Technology Podcasts

Node University show

Node UniversityJoin Now to Follow

Short lectures on software development with Node.js, JavaScript, and React. Start listening from 1, e.g., 1, 2, 3, ..., 15 for better learning experience because this podcast is more like an audio course or an audio book than a normal podcast. Node University and its creator Azat Mardan tells you about advantages of using Node.js and why its such an absolutely, positively, amazingly awesome technology. Watch on YouTube, Node University, or listen on Google Play, Stitcher or iTunes:

By Azat Mardan

Ciencia y Genios show

Ciencia y GeniosJoin Now to Follow ofrece la vida de los grandes científicos. Las mentes más claras de la historia han ido tejiendo poco a poco la intrincada tela de araña del conocimiento científico. De aquellos y aquellas que destacaron por encima de otros hablamos aquí. Con una frecuencia quincenal, les ofreceremos la biografía de un gran sabio escrita por Carmen Buergo. Todas ellas se van sumando a nuestro podcast Ciencia y Genios.

Cienciaes Podcast General show

Cienciaes Podcast GeneralJoin Now to Follow

Todos los podcasts de reunidos en uno solo. Cada vez que se publique un nuevo episodio de Ulises y la Ciencia, Hablando con Científicos, Ciencia y Genios, La Ciencia Nuestra de Cada Día, Zoo de Fósiles, Vanguardia de la Ciencia, Seis Patas tiene la Vida y Océanos de Ciencia, usted lo tendrá en el Podcast General.

JavaWorld's Java Technology Insider show

JavaWorld's Java Technology InsiderJoin Now to Follow

Inside views on essential and emerging Java technologies from the developers shaping the future of the Java platform.

By JavaWorld

Colico Cronico show

Colico CronicoJoin Now to Follow

El podcast de los martes que sale cualquier otro dia. Acompañen al Magallan, El Dude, El Gallego Hotelero, El Sin Uña y El Ermitaño de Coapa mientras hablan de todo y de nada a la vez. Pura diversión! Tecnologia, autos, cine, T.V., videojuegos, musica, etc.

Sixty Second Tech show

Sixty Second TechJoin Now to Follow

Sixty Second Tech is the technology podcast for non-technology people. We don’t read code and we don’t talk in buzzwords. We just discuss new technologies using plain English.

Missing Link show

Missing LinkJoin Now to Follow

The fascinating world history of science, medicine, and technology - all in a lively, accessible format.

Media Hacks show

Media HacksJoin Now to Follow

Media Hacks is all about media, technology, publishing, Internet culture and how to build a community. The twice-monthly audio program is a lively debate featuring some of the top names in Marketing, Communications, Publishing and New Media.

By Mitch Joel, Chris Brogan, C.C. Chapman, Hugh McGuire, Christopher S. Penn & Julien Smith

Social Media for Small Business show

Social Media for Small BusinessJoin Now to Follow

Social media tips, news, interviews and how-tos for small business. Your hosts are Australian Businesswomen's Network Community Director, Suzi Dafnis and Cat Matson of

By Australian Businesswomen's Network

BitCoin Review show

BitCoin ReviewJoin Now to Follow

This is the weekly podcast where we cover news and more about BitCoins!

By Fancy Show Tech