Season 2, Episode 003 Following Jesus in a smartphone world

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Summary: The current of technology is compounding around us, and with virtual and augmented reality exploding, it begs the question, "What happened to real reality?" This question, among others, is the topic of discussion for today's episode featuring an interview with special guest Joani Schultz about her recent experience at the Computer Electronics Show. Plus hear a clip with author and speaker Simon Sinek talking about the psychological impact of social media on young people, and Becky’s recent experience watching the Netflix show Black Mirrors. A zoom into John 14 rounds out the episode, looking deeper into how Jesus balanced the current of his culture with the relationships around him, plus practical ideas for how you can stay in the current of culture without going out with the technology tide. Related Links and Articles: From Joani Schultz: Why Nobody Wants to Be Around Christians Anymore: 4 Things for the Church on Technology by Joani Schultz Are you a “Smombie?”: Simon Sinek, Millennials in the workplace (video): New Years Jesus-Centered Goal Planning [Free Download]: Finding Your Epic Purpose In the Midst of What’s To Come: 7 Days of Centering on Jesus [Free Download]: Jesus-Centered Life: Jesus-Centered Bible: