EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques

Summary: Every week Gene Monterastelli talks to the brightest minds in the tapping, EFT, and change work world.

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  • Artist: Gene Monterastelli
  • Copyright: Gene Monterastelli/TappingQandA.com 2013


 Pod #133: EFT For Our Goal w/ Steve Wells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:45

I love having conversations with Steve Wells. When we started this one we decided that we’d talk about how we can use tapping to improve the quality of our working lives. In the end we used the issues and obstacles we face at work to explore a much larger topic of how we can use tapping to take action AND how we can use taking action to help us uncover those things we need to tap on. It turned into a great discussion about goals. Put simply, if you would like to take actions to improve your life and are having a hard time doing so, then you should listen to this conversation. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Steve Wells Guest: Steve Wells Contact: web @ EFTDownunder.com About Steve: Steve Wells is a psychologist, professional speaker and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. Steve regularly teaches and consults worldwide with elite athletes and corporate personnel to improve their performance and enhance the performance of their teams. Together with David Lake he also conducts personal development seminars and professional training workshops in Advanced EFT and Provocative Energy Techniques throughout Australia, USA and Europe. Along with advanced training in EFT with Gary Craig, and several energy therapies, Steve has trained to the highest level in provocative therapy, and has been training counsellors and therapists for over 20 years. Together with Dr. David Lake he developed Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and the unique advanced Energy-based approach Provocative Energy Techniques (PET). He also has extensive training and experience in brief strategic therapy. Steve was one of the first to apply Energy techniques to performance enhancement work with elite athletes and to take Energy Techniques to the corporate environment. Getting More Help In Clearing The Blocks To Taking Action If this conversation struck a chord with you, helping you to recognize that there are a number of tappable issues that are holding you back from taking action, I would encourage you to check out the Ruach Center. The Ruach Center was built to help you to identify and clear the blocks to taking action.

 Bonus Pod #46: Tapping To Get Your To-Do List Done | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:32

One of the most powerful things I have done to improve my productivity is spending a few moments every morning tapping on my to-do list. When I clear away all the emotional resistance to the items on my to-do list I find myself easily able to take action throughout the day. I have also found that I do the highest value tasks first, making sure I achieve the most of my time. I was talking about this technique recently at the Spring Energy Event in New York and my friend Kris Ferraro was in the audience. Kris does all the interviews for the Tapping Insiders Club and she asked if I would explain in detail how I use the technique. Here is our conversation so you can add it to your morning as well. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Looking For Help With Tapping To Take Action? Over in the Ruach Center we have over 200 tap-along audios dealing with resistance to taking action. Full details here: Ruach Center.

 Bonus Pod #45: Gene’s Experience Tapping With Survivors Of Super Typhoon Haiyan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:37

I was lucky enough to be invited to be part of the Empowering The Philippines mission to the City of Tacloban and the surrounding area. This part of the Philippines was hit the hardest by Super Typhoon Haiyan (called Yolanda in the Philippines). Haiya was one of the strongest typhoons on record and released most of its force on the Philippines on November 7th and 8th, 2013, with top wind speeds reaching 195 mph. The goal of the mission was to work with local people to help them to deal with their continuing trauma and to teach local professionals to use tapping in their work in the community. My friend Helen McConnell (bio below) interviewed me about the work we did, my experience, and what we can all learn from this type of work. You can hear the interview here: Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Continuing Work This was not a one-off experience. Much of the work we did was towards establishing an infrastructure to allow more people to learn tapping. We also had the opportunity to train people working with UNICEF and the Red Cross. More trips are planned and more work is in progress. You can still contribute to this work. Personal Reflections I also wrote every day while in the Philippines. You can read more reflections and my in the moment response on my personal blog About Helen McConnell Helen McConnell is a Certified EFT Practitioner, trained in clinical and advanced EFT. She specializes in helping people release the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of the success they desire - whether its business, finances, health, weight release, love, or creating their legacy.

 Bonus Pod #44: I Accept All Parts Of Myself And Send Them Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:51

As many of you know, I also run the member site the Ruach Center. Every day members of the site receive an email from me with a link to a tap-along audio that is designed to conquer self-sabotaging behavior. Recently as I was recording one of those audios and I personally experienced a huge emotional shift. I thought it would be a great thing to share with everyone, not just the site members. I hope you find it as powerful I as did. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Looking For Help Tapping For This Issue? Over in the Ruach Center we have over 180 tap-along audios dealing with resistance to taking action. Full details here: Ruach Center.

 Bonus Pod #43: Tapping To Take An Action That You Failed At Before | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:05

Trying again where we have failed in the past is one of the hardest things to do. I was recently faced with wanting to do something that didn't go well in the past. It wasn't that it went badly, but it was far from as successful as I would have liked and because of this I was really hesitant about trying again. Here is an audio of me tapping in real time for the issue. Because I am tapping for the issues as they come up it is less structured than the tap-along audios you normally find on the site. Even though it not as produced I think the rawness can be instructive so you can hear someone unpacking an issue in real time. I would love your feedback on the tapping and to know if you find it helpful. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

 Pod #132: EFT For Animals Transitioning Into A New Home w/ Susan Peach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:10

When a new animal enters a family it can be stressful for the animal and the family alike. The animal must deal with new surroundings, routines, expectations, and relationships. The family has to adjust to a change of dynamic because of the addition of a new personality. In this interview I talk with animal and tapping expert Susanne Peach about what you can do before and after the addition of a new animal to your family to make the transition easier for everyone involved. If you are new to tapping for animals, make sure you also check out my conversation with Susanne on how to tap surogately for animals Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Susanne Peach Guest: Susanne Peach Susanne's Contact Info: web @ Animaleze.com, phone @ 303.926.5414, e-mail @ contact page About Susanne: Susanne Peach, Animal Energy Behaviorist, has been surrounded by animals her entire life. She has had the opportunity to study the energy of animals in many instances, from time spent on her godmother's farm in Germany to a designation as a certified wildlife rehabilitator. After successfully using EFT on humans, she learned by trial and error how to apply it to animals. She's dedicated her life to helping animals have emotionally happy and healthy lives, tapping for animals all over the world.

 Pod #131: Tapping For Relationships w/ Dawson Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:58

If you have been around tapping and EFT for any length of time then more than likely you are aware of Dawson Church's work. He has been on the forefront of research being done to prove tapping’s efficacy and tapping best practices. He has also been very involved in conducting research into best practice for practitioners. When I approached Dawson about doing another interview he insisted upon talking about relationships. When I asked why he said, "It is something I am really passionate about. When people have stronger relationships they have better lives." You can't argue with that! This interview isn't your typical interview about relationships. Forever the scientist, Dawson talks about how what is going on in our brain impacts the type and quality of relationships that we have. We then discuss how we can use tapping to impact the brain in ways that directly lead us to find the right relationships. It is not a path that I would have expected us to go down in a conversation about tapping and relationships, but it is really good stuff. I know you will enjoy it. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. Dawson Church, Ph. D. Guest: Dawson Church, Ph.D Contact: web @ EFTUniverse.com Bio: Dawson Church is the author/coauthor of 8 books (including The Genie In Your Genes) and manages the web site EFTUniverse.com. He travels the world as a trainer and speaker. His passion is tapping and getting tapping into the hands of those who could benefit most from its power. If you are interested in this type of research check out past interviews with Dawson.

 Pod #130: How To Use EFT To Move You To Take Action | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:49

The first weekend of April the 2nd annual Spring Energy Event was held outside NYC. My friend Jondi Whitis did an awesome job once again of putting together a great event. This year I was asked to talk about how we can use tapping to move ourselves to taking the action we want. My presentation was broken into three parts: Part 1: Tapping For Action v. Tapping For Relief Part 2: The 9 Immutable Laws Of Taking Action Part 3: 4 Ways To Use Tapping To Move You Towards Taking Action The version of the handout I created for the talk had a number of blanks for the audience to fill in while listening. I have provided the completed notes below. If you are looking for help taking action you will find over 200 audios, classes, and resources in the Ruach Center designed specifically to move you taking action. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes ### Notes on from recording ### When are we motivated to take action? Close to goal doesn't have to be the big goal, but it is it seems easy to achieve In lots of pain When are we not motivated to take action? Tolerable middle Two Types of Tapping First Aid feel better/less pain feel in the moment feel relaxed Action feel energized feel driven see possibilities Tapping for first aid leads to relief and pause. Tapping for action leads to action. Part 2: 9 Immutable Laws Of Taking Action 1) If it wasn't for resistance to change, the change would have already happened. 2) You can't think your way out of an irrational fear. 3) The problem is not the problem (most of the time). Four reasons we don't take action don't know what we want don't know how to do it hurts to do it hurts to be successful First two might be the problem Second two aren't the problem 4) Fear is not the enemy. Misinformed and disproportionate fears are. 5) Change what you fear, change how you act. If you are free of fear you don't have to prioritize your to-do list. 6) The challenge to change is inertia. The shit we know is better than the shit we don't know. 7) When we are resource poor we will make emotional choices. Physical Emotional Cognitive 8) The people in our lives want us to change for the better as long they don't have to change. 9) You don't need to be be fearless. You need to be fearless-ish. Part 3: 4 Ways To Tap For Action Tap for to-do list. Tap for the four reasons we don't take action Ask yourself: What is unclear about my goal? What don't I know how to do? What would/could go wrong if I took action? What would/could go wrong if I succeeded? Look at: practical emotional How To Tap To Action (The Great Visualization Hoax) See yourself trying to do what you want, encountering obstacles, and see yourself overcome the obstacles. Tap On Not Needing To Be Perfect Perfectionism is the arch enemy of action Perfectionism is nothing more than over-functioning fear

 Pod #129 (part 2): Tapping For Luck w/ Rue Hass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:53

[Note: This is part 2 of our conversation. Listen to part 1 here.] I am guessing as you read the title of this week's podcast you are thinking, "Luck is an odd thing to tap for. They say try it on anything, but luck… really?" I would agree with you. When my friend and EFT Master Rue Hass recommended this as the topic for our conversation I was curious. In the end the conversation turned out to be so fruitful that I needed to split it into two parts. When Rue is talking about luck she is talking about how we access the opportunities around us to move towards our goals. Even though I personally wouldn't use the word luck to describe what she is talking about you will hear in our conversation that I do agree with her disposition. You will find this conversation in contrast to most of the conversation around an attraction (and law of attraction) world view. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Rue Hass Guest: Rue Hass Contact Info: IntuitiveMentoring.com, rue (at) intuitivementoring (dot) com How Rue describes herself: When I first meet a new client/customer/co-creative partner, I walk them through an interesting process of understanding their life as a story. It concludes with asking them to consider what they want their life to leave in the world as a legacy. How do they want the world to be a better place for their having been in it? When I contemplate this in myself, and ask, “What do I want to focus on in this phase of my life, as a culmination of everything I have learned and gained?”, what emerges for me is the concept of “spiritual eldering.” This impulse finds expression in my work with individuals and local groups, inviting and assisting people and communities to move into a sense of the real transformative power of their spiritual Presence in the world. I particularly like to work with young people, adolescents and young adults as a mentor/coach. I have always been drawn to the kind of kid who might find him/herself in trouble in school, academically or socially, but who on the inside is bright, sensitive, perceptive, intuitive, often artistic or athletic, deep hearted and imaginative, and who just doesn’t fit the norm. I want to make it easier for these young people to find their place in the world. I think they are here to save it. Make sure you check out all of Rue's guest articles and podcasts on Tapping Q and A. Being Open To What Is Around You Are you looking for help to being exactly what Rue talks about into your life? Are you ready to be able to access the opportunities that are around you every day? The Ruach Center was designed to help you do just that. There are over 150 resources to help you get clear about what you want and to help you access the opportunities around you. Take a few moments to check it out. You will be glad you did.

 Pod #129 (part 1): Tapping For Luck w/ Rue Hass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:17

[Note: This is part 1 of our conversation. Listen to part 2 here.] I am guessing as you read the title of this week's podcast you are thinking, "Luck is an odd thing to tap for. They say try it on anything, but luck… really?" I would agree with you. When my friend and EFT Master Rue Hass recommended this as the topic for our conversation I was curious. In the end the conversation turned out to be so fruitful that I needed to split it into two parts. When Rue is talking about luck she is talking about how we access the opportunities around us to move towards our goals. Even though I personally wouldn't use the word luck to describe what she is talking about you will hear in our conversation that I do agree with her disposition. You will find this conversation in contrast to most of the conversation around an attraction (and law of attraction) world view. Listen to part 2 here. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Rue Hass Guest: Rue Hass Contact Info: IntuitiveMentoring.com, rue (at) intuitivementoring (dot) com How Rue describes herself: When I first meet a new client/customer/co-creative partner, I walk them through an interesting process of understanding their life as a story. It concludes with asking them to consider what they want their life to leave in the world as a legacy. How do they want the world to be a better place for their having been in it? When I contemplate this in myself, and ask, “What do I want to focus on in this phase of my life, as a culmination of everything I have learned and gained?”, what emerges for me is the concept of “spiritual eldering.” This impulse finds expression in my work with individuals and local groups, inviting and assisting people and communities to move into a sense of the real transformative power of their spiritual Presence in the world. I particularly like to work with young people, adolescents and young adults as a mentor/coach. I have always been drawn to the kind of kid who might find him/herself in trouble in school, academically or socially, but who on the inside is bright, sensitive, perceptive, intuitive, often artistic or athletic, deep hearted and imaginative, and who just doesn’t fit the norm. I want to make it easier for these young people to find their place in the world. I think they are here to save it. Make sure you check out all of Rue's guest articles and podcasts on Tapping Q and A. Being Open To What Is Around You Are you looking for help to being exactly what Rue talks about into your life? Are you ready to be able to access the opportunities that are around you every day? The Ruach Center was designed to help you do just that. There are over 150 resources to help you get clear about what you want and to help you access the opportunities around you. Take a few moments to check it out. You will be glad you did.

 Bonus Pod #42: Saying Yes And Meaning It! (w/ Tap-Along) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:56

New York City is a wacky place. One of the things that I have encountered firsthand is how amazingly different the dating scene is here for other cities. First, there are millions of people, many of whom are single which vastly increases the pool of potential dates. Second, everyone is very busy so dates can be short (and feel a bit rushed) because everyone seems to have less time. And third, because of the first two points, people move on to the next prospective suitor more quickly than I have experienced other places. Because of this I have met some fascinating and wonderful women, I have consumed lots of really good food and drink, and I have been on more first dates in the last 8 months than I have in the rest of my adult life. Part of that has to do with the fact I am of more of a disposition to try dating and much of it because of the nature of the city and the dating scene. There are two major lessons that I have learned in this process that are impacting my entire life: 1) Say yes more. 2) Making sure your yes means yes and your no means no. In this short audio I explore these two ideas and how learning and growing in these ways has impacted my life. The audio includes a fair bit of me tapping for my issues. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Are you looking to say 'yes' more and mean it when you say it? If so you should join us over in the Ruach Center. There are over 180 tools, tap-along audios, and teleclasses that will help you get a clear vision of what you want to say 'yes' to, have the courage to say 'yes', and be happy with saying it. Take a tour of Ruach Center.

 They Keep Telling Me I Am Stupid For Giving It Away Free (Are They Right?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:38

I am going be up front with you. This email is going to challenge you. I might even come off as a little cranky (or a lot cranky). I'm OK with that. This is too important for me to worry about what you think about me. "You Give Away Too Much!" Hear this a lot from other practitioners. They tell me there is way too much free content and because there is so much free content nobody will ever hire me or buy my stuff. Why would they bother? I personally think it is a good way to work but I decided to consider this more closely. On the back of an envelope on a recent flight I did some calculations. Based on the average number of people who open my emails only about 0.6% ever hire me for sessions or buy anything from the site. That is not 6%, but 0.6%. That mean 99.4% use the resources totally free of charge. In the end I am OK with that because my goal in creating the site isn't only as a source of income. I know that the site ends up helping those who might not able to afford to pay for tapping resources. With that in mind... A Question For The 99.4% I am guessing you keep opening my emails because you find them useful in some way. Not everything and not everyone, but there is enough useful stuff that you come back for more. So the question I have for you is this... How valuable are the hundreds of free resources that are available at TappingQ&A to you? If I gave you the choice which would you do? Give up one cup of coffee on the first day of the month or give up TappingQ&A Give up two movies in the next year or give up TappingQ&A Give up one night with friends or give up TappingQ&A I'm Not Really Asking You To Give Up TappingQ&A I am not asking you to give up TappingQ&A, but I ask those questions so that you consider what the free resources mean to you. AND I would like to give you the chance to demonstrate what you think it is worth. April 21st through May 12th ten EFT practitioners are going to the Philippines to tap with 10,000 kids whose lives were impacted by a major typhoon last November. I am asking you to consider a way that you can show your appreciation for the value of TappingQ&A is by helping to support this powerful work. Better Than Any Thank You I love the very kind notes that people often send me thanking me for the site. I love when people tell me about how they used one of the tools to make their life better. It really means a lot, but this would mean so much more. If you want to say thank you for what you receive free from TappingQ&A you can do it in a way in which you will be also helping kids on the other side of the world recover from a major trauma. I am not asking you to do something I won't do. I receive a number of things free of charge to which I willing give money monthly because I believe in the work that is being done. (I donate $100 a month to just one cause because I know it brings me so much value each month.) If you would like details on the project you can find them here: Full details Click this link and make a small donation. A donation as small as $25 will mean EFT work for 5 kids. You Give! You Get! As a thank you if you donate $25 or more I will send you: "50 EFT Scripts To Stop Self-Sabotage" ebook by me "New Energy Therapies" ebook by Steve Wells and David Lake "EFT Level 1 Manual" ebook by Tania A. Prince. (If we reach the goal of $15k) I will do 4 free teleclasses. Think of it like this: Kids receive the help they need and you receive some really useful tapping bonuses. Click this link and make a small donation. Thanks for your continued support of TappingQ&A. Please let me know what I can do to be helpful! Gene

 Pod #128: EFT For Fear Of Failure And Fear of Success w/ Annabel Fisher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

On the surface it might not seem like an obvious connection, but in many ways fear of failure and fear of success are the opposite sides of the same coin. Fear of failure is concerned about what goes wrong when things don't work out. Fear of success is concerned about what goes wrong when things do work out. (And, yes, things can still go wrong when we are successful.) Both fears keep us from taking action, believing it will keep us out of harm’s way. In this interview with Annabel Fisher we talk about the fears of failure and success, how they are related, and how we can tap for them. Annabel Fisher Guest: Annabel Fisher Contact Annabel: web @ TheEFTHealingCentre.com; facebook @ EFT with Annabel; Radio show @ Tap Into Your Healthy Self; twitter @EFTwithAnnabel; youtube @ Annabel's channel About Annabel: Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice in 2005 on a shoestring, with no money to speak of, and still recovering from the long term effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Having used all her savings to facilitate her recovery from illness, what she lacked in financial resources, she made up for in sheer determination! She's since enabled hundreds of clients around the world struggling with chronic illnesses to transition into a living a healthy, vibrant and fully mobile life. A Certified AAMET EFT Practitioner and Trainer, and Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, Annabel now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT and Matrix Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. She is the host of the radio show 'How To Create A Wildly Successful EFT Practice', and the author of the upcoming book, 'The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT' (pub date Nov 2014). Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Are you tired of your fear of failure, success, or both getting in your way of taking the action you know you want to take? In the Ruach Center we have over 180 tap-along audios, teleclasses, and tools to help you clear these fears and take the action you want. Take a tour of Ruach Center right now!

 Pod #127: Your Self-Sabotage Is Brilliant w/ Brad Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:38

Self-sabotage can be so frustrating. There are times when we know exactly what we need to be doing, yet we still choose the wrong course of action. Sometimes I can see myself getting in my own way and I am amazed at how creatively I self-sabotage. If it didn't negatively impact my life I would almost think it is funny! Brad Yates uses an interesting word to describe this type of creative self-sabotage. He calls it "brilliant". It is not brilliant in the outcome that results, but it is brilliant in how creative it is in causing us problems. In this interview Brad and I talk about the amazing ways we get in our own way and what we can do to leverage this brilliance into having what we want. Brad Yates Guest: Brad Yates Contact: twitter @EFTWizard; web @ TapWithBrad.com ; web @ Success Beyond Belief; facebook @ facebook.com/BradYatesTapping About Brad: Brad has had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients, from CEOs to professional and NCAA athletes, from chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and federal attorneys, from award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and women in Santa Monica. For several years he taught a weekly class using EFT and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court. He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including several International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water (WOW) Fest in Los Angeles. He has presented at Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success event, and has done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale. He is also the co-author of the bestseller "Freedom at Your Fingertips," a featured expert in the film “Try It On Everything” (along with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton), and has been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Are you looking for ways to stop your "brilliant" self-sabotage? I have created an entire website design to help you. There are over 180 tap-along audios, tele-classes, and tool designed to help you move past your blocks and take the actions you want. Full details on Ruach Center.

 Pod #126: Lesson From Tapping With Children With Cancer w/ Deborah Miller PhD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:07

EFT is such a powerful tool that we all know that we should "try it on anything." Even though most of us have tried it on anything we haven't taken it to the extremes. Most of have tapped for deep and powerful issues, but not in moments that are literally life or death. Deborah Miller has done just that. She works with children with cancer and their parents. She is doing more than trying it on anything, she is being successful! In this interview we talk about what all tappers can learn from her work with these extreme issues. We also talk about the book she has written on how parents and children can use tapping. Book in english: https://www.createspace.com/4502352


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