Season 2, Episode 004: How to determine God's will

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Summary: In classical music it is imperative that every musician hit their note exactly right and at the exact time. In the world of Jazz musicians have a plan going into the song, but the role of the band is to take a note and make it into something beautiful. There are not mistakes in Jazz, other than if the band doesn't work around a bad note and turn it into something. How do we see the role of using our own will, God's will and the holy spirit playing the bandstand reacting to every note we send out? Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as they ZOOM in on John 15, listening to Jesus teach about the vine, the branches and abiding in him as a way to know his will. Also joined with a clip from Stefon Harris, famous jazz player explaining the role of jazz. Related Links and Articles: