Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus

Summary: Rick Lawrence, author of Jesus-Centered Life, unpacks what it means to live a life that pays ridiculous attention to Jesus. Each episode zooms in on a story of Jesus and looks at it to answer two very basic questions. Who do I say Jesus is? Who does Jesus say I am?

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  • Artist: Paying Ridiculous Attention To Jesus
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 Season 2, Episode 004: How to determine God's will | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:53

In classical music it is imperative that every musician hit their note exactly right and at the exact time. In the world of Jazz musicians have a plan going into the song, but the role of the band is to take a note and make it into something beautiful. There are not mistakes in Jazz, other than if the band doesn't work around a bad note and turn it into something. How do we see the role of using our own will, God's will and the holy spirit playing the bandstand reacting to every note we send out? Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as they ZOOM in on John 15, listening to Jesus teach about the vine, the branches and abiding in him as a way to know his will. Also joined with a clip from Stefon Harris, famous jazz player explaining the role of jazz. Related Links and Articles:

 Season 2, Episode 003 Following Jesus in a smartphone world | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:36

The current of technology is compounding around us, and with virtual and augmented reality exploding, it begs the question, "What happened to real reality?" This question, among others, is the topic of discussion for today's episode featuring an interview with special guest Joani Schultz about her recent experience at the Computer Electronics Show. Plus hear a clip with author and speaker Simon Sinek talking about the psychological impact of social media on young people, and Becky’s recent experience watching the Netflix show Black Mirrors. A zoom into John 14 rounds out the episode, looking deeper into how Jesus balanced the current of his culture with the relationships around him, plus practical ideas for how you can stay in the current of culture without going out with the technology tide. Related Links and Articles: From Joani Schultz: Why Nobody Wants to Be Around Christians Anymore: 4 Things for the Church on Technology by Joani Schultz Are you a “Smombie?”: Simon Sinek, Millennials in the workplace (video): New Years Jesus-Centered Goal Planning [Free Download]: Finding Your Epic Purpose In the Midst of What’s To Come: 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible:

 Season 2, Episode 002 Jesus' Inaugural Address | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:35

It's Luke chapter 4 beginning with verse 18. Jesus has finished his time of tempting in the desert. He has come back to his home town of Nazareth and is giving his inaugural speech into ministry. This is the speech that results in him being kicked out and rejected in his home town. Join us as we ZOOM in on this story the story of a speech about setting captives free. This week Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges will be joined by special guest Carl Medearis. Carl is a dear friend to us, a lover and follower of Jesus and also an international expert in the field of Arab-American and Muslim-Christian relations. Carl also hosts a gathering of people who simply want to love and follow Jesus in the mountains of Colorado. We will be there again this year camping and communing with others about Jesus, we would LOVE to have you there. Learn more at Related Links and Articles: New Years Jesus-Centered Goal Planning [Free Download]: Finding Your Epic Purpose In the Midst of What's To Come: The Truth About Civility, and How Jesus Redefines Love: 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible: Muslims, Christians, and Jesus by Carl Medearis: Speaking of Jesus (Student Edition) by Carl Medearis:

 Season 2, Episode 001: How do you pray? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:51

Prayer. It's something we can often take for granted. How do you pray? What does it mean for your prayers to be heard...and answered? How do you know? When should you pray? How long should you pray? Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as the ZOOM in on Matthew 6:5-18, also known as the Lord's prayer. We will pay close attention to how Jesus taught us to pray and also share some of our favorite practical tips for creating a habit of prayer in your life. Related Links and Articles: Practical tips on prayer from this episode: New Years Jesus-Centered Goal Planning [Free Download]: How I Learned to Hear Jesus' Voice: 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: How I learned to read the Bible: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible

 Season 1, Episode 014: Preparing for a new year with Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

It's that time of year. Exactly one week from now you're going to wake up and instantly start making lists of goals and plans in your head that will help you become the person you want to be this year. Lose weight, start a gratitude journal, learn a new hobby, read a new book, finally plan that trip you always wanted to take. Oh yeah and finally become perfect in every way. Join us as we take a good look at Acts Chapter 9 and how Jesus likes to come into our lives and show us who we really are. Plus see below for our free download challenge to plan your goals with Jesus. ps. Rick and I (Becky) want to wish you and your family the very best Christmas and Happy New Year. It's our greatest joy to do this podcast with all of you and we are so grateful that you listen! We have some really fun things planned for you next year including some special guests. Start the new year off with Jesus, we created a free download just for you to pay ridiculous attention to Jesus in the new year. Download it now and look for more info we will be sending out after Christmas!

 Season 1, Episode 013: Defining humility with Eugene Peterson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:22

In a world that is consumed with themselves and their own happiness it is a certain treasure to see people who are completely unaware of their own success and also not afraid to boldly say exactly what they mean. Join Rick Lawrence, Becky Hodges and special guest Eugene Peterson (author of The Message and many other well known books) as they unpack technology, observing the Sabbath, the Megachurch, and Eugene's first experience with a "mash-pit" at a Bono concert. Let's just say it's a delightful conversation. Join us as we wrestle with the tension of a man who is so obviously humble and also unafraid of saying completely bold and even offensive things. Read the whole interview here: ps. Becky now wants to go live in Montana in a cabin with Eugene and his wife and make soup while they read novels to each other by the fire. Related Links and Articles: Join us as we commit to paying attention to Jesus at Christmas (free devotional starts November 27th): ho How I Learned to Hear Jesus' Voice: 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: How I learned to read the Bible: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible:

 Season 1, Episode 012: Finding your epic purpose in life in the midst of what's to come | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:37

In a culture today that is completely consumed with fear, what did Jesus do with fear? And what kinds of challenges was the culture Jesus living in facing politically? Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as they ZOOM in on Mathew 24, a place where Jesus shares some very scary things with his disciples about what was going to happen to them and what we can expect. Despite this story we also see that we have a heroic opportunity to advance the kingdom and live out our purpose. What does that do to our purpose? How does knowing what's coming shape and challenge us about what we're doing here and now? Join us as we commit to paying attention to Jesus at Christmas (free devotional starts November 27th): How I learned to hear Jesus' Voice: Learn more about living a Jesus-Centered Life:

 Season 1, Episode 011: Playing on the playground | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:58

What does it mean to be like children? When kids get on the playground they rarely get too caught up in whether they can actually climb that tree, they just climb it. And if they don't get themselves up on the branch the first time, they just keep trying again. They are free from expectations; they're just playing around after all. Join Rick Lawrence, Becky Hodges and extra special guest Stephanie Hillberry as we play around with Jesus this week. We're going to ask Jesus to give us a verse and then just go ahead and talk about it. Come join along with us as we play with Jesus and invite him into our lives. Related Links and Articles: - How I Learned to Hear Jesus' Voice: - Part 1: How I learned to read the Bible: - 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: - Jesus-Centered Life: - Jesus-Centered Bible:

 Season 1, Episode 010: Craving a better soul diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:41

We know we need to check food labels, and restaurant menus, if our goal is healthy nutrition—that’s why it’s ironic that we're more desensitized to the “cultural diet” we're feeding our souls than ever before. What does a “soul diet” that helps you feel grounded and congruent look like in comparison to a diet that makes you feel dissonant and unsatisfied? And how do we “dine with sinners” while abstaining from a soul-diet that’s toxic to us? Join Rick and Becky as they unpack the way Jesus tore down the walls of our “compartmentalized life”—He was criticized for hanging out with the wrong crowd and He was criticized for insisting that the “Law” didn’t go far enough. Here’s how we can de-compartmentalize our lives so that Jesus is at the center of all that we do. More from this Episode: Jesus-Centered Life: The Life you've always wanted with the Jesus you never knew Often times we isolate our relationship with Jesus to "prayer times" that are uninterrupted. Most of us also know we don't always have those prayer times, and they often don't go uninterrupted. What if instead of finding uninterrupted time we gave permission for Jesus to interrupt us. In this incredible book Rick Lawrence shares his practical ways of finding Jesus in everything he does and how you can find ways to do this too. >>Get your copy of Jesus-Centered Life: Related Links and Articles: - How I Learned to Hear Jesus' Voice: - Group Workcamps & Missions Trips: - Lifetree Adventures Missions Trips: - 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: - How I learned to read the Bible: - Jesus-Centered Life: - Jesus-Centered Bible:

 Season 1, Episode 009 The Truth About Civility, and How Jesus Redefines Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:08

In a culture where “civil discourse” is the stuff of nostalgia, and brutal back-and-forths are the norm, there are no more “safe zones” for respectful disagreement. Conversations are now simply an onramp for scorched-earth diatribes and personal attacks. And what does Jesus think about all of this? Well, that’s a no-brainer, we say, because he’s such a nice guy. That would be comforting if it was true. Jesus was shockingly tender to some, and shockingly forceful with others. Join Rick and Becky to to learn why Jesus so radically changed his approach, based on the person he was engaging, and how we can serve a higher mission in our relationships than mere “civil discourse.” More from this Episode: Jesus-Centered Life: The Life you've always wanted with the Jesus you never knew Often times we isolate our relationship with Jesus to "prayer times" that are uninterrupted. Most of us also know we don't always have those prayer times, and they often don't go uninterrupted. What if instead of finding uninterrupted time we gave permission for Jesus to interrupt us. In this incredible book Rick Lawrence shares his practical ways of finding Jesus in everything he does and how you can find ways to do this too. Related Links:

 Season 1, Episode 008: How to survive the 2016 election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:12

It doesn't matter who you are voting for, one thing Americans can agree on is that we need a hard reset and this election is making us crazy. Join us as we unpack Kirk Cameron's Revive Us event and what Christians in America need to do now. ps. You can get tix to the next Family Meeting being hosted by Kirk Cameron called Revive us Monday October 24th in a theater near you here:

 Season 1, Episode 007 Whatever Makes You Happy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:05

The pursuit of happiness is often perceived as a human right, something we all deserve if we are good. Join us this week as we zoom in on some parables where Jesus shared what the Kingdom of Heaven was like and how joy would reign there. What is joy? Is it the same thing as being happy? What is the tension between joy and happiness and does it even matter?

 Season 1, Episode 006 What does it mean to hear Jesus' voice? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:09

Can you really hear the voice of Jesus? How do you know if it's Jesus's voice or your own voice? What if I try to talk to Jesus and he doesn't say anything back? Do I really believe Jesus can talk to me?

 Season 1, Episode 005 The thing you forgot about grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:07

When we are asked to describe the Kingdom of God and how we live it out in our everyday lives, it’s easy to come up blank. We know what it is, but it can be difficult to know how to put it on display at work, at home and in our relationships. Join us as we focus in on the backbone of the Kingdom of God, grace, and discuss how we can live it out in an everyday way.

 Season 1, Episode 004 The surprising things that impress Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:50

We all want to achieve great things in our life. Whether that is in our careers, our families or making the world a better place. We are wired to succeed in life. But what did Jesus pay attention to as success? The answer is surprising. Join us this week as we ZOOM in on three stories where Jesus was impressed with people. Pay close attention to the things that he pointed out and called out to others.


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