Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus

Summary: Rick Lawrence, author of Jesus-Centered Life, unpacks what it means to live a life that pays ridiculous attention to Jesus. Each episode zooms in on a story of Jesus and looks at it to answer two very basic questions. Who do I say Jesus is? Who does Jesus say I am?

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 Season 2, Episode 19: Jesus Was the Worst Self-Help Guru Ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:06

When you're feeling like your life needs a hard reset it's easy to leave Jesus behind and head to the self-help section of the book store and get on top of your issue. It's understandable why; they're inspiring, motivating, and believable. We know that if we can just make a few small changes in our lives they can have a huge overall impact. The problem is that they rely on our own strength and self-discipline. Jesus isn't looking for a paint by numbers relationship where he's already picked out the design and color. What he's looking for is to paint with you. For you to invite him into the drawing and let him make adjustments. He also knows that in the beginning you will have paintings that need do-overs and that with time you'll get better at it. That's how he wants to do life with us. Join us this week in the Old Testament as we look at the story of Gideon putting out a fleece as a way to be sure that he knew what God wanted. We'll also share from some of the top self-help gurus out there and compare what they have to say to what Jesus has to say. Resources: Join the Pigs: Jesus-Centered Bible: Diet Experiment with Jesus: (Podcast) On Loving Ourselves: (Podcast) Whatever Makes You Happy: (Podcast) The Unexpected Gift of Coming up Empty: Why Mindful Wasn't Making Me Happy:

 Season 2, Episode 18: What if your life is wasted? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:48

We give our best, try our hardest, and give our all. We chase after self-discipline, fight the good fight, and love our neighbors as ourselves. We win with love, give peace and kindness. We're all in for Jesus, and we know he's all in for us. But what if he wants to take your best and then waste it? In the Old Testament you were asked to go to the altar and give your best as an offering. You would labor to raise the best calf, the best lamb, or grow the best crop and then set it on the alter and light it on fire. Your best was a sweet smelling offering to the Lord and he was pleased with it. In a world dominated by the pursuit of the American dream, a world in pursuit of happiness, what would it look like to have your talent, your skill, your best you wasted on the altar? Join us this week as we go back to the Old Testament and look at some places where people like Job were wasted and still gave their best to the Lord. Related Resources: Join the Pigs: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible: (Podcast) The Unexpected Gift of Coming up Empty: (Article) Why Mindful Wasn't Making Me Happy:

 Season 2, Episode 017: What is God's Will? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:53

"God's Perfect Will" "What if I misunderstand his will?" "If I get on God's perfect track, does that mean my life will be perfect?" "Does God always want to make the choices, or does he have some choices I can make?" "What about free will?" "Is God's mind made up, or can he change his mind?" Join us this month as we talk about "What is God's Will?" It's so confusing to think about God's will. This week we're going to zoom in on the story of the Roman soldier who asks Jesus to perform a miracle. We're going to slow way down and pay attention to the things Jesus did and didn't do. We've heard from our listeners on the go that when we talk about related resources on the show, often they forget where to go find them or to download them later. We're setting up an email list that will send you the related resources each week from the episode so that you don't have to remember to. Related Resources: • Free Downloads to Help You Pay Better Attention to Jesus: • The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence: • White Board Wednesday:

 Season 2, Episode 16: What Jesus Says About Your Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:33

We’re wrapping up our month long theme on identity, so be sure you go back and listen to all four of these episodes. We couldn't finish a series on identity without talking about body image. Join us this week as we interview Jobe Lewis and talk about his very unique journey towards combining his body and spirit. Jobe has a passionate message to encourage people to ditch their scales, focus on health and combine the spiritual health with fitness in everyday life. What would it look like if we de-compartmentalized Jesus from our diet and body images and instead invited him into them? Becky took a challenge a year ago and did a two week dieting experiment, you can listen to her journey here ( Start your own 2-week diet challenge with Jesus with our free download (, this diet will set you free. Because self-improvement is overrated, paying ridiculous attention to Jesus is better. Remember we are inviting our regular listeners to join the pigs. We'll invite you to a closed Facebook group where the community and conversation is already getting exciting! Here's the sign up page ( Related Links and Articles: • White Board Wednesday (A weekly video series for Youth Workers, Pastors and Volunteers)- • Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- • Learn more about the mission trips Jobe Lewis organizes at

 Season 2, Episode 15: Partnering with Jesus to Set People Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:10

This month on Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Podcast we're focusing identity, and who does Jesus say I am? Last week we talked about what it looks like to be set free from the shackles that are burdening us, and tripping us up. This week we are going to talk about what it would look like if we partnered with Jesus to set other people free. Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as they unpack the lyrics from a Christian song written in the 80's about freedom, and what it feels like to patiently partner with the Holy Spirit for someone else's freedom from captivity. Become a Pig! After three weeks we have decided on a name for our group we are inviting you to. If you have no idea what that is you might want to pick up Rick's Jesus-Centered Life, there's a chapter called "Living a Pig Life" that will make this very clear. This group will get special emails from Rick and Becky as well as be invited to a private Facebook group focused on wading in the mud puddle stories of Jesus. Join the pigs or learn more. Related Links: Jesus-Centered Life, by Rick Lawrence- The Jesus-Interruption, by Stephanie Hillberry- Namesake, by Stephanie Hillberry- Rick's Guide to a Retreat with Jesus- (Podcast) Who does Jesus Say I Am?- (Podcast) Namesake- How I learned to hear Jesus' voice-

 Season 2, Episode 014: Freedom with Sarah Bessey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:58

What is Jesus hoping to set you free from? If you have grown up in Christianity you probably know all about conviction and sin. But what if there’s more to the story? If Jesus came to set captives free, what does that really look like in our life? And what if freedom is about even giving up things that aren’t necessarily sin? This week we have the amazing pleasure of interviewing author and blogger, Sarah Bessey. This is an honest conversation about how God is freeing her up in life, showing her the true author of discipline, and how the gentle the voice of the Holy Spirit really is. We’ll also examine the role of discipleship and how it’s difference than we might have thought. BONUS Rick wrote a fantastic new free download with his “how to guide” on having a spiritual retreat with Jesus, sign up for the member group to get your copy. ( Our member group is growing! There’s no charge to be a part of it, but if you are a regular listener here we want to broaden our relationship with you. We will randomly choose people to give stuff to you, reach out to get your input and advice on things and we’re going to be praying for you. Click on the button above to join. This week we are releasing a new devotional for teenagers heading out of high school, whether that’s to college or somewhere else. It’s about navigating your future with Jesus with relevant devotionals and also life stuff (like what you should always have in your car, and rules for roommates.) It’s called Destination: Life, and we want to invite you in spreading this to the next generation, pick up a copy for a graduate you know. Links to Sarah Bessey: Sarah’s Blog- Sarah’s first book, Jesus Feminist- Sarah’s second book, Out of Sorts- Related Links and Articles: Rick's Retreat with Jesus Guidebook: Destination: Life (Graduation Devotional)- (Podcast) The story of the woman Jesus heals by her touching his clothes- The Jesus-Centered Bible- Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- How I learned to hear Jesus’ voice- (Podcast) When you don’t feel like a real adult-

 Season 2, Episode 013: When Jesus Names You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:27

Who does Jesus say I am? When I first met Rick, he talked a lot about this question. He said it was the second most important question in life. And that question scared me, because I have been raised in a world of broken mirrors. Those mirrors have decided to point out all the things that are “wrong” with me, and deep down inside I thought that’s what Jesus was going to do too. When I finally let Jesus in, he set me free. His names were: chosen, daughter, rain that fertilizes and makes things grow, protected, wise, and a destroyer of darkness. He also told me that my life was a beautiful mess, a perfect artwork and that even in the ashes of my darkness he was making a fertile and wild garden. This week join us as we talk about the way Jesus makes art with people’s lives. We’ll share our own practical insights on how we have created space in our lives for Jesus to name us. BONUS Rick wrote a fantastic new free download with his “how to guide” on having a spiritual retreat with Jesus. We will also be inviting our listeners to join a special group. There’s no charge to be a part of it, but if you are a regular listener here we want to broaden our relationship with you. We will randomly choose people to give stuff to you, reach out to get your input and advice on things and we’re going to be praying for you. See below the related articles for details on how you can join. This week we are releasing a new resource for you to learn your name. It’s called Namesake, it’s a new Jesus-Centered Devotional Coloring book. Each page is a reflection of who Jesus says you are paired with a coloring page to engage you while you pray and reflect on the devotion. Related Links and Articles Namesake- Namesake Sample- The Jesus-Centered Bible- A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman- Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- The surprising thing that happened when I quit applying the Bible to my life- Two simple steps for changing the way you read the Bible- Pierced New Testament for Teens- Join the Paying Ridiculous Attention To Jesus Podcast Community-

 Season 2, Episode 012: Are We Heading Toward A “Bibleless” Christianity? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

When you picture someone who has devoted his entire life to the passion of getting people to read the Bible…you might be thinking that person is a bit rigid, and judgmental. You are in for a refreshing surprise this week as we interview Glenn Paauw formally of Biblica and now running the Institute for Bible Reading. We love his heart for making the Bible alive and a story again. Be a part of starting a Bible reading movement this year. Many of our listeners read the Jesus-Centered Bible and we want to encourage you to pick up a half dozen copies and to be praying about who you can give them too. Because it was designed to make the Bible more relate-able and bring out the story of Jesus. Get your Bibles today! We will also be inviting our listeners to join a special group. There’s no charge to be a part of it, but if you are a regular listener here we want to broaden our relationship with you. We will randomly choose people to give stuff to you, reach out to get your input and advice on things and we’re going to be praying for you. See below the related articles for details on how you can join. Related Links and Articles The Institute for Bible Reading- The Jesus-Centered Bible- Pierced New Testament for Teens- A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman- Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- The Surprising thing that happened when I quit applying the Bible to my life- Two simple steps for changing the way you read the Bible-

 Season 2, Episode 011: Reading The Bible With a Filter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:50

You opened your Bible, read a passage and immediately started applying it to your life. You read that part about how God doesn’t want you to tell a lie, and immediately started thinking about the small fib you told your co-worker the other day. Suddenly you’re wrecked with guilt and turning to prayer, or slamming the book closed. The truth is what happened is you missed the whole story. You missed what the passage was telling you about who Jesus is. Join us this week as we take a portion of Matthew 15 and apply a new filter while we read it. Watch as Jesus comes alive, and all of the insights we glean about him from a few paragraphs in the Bible. We want to invite all of you to take this experiment in your own Bible and share the new things you learn about Jesus. Related Links and Articles • The Jesus-Centered Bible- • A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman- • Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- • The surprising thing that happened when I quit applying the Bible to my life- • Two simple steps for changing the way you read the Bible-

 Season 2, Episode 010: When The Bible Doesn't Meet Your Expectations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:22

You got out of bed at 5:30 a.m., crawled to the coffee pot, grabbed your Bible and journal and hit the couch for your quiet time. You're proud of yourself for getting there, making the time, and being present. But at the end you were left a little bit disappointed. Why is that? Why is it when we went to the Bible for a deeply satisfying relationship with Jesus, we ended up with a missed expectation? Join us this week with special guest Dr. Ken Castor as we share our personal journey with the Bible, coming up empty and finding Jesus again. This is a rare treat as Rick and Ken are co-collaborators of the Jesus-Centered Bible, they'll share the transformation that happened when they set out to find Jesus in the Old Testament. Related Links and Articles: The Jesus-Centered Bible- Grow Down by Dr. Ken Castor- Make A Difference by Dr. Ken Castor-

 Season 2, Episode 009: Reconciling Old Testament God vs. New Testament Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:28

In the Old Testament it’s hard to avoid a God who seems angry a lot, and sometimes even vindictive. And it’s hard to square that version of God with the Jesus of the New Testament, who (we like to tell ourselves) is essentially a nice guy. A kinder, gentler God. But Jesus tells us, over and over, that if we see Him we see His Father, too. He’s a mirror image of the God we can’t see. If we understand His heart, we understand the heart of God. That fierce God of the Old Testament is embodied, also, in the surprising, sometimes shocking, personality of Jesus. Join Rick and special guest host Tim Levert (author, ministry leader, and academic) as they bridge the gap between the God described in the Old Testament and the Jesus described in the New Testament—you’ll discover an integrated way to understand the whole of the Bible, and a deeper path to understanding God’s heart. Related Articles and Resources: The Jesus-Centered Bible- The Simple Truth Bible- The 9: Best Practices for Youth Ministy by Kurt Johnston and Tim Levert- Sifted by Rick Lawrence- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence-

 Season 2, Episode 008: Jesus & the Restoration of Intimacy—The Real Issue Behind the Porn Epidemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:23

Pornography is a rapidly growing epidemic in our culture. Both kids and adults, men and women, Christians and non-Christians are all caught in its net. At the root of this “normalizing” of addiction to sexually explicit material is a diminishing ability to make and maintain intimate relationships. In one sense, Jesus is a tradesman who specializes in hand-crafted relationships, and that’s why he can offer us real hope, building back what we’ve lost. Join us this week as we talk to special guest Roxanne Stone (Editor-in-Chief at the Barna Research Group) about Porn Phenomenon, a new Barna study that’s one of the broadest assessments ever produced on pornography and its impact on our culture. We’ll also dive into how Jesus heals and restores our ability to live intimately with others, and how we can cooperate with his redemptive mission in our life. Related Links and Articles: • Porn Phenomenon from Barna- • More on Roxanne Stone- • The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- • The Jesus-Centered Bible- • • An Open Letter to the Dad Watching Porn-

 Season 2, Episode 007: Sam Worthington on How God Comforts Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:35

God never promises an easy, or pain free life. But when struggles and challenges surface, how does God actually bring comfort to us? Is this comfort an instant fix, a tangible feeling, or something else altogether? Join us this week with special guest Sam Worthington (star of the soon-to-be released film, “The Shack”) as we focus in on what it looks like to be comforted by God when everything seems out of control. We’ll also zoom in on Jesus’ actions during the death of Lazarus in John 11. Related Links and Articles: - The Shack- - The Jesus-Centered Bible- -

 Season 2, Episode 006: The Power of ‘Third-Level’ Listening | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:40

If 80% of communication is non-verbal, learning how to listen and respond to others with “Third Level” skill can be powerfully transforming in our relationships. This is the way Jesus interacted with people, and our attachment to Him enables us to do the same as we serve and love the people in our life. What does it mean to hear beyond a person’s words—to listen both horizontally (to the person’s “essence”) and vertically (to the Spirit of Jesus) as you interact? Join us this week with special guest Michael Warden as we learn how to tap into the Third Level of listening. Michael is a Christian leadership coach and team dynamics expert, helping organizations and individuals experience breakthrough in their relationships. Related Links and Articles: Michael Warden’s Website- Jesus-Centered Life- Shrewd by Rick Lawrence- Sacred Ground Sticky Floors Blog-

 Season 2, Episode 005: How Jesus Removes Our Shame: An Interview with The Shack’s Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:55

We sat down with William Paul Young the author of the New York Times best selling book, The Shack, which is now being made into a movie releasing in theaters March 3rd across the country. This story is a story of redemption, love and Jesus’ relentless pursuit of our hearts. We look forward to the conversations that this movie will bring about and will be designing devotions and discussion guides for you to use with your friends and family. Related Links and Articles: The Shack Official Movie Site: A movie that asks hard questions and then answers them with the thing that matters most:


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