EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques

Summary: Every week Gene Monterastelli talks to the brightest minds in the tapping, EFT, and change work world.

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  • Artist: Gene Monterastelli
  • Copyright: Gene Monterastelli/TappingQandA.com 2013


 Pod #97: Dealing With Misperceptions That Can Hinder The Healing Process w/ Dr. Shoshana Garfield, PhD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:47

One of the biggest struggles we have in doing any sort of transformational work is the fact that it is possible for us to NOT see the issue at hand clearly. We are shaped by our experience, our training, our biases, the stories we tell about ourselves, and what we hope is to be true. Because of this, even with the intention to do healing work, we can end up going down a path that is not fruitful. The problem with misperceiving our issues, ourselve, and our world is it is nearly impossible know that this is the case and that we need to change course in our approach. In this interview I talk with Dr. Shoshana Garfield about how to deal with misperceptions of ourselves and the world. Based on her personal life experiences and over 20 years of working with sever trauma Shoshana talks about ways we can see ourselves and our world more clearly helping us to move forward.

 Bonus Pod #29: Not Everything That Feels Personal Is Personal (And How To Respond With EFT) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:09

It is really hard when we are hurt by other people’s choices and actions and it’s very easy to take those actions personally. We think, “Why would they do that to hurt me?” In reality we are often hurt by something others have said or done which is the consequence of a choice motivated by something else entirely. Most of the time their intention was never to hurt us. But we are hurt nonetheless. In this podcast we talk about the best way to respond when we are hurt by the words or actions of others. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Pod #96: Best Practices To Get The Most Out Of EFT w/ Dawson Church, Ph.D. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:42

EFT is a very powerful tool for bringing about change and can be used in many different settings. It can be done alone, with a practitioner, in groups, in short bursts, over a number of sessions, and over the telephone or Skype. As time passes not only are studies being done to explore what EFT is effective for, but the data from these studies is also being used to uncover the best ways to use EFT. In this interview Dawson Church and I discuss what these studies tell us about how to get the most out of EFT. (There are even a few things that I found surprising.) Dawson Church, Ph. D. Guest: Dawson Church, Ph.D Contact: web @ EFTUniverse.com Bio: Dawson Church is the author/coauthor of 8 books (including The Genie In Your Genes) and manages the web site EFTUniverse.com. He travels the world as a trainer and speaker. His passion is tapping and getting tapping into the hands of those who could benefit most from its power. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Pod #95: EFT For Self Love And The Power Of Self-Love w/ Brad Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:10

It is very easy to say (especially in tough times) “All we need is love”. The hard part is to know what that means beyond bumper sticker sentimentality. In this interview with Brad Yates we talk about in real terms what is love, what is self-love, and most importantly how can we use EFT to feel a sense of love in a tangible way. Brad Yates Guest: Brad Yates Contact: twitter @EFTWizard; web @ TapWithBrad.com ; web @ Success Beyond Belief; facebook @ facebook.com/BradYatesTapping About Brad: Brad has had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients, from CEOs to professional and NCAA athletes, from chiropractors and psychiatrists to corporate and federal attorneys, from award-winning actors to residents at a program for homeless men and women in Santa Monica. For several years he taught a weekly class using EFT and guided imagery at Sacramento Drug Court. He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including several International Energy Psychology Conferences and the Walk On Water (WOW) Fest in Los Angeles. He has presented at Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success event, and has done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale. He is also the co-author of the bestseller "Freedom at Your Fingertips," a featured expert in the film “Try It On Everything” (along with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Norman Shealy and Dr. Bruce Lipton), and has been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes

 Pod #94: How To Get The Most Out Of Self Directed Self Help And Self Directed EFT w/ Maggie Adkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:53

I bet you are like me. Somewhere in your home or office there is a large pile of self-help books, cds, and dvds. In addition to this physical pile of resources there is a folder on your hard drive full of ebooks, pdfs, audios and interviews, also filled with amazing information...and you have never looked at over 90% of these resources They looked enticing. They looked valuable. They looked like they would improve your life. Somehow we never get around to using to them. This is a common problem. (So much so, at one point in my notes this interview was entitled “Are you addicted to self-help resources?”) In this interview I talk with EFT Master Maggie Adkins about how we can best do self-directed improvement work. The issue is not concerning having access to tools (we all have too many tools and resources), but instead about how we approach the process.

 Pod #93: Getting EFT Into Schools w/ Till Schilling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:18

When it comes to teaching tapping children are one of my favorite groups. They take to tapping right away because they don’t have many of the hang-ups adults do of needing to understand everything or concerns about looking foolish when they tap. Like adults, when kids tap they become happier and healthier. One of the bonuses of teaching them to tap is we help them to clear issues whilst they are small, preventing them from growing into life-long issues. In this interview I talk to Till Shilling about introducing kids to tapping and how to get into schools and classrooms.

 Pod #91: The Most Forgotten & Most Powerful EFT Point – Gamut Point w/ Karin Davidson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:57

Did you know that some healing with EFT can be reversed in an instant? Not only can we prevent it, but it takes only three minutes and the gamut point. In this interview with Karin Davidson we explore spontaneous back sliding and how using the gamut point can prevent it.

 Tapping Ninja Video – EFT for Physical Pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:36

One of the most effective ways to use EFT is to tap for physical issues and physical pain. In this video I show you a creative way to tune in and focus on your physical issue or pain to help the tapping process happen even faster.

 Pod #90: EFT To Quiet The Inner Critic w/ Judy Byrne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:19

Do you have a good relationship with your inner critic? Very few people answer that question in a positive way because to most of us it is nothing more than a “critic”. It is always there waiting to pounce, waiting to point out everything we have done wrong, everything we have missed, and everything we will do wrong in the future. Did you know that this inner voice exists to be helpful? No, really, it is! Our inner voice is always on guard, looking out for danger and things that will get in the way of what we want and need. The problem is that for most of us is it working too hard. In this conversation with Judy Byrne we talk about how the critical voice came to be so critical and how we can transform it from being a giant nag into something that is very helpful.

 Pod #89: EFT For Shyness (Which Isn’t About Shyness) w/ Tania A. Prince | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:19

In the first minute Tania Prince took my idea of shyness and turned it on its head. This set up an awesome conversation about what can be changed and what isn’t really an issue at all. Often we confuse being uncomfortable around others which causes us to be quiet (AKA acting shy) with someone who is comfortable in a group of people and is just being quiet. We can get ourselves into trouble when we try to change someone who is just quiet because we think that being shy is bad and that we need to pull them out of their shell. This is a great interview with lots of tapping tips for dealing with discomfort around others and what being shy really means.

 Pod #88: I Am Better At Teaching EFT Because Of My Time In Jail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:16

Since Feb of 2011 I have had the opportunity to be part of teaching an advanced anger management class to inmates in a local jail. I consistently describe the experience as “the coolest thing in my life.” It has been a really amazing experience and I have learned a lot from it. I was lucky enough to be Jondi Whitis’ guest for the June episode of “eftTapFest” which is part of EFT Radio On-Line. In the conversation we talk about: What I have learned about teaching EFT by teaching it in a Jail What I have learned about creating a community to rally in support of one cause What I have learned about stretching myself What I have learned about crowd funding Even if you never intend to work with inmates, write a book, or lead a community of support, there is a lot you can learn in this conversation.

 Pod #87: EFT For Shoulders And Shoulds w/ Gwenn Bonnell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:38

One of the places I hold my stress, like most people, is in my shoulders. I can even tell you the exact spot, above my shoulder blade on the right side. When doing the pre-interview with Gwenn Bonnell to get ready for this podcast she suggested we talk about shoulders, stress, and the things we feel like we should do. I had no idea that shoulds and shoulders were connected. In this interview Gwenn explains it all and gives us some great tools to use EFT to deal with this.

 Pod #86: EFT For Feeling Overwhelmed w/ Carol Look | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:11

Stress is not becoming a part of our daily lives, it is already part of our daily lives. What is now common is that we moving from a general level of stress to feeling completely overwhelmed. The difficulty with feeling overwhelmed is that once we are in the middle of it we can't see clearly enough to reach for a tool like EFT. In this interview with Carol Look we look at the simple things we can do daily to keep our stress in check and keep us from becoming overwhelmed.

 Pod #85: EFT For Money, Success, and Personal Power w/ Margaret M. Lynch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:54

"Manifesting" more money in our lives is not about sitting in a dark room with our eyes closed, listening to instrumental music, and imagining that we are a giant magnet pulling chunks of gold towards us. The way we bring more money into our lives is about recognizing new opportunities for making more money and getting out of our own way enough to act on these opportunities. When we see these opportunities clearly and are acting from the things we know how to do, it feel like money just shows up. It becomes effortless because we are no longer fighting to find opportunity and we are no longer fighting ourselves emotionally. In the interview with Margaret we talk about exactly how to put ourselves into a place that makes making money feel easy.

 Pod #84: Using EFT And Tapping With Your Inner Committee w/ Ann Ross | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:29

One of the keys to effective EFT and tapping is to be clearly tuned into the issue we want to address. There are lots of creative ways of doing this. In this interview I talk with Ann Ross about how we can use a very simple technique of working with our inner committee to isolate specific issues and transform them quickly. Ann's helpful approach is easy to understand and you will quickly be able to add it to your daily tapping routine.


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