EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques

Summary: Every week Gene Monterastelli talks to the brightest minds in the tapping, EFT, and change work world.

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  • Artist: Gene Monterastelli
  • Copyright: Gene Monterastelli/TappingQandA.com 2013


 Pod #83: The EFT Photo Technique w/ Marie Holliday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:13

The key to effective tapping/EFT is being able to tune into the issues that need work. There are many ways of doing this. The most common way is to say phases out loud, but sometimes we don’t know what to say. The issue might be too deep, the memory might be too painful, or we just can't seem to come up with words to describe what is going on. In this podcast I talk to Marie Holliday about a very simple and elegant way to tap for issues called the photo technique. We talk about how easy it is to do, what issues it is great for, and how you can start using it right away. We talk about how you can use photos, icons, x-rays, and really any image to improve are tapping progress. Please take the time to learn about this very powerful technique, it is a great tool to add to your tapping/EFT toolbox.

 Pod #82: How Parents Can Tap For Their Children (And Themselves) w/ Carol Tuttle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:40

Often when parents come to tapping they are looking for something to fix or change their children. In reality, when we are surrogate tapping for other people we are making a transformation in ourselves that creates space for others to change. In this interview Carol Tuttle and I talk about how parents can use tapping for their children, themselves, and to transform all the relationships within the family.

 Pod #81: Celebration, Law of Attraction, And A New Way To Understand It w/ Carol Look | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:54

I think giving thanks and celebrating big and small success is a really important thing to do. In addition to that it is important to recognize the gifts inside of the moments that don't work out as planned. Last December I was lucky enough to be a guest on Carol Look’s radio program. We talk about what we mean by celebration, thanks giving, abundance, create v responsibility, and we do a lot of tapping on how we can get clear so that we can make the necessary choices in our lives to move towards making choice to add to our lives the greatness we are worthy of. Side note: Personally, I am a little uncomfortable with a lot of the law of attraction language and conversation. Some it borders on the woo-woo, and some of it is downright ridiculous. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I do think I have a unique point of view, which we examine in this interview.

 Pod #80: Using Sounds And Tones While Tapping w/ Andy Bryce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:43

For tapping to be successful we need to tune into the issue at hand. There are many tools and techniques to do this. In this interview I talk to Andy Bryce about how we can use making sounds as a way of tuning into issues and emotions. By using sounds we can find ways to describe emotions as well as tune into emotions without having to go point by point through the entire issue, which can at time be painful. This is a very simple approach and an easy tool to add to your tapping tool box.

 Pod #79: Reversals and Resistance w/ Lindsay Kenny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:52

Reversal, psychological reversal, and polarity reversal are all terms are thrown around a lot when working with tapping. These can be caused by our thoughts, what we put in our body, and the electronic devices that surround us. It doesn't really matter what you call them, if they are present then tapping isn't going to work very well (if at all). In this interview I talk with Lindsay Kenny two major types of reversals and what you can do to correct them.

 Tapping Ninja Video – Did You Know You Should Wash Your Hands Before And After You Tap? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:36

Did you know there is good reasons to wash your hands before and after you tap. It will keep you healthier and surprisingly it will also help you release emotions.

 Pod #78: Being Addicted to Our Emotions w/ Stacey Vornbrock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:47

Emotions are more than just what we feel. When we experience an emotion there are many things happening at a biochemical and cellular level. In this interview with Stacey Vornbrock we talk about what happens physically when we feel emotions, how we can become addicted to them, and how to break that addiction. By recognizing the addictive nature of some emotions we can find see our way to new ways to tap. Stacey Vornbrock Guest: Stacey Vornbrock Contact: web @ BreakthroughPerformance.net ; twitter @ StaceyVornbrock; email @ stacey@breakthroughperformance.net Bio: Stacey Vornbrock, M.S. has been pioneering the use of EFT with professional and amateur athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level since 2003. She is recognized as a leading expert and innovator in the use of EFT with sports performance. Most notably, she has pioneered the application of EFT with injury and surgery recovery, releasing soreness, increasing range of motion, and making sports-related mechanical changes in minutes. Tapping protocol that Stacey talked about during the interview. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Tapping Ninja Video – How To Avoid Being Sick With Tapping In 60 Seconds A Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:48

Did you know there is a simple tapping routine you can do in just under 60 seconds a day? I as simple as tapping to the following video.

 Pod #77: Understanding And Tapping For Shame w/ Rhona Clews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:15

One of the most powerful and crippling emotions we can experience is the emotion of shame. It is a very inward point self defeating emotion. In this interview I talk to Rhona Clews about the power of shame, how it is created, how it is toxic in our live, and how we can use tapping to clear it out.

 Tapping Ninja Video – 5 Steps I Take To Start An EFT Session (That only takes 45 seconds) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:48

One of the really nice things about tapping is that we can jump right into dealing with an issue. There is no complicated set up or time consuming relaxation process needed before we begin. Even though we can jump right in there are few things we can do to insure we get the most out of our tapping time. It is helpful to be grounded in the moment, to be grounded in our physical bodies, open to healing, and aware of the healing power of our system. Here is a quick 5 step process that does all of these things. Once you have it mastered it is the prefect way to start a tapping session.

 Pod #76: Scientific and Psychological Research On Tapping and EFT w/ Dawson Church, Ph.D | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:28

I don’t know about you, but I constantly find myself answering questions about EFT and tapping. It is great that we can lean on personal experience (and the experience of those who we work with) when sharing about tapping, but in many cases this is not enough. It is good to have structured scientific studies that are peer reviewed to build the wall of proof that so many are looking for. To that end I have something that will help you in two parts to answer people who are looking for scientific proof about tapping and EFT. First, I have an interview with Dawson Church, Ph.D about completed research studies, on-going research studies, and planned research studies. Second, I have summery of many of the resent studies make it easier for you to talk about them.

 Tapping Ninja Video – The Rake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:07

This is one of my favorite tools of all time. I took pieces of a number of different tools and put them in one quick little tapping routine that only takes 20 seconds to do. It is prefect to calm you in a moment of stress, help you to clear your head, or get you relaxed as you are heading to bed.

 Bonus Pod #28: Tapping Tool To Ensure You Don’t Bring Stress Home From Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:43

Our working lives can be stressful. The last thing we want to do is bring that stress and worry home. Here is a great little tapping technique that you can do everyday before you leave work that will only take a few minutes. It will insure that you leave the stress and worry of the workday behind so you can go home and enjoy the rest of your evening.

 Tapping Ninja Video – Tapping With Photos To Get To Root Issues Quickly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:44

The key to tapping is finding a way to emotionally tune into the issue at hand. It's cliche, but a picture really is worth a thousand words and they can be used to find emotions and root causes quickly (and with out words). In this short video I show you how to use photos in the healing process.

 Pod #75: Tapping For The Power Of Identity w/ Brad Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:33

I want you to image you are meeting someone for the very first time. They know nothing about you. You have to describe yourself to the another person, but you can only use one word descriptions. What words would you use? Father, wife, grandson, teacher, loving, hopeful... It is amazing the power that labels we give ourselves can have over us in how we act. In this interview I chat with Brad Yates about the positive and negative identities we create for ourselves and how we can use tapping to transform the way we see and define ourselves.


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