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 Sports Performance - Competing vs. Creating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

As an athlete it's natural for you to think in terms of "competition" all the time. You've probably never questioned thinking that way.  But do you find that you're comparing yourself to other athletes frequently? Are you paying more attention to what someone else is doing than what you're doing? Do you feel jealous or envious of another athlete's success? What if there was a more empowering way to approach your performance? It may sound crazy, but the mindset of competing and comparing yourself to others can be affecting your performance in a negative way. A better approach is to come from the mindset of "creating".  In this episode, Stacey will talk about the difference between competing and creating in your sports performance. Then we'll tap a protocol designed to help you release the habit of comparing and competing…freeing you up to create the performance you truly desire.  Stacey Vornbrock, M.S. is pioneering the use of EFT with professional and amateur athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level. She is recognized as a leading expert in the use of EFT with sports performance and is the author of 9 EFT Breakthrough Performance Sports Manuals as well as ebooks for non-athletes. To schedule your free performance evaluation session with Stacey, email her at stacey@breakthroughperformance.net or call her at 480-945-9750. Visit her website.

 How To Move Forward When You're Stuck In Fear - Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

All right, here we go!  We bring it all together in Part 4 of the series as we go for deep change, the kind of change that makes a difference in our chemistry and ultimate in our lives.  Join me, Dr Mary Ayers, as we tap to recondition the body so that our changes 'stick', not just for a moment, but for good! To learn more about EFT-Tapping go to http://www.tapintoaction.com to get your quick guide.

 Narrow Your Niche and Profit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Hi, It’s Judy Wolvington here, with http://unleashyourdreambiz.com. I’m excited to be presenting one of my favorite subjects, which is helping my clients discover their Niche. As a Therapist and an EFT Practitioner, I wanted to work with everyone. I was afraid it would be too limiting to specialize. What I have since realized as a Business Success Coach, is that by having a specific group of people identified who you love to work with, you attract far more clients who you are passionate about serving, and you make more income, too.  In this fun and interactive program, we will draw a connection from where you’ve been on your journey, to the people you are most likely to help. What if you could answer the questions: Who is my tribe that I am here to serve? What groups of people do I absolutely love working with? What problems am I most ideally suited to help people with? You will learn how to answer these questions and more. Become a  MAGNET for Attracting Your Ideal Clients! We will use EFT Tapping with a guest, and you can “borrow benefits” and tap along to clear your fears and doubts about narrowing the field. My goal is to help you realize that you CAN have it all: a business that brings in an abundance of your ideal clients, and one that creates a phenomenal income, too. I would love to hear from you. If you're ready to Unleash YOUR Dream Business, I have a free gift for you. It's called Your Dream Biz Blueprint, and it's 3 gifts in 1. To claim yours, just go to http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com.

 Your EFT Newsletter; What You Need to Know and Need to Forget! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Trying to grow your EFT practice and not having a regular way to communicate with "your list" is just plain silly. We do not know a single successful EFT practitioner who does not use a newsletter in one form or another to stay in contact with their clients and yet-to-be-clients. Given its importance, it is amazing how many examples of ineffective newsletters we get to see from EFT coaches. Enough already! It's time to change that once and for all we say! EFT MBA (Mastering Business Acumen) Radio Hosts, Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner, will offer their Most Effective Methods for helping you to begin creating a newsletter if you have not already, fine tune (or overhaul!) your newsletter to increase open rates, maximize readership interest, reduce "Remove My Name From Your List" requests and create loyal subscribers who will continue to follow and interact with you for years to come,  Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner are EFT trainers and mentors dedicated to supporting EFT coaches and practitioners in making a world of difference while creating thriving successful EFT practices. www.EFTmba.com www.EFTtappingtraining.com    

 The Financial Healer - First Aid For Your Finances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

Do you find yourself automatically saying things like "I can't afford that" Were your parents always telling you that "Money doesn't grow on trees" Can You remember the theme tune to Dallas? Join Mark as he takes you through a session with fellow EFT Practitioner Miles Hughes-Mayson where we discover that the beliefs that orginate in the past, now stop you from getting to where you want to be. Mark Bristow is a Financial Coach/Mentor and author whose specialty is helping people overcome the mental blocks that prevent them from becoming wealthy. Drawing on his 27 year career in financial services, together with his advanced training in NLP, EFT, and Matrix Reimprinting,  Mark provides a unique insight into how to transform your finances through changing your self-image. Get started with your financial healing! Download the first free chapters of Mark's popular book “The Financial Healer” at www.financialhealer.co.uk - and schedule a Free 30 minute individual session.       

 Prefrontal Cortex Tapping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

Join Austin and Jo for this episode of 'I Am Healing' and learn a brand new tapping technique, formulated by Austin to bring about a deep (maybe even subconscious) sense of peace and clarity. In this episode Austin will also share profound insights into the common sense thinking behind his technique, he will teach you how to do it for yourself and lead a demonstration which you can take part in as you listen. Once you have listened to the programme, you can download the tutorial in full from www.thewysecentre.co.uk/store. (Prefrontal Cortex Tapping is one of three powerful exercises which is featured on an mp3 called I Am Healing - The Exercises.)

 Demonstration of Interactive Tapping Formula to Rewire Brain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

As part of Cathryn's FREE On-Series see this exciting new formula in action! Listen and tap a long as Cathryn integrates the tenants of the new brain science and neural plasticity with her inner child focus and tapping sequences.  Witness how you can empower your adult self to prepare the way for your brain to learn how to default to a postive experience instead ot the challenging, fearful ones so that so often run your lives.  Cathryn leads your adult self through the steps needed to sustain a new paradigm; and maps the course you can use for your success. This third of three broadcasts is dedicated to Cathryn’s continued FREE On-Line Class – EFT For Your Soul – Conscious Living Series.    For more information go to www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com   To schedule FREE 15-minute phone assessment call Cathryn directly at612.710.7720.   Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype  

 "Tapping Tony" Stewart: The BBC, The Daily Mail and The EFT Skeptics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Professor Tony Stewart recently found his image being shown around the world, literally. Suddenly, he was an EFT Research Rockstar after a BBC and Daily Mail report was broadcast regarding the EFT Tapping work he was doing in a national health care clinic in the U.K. At first, the buzz was everywhere! Tapping sites lit up after one the world's most respected news organizations gave a favorable report on EFT, complete with a stellar testimonial by a client! Tony was then beset by personal and professional attacks based upon exagerated terms used by others involved in the news story.  In this interview we explore his personal journey from his own early EFT skepticism, to his personal health transformation via EFT, how he was able to convince his clinical supervisors to integrate EFT into the health care clinic and what breakthrough plans he is visioning for EFT in a universtity setting.  Tony is a Professor of Public Health at Staffordshire University and practices as an NHS Consultant. He is a published author and won the prestigious BMA award in 2011. He is an AAMET Master EFT and Matrix Reimprtinting trainer. More info can be foundout his work at http://www.eft-therapy.org/ As well as practicing EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and clinical hypnosis, Tony also carries out and publishes clinical research and trains therapists to practice them. Tony and his colleagues published the first clinical study of a dedicated EFT service within the NHS and the first ever clinical study of Matrix Reimprinting. Interview by Craig Weiner, DC  for The Transformational Dialogues, with more interviews available at  www.EFTtappingTraining.com

 The Importance of Receiving Support as your EFT Business Grows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

As an EFT Practitioner what support are your receiving? Is a tapping buddy supporting you through your own challenges? Do you have business support? As healers, it is often easier, or more comfortable, to give rather than receive. The focus is on supporting our clients. However, the more your own needs are met, and the more balance you experience, the clearer space you’ll be in to grow a thriving EFT Practice. Join Annabel and Gail Mae Ferguson as they discuss doing what is needed so you are emotionally, mentally, and physically able to grow your business, why receiving business guidance from a coach is so vital, and the value of ongoing EFT training for building confidence. Gail Mae Ferguson is a former ballerina, dancing principal roles with The Australian Ballet Company, later appearing on Broadway. A mom of five kids, she helps performers reach their full potential. She addresses childhood abuse, fears depression, and financial and career goals. She is a practitioner in EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, and Picture Tapping Technique in NYC, and also works with clients around the world via Skype and the telephone. www.ReachYourFullPotentialNYC.com, www.TransformYourActingCareer.com

 What is forgiveness? Can it Bring Peace Love Happiness? Lessons 61-74 ACIM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

When we see ourselves as separate from each other, we are not recognizing we share one Source that created us. What we see is separate bodies that can hurt one another. Because we don’t recognize that what we perceive is not separate from us, the perceiver, we believe that the world, those we see outside of us, can be in opposition to us; and that they have the power to hurt or make us happy. This means that answers to our problems and safety fears are outside of us, in the hands of others, and circumstance that we cannot control, and we feel scarred and powerless. A Course in Miracles offers us the solution to our hurt and powerlessness: forgiveness. It equates forgiveness to happiness and love because in connecting to the Light within we are able to release the judgment that others have or can hurt us. In our Light connection we recognize the truth of our identity: oneness with Source and each other. Here we assume charge of our happiness because we can let go of the grievances that are the source of our pain. Forgiveness is how we connect and excercise our inherent power of love. It releases us from believing we are victims or perpetrators, offering us the freedom to choose love in all circumstances and experience happiness and safety. ACIM Lesson 68: “You who were created by love like itself can hold no grievances and know your Self. To hold a grievance is to forget who you are.” If you would like help with forgiving a past grievance and would like to work with Eloisa Ramos live on this show, March 14, 2014, at 12 noon PST, please send an email to ramoshealing@comcast.net. To listen live, call (347) 215-6833. Visit www.healingwitheft.com  for more information about Eloisa Ramos, EFT and the Ramos Clearing Technique.

 Healing Sexual Issues with FasterEFT's Robert Smith and your host Karin Davidson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

Robert Smith, the creater of Faster EFT, has one of the largest online video libraries on YouTube. Here, Karin asks what exactly IS FasterEFT, where did come from, & how does it work with sexual issues. Robert will also discuss his views on how our subconscious effects our life & how to change it. Robert has an upcoming seminar specifically for sexual issues including performance issues, PTSD, abuse & more. He has trained with some of America’s greatest transformational teachers such as Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Gary Craig, developer of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Dr. Larry Nims, developer of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF). He has combined, simplified and strengthened them to create FasterEFT. Robert has reached thousands of people with the largest free online healing library available on YouTube. The videos have almost 1 000 000 minutes viewed per month and have been translated into 14 different languages. He has been giving public seminars since 2001 & began Faster EFT certified trainings in 2008. Faster EFT is a thinking process that empowers individuals to make peace with the memories they carry. It is a healthy and logical belief system, which quickly transforms how people represent their past, shifts their emotional disruptions & restores physical health. http://www.fastereft.com/. Karin is a highly sought after speaker on using meridian tapping techniques for self help & helping others. She is certified hypnotherapist, a Reiki master, an EFT Trainer, the 1st Matrix Reimprinting Trainer in the USA, co-founder of the Meridian Tapping Techniques Association & co-author of the EFT Levels Comprehensive Training Resource coursebooks. www.HowToTap.com

 How To Move Forward When You're Stuck In Fear - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

We all know that doing something new…something out-there, is scary. And since it’s scary there’s a pretty good chance we will get stuck at some time, that we’ll freeze up and do our best ‘not to do that thing’! Well, no worries! In part 3 of this series, Dr Mary Ayers will show you that making this simple switch in your questions can get you moving – come and join her for some powerful tapping!

 EFT Master Rue Hass: It's OK to Want Something For Yourself! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Hi, It's Judy Wolvington. I am so excited about my guest for this show. Rue Hass, MA, CCHT,  is a Certified EFT Master with Honors. As an Intuitive Mentor and Coach Rue works with chronic physical and emotional issues and spiritual life path choices. Rue is an Ordained Minister and also the author of several books on EFT. Rue teaches people how to manifest powerfully, and in doing so she discovered that when she asks people "What do you want?" it often sets off a list of what they DON'T want. Wanting something for oneself can trigger an internal voice that says: I can't have what I want I don't deserve to get what I want I am greedy for wanting this Who are YOU to want that? For many of us, it seems, it is just not OK to want, at all. Many of us have felt we had to give up our dreams to survive the criticism and humiliation of our family. Perhaps through culture or religion we were taught that it is WRONG to have wants., or it's SELFISH. And, if something that we want does not manifest, we might take that to mean that we're a failure.  Where does this “won’t get—can’t have" syndrome come from?  Rue will answer this question from a practical spiritual perspective, and explore how to resolve it with EFT.   Rue has been my mentor and role model ever since I learned EFT. You won't want to miss this show. Rue's Website:  http://IntuitiveMentoring.com Don't forget to claim your FREE gift, "Your Dream Biz Blueprint", at http://UnleashYourDreamBiz.com. If you want to find out how to attract more clients and charge what you're worth, this is for you.  

 Tapping Your Productivity Well; 10 Top Tips to Live By | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

EFT MBA (Mastering Business Acumen) Radio Hosts Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner explore 10 easy to implement tricks and tips for supporting you in increasing your EFT practice's productivity without increasing the workload. Just how can you increase your focus and attention to "mini-max" your work time and balance it with familiy and fun? You will find these cutting edge entrepreneurial, attention-focusing rituals invaluable and will surely begin implementing them the moment after the show ends! Tap into your focus and tap away distraction and procrastination to have your EFT business practice thrive! Alina Frank and Dr. Craig Weiner are EFT trainers and mentors dedicated to supporting EFT coaches and practitioners in making a world of difference while creating thriving successful EFT practices. www.EFTmba.com www.EFTtappingtraining.com

 The Financial Healer - I'm A Parent, Get Me Out Of Here - Darren Curtis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Note: Not just for Parents! I am delighted to bring you this interview with Darren Curtis, author of "I'm A Parent, Get Me Out Of Here" Darren's wealth of knowledge, infectious energy and sense of humor ensures a highly entertaining show as he highlights methods to help you and your children become healthy in every sense. Darren is a psychological coach, mentor and trainer working as a consultant for local authorities and schools, helping parents and teachers communicate more effectively with teenagers (yes! he actually understands teenagers!) He is also trusted by large organisations including BT, O2 and Microsoft to help create effective and lasting work/life balance solutions. His knowledge and abilities have further developed through working internationally with the Anthony Robbins Foundation since 2008. In addition to his advanced coaching and mentoring techniques, Darren uses integrity based NLP and hypnosis to unlock clients vastly untapped unconscious potential, resulting in his clients finding the easiest, most lucrative and enjoyable ways of working and living. Mark Bristow is a Financial Coach/Mentor and author based in South Manchester in the UK. Following a career in financial services, he now specializes in helping people overcome the mental blocks that prevent them becoming wealthy using EFT, Matrix Reimprinting,  and  NLP.


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