EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques

Summary: Every week Gene Monterastelli talks to the brightest minds in the tapping, EFT, and change work world.

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  • Artist: Gene Monterastelli
  • Copyright: Gene Monterastelli/TappingQandA.com 2013


 Pod #143: A Comprehensive Approach To Health /w Elham Kashefi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

Personally, I don't like the terms alternative medicine or complementary care. The things we do either are working toward helping us to maintain and improve our health or they are not. Elham Kashefi recently watched her dear friend Tara succumb to cancer. During the time she was receiving treatment it became very clear that the medical system taking care of her was incomplete. The system was built only to respond to things after they had gone wrong and was only able to respond in a limited number of ways. Based on this experience Elham founded the Tara Project with the goal of providing people with the information they need to recognize the things they can do to maintain and improve their health in daily life. It also aims to help people post-diagnosis by providing them with comprehensive information so that they can make informed choices about their health. Elham Kashefi Guest: Elham Kashefi Contact: web @ IWantNaturalHealth.org.uk/; facebook @ The Tara Project; twitter @thetaraproject About: Elham is the Director of Tara Project social enterprise, academic researcher, EFT practitioner, sound healer, and is passionate about health, healing and community. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Elham is one of this year’s speakers at EFT Gathering held January 23rd - 26th, 2015 in York, UK. I will also be speaking at the event. We would love to see you there!

 Pod #142: Tapping For Our Shadow Self w/ Kris Ferraro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:19

According to Wikipedia the shadow is: In Jungian psychology, the shadow or "shadow aspect" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. In Kris Ferraro’s client work she works directly with the shadow self. She has found it to be a very effective way to find and clear the parts of the self that hold us back from being who we want to be. In this interview she shares a simple process that you can use to tap with your shadow self. Kris Ferraro Guest: Kris Ferraro Contact: web @ KrisFerraro.com/; email @ me@krisferraro.com About: Ferraro is a writer, speaker, spiritual teacher, EFT and prayer practitioner. She has spent 25 years exploring diverse spiritual and energetic practices to create lasting change. In addition to her private coaching practice, workshops, and tapping circles, she interviews EFT experts as the host of Tapping Insiders Club. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Kris is one of this years speakers at EFT Gathering held January 23rd - 26th, 2015 in York, UK. I will also be speaking at the event We would love to see you there!

 Pod #141: How To Approach Perfectionism with Tapping and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:43

One of the key reasons my clients don't take action is because of perfectionistic tendencies. The tendencies show up because there is a part of our system that is trying to keep us safe. We are worried that if something isn't done just right then things will go wrong. We keep working and working until something is perfect so nothing goes wrong. The problem is that we will never arrive at perfection so therefore we will never act. A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Adele Wang about how I understand and approach perfectionism with my clients. If you struggle with perfectionistic tendencies I think you will find this point of view helpful. If you are interested in learning more about Adele's see below. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Daily Tapping For Perfectionism Over at the Ruach Center there are over 35 tap-along audios devoted to helping to clear perfectionistic tendencies. If you are ready to stop perfectionism from holding you back from taking the action you know you need to take you should check it out today! Adele Wang Guest Host: Adele Wang Contact Adele: web @ SafeHavenHealing.net; YouTube @ Adele Wang About Adele: Adele helps smart and sensitive women break through the stress of perfectionism and overwhelm so they can have better relationships, more professional success and better health. With an energy medicine and EFT background, she works with women to clear anxiety without the use of drugs so they can reclaim their lives and their natural feminine radiance. She is a licensed Art of Feminine Presence instructor, a frequent guest blogger on websites devoted to spirituality and consciousness, an advanced energy healer, and an EFT practitioner. She works with clients via Skype and in person in her office in Atlanta, GA.

 Pod #140: EFT For Social Anxiety w/ Helen Walker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

There is no question that our world is becoming increasingly complicated as our down time diminishes. Because we are being pulled in so many different directions with little time to process our experiences it is easy to feel disquieted. In extreme cases this can develop into full-blown social anxiety. In this conversation Helen Walker talks about how we can identify the roots of social anxiety in this sense of overwhelm and disconnection from what is important in life. If you are are feeling overwhelmed by your day you will find what Helen has to offer very helpful. Helen Walker Guest: Helen Walker Contact: web @ eft-guide.com/ About: Helen is an internationally recognised EFT expert, writer and training consultant. She is a highly qualified EFT Practitioner and is also the European Lead EFT Trainer for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Helen is one of next year’s speakers at EFT Gathering held January 23rd - 26th, 2015 in York, UK. I will also be speaking at the event. We would love to see you there!

 Bonus Pod #51: Dealing With The Frustration Of Backsliding (w/ Tap-Along) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:29

Tapping is a powerful tool that can be used to clear issues that have plagued us for years. It feels great when we start to make better choices and can feel positive change seeping into every part of our daily life. At a certain point we almost forget about the issue because it seems like a distant memory. But then WHAM! Out of nowhere we are right back in the middle of the old issue, emotions, or belief. We feel bad because of what we are experiencing AND we feel bad because we feel we have failed by falling back into the same trap again. That happened to me recently. I thought I had cleared something when it snuck back up on me. In this audio I talk about how that can happen and what we can do to respond to backsliding on issues we thought we had cleared. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes If you are interested in a systematic way of using tapping to achieve your goals and avoiding common pitfalls like the “all or nothing” disposition, I would encourage you to check out The Ruach Center

 Bonus Pod #50: The Problem With Goals And Expectations (w/ Tap-Along) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:17

I am a huge proponent of goal setting. Without having set goals I wouldn't be as happy and successful as I am. I have created an entire (membership site)[http://www.ruachcenter.com/signup/] dedicated to working toward your goals. But there is a problem with goals: they create expectations. Having expectations isn’t the problem, but they can create a false dichotomy. On a subconscious level we believe there is either achieving our goals as written or there is failure, with nothing in between. Failing to recognize our progress can demotivate us. In this short audio and tap-along I talk about how you can avoid this issue. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes If you are interested in a systematic way of using tapping to achieve your goals and avoiding common pitfall like the “all or nothing” disposition, I would encourage you to check out (The Ruach Center)[http://www.ruachcenter.com/signup/]

 Pod #139: Tapping For Issues With Many Aspects w/ Lindsay Kenny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:57

We often find ourselves in need to tap for issues that have many aspects either because the issue is so large or because it has unfolded over a long time. For example: an auto accident that is impacting your health, your finances, and your ability to work a divorce poor financial decisions that have left you feeling embarrassed and powerless It can be tough knowing where to start and how to tap for complex issues. EFT Master Lindsay Kenny has created a simple tool using the image of a tree to create a structure for our tapping. In this conversation we talk about (and demonstrate) how the straightforward approach can be used for multifaceted issues with many aspects. This discussion will give you enough of an explanation to start using the tool, but if you would like a more detailed description of the method please listen to Podcast #109. Lindsay Kenny Guest: Lindsay Kenny Contact: All past Interviews with Lindsay; web @ ProEFT.com; twitter @ProEFT Bio: Lindsay Kenny is an EFT Master, Life Coach and certified EFT AAMET Trainer of Trainers. Coming from a background of poverty, abuse and deprivation, she has used EFT and the Law of Attraction to create the life of her dreams. Lindsay’s mission in life is helping others be their best. She’s happy to be fulfilling that goal with Tapping. She’s the Founder of the National Alliance for Emotional Health (aka the EFT Institute,) Progressive EFT™ and hosts a radio show on EFTradioOnline.com. Lindsay has authored several Pro EFT™ workbooks, articles and e-books and is now working on her relationship book “Tapping into Healthy, Happy, Harmonious Relationships”. Lindsay also facilitates advanced EFT trainings, Law of Attraction and Weight Release workshops and a new Pro EFT™ Masters Program, all of which can be found at TappingWorkshops.com. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Bonus Pod #49: Sometimes The Worst Choice Is Not Choosing Anything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:56

Every time we make a choice we are limiting our future options. That is the simple reality of choice. If I choose not to go to university for education I am limited in my ability be a doctor. When I go on vacation in Norway that limits my ability to go to Japan this year. I have time for one movie tonight so if I choose "Guardians of the Galaxy" I can't watch "Magic in the Moonlight". When we recognize that one choice can limit our future choices it can hold us back from taking action because we don't want to miss out. It is good to be thoughtful with our choices, but it’s important to realize that the opportunity for some choices only comes along so often. When don't choose anything we are choosing not to do something. In this short audio I will share a few easy ways to approach making choices so that we don't make the choice of not choosing to do anything at all. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

 Pod #138: Working With Childhood Traumas That We Don’t Remember All The Details Of w/ Gwyneth Moss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

We hear it over and over again in our tapping training. "The more specific you are with your issue, the more effective the healing will be." "The earlier the memory you can find related to the issue, the faster you will be able to release it." For the most part these statements are true, but what happens when you are dealing with something general, like low self-esteem, or you are working on an issue without any memories attached to it? This week I talk with Gwyneth Moss who has developed a gentle technique for getting in touch with our younger selves in a way that allows us to do healing work without having to know specific memories. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Gwyneth Moss Guest: Gwyneth Moss Contact: web @ emotional-health.co.uk; email @ contact form About Gwyneth: Gwyneth Moss is one of the original EFT Masters and the founder of the EFT Gathering annual community conference which has run since 2009. With a degree in Physics and an MBA she is known for the clarity and depth of her teaching style and for her innovative techniques which include EFT Imagineering; Protective Distancing; Projection Tapping; The Surrogate EFT Protocol and more. Gwyneth teaches EFT in the glorious countryside of Yorkshire and at Esalen, Big Sur, CA. Gwyneth is the host and curator of EFT Gathering which happens every year in York, UK. I will be one of the speakers at the event in January 23rd - 26th, 2015. We would love to see you there!

 Bonus Pod #48 Not Saying Not | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:30

I often receive the same question from readers. It goes something like this: I really love your tapping scripts, but I am worried because you use the word 'not' all the time. I know the subconscious mind doesn't hear the word not. When you have us tap on "I am not going to be anxious" you are really tapping on "I am going to be anxious." Aren't you worried that you are tapping in something negative? If you have ever worried about saying the word ‘not’ when tapping then you need to check this out. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

 Pod #137: Building Communities of Support w/ Jondi Whitis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

We do not live in a vacuum. We are impacted by the issues others struggle with and vice versa. The healing process is also not something that takes place independently of others. Often our fastest route to healing is by walking that journey with others. Jondi Whitis has seen the impact of trauma on a community and the impact of a community on an individual's trauma firsthand. She has worked with both the families of those directly impacted by the New Town shooting and also with veterans and veterans’ groups around the issue of PTSD. In this interview she shares what she has learned from this work, what can be applied to our own healing process, and how we can reach out to others. There is a great deal of wisdom to be learned from Jondi's experiences. I encourage you to listen and take advantage of it. Jondi Whitis Conversation with: Jondi Whitis Jondi's Contact: web @ EFTBrooklyn.com; About Jondi: Jondi Whitis is a certified EFT Trainer, Practitioner, Mentor and Board Member for AAMET International, and radio host for EFTradioOnline, she delights in creating practitioners of excellence. One of the co-creators of the sustainable community trauma relief project in Newtown, CT, she's passionately interested in refining and up-levelling core EFT skillsets, cutting-edge techniques, training and curricula for practitioners and trainers worldwide, upholding the most thorough and professional EFT standards. She offers hands-on training to community stakeholders and licensed professionals as well as neighbors, parents, teachers and children to this humanitarian and heart-centered work. An ‘integration specialist’, Jondi enthusiastically guides each person to find authentic ways to integrate EFT into their purpose, professional practice and life. Each year she invites tappers to join her in person, at the annual Spring Energy Event, north of NYC. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Jondi is one of this years speakers at EFT Gathering held January 23rd - 26th, 2015 in York, UK. I will also be speaking at the event We would love to see you there!

 Bonus Pod #47: 3 Things To Do Before You Tap To Get The Most Out Of Your Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:29

The basics of tapping are very simple. They can be taught in a mere a few minutes. The problem is that just because tapping is simple, doesn't mean that effective tapping is easy. There is so more to it than knowing the tapping points. In this short audio I explain 3 simple ideas to keep in mind before you tap to help you to get the most out of your tapping sessions. I would love to hear how this works for you. Let me know your results down in the comment section. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.

 Pod #136: How To Clear All Aspects Of An Issue, Not Just The Obvious Ones w/ Linda Wood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:54

There is a counterbalance to most things in life. Success to failure. Happy to sad. Action to rest. Growth to deterioration. Often when we tap we are working only on the part we see as negative, thereby addressing only half of this balance. Even though the negative side is most obvious and painful there are often tappable issues on both sides. For example, I might feel frustrated that I don't have a better job, but there is also a part of me that fears the challenges a new job might bring. Feeling frustrated about not having a good job is an obvious thing to tap for, but if we may miss the flip side, which is our fear of the unknown. If we don't clear both sides it will be hard for us to take action. In this interview Linda Woods presents a straightforward approach to looking at an issue from both sides. If you work through the simple steps of this tool you will not only identify new aspects but will also have documentation of your discovery, allowing to you to come back again and again to ensure you haven't missed anything. Linda Wood Guest: Linda Wood Contact: web @ MagicTapping.com About Linda: Linda Wood is an EFT Innovator and creator of the world’s first EFT projection tool, Magic Buttons Bears. She’s developed All-Day Intensives and most recently, her new "EFT Discovery & Unification Techniques," which are amazing tools to help find all hidden aspects. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Linda is one of this years speakers at EFT Gathering held January 23rd - 26th, 2015 in York, UK. I will also be speaking at the event We would love to see you there!

 Pod #135: Tuning Into Our Bodies For Information w/ Carol Tuttle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:25

When I am tapping on my issues it is my conscious mind that most often gets in the way. The conscious mind is wired to figure out explanations for what is going on and won't rest until it has done so. This becomes problematic when the reason it has decided is behind an issue is wrong. I have seen this with countless clients. They come to me because they can't seem to get tapping to work on their issue. After a little investigation it becomes clear they had been approaching the wrong root cause. Knowing that the conscious mind isn't always the best at figuring out the healing path, what are we to do? In this interview I talk with Carol Tuttle about how we can use the information and wisdom of our physical body to identify the right focus for our tapping work. Carol Tuttle Guest: Carol Tuttle Contact: web @ CarolTuttle.com; twitter @CarolTuttle; blog @ TheCarolBlog.com; radio show @ Carol Tuttles Better Parenting Show; facebook @ TheCarolTuttle About Carol: Carol Tuttle is a 20 year pioneer in the personal development field. She is the best-selling author of “Remembering Wholeness” and the creator of Energy Profiling and Dressing Your Truth. Her legions of fans acknowledge her for making a lasting difference in their lives through her books, CDs, DVDs, home study courses and online learning portals. If you are ready to “live your truth” Carol Tuttle will help you in that pursuit. Carol is the mother of 5 children (4 of whom are married) and has been married to Jon Tuttle for over 30 years. They are the owners of their family based business and employee their 2 sons, daughter, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law. They love the harmony and abundance they create as a family and enjoy not only working together, but playing together. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Pod #134: Having A Plan With Your Tapping w/ Gwyneth Moss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:46

Knowing how to tap is not enough. We need to have a plan when we approach an issue. In this interview, Founding EFT Master Gwyneth Moss shares a simple and elegant approach that you can use for every tapping session. Whether you are new to tapping or have been tapping for decades you will find this 4-step approach useful and it is so easy you can start using it immediately. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes Gwyneth Moss Guest: Gwyneth Moss Contact: web @ emotional-health.co.uk; email @ contact form About Gwyneth: Gwyneth Moss is one of the original EFT Masters and the founder of the EFT Gathering annual community conference which has run since 2009. With a degree in Physics and an MBA she is known for the clarity and depth of her teaching style and for her innovative techniques which include EFT Imagineering; Protective Distancing; Projection Tapping; The Surrogate EFT Protocol and more. Gwyneth teaches EFT in the glorious countryside of Yorkshire and at Esalen, Big Sur, CA. Gwyneth is the host and curator of EFT Gathering every year in York, UK. I will be one of the speakers at the event in January 2015. We would love to see you there!


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