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 Heal the World: The Healing of Our Mind with EFT Tapping & A Course in Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Can we have love if we hold on to fear?  Can we have peace if we hold on to conflict and hate? Can we have equality when we hold on to differences and comparisons? These questions demonstrate the impossibility of holding on to two irreconcilable worlds or mindsets. If I’m in a state of fear, it blocks my awareness of love; if I’m taken over by conflict and hate, I lose sight of peace; and if I compare and see only differences how can I see our inherent equality? The healing of our mind/heart is necessary in order to heal the world. A Course in Miracles says, “No one can see a world his mind has not accorded value. And no one can fail to look upon what he believes he wants.” Join me, Eloisa Ramos, as we take guidance from Lessons 117-130 and explore why “Forgiveness offers us everything we want” attempting to change our mind and chose again what we want to see. We will also do surrogate EFT tapping for the forgiveness of our fears and for regret. “The unforgiving mind is full of fear, and offers love no room to be itself; no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the turmoil of the world…Today it will be given you to feel the peace forgiveness offers and the joy the lifting of the veil holds out to you.  Before the light you will receive today the world will fade until it disappears, and you will see another world arise you have no words to picture.”  Lessons 121, 122, ACIM. For more information about Eloisa Ramos, visit  www.healingwitheft.com  and read her book, Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth.

 Part 1 - Setting Boundaries: Why Is It So Stinking Hard To Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

Setting boundaries - we hear about it, we're told it's good to do, and yet we stuggle with deciding when and how to set a boundary.  In part 1 of this series Dr Mary Ayers will  define what a 'boundary' is, why we need them, and begin to explore what gets in the way of setting them.   Join her for tons of tapping to clear what gets in the way AND then she'll give you some small (yet powerful) tips and tools to help you. Mary Ayers, PhD, LMFT, brings with her over 26 years as a accomplished Licensed Therapist, Success Coach, author and top EFT/Tapping. expert.Her professional achievements include being a coach for 5 years with the Anthony Robbins Organization. She's a featured presenter on The Tappers Insiders Club, and The Tapping World Summit, as well as on several globally heard teleconferences. She is the co-producer & co-host of the Unstoppable You in Business Intensive. All of her coaching programs are filled with 'unconventional', 'fail-proof' practical strategies you can use immediately to get results. For more information go to www.TapIntoAction.com and you can email at Mary@tapintoaction.com    

 Embracing Your Shadow with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

What IS Your Shadow, Anyway? Your shadow is your “dark side”, your EGO, and the part of you that you try to hide, deny, or disown. Your shadow gets in the way of your success and abundance, disrupts your relatiohships, and keeps you from knowing your True Self. Find out how your shadow could be sabotaging the success of YOUR business. Learn about the many masks you wear to hide your shadow. Do you have a People Pleaser mask, or perhaps a Drama Queen or Perfectionist mask? Tap along with us as we embrace our shadow using EFT. Having understanding and compassion for your shadow, and knowing how to embrace and love ALL parts of yourself, even the ones you have been denying that you have, will free up your energy and empower your greatness. Tap into your True Self, the part of you that is authentic and love-based. Learn why it is crucial for your business that you embrace your darker, fear-based side so it no longer controls your "inner committee". Once you accept ALL of yourself, you are able to create the success in your business that you deserve.  Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington shows you how to build a thriving and joyful business, with all the clients and income you desire. As a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Judy helps you create the mindset for success, so you can make REAL money doing what you love. Judy would love to hear from you. Claim your FREE GIFT "Your Dream Biz Blueprint"  (3 gifts in 1!) at http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.            

 Developing a Wait-List Referral Practice; Who Should & Can Be Referring to You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join EFT Mastering Business Acumen (EFT MBA) radio hosts Alina Frank and Craig Weiner for 30 minutes as they give you some breakthrough keys to unlock your practice thriving! Do you have massage therapists, chiropractors, nurses, naturopaths, social workers and yes, even medical doctors referring to you? Why not? Are you intimidated by them? Don't know the most important "what to do's and definitely what NOT to do's" in approaching them to create referral relationships? Open yourself to the possibilities of this and you will never turn back. Craig Weiner has been a chiropractor working in the integrative health care field for over 25 years and will be offering his experience that you don't want to miss.  The EFT MBA Radio Program; The Art and Science of Making Money and Changing the World with EFT. Craig Weiner and Alina Frank are the directors of EFT MBA, of EFT Tapping Training, and have written, lectured and taught EFT and other transformative practices together internationally and are based in the Seatte Region. www.EFTMBA.com www.EFTTappingTraining.com 

 Daddy Pay Care - Interview with Sam Neffendorf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

On the Financial Healer show we have another person who is an inspiration to others, choosing to leave the corporate world because his heart told him he had a greater role in life to play. Sam gives us his take on financial healing based upon his years as an independent financial advisor as well as an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. He also gives us insight into his exciting new project that will help all parents Sam Neffendorf of Freedom Here and Now shows free thinking entrepreneurs and individuals that are struggling to achieve the financial abundance that they require through doing what they love how to clear the limiting beliefs and emotional issues that are blocking them from creating lives of freedom, happiness and prosperity.  He is also passionate about conscious parenting and works with parents and parents to be to empower them to live supportive and joyful family lives. He is based in Bristol, England and works with individuals and groups anywhere in the world both face to face and online You can find out more at www.freedomhereandnow.com    

 Releasing Subconscious Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you couldn't escape or your life was in danger? Perhaps a car accident or a particularly frightening encounter with an authoritative figure? Well you may be surprised to learn that perceived traumatic experiences like these (and many others like them) can become stored in your subconscious, and have an enormously detrimental impact on the immune and healing systems within your mind and body. In this episode of I Am Healing, Austin and Jo talk about the 'new science of trauma.' Step by step they will guide you (slowly and simply) through the definition of trauma, how to tell if you have stored trauma and how you can begin to release yourself from the 'freeze' response. Austin will also guide you through a skillful tapping demonstration to help you start to safely acknowledge trauma that may be buried in the subconscious. A programme not to miss: New science is now telling us that stored trauma can constantly and needlessly trigger the immune system. Can you imagine what health conditions and problems could be healed if we individually and collectively understood and utilised this empowering information?

 For Children & Families With Serious Illness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

TappingStar welcomes back Deborah Miller, of the Oaxaca Project, to talk about her long-awaited book, The Dragon With Flames of Love.  She lovingly details her years of work with children and families undergoing treatment for serious illness in this  beautfully illustrated collection of stories and lessons learned from the remarkable children she's served. Using the childrens' own magical imaginings, she crafts a loving resource for children and families in serious circumstances. Listeners will learn about introducing the EFT tapping process to kids or their parents, as well as medical professionals on the scene. How would this affect those in your life dealing with these kind of situations?  Imagine if it were calm and peaceful around shots, IVs, and chemo treatments?  What if you could teach a child how to get in touch with their emotions and empower them with courage and pain-reducing techniques? Learn about these things and more when TappingStar visits again with Deborah Miller, Ph.D, tapping expert and advocate, and founder of the Oaxaca Project. Your host Jondi Whitis is a NYC-based Trainer, Practitioner and Board Member of AAMET, the world's largest EFT association and certifying body.  Join her for classes each month, private sessions, mentoring and certification here:  Jondi@eft4Results.com or www.EFTtrainingforMastery.com    

 YOU ARE THE ONE ... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

You Are The One … … your inner child has been waiting for … the one that can respond instead react, separate instead of collapse, relate instead of judge! Join Cathryn Taylor, author of the bestselling Inner Child Workbook, for this third of three broadcasts. Today Cathryn presents Layer Two of her newly SUPERCHARGED 7 Layer Healing Process. Learn the importance of separating from the wounds which trigger stress! Be introduced to the methods you can use to heal so you can succeed! Need More Guidance? Call Cathryn today at 612.710.7720 and schedule your FREE, 15-minute Phone Assessment!  Want More Help? Sign up for Cathryn’s email blasts at www.EFTForYourInerChild.com  Don’t miss her 2014 Conscious Living Series which teaches you how to succeed instead of fail; live with peace instead of fear; harmony instead of a sense of defeat! 

 Unwind Your Habits: Attract Presence and Spontaneity In Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Good habits are something we are all taught to develop in our childhood. Some of us do better than others. The key issue we will address in this show, however, is the fact that all habits, both “good” or “bad”, are operated by the unconscious mind, and to the degree we are attached to or controlled by them, is the same degree that we effectively sleep walk through our life.  Without conscious presence we lose the sense of freshness that makes life worthwhile. We become like robots living our life on automatic.   In today’s show Paula and her partner Rashminder Kaur who are the creators of an eight module program: Karma Completion, Finish What You Started, will examine how we can bring that sense of freshness back in our life. They will also share a protocol for letting go of attachment to your habits, that will help you regain an open spacious flexibility, so necessary for the time we are living in.   HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.

 EFT Business Fear #7: If I Advertise, they’ll know I’m here | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Consider the attention you’ll attract when you advertise your services. It means that potential clients will contact you; your client base will increase, and you’ll end up working ‘too hard’. This scenario is a common fear for many EFT Practitioners as they build their businesses. Join Annabel and AAMET EFT Practitioner, Elham Kashefi, tap along, and overcome the resistance to promoting your EFT business. Elham Kashefi has a degree in Law and Psychology, a Masters in Criminology and a PhD in Health Research. She spent 20 years as a researcher and an activist working around the issue of domestic violence. She is currently setting up a new not-for-profit social enterprise helping people with long term health problems access natural health solutions. Elham found EFT about 7 years ago while looking for something that could help her son’s allergies. She soon trained with EFT Master, Gwyneth Moss, and is building her practice in Lancaster, England. Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoestring. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious CFS, she used her experiences to establish a niche working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com

 Truth or Fiction: The Truth Seeker with A Course in Miracles Lessons 103-116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Can the truth be sad, ugly, cruel or hurt us?  For some of us, truth is what we least want to hear. It is the bearer of “bad” news. We fear it because it tells us that reality is not as we wish it to be. We want reality to conform to our desires, expectations and dreams that we so tirelessly work to accomplish.  We want to believe that we are on our own and that our ego thinking has the power to change truth/reality because we have judged it lacking. Our wishes speak loudly to us and the truth seeker must question their illusory superiority to recognize they are but fiction. Today we join Eloisa Ramos, EFT Master, as we attempt to distinguish between the Voice of truth and the ego’s voice and undo the fear of truth. “If you will lay aside the ego’s voice, however, loudly it may seem to call; If you will not accept its petty gifts that give you nothing that you really want; If you will listen with an open mind, that has not told you what salvation is; then you will hear the mighty Voice of truth, quiet in power, strong in stillness and completely certain in Its messages…Hear and be silent…He comes with miracles a thousand times as happy and as wonderful as those you ever dreamed or wished for in your dreams.” Lesson 106 of ACIM. For more information about Eloisa Ramos, to download a free chart of The Ramos Clearing Technique or to order her book, Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth visit www.healingwitheft.com.

 Cure the Yips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

The "yips"…one of the most dreaded words in sports. Most athletes associate the yips with golfers, but athletes in baseball, tennis, and other sports can develop the yips. The yips are a phenomenon that is established on the physiological level of the body. That's why mental and mechanical approaches to solving this issue do not work.  Golfers and other athletes will struggle for years attempting to get rid of the yips by making mechanical changes, using work-arounds, changing equipment, or trying to mentally fix it. None of these attempted fixes work because the change must happen on the level it originated on, which is the cellular level. In this episode, Stacey will talk about the comprehensive Yips Program she has developed and her experiences working with athletes to cure the yips.  Stacey Vornbrock, M.S. is pioneering the use of EFT with professional and amateur athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level. She is recognized as a leading expert in the use of EFT with sports performance and is the author of 9 EFT Breakthrough Performance Sports Manuals as well as ebooks for non-athletes. To schedule your free Yips Evaluation session with Stacey, email her at stacey@breakthroughperformance.net or call her at 480-945-9750. Visit her website: BreakthroughPerformance.net

 Paralyzed By Fear Of Making A Mistake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

Is there a decision you need to make and find yourself unable to make it?   Do you have 'things that need done' that take forever to do because you take so much time making sure you get it 'right'?  Bottom line...the fear of making a mistake might be paralyzing you! Join Dr Mary Ayers as she taps to clear this fear and helps you find ways to take small actions that will have you engaging in life once again. To learn more about tapping go to: www.tapintoaction.com          

 Matrix Reimprinting for Clearing Your Blocks to Business Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Are you finding that you're just not getting the results you want in your business? Have you been sabotaging your own success and you're not sure why? Do you have negative thoughts, beliefs, or ideas that keep you from creating the income you desire? If so, you're in the right place. By the end of this program, you will understand how you can clear your blocks to Business Success using Matrix Reimprinting with EFT.  I'm Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington, and as a Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner I help my clients by using this advanced EFT technique developed by EFT Master Karl Dawson of the UK. You will be given an overview of how and why Matrix Reimprinting works when nothing else will, and you will witness a live demo with a volunteer as they clear the blocks in their business. Our old trauma's and stories live on in our subconscious mind and as ECHO's in our energy field, dictating our response to future situations. The subconscious mind treats memories as though they are current events, and by changing the images in the Matrix, we can change the language of our subconscious mind. You will learn why it is crucial for your business that you embrace and resource your ECHO's, and set them free. With new images in place and beliefs reimprinted, you are able to create all the success and abundance in your business that you deserve. Judy knows how to help you build a thriving and joyful business, with all the clients and income you desire, based on your unique gifts. She would love to hear from you. If you’re ready to Unleash Your Dream Business, Judy has 3 FREE GIFTS for you. To claim yours, simply visit http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.

 The Fear of Being Seen; Why So Many EFT Coaches Let This Block Their Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

As EFT Business Coaches for the EFT Mastering Business Acumen (EFT MBA) program, we far too often hear the phrase from our EFT coaches/clients, "I Have this Fear that I'll Be Seen."  Now at first, even we weren't sure what exactly that meant and how many variations on the theme there were.....What we discovered was the underlying vulnerability, fear of exposure, fear of being incapable at succeeding, fear of being seen as a failure and other variations that were directly thwarting their ability to succeed in their practices and businesses. If this Fear of Being Seen has some kind of strangle-hold on you, OR any of your clients, then you may just wish to listen in to this 30 minute program with hosts, Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, EFT trainers anddirectors of EFT MBA Radio;The Art and Science of Making Money and Changing hte World with EFT.  www.EFTMBA.com www.EFTtappingtraining.com  


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