436 | Cultivating Real Communication Part 1

The Chris LoCurto Show show

Summary: What’s the number one obstacle that I see when it comes to personal relationships?<br>You guessed it, bad communication. That’s why we revisit this subject so often, because it’s something we have to continually work on. <br>Cultivating healthy communication is a lot like gardening; no matter how much time and attention we invest in the garden of our communication, we’ll always have to deal with the weeds that easily and frequently crop up. <br>There are habits, or learned behaviors, that we all have that can get in the way of real communication. Simple things that you may not even realize you’re doing can choke the information you’re sending or receiving!<br>On today’s podcast, we’ll dig into the garden and discuss three of the most common weeds that we find choking our communication with others.