignation. It isn't just the Sherrod case that the Black Farmers take issue with but "the reluctance to honor a Settlement Agreement that provides restitution to Black farmers who were discriminated against by the USDA." Tom Burrell, president of the BFAA, Inc. said, "Secretary Vilsack’s quick actions in the firing of Shirley Sherrod was unfortunate and it proves that there continues to be an untenable culture of racial discrimination at the Department of Agriculture," and "On his watch, some 70,000 Black farmers and their families stand to lose their homes and land, because he is also trying to avoid giving them the restitution that they were awarded by a federal court under the Pigford Consent Decree Settlement Agreement." A press conference will be held by the Black Farmers & Agriculturalists Association, Inc. calling for the resignation of Secretary Vilsack for the continued discrimination against hard-working Black farmers and their families. It is to take place on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 10am at the USDA located on 1400 Independence, Washington, DC. Our guest tonight will be Tom Burrell, president of the BFAA, Inc.

 Blacks To Decide If Marijuana Legalization Passes In California | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The debate or whether or not marijuana legalization (Proposition 19) passes in California is heating up and some watching this debate have concluded that the Black population may be the deciding vote should it pass. The two central figures in the debate seem to be Bishop Ron Allen, an admitted former crackhead who claims marijuana is a gateway drug and has been the Black face of opposition. On the other side of the debate is Alice A. Huffman who has said this is about the way the drug laws have been used to imprison and destroy the futures of young Black and Hispanic Americans disproportional to their population numbers. Bishop Ron Allen seems to have taken it personal and has called for the resignation of Mrs. Huffman. He was also schedule to be a guest on Black Talk Radio Network before cancelling when it was made clear to him that both the pros and cons of legalization would be discussed. Further attempts to communicate with him have gone unanswered. Lets examine his position without him by using his comments made to the mainstream press. Do they hold water or is he content with the young Black men and women being incarcerated for a mistake that he has made yet was never caught.

 Discrimination Against Veterans - ADA 20th Anniversary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It was enacted to help prevent discrimination against the disabled in areas such as employment, transportation, housing, public accommodations and public services. A special guest host will share his insights with us and if you are a disabled veteran and experienced discrimination please call in and share your story. The second half the program we will discuss the au

 American Bondage: Slavery By Any Other Name Is Still Slavery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

It may be hard for some people to believe that slavery in America still exist but that is exactly what the research of Antoinette Harrell and others has shown. Ms. Harrel has documented cases of slavery in the rural isolated areas of the American south and has even interviewed some of its victims who apparently had no ideal that out right slavery was officially ended. The documented abuse of human beings on modern day plantations and farms across the nation is a direct contradiction to the narrative that many conservative political pundits and Tea Partiers who claim that the election of a black president is proof that we live in a post-racial America.

 Is The Republican Tea Party The Party of Hate, Bigotry and Racism? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonight we will take look at recent news concerning the GOP/Tea Party. The RNC instead of distancing itself from Andrew Breitbart, a proven liar and propagandist, it is fully embracing him. Michael Steele has invited him to a fundraiser which shows the Republican Party is fully behind a man whose is known for fake videos and racism. It isn't just Micheal Steele, a number of Black Conservatives are schedule to appear at a upcoming event to promote racial harmony within its rank so Breitbart will be sharing a stage with a few Black Republicans according to One People's Project.

 Breitbart's Big Government Goes After Shirley Sherrod and Black Farmers with another Big Lie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonight's program will focus on the blog post of the same title which not only examines new smears against Shirley Sherrod and her family, the non-profit organization she once headed and Black farmers in general, but in a broader context examines the right wing propaganda machine, its main characters, and the its connection to Zionism which seeks to make all people subservient to Israel and its interest.

 Is The Republican Tea Party The Party of Hate, Bigotry and Racism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP writes an article for spelling out once again why the NAACP called out the Tea Party on it's "racist elements". However, the NAACP did not speak out against the religious bigotry that that has been a central part of the Tea Party. The Tea Party/Republicans have no problem playing the race card or the religion card and openly make bigoted statements about Muslims. Sarah Palin took to twitter yesterday not only to defend whee-bonics but also took a stab at a proposed community center that will also have a small Mosque.

 Tea Party Federation Does The Right Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Breaking News: AP - Mark Williams, the tea party leader who wrote a blog post this week calling the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) racist, has been "expelled" from the National Tea Party Federation. Williams wrote the blog post on Thursday in response to the NAACP's Tuesday declaration accusing the tea party movement of tolerating racist elements in its midst (see The Upshot's rundown on the week of attacks and counterattacks here). It was written as an imaginary letter to President Abraham Lincoln and accused the NAACP of being racist for using the word "colored" in its name. When some reacted to it in outrage, Williams deleted it from his website, declaring it time to "move forward." The National Tea Party Federation apparently decided to move forward without Williams. Read More.

 Stolen Land, Stolen Legacy - The Story of Harris Neck Georgia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Check out the petition to return the land. Harris Neck is described as a stunningly beautiful 2,687 acres of meadows, woodlands, freshwater ponds and marsh. It has been a national wildlife refuge since 1961 and was once the home of proud hardworking former slaves. These former slaves built a prosperous and self-reliant community comprised of about 75 African American families. In the summer of 1942 everything changed when the Federal Government condemned their property and took it out from under their feet. The Gullah/Geechee people are the descendants of West African slaves who through hard work and determination became self reliant. They had their own seafood processing plants, schoolhouse, general store and firehouse and were living the American dream until America once again proved to be a nightmare that continues to this day. Tonight we are joined by members of the Harris Neck Land Trust, Wilson Moran and David Kelly who are attempting to reclaim their stolen property and bring this nightmare to an end. : PRESIDENT OF NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY ADMITS PLAN TO INTIMIDATE VOTERS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Andrew Brietbart, who publishes several right wing websites, is a master propagandist and helped to bring down the ACORN organization by publishing heavily edited and slanderous videos produced by the felon James O'Keefe and they are up to their old tricks again. Breitbart along with other right wing propagandist like Michelle Malkin are launching a new media campaign to smear President Obama and the U.S. Justice Department over the decision not to pursue trump up charges of Voter Intimidation against the New Black Panther Party. Brietbart has published a video of the New Black Panther Party claiming it is proof they planned to "INTIMIDATE VOTERS". Lets take a look at this evidence and determine if these allegations are true or just more lies from right wing conservative media operatives and political prostitutes.

 Fighting The Drug War with Dorothy Gaines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Dorothy Gaines spent six years in federal prison on drug conspiracy charges. She was released by President Clinton's order of clemency on December 22, 2000. Ever since she has been on a crusade to expose the evil and injustice that occurs everyday in America's War on Drugs. Since being released, Dorothy Gaines has selflessly traveled the country making people aware that "These laws are getting people, not drugs, off the streets". In addition to speaking engagements, for which is paid very little, Ms. Gaines has advocated on the behalf those facing unjust laws in a unjust system. She has tried to comfort families and does what she can to help P.O.W.s currently caught up in the system. She will share recent developments in a case she has been working on which included authorities locking up two defendants, Gary Jacques in a hot box while withholding food and water. If you would like to support the work of her non-profit, make a donation via PayPal.

 NAACP Favors Marijuana Legalization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The NAACP's California Branch allegedly has come out in favor of legalizing marijuana although this has not been interdependently verified by Black Talk Radio. If true, it is not a far leap for the California branch to advocate for marijuana legalization considering the state has already legalized medicinal marijuana. Considering how the drug war targets African American communities, this is a conversation long over due and one that the NAA

 Finding Mitrice Richardson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:00

According to a recent press release from Bring Mitrice Home organization, "It has been 9 months since Mitrice vanished after being released from the Agoura Hills/Malibu Sheriffs station at 12:38am ALONE without a car, purse, cell phone or ride. Mitrice has not been seen nor heard from since and during a recent search, a freshly painted, racist and sexually explicit mural depicting African American women with afros was found along the search route. We MUST provide Mitrice with the JUSTICE she deserves-- WE NEED ANSWERS NOW!" In order to raise $15,000 in funds to hire world renowned Hollywood Private Investigator Mr. Lawrence Olmstead who reportedly has a success rate of 97% when it comes to finding missing persons. Mitrice's father Michael Richardson joins us on Black Talk Radio News to update us on any new information about her case and to share details about the upcoming July 11th fundraiser event which includes an online raffle. Tickets are $5 each and each ticket enters you into a raffle for MANY GREAT PRIZES such as an Apple Ipod, portable DVD player, Digital Camera, a 22' Flat Screen TV and so much more. See Flyer..Click Here.

 Marching On Detroit & Exposing The Lies Circulating About The Murder of 7yr-old Ayiana Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Ms. Jewel Allison is back and going to update us on the ”REDEEM AIYANA'S DREAM; MARCH FOR JUSTICE" that is going down in Detroit this Saturday at high noon. She will also share information on a march on Washington, D.C. tentatively planned for August. It is time to tell the politicians and President Obama that a state of emergency exists in our nation where little Black girls are being killed not by a Klansman firebomb but by people who are duly sworn to protect us all. Ms. Jewel Allison is a celebrity in her own right and she has put out a call to have other celebrity moms to join her in Detroit this weekend. While celebrities can bring mainstream media attention, organizers need ordinary mothers, fathers and their children to turn out and voice their concern about the police brutality that is claiming far too many lives in our communities and demand that local officials render justice for Ayiana Jones. There are also some vicious lies circulating in the community and there are those who want to put the blame of this precious child's murder on her family and then there are those who want to blame it on her community. We are going to tackle all this and more this evening so tune in and be informed. The Black Talk Media Project is building a better Black media platform, be a part of the solution and make a donation today. Click Here!

 ACORN VINDICATED YET AGAIN IN Preliminary Probe by GAO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

A preliminary report of the U.S. Government Accountability Office or(GAO)audit of ACORN has found no evidence of fraud or wrongdoing on the part of ACORN. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now CEO Bertha Lewis in a March press release said "Vindication Doesn't Pay the Bills". Should the members of Congress who forced the shut down of an organization that served the community admirably be censored for their actions? Should James O'Keefe and his co-conspirators face criminal penalties? Should media outlets who reported allegations against ACORN and distributed O'Keefe's doctored video footage be fined by the FCC for violating the public trust on public airwaves.


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