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 Create A New Relationship With Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

One of the things I see EFT Practitioners and other Service Providers struggle with the most is not having enough income, and not having a healthy relationship with money. Did you know that you have a money identity, and that it is fueled by old beliefs that you internalized, possibly even before you were 6 years old? Your relationship with money is driving your success. Did you know that money loves attention, and it loves to be understood? When you give it attention, it grows. Yet many of us ignore the money and hope that it takes care of itself. The problem is, it doesn't. If you’re serious about creating a healthy relationship with money, join us to: Get clear on your money story and money type Find out how to master the 3 steps to becoming a money magnet Create a mindset of “money clarity” in your business I will use EFT Tapping with a special guest to clear limiting beliefs about money. Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington shows you how to build a thriving and joyful business, with all the clients and income you desire based on your unique gifts. As a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Judy skillfully teaches you the business building skills you MUST know, as well as how to market your business authentically, so you can make REAL money doing what you love. Judy would love to hear from you. If you’re ready to Unleash Your Dream Business, Judy has a FREE GIFT for you. It’s called Your Dream Biz Blueprint. To claim yours, simply visit http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.  

 Detox Your Mind AND Your Body for the New Year to Lose Weight and Keep It Off | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

It's not just about the food!  Don't start your new year with JUST another diet.  Join me for an in-depth discussion about which foods are best for weight loss and how to use EFT to help you lose the weight and keep it off.   Here's what Rachel had to say about using these techniques.  "This morning I was in the breakroom at work when the secretary came in with a platter of her famous Christmas treats.  Everyone took one and I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I also took one.  However, when she left the room, I gave mine to a fellow employee.  She looked at me and said, 'It must be nice to have the willpower to turn that down.'  I attempted to tell her that it had nothing to do with will and that I just didn't want it.  I don't think she believed me because she kind of smirked and then walked away. It dawned on me, though, when I was talking to her that it is no longer about having the will not to fall into temptation; I truly do not want junk food.  And I am not having cravings, nor am I feeling deprived.  My mindset is different; it is no longer something I am forcing myself to endure.  Food is not on my mind 24 hours a day, and it's such a relief. This new way of living is a good fit for me and it has NOTHING to do with willpower.   I’ve lost over 20 pounds and kept it off.  I couldn’t be more grateful.   To contact Karen Donaldson or schedule YOUR free Discovery Session, or to get YOUR discount coupon to receive our Mind-Body Detox program for just $9.99, email Karen at excelweightloss@gmail.com or go to excelweightloss.com.  Use the discount code CURBTHECRAVINGS when ordering the program.

 The Healing Power of Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

'We can only said to be truly alive when our hearts are conscious of our treasures' - Thornton Wilder In this episode of I Am Healing Austin and Jo discuss gratitude and the infinite benefits this powerful emotion brings to our minds, bodies and spirits. They offer ideas on how to amplify feelings of gratefulness, share a way to use the words 'thank you' when you tap ... and end the show with an extended 'gratitude' reflection for your subconscious to absorb.

 Those Pesky Buggers - What To Do With Your More Persistent Limiting Beliefs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Do you ever feel like you have certain beliefs that seem so deeply entrenched that despite your best efforts, they persist? Do you feel discouraged when you find yourself dealing with some beliefs that really seem to have a firm grip on you? Do you ever feel discouraged because certain patterns persist and you're not making headway? Join your host Marti Murphy for helpful, effective techniques to assist you with the Limiting Beliefs that seem to remain stuck, so that you can relax a bit and start to notice progress in freeing yourself for those Pesky, Persistant, Beliefs that accompany you through your life.  Career Coach Marti Murphy knows firsthand the emotional roller coaster that comes with making a profound life change and the identity issues that can surface. As a Certified EFT Practitioner and Certified Abundance Coach  Marti is highly skilled at identitfying the limiting beliefs blocking you and freeing them so you can create a success outcome and live your passion. Marti would love to hear from you. Call her at 505-220-0295 if you would like more information about her coaching programs. If you’re ready to Take the Big Leap and Leave the Job You Hate for the Work You Love, Marti has a FREE gift for you. To claim yours, simply visit: http://tappingreallyworks.com/resources/videos/take-the-big-leap/

 Tapping into Past Lives (and Loves?) with Quantum EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Have you ever wondered  if you've already met your soulmate in a past life?  are you destined to meet again in this lifetime?   could something from a past life block you from meeting your Soulmate? Join Annette Vaillancourt, Ph.D, the Elite SoulMate Coach and her guest, Jenny Johnston, creator of Quantum EFT and author of "Tapping Into Past Lives" for a thought-provoking inquiry into the role of past lives and their effects on your current life. LISTENER BONUS:  For a LIMITED TIME get a complimentary PDF of "How to Manifest Your SoulMate with EFT: Relationship as a Spiritual Path" as my gift to you for subscribing to "The Love Nest" at my website -  www.EliteSoulMateCoaching.com.

 You HAVE Arrived! You ARE Ready to Show Up! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Greetings and welcome to the continuation of my FREE on-line class called EFT for Your Inner Child and Soul – the new 2015 Conscious Living Series! 2015 is the year we have all been waiting for! You have what you need to show up and I am going to use this year to show you how to do so! During 2015 we are going to apply the themes of your soul and the 7-Layer Healing Process to assist your illuminated, adult self in showing up for those wounded and shameful parts of you who have experienced gut-wrenching decisions, in both this lifetime and in lifetimes of the past. It is time and you can heal, become masterful, and whole. I look forward to your joining me today for the Overview. And Happy New Year to one and all! To take advantage of my 15-minute FREE Assessment, please call me directly at 612.710.7720.  For more information on my work and this series, please visit my website which www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com  

 Nichify or Fade Away in the EFT Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

The Illusion: All I have to do to succeed in having an EFT practice is being passionate for the work and being really good at what I do. The Truth: This is a myth. In mentoring and coaching thousands of EFT practitioners, without having a specialty focus or niche, we rarely see a practioner having a thriving practice (unless they already had an existing one from a prevoius practice.) This show is dedicated to what we consider the single most important aspect of developing a thriving EFT business and  is the foundation and first core concept of the EFT Mastering Business Acument (EFT MBA) program. We will address the #1 illusion EFT practitioners have regarding carving out a niche and we will discuss the whys, the hows and the whats of how we work with professionals to assist them in getting clear on their business niche.  If you are ready to hear some straight talking and make a real change, then listen in to Craig Weiner, DC and Alina Frank,the hosts of EFT Mastering Business Acumen Radio, creators of the affiliated EFT MBA Practitioner Success Program. They are professional speakers, authors and EFT trainers for EFT Universe (EFTU), the Alternative Healthcare Professionals (AHP) network and Matrix Reimprinting (MR). Further information can be found at EFTtappingtraining.com    

 The Ancient Roots Of EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Since ancient times, in several of the world’s spiritual traditions, there have been pressure point techniques to clear karmic blocks held in the energy body. Much before the advent of EFT, which clears 90% of all physical and emotional pain, yogis and yoginis sought to clear blocked energies called vasanas or samskaras, the memories of past deeds or karma from numerous lifetimes, known to be stored in what in Sanskrit are called Nadi’s, or in the Tibetan tradition are called Tsa. In Chinese Traditional Medicine we know them as the Meridians or lines of energy that are accessed by pressing or tapping on acupuncture points. Today Paula’s guest, Dr. Nitin Nayak, M.D. , who is also Paula’s former student, will discuss two of these ancient point holding techniques, as well as a special ancient form of breathing known in the west as rebirthing breathing and more recently as Sudarshan Kriya – They will discuss the use of the Emotional Energy Gates combined with Rebirthing breathing, as well as the ancient  Mongolian technique called Chua Ka that the warriors used to remove fear from their bodies. Tune in today to learn an ancient approach to body work which can be newly applied to EFT. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (LaxmiDechenWangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available atamazon.com/author/paulahoran.                    

 From Stage 4 Cancer to Thriving EFT Practitioner: The Power of Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

It’s well known that many people who become EFT Practitioners reached a crossroads in their life, and used EFT as the tool to help them along the journey. Imagine being told you have less than a year to live. Imagine transforming your health to such an extent that you can now work with clients going through what you went through. In today’s show, Annabel talks to Peggy Mangan about how she offers full support to her clients, yet stays energetically removed from their stories, and the processes she finds successful in her work. In 2005 Peggy Mangan was diagnosed with a stage IV aggressive blood cancer. Her doctors told her to expect to live less than one year. Today, she shares ways to overcome the traumatic stress that often comes with the diagnosis, treatment and fear of the recurrence of cancer. Peggy is a registered nurse, Reiki Master, AAMET certified EFT/Matrix Reimprinting and Matrix Birth Reimprinting practitioner.  She is the author of the forthcoming book: Joy After Cancer - Finding Peace For Life Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoestring. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious CFS, she used her experiences to establish a niche working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com

 Creation Definition with A Course in Miracles Lessons 321 to 330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

What is Creation? Do we have creative power and what is its Source? Is it possible to create ourselves or have we already been created? A Course in Miracles teaches, “Creation is the sum of all God’s Thoughts, in number infinite, and everywhere without all limit. Only love creates, and only like itself.” Pg 461 Lessons. Today, with Eloisa Ramos we explore the creation definition and why it is the opposite of all illusions and why it can never suffer loss. The Cause or creative Source of what we are, we call by many names, God, Creator, Universe, Life Force, Life Energy, etc. because words cannot capture the knowledge of what we are and therefore, what our Source is. Yet, “God’s memory is in our holy minds, which know their oneness and their unity with their Creator.” Pg. 461 Lessons. Today we ask, “Let our function be only to let this memory return, only to let God’s Will be done on earth, only to be restored to sanity, and to be but as God created us.” Pg. 461 Lessons. For more information about Eloisa Ramos, her book Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth, EFT and to download a free flowchart of the Ramos Clearing Technique; visit www.healing-with-eft.com

 What Does It Take To "Stay Positive"? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:00

We hear it all the time..."Just be positive" but nobody tells us HOW to do it!   There is a HOW and on this show you'll learn a few ways to help you become a more positive person, to rebound faster and be more resilient than you ever thought possible.  Join Dr Mary Ayers on todays show as she shows you what it takes to "Stay Positive".  There will be plenty of tapping so come ready for things to be different in your life. Mary Ayers, PhD, LMFT brings with her over 26 years as a accomplished Licensed Therapist, Coach! Author and top EFT/Tapping expert.  All of her coaching programs are filled with ‘unconventional’, ‘fail-proof’ practical strategies you can use immediately to get results. For more information go to, www.tapintoaction.com and you can email her at Mary@tapintoaction.com Take advantage of Mary’s offer of a FREE 30-minute Assessment! To set one up email Mary@tapintoaction.com

 James Twyman Launches A Course In Miracles Revival: Putting the Lessons To Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

James F. Twyman is the New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including Emissary of Light and The Moses Code. In 1994 he put the peace prayers from 12 major religions to music and traveled the world as "The Peace Troubadour," often being invited by world leaders to perform a concert in countries at war. James will tell you about the upcoming Course In Miracles Revival. The daily musical Workbook Lessons, produced by James Twyman, start on January 1st, 2015. The entire YEAR of lessons is FREE! For a sample, visit http://youtu.be/iwZgbSJh0nk. All of this leads to the release of his next motion picture in the fall of 2015, A Chorus In Miracles. You will love getting to know James Twyman on this Program. I have been blessed to have traveled with him on 2 of his European trips; he's been my favorite "guru" for years!  I am so honored to have him on the show. Today's Host, Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington, has made A Course in Miracles her spiritual path for the past 20 years. Judy helps you build a successful business that's aligned with your gifts, passion and purpose. She has a free gift for you at http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.      

 Balance Your Chakras with Essential Oils to Lose the Weight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:00

When you're out of balance, it's difficult, if not impossible, to make food choices that support weight loss.  For example, if your root chakra is out of balance, you might not have the confidence you need to believe weight loss can even happen.  And if your throat chakra is blocked, you might not find your voice to speak your truth, which may lead to stuffing your feelings.   Or, if your heart chakra is out of balance, you may be filled with despair and fear, both of which contribuite to that chaos in our brains that sends us straight for the comfort foods. Join me for this exciting class on how to use essential oils to help balance your chakras.  You'll learn how the essential oils work and which oils and combinations are best for each specific chakra.  Just a drop or two of these precious oils can help bring you back into balance and help you achieve your weight loss goal! Karen Donaldson is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Certified Weight Loss Coach, registered dietitian, and certified personal trainer. If you know what you’re supposed to do, but just can’t do it, go to excelweightloss.com to apply for a complimentary Discovery Session, schedule an appointment, or  learn about her Naturally Thin You programs with EFT Universe.  You can also visit her website to learn more about essential oils or send her an email at excelweightloss@gmail.com.

 How to Embrace Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

It has been said by many experts that the human condition only changes when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. But why can change be excruciatingly painful for so many people?  In this episode of I Am Healing, Austin and Jo talk about the suffering that fighting against change can bring, they offer ideas on how to begin to assess and ultimately embrace change ... and Austin also leads a tapping demo about releasing unnecessary resistance to change at subconscious level. To download the first chapter of Austin's book 'I Am Healing' for free please visit thewysecentre.co.uk  

 Jumpstart to Lasting Change - Break Free from the Try and Fail Cycle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Do you find your caught in the Try and Fail Cycle? Do you set New Years Resolutions with the best of intentions only to end up getting off track? Does your self esteem take a hit every time to try that next new thing that is supposed to get you on track? Starting the New Year with a list of resolutions can tend to leave you accumulating more evidence that there's something wrong and keep you and caught in the Try and Fail Cycle. On this show, host Marti Murphy talks about effect techniques that can assist you starting the New Year creating lasting positive traction for 2015 and keep you moving forward in your life.  Marti is a Former Corporate Captive, Career Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner whose passionate about assisting her clients in releasing the limiting beliefs that keep them stuck in a job or career that's not serving them. 


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