Help for the Harried and Discouraged Homeschool Mom: Finding Endurance and Encouragement//ep 164

Simply Living for Him show

Summary: "I'm not doing enough. I am ruining my kids." "I am failing." "I am overwhelmed and not sure what to do." "I can't do this anymore!' Every week I talk with homeschooling moms who say all of the above and more. I have said all of the above and more! Today, I want you to stop. Sit still for a bit. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let me set your mind at ease.  Let's look to Jesus when we start to get overwhelmed and let His peace assure us in our homeschool journey. Whether you are a homeschooling mom or not, I am confident this podcast will help you settle your soul as you find rest in Him with whatever struggle you are facing. Get the new devotional--->