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 When Women Don’t Thrive in their EFT Businesses and How to Overcome It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

It has been our experience in working with thousands of EFT students and clients and we watch for relevant trends amongst them. One of those trends has intrigued us and one that we feel passionate about reversing. We have trained and mentored a great many women, in fact most of our students are female. Many of them have had great training, developed excellent tapping skill sets, have great resources and are great people; yet they struggle in creating successful practices. There seems to be a gender discrepancy in the creation of successful practices, even outside of a corporate "glass-ceilinged" profession. This 30 minute EFT Mastering Business Acumen (EFT MBA) show with hosts Alina Frank and Craig Weiner will explore what are the most common unconscious blocks that creates resistance for women in creating successful EFT practices. Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, DC are the directors of the EFT Mastering Business Acumen program, the founders of EFTtappingtraining.com, and are authors, international trainers and presenters.  

 From Dealing to Healing - Interview With Brett Moran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

The Financial Healer Show So how did a 21 year old drug addict go from major crime and prison to being in a fim with Richard Branson, Desmond Tutu and Jack Canfield? Join me as I interview My friend Brett Moran, probably the most positive person I have ever met!  Brett’s story shows how you can really turn you life around if you make that decision to do so, whatever life throws at you. He grew up in arough area just on the outskirts of South London. At an early age Brett found him-self on the wrong side of the law, dealing drugs, abusing alcohol and generally leading a chaotic street lifestyle. Brett’s life took a turn for the worse when he became addicted to crack cocaine in his early twenties. On the outside he wore a mask, but behind closed doors he felt like he was dying inside. Lost and paranoid with drug -induced psychosis, Brett felt suicidal and desperate for a way out. Whilst serving his first prison sentence, Brett found a moment of clarity, and had experience that changed his life forever. to find out what that experience was, you will have to listen to the show. If you wish to contact Brett, you can email him at Brett@Brett-Moran.com

 The Subconscious Influence of the Tribe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

If you are on a healing journey, it is highly likely that the people around you are feeling unsettled. The most enlightening way to refer to these people is as our 'tribe'. Our tribe can be defined as any group that we share an identity or invest our energy with, and there are many benefits to being a member. However belonging to a group of people with deeply embedded beliefs may be one of your biggest hurdles when it comes to transforming your life, as most tribes are in the business of survival and not evolution. In this episode Austin and Jo talk about the influential role that our tribes play in every aspect of our lives and discuss the attributes of a healthy tribe. Austin also leads a tapping demonstration in this programme to help you connect with the courage it can sometimes take to become empowered when you are a member of a tribe. Warning: Understanding and utilising the information contained in this programme could seriously IMPROVE your health!

 You Can Cope! You Are Worthy of Love! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

In this, the third of three broadcasts, Cathryn continues her Free, on-line class entitled, The 2014 Conscious Living Series. Dedicated to helping you find the peace and happiness you deserve and establishing the sense of calm that gives you strength, Cathryn is, month by month, introducing you to her newly supercharged 7-Layer Healing Process! As is evident in the last episode, (now available as an archive) that vibrational glitch that carries your pain is repairable! Today Cathryn provides you with the bridge needed to respond and heal with compassion and love. Join her! Tap your way through your anxiety and fear! Experience the bridge that gives you the tools to cope! You can heal your inner pain! You do deserve to be calm! You are worthy of success! Take advantage of Cathryn’s FREE 15-minute phone Assessment – call 612.710.77720 today!

 Cultivate Lasting Forgiveness: Resolve & Embrace All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Constantly driven by the need to safeguard our survival we often find ourselves caught in a conflict with our situation, environment or our loved ones. Every day we deal with this conflict between isolation and acceptance. We endure arguments, fights, differences, separation, helplessness, abuse, exploitation and violence. These painful experiences are often not erased from our mind stream. They remain lodged in our psyche causing us to keep attracting more of the same. Cultivating and practicing unconditional forgiveness can lead us to accepting life and people with all the arising contradictions, as a result of which we gain equanimity and lasting peace, ending the perpetual cycle of our suffering. In todays show Paula and her partner Rashminder Kaur who are the creators of an eight module program: Karma Completion, Finish What You Started, will examine how to cultivate forgiveness toward others. They will also share a Buddhist Meditation called Loving Kindness followed by ‘Tonglen with Others’ which fosters forgiveness and allows us to shift our perspective by releasing past memories and embracing people and situations as they exist. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (LaxmiDechenWangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.

 EFT Business Fear #8: I can’t charge money for this! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Everyone loves the work you do. Everyone would love to pay you – but you feel uncomfortable charging for your gifts. Do you believe it’s wrong to charge money for something so spiritual? Do you think you’re not good enough to be paid? So many talented, skillful EFT Practitioners won’t make the difference they deserve to make in the world because they can’t charge for the service they offer – or they only charge peanuts. Join Annabel and new EFT Practitioner, Betty Rieter, and tap along to clear these fears and limitations. Betty Rieter is an EFT Practitioner, Reiki Master, color acupuncturist, and journey therapist trained by Brandon Bays. Her life changed drastically when her youngest daughter Sophie died unexpectedly and she was left completely devastated and lost. That started her quest for healing her family, herself and others. Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice on a shoestring. Still experiencing many of the side effects of serious CFS, she used her experiences to establish a niche working with chronically ill clients, and created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com

 Gary Craig: (Spiritual) Optimal EFT Tapping and A Course in Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

Eloisa Ramos welcomes Gary Craig, who founded EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and made it available to the world in 1995. EFT uses tapping with your fingertips on acupuncture meridians to release blocked energy/emotions.  Gary is also an avid A Course in Miracles student since 1986. He shares his story of how he came to be a student and his “stunning” and “exquisite” experience of being in the presence of the Creator in 1988. Gary explains, “The real value of EFT, the longer term piece of it is not to give us, what the Course sometimes calls, ‘a better version of the dream’.” When EFT was introduced to the public, he says, “The real goal, in my view, was to clear away, to do what comes up at the very beginning of ACIM; we want to remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence.”  Gary is now developing Optimal EFT to remove those blocks to Love’s presence even more optimally.  “Optimal aims at recognizing this is a dream, and there is nothing to forgive. Everybody is either exhibiting love or calling for love, a very important topic in A Course in Miracles”. Gary explains to us how ACIM sees forgiveness, differently than the standard everyday use of it. Gary’s ultimate longing is to use Optimal EFT as a tool to take him back to this state of unbounded Love which he experienced briefly in time. He recognizes this is his path and is not preaching to convert others to his way.   To learn more about Gary Craig, EFT and receive his free Goal Standard EFT Tutorial visit : www.emofree.com.  You will find additional training videos and can sign up to receive his newsletter too.

 Top Secrets for Getting More Clients and Increasing Your Profits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

If you're like most of my clients, it’s your passion and purpose to be of service.You want to make a difference in the world. Then what happens? You have to go out and find the people you are here to help. And when you find them, you don't know what to say.  Here’s the situation: No matter how spectacular your niche is . . .   No matter how many potential clients you have conversations with . . .  No matter how polished and enticing your website is . . .   No matter how truly talented you are at what you do . . .   The #1 factor that will MAKE or BREAK your getting chosen by a potential client is how effective and influential you are in that first 1-on-1 “strategy session” with your potential client. Your prospect will make the YES or NO decision based 99% on this dialogue!   Today I’m offering to help you stop stumbling through these conversations!  To that end, I’m sharing my best strategies and tools – IN DETAIL – about how to turn heart-felt conversations into paying clients.I will teach you the steps, so people actually DO show up eager for your services. Business Success Coach Judy Wolvington shows you how to build a thriving business, with all the clients and income you desire. Certified in EFT and Matrix, Judy teaches Mindset and Skills so you can turn your passion into profit. MASTER your enrollment skills in Judy's new 6-Week Tele-Class: http://www.enrollmoreclients.com. Get your gift, "Your Dream Biz Blueprint", at http://unleashyourdreambiz.com.

 Part 2 Setting Boundaries: Why Is It So Stinking Hard To Do! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:00

Can you see yourself saying "I have the right to..."?  Is it news to you that you have the rights to have "Rights"?  Well in part 2 of this series we'll be taking a look at what it means to start  building your Personal Bill of Rights and of course we'll be tapping for all those uncomfortable feelings that get in the way of declaring your Rights. Join Dr Mary Ayers for the next step in learning the skill of Setting Boundaries.  Bonus Alert: Go to www.tapintoaction.com and download "Creating Your Personal Constitution of Rights"  

 Your EFT Business IS a Spiritual Practice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Join EFT Mastering Business Acumen (MBA) hosts Alina Frank and Craig Weiner for a powerful 30 minutes exploring a critical issue that trips many EFT coaches up. How can a business be both profitable and even lucrative while being a part of a spiritual practice at the same time? Many want to see them as mutually possible but have not been able to align with both simultaneously. Sometime there are deep roots, wounding and "writing on your walls" that create conscious and more importantly, unconsious connections resulting in core beliefs that force you to separate your spiritual connection from your business. If you, or your client are dealing with this sticky-wicket, then listen in to what is sure to be enlightening show. Alina Frank and Craig Weiner are the directors of the EFT MBA Success Program for Tapping Coaches and are also EFT trainers at www.EFTtappingtraining.com

 It Is My Time - Interview With Erik Cornish, The Original Financial Healer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

I am delighted to have Erik Cornish on the show today. After 40 years in the corporate world, he created The Financial Healer which combined his financial expertise with his own EFT and Matrix Reimprinting skills.  Erik's passion is to offer practical advice and insights for those looking to set up their own EFT Practice which will save them time and money. He is now financially healed himself and ready share his story which has a very  happy ending Erik can be contacted via me at Mark@financialhealer.co.uk  

 How To Increase Your Intuition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

Albert Einstein said 'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.' But what exactly is intuition and how can we increase our ability to access this intuitive 'gift'? Join Austin and Jo for this episode of 'I Am Healing' where they will share insights into how you can make your tapping (and indeed your whole life) more powerful by trusting the voice of your consciousness. To find out more about Austin's books which go into more detail about intuition (and many other aspects of the subconscious) please visit www.thewysecentre.co.uk.

 The Purpose of Your Anxiety – The Reason You Cannot Allow Love! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

You are anxious for a reason.  You repel love because you perceive you have no choice. Either you are biochemically imbalanced and your body continues to fire off the cue to go into stress mode or you perceive you are at risk and collapse into the emotional angst of your inner child or soul. Each is a reaction to you biggest fear – the fear that that you will not be able to cope! So you use your anxiety to ward off that fear; protect yourself with your unworthiness and shame, or avoid the risk of love! In this month’s broadcasts Cathryn continues her Free, on-line class entitled, The 2014 Conscious Living Series. This year is dedicated to helping you find the peace and happiness you deserve and establishing the sense of calm that gives you strength! The vibrational glitch that carries your pain is repairable. Today’s broadcast takes you the next step.  Cathryn provides you with the bridge needed so you can respond with compassion and love. You can heal?! You can experience success and joy! Tune in to today to hear how! Take advantage of Cathryn’s offer of a FREE 15-minute Assessment!  Call today – 612.710.7720!

 Embrace the Past: Forgive Your Flaws & Be Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

Whether it is annoyance over the most trivial things, memories of painful incidents or very deep rooted and dense karmic imprints of past traumas, we constantly encounter an incomplete past, which we avoid out of ignorance and due to fear of confronting our real pain. Cultivating forgiveness is the only way to consistently clear the karmic ties that bind us to the painful arising of previously resisted experience. It is the key to releasing the past and completing the unfinished experiences that you have either clung to or resisted. Forgiving yourself and others can set you free from suffering; however we need the right perspective to do this effectively. In todays show Paula and her partner Rashminder Kaur who are the creators of an eight module program: Karma Completion, Finish What You Started, will examine how we can make forgiveness a continual element on our life journey. They will also share a Buddhist Meditation called Loving Kindness followed by ‘Tonglen’, both of which foster forgiveness and acceptance, allowing you to embrace the past and gain a clear view of reality. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (LaxmiDechenWangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.          

 How to Attract a High Calibre of Clients | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Picture this: you increase your fees and the quality of your clients increases; you ask for referrals and your EFT Practice fills up, and you consistently attract clients who are hungry for, and willing to, change. This may seem like a dream, yet when you are in alignment with who you are, the skills you offer, and who you desire to work with, this is the reality. In today’s show, Annabel talks to Forrest Samnik about what it means to have high quality clients, and how to attract clients looking for deep healing. Forrest has not marketed her business in 7 years, and she gives nothing away for free, yet she has a full practice. She is able to balance earning the money she needs, giving her best to her clients, and making time for herself every day. Forrest Samnik retired as a Registered Nurse, obtained her Master’s Degree and became a licensed psychotherapist. In 2002, she left Hospice for private practice.  She is certified as an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting trainer, and a certified practitioner in The Body Code System.  Forrest’s primary area of focus is helping her clients, both animal and human, transform pain into peace.  www.ForrestSamnik.com Annabel Fisher created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on mentoring her students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn more, please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com


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