Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus

Summary: Rick Lawrence, author of Jesus-Centered Life, unpacks what it means to live a life that pays ridiculous attention to Jesus. Each episode zooms in on a story of Jesus and looks at it to answer two very basic questions. Who do I say Jesus is? Who does Jesus say I am?

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  • Artist: Paying Ridiculous Attention To Jesus
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 Season 3, Episode 30: Medicine for the Marginalized | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:41

Humans can be brutal; we marginalize people, mocking and judging them for their flaws. But when someone acknowledges their imperfections and admits them to Jesus—like the woman in Luke 7 who weeps at his feet—something downright counter-cultural happens. Join Rick as he dives into her story, and invites us into a discussion about Jesus' unexpected response to imperfect and marginalized people…including us. Also in the episode, Rick interviews Emma Mae Jenkins, a teenager who is determined to wear the marginalization she’s faced as a badge of honor. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Doubt Is Our Frenemy - Owning Our Ugly- Overcoming a Culture of “Try Harder to Get Better”-

 Season 3, Episode 29: Doubt Is Our Frenemy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:42

As Jesus-followers we often believe that "doubt" is a dirty word pointing to a lack of faith. But what if our doubts are actually embraced by Jesus, and even lead us down a path of all-in belief? Join Rick and guest host Stephanie Hillberry as they continue a month-long series examining the tender aspects of Jesus. They'll focus on his response to Thomas’ skepticism about the resurrection, and how he greets our doubts in similar, transformative ways. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Owning Our Ugly- Hard is Good…Eventually- Overcoming a Culture of “Try Harder to Get Better”- Playing on the Playground-

 Season 3, Episode 28: {Best of 2018} Why Hard Things Are Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:21

Living a life dedicated to following Jesus includes pain. In fact, pain is expected. What’s often unexpected, however, is Jesus’ response to that pain. Join us as we continue a month-long series examining the tender aspects of Jesus by revisiting our most popular podcast of the year so far. In this episode Rick and the Beckynator slow down and pay attention to the story of the rich young ruler found in Matthew 19. Personalizing Jesus’ tenderness, Rick and Becky share examples from their own lives about what the tenderness Jesus shows us during difficult seasons. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Owning Our Ugly- Hard is Good…Eventually - Sam Worthington on How God Comforts Us-

 Season 3, Episode 27: Owning Our Ugly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:24

We all have ugly inside whether we want to admit it or not. Anger, greed, lust, jealousy, and a host of other qualities plague us all. While admitting our ugly to others often initially triggers hurt feelings, acknowledging our ugly to Jesus leads to a very different response. Join Rick and special guest Scotty Priest (pastor of Journey Church in Denver) as they focus on Jesus’ unexpected tenderness toward people who admit their faults. Turning to the Bible, they’ll dive into the different responses of the two criminals crucified next to Jesus found in Matthew 27. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Why is Jesus Always So Annoyed?- Fighting The Cancer of Self-Doubt- Overcoming a Culture of “Try Harder to Get Better”-

 Season 3, Episode 26: Why Is Jesus Always So Annoyed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:14

As Christians, we’re probably most familiar with the loving and grace-filled side of Jesus. And we’ve heard about the angry, flipping tables in the temple side of Jesus. But what about the bothered, miffed, or the downright annoyed side of Jesus? Join Rick as he wraps up a month-long series highlighting tough aspects of Jesus by focusing on examples when Jesus seems frustrated and annoyed with people. Turning to the Bible, we’ll slow down and pay attention to passages where Jesus appears particularly irked including Luke 4 where he is rejected in his home town of Nazareth. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes The Cursing Jesus- Let's Talk About Hell- Defining humility with Eugene Peterson-

 Season 3, Episode 25: The Cursing Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:27

Profanity. It has the ability to shock, disrespect, and hurt people. Your mom would wash out your mouth for using it, and the Bible gives warnings about speaking it. So why did Jesus use it? Join Rick and special guest Stephanie Hillberry as they continue a month-long series looking at tough aspects of Jesus by examining what’s behind Jesus’ use of seemingly profane words. Diving into to the Bible, we’ll slow down and pay attention to Matthew 23 where Jesus calls Pharisees "hypocrites," "white-washed tombs," and "snakes." Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- The Jesus Interruption by Stephanie Hillberry- Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Let's Talk About Hell- Will Anybody Ever Really Get You?- Jesus Was a Party Animal-

 Season 3, Episode 24: Let’s Talk About Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:47

Hell. It’s the theme of TV shows, books, and Halloween costumes, but it’s rarely brought up in church, let alone in everyday conversations. Surprisingly, it was a subject Jesus focused on a lot. Join Rick and special guest Tom Melton (a longtime pastor and now leadership consultant) as they continue a month-long series examining tough aspects of Jesus by zooming in on what he says about Hell, particularly the parable of the rich man and Lazarus found in Luke 16. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 The Simply Jesus Gathering- Melton Leadership- Penn Jillette on Proselytizing- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Will Anybody Ever Really Get You?- The War on Sin- Are We Heading Toward a “Bibleless” Christianity-

 Season 3, Episode 23: Will Anybody Ever Really Get You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:32

If you've ever taken a personality test and then followed it up with a lively conversation about how you compare with others, then you know how affirming it is for people to get you, and to get them in return. Naturally we want this same experience with Jesus, but just when we think we've got him figured out, he seems to contradict himself. This summer we'll be paying attention to one particular contradiction: his toughness and his tenderness, starting with John chapter 1 when he calls Phillip and Nathaniel. From there we'll press even deeper into how Jesus breaks the mold. It'll challenge us, but the result will be understanding him (and ourselves) better than a personality test could ever reveal. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- The Simply Jesus Gathering- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Salvation for Everyone?- What Defines You?- Who Does Jesus Say You Are?-

 Season 3, Episode 22: Salvation for Everyone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:11

Sometimes Jesus’ teachings seem straightforward. Possibly difficult to execute, but straightforward. Love your enemies. Love God and love others. Ask in faith. Other times, Jesus creates a big “mud puddle”—a question or statement that causes people to wonder, speculate, or debate. Join Rick and special guest Carl Medearis (author of the new book 42 Seconds) as they jump into a “mud puddle” statement from John 10, a passage where Jesus discusses who he’ll bring into his flock. Wallowing in the puddle, Rick and Carl will discuss what it means to listen to the voice of Jesus and share their experiences interacting with “sheep from another sheepfold.” Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- The Simply Jesus Gathering- 42 Seconds by Carl Medearis- Speaking of Jesus by Carl Medearis- Muslims, Christian, and Jesus by Carl Medearis- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Necessary Disruptions- The Necessity of Risk- What if your life is wasted?- Jesus’s Inaugural Address-

 Season 3, Episode 21: Necessary Disruptions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:31

Knowing what to expect and when to expect it can make life easier, which is why daily routines are comforting. But could the familiarity of a daily routine also make you become less dependent on Jesus and more dependent on the routine itself? Join Rick and his special guest Becky (aka the Beckynator) as they discuss how purposely disrupting the rhythm of everyday life (including going on the road) has the ability to open up new facets of the heart of Jesus. Examining how Jesus used time away from home as a unique opportunity to teach, they’ll pay ridiculous attention to the story of Jesus healing a leper found in Matthew 8. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- Becky Harrington Marketing- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Unlocking the Insight of “Why Not”- The Necessity of Risk- Freedom with Sarah Bessey-

 Season 3, Episode 20: Unlocking the Insight of “Why Not” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:27

Imagine that you’re stuck. You've hit a rut or a roadblock and you’re not sure how to move forward. Could the answer you’re looking for come by asking a simple two-word question? Join Rick and guest host Stephanie Hillberry as they conclude a 4-week series on growing spiritual grit by discussing the freedom that can be found in asking "Why Not?" Turning to the Bible, they’ll slow way down and pay attention to the story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 14, examining how Peter asks "Why Not" before he steps onto water, and how we can follow his bold lead. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes What Makes You…You?- Overcoming Your Inner Critic- The Necessity of Risk- What defines you?-

 Season 3, Episode 19: What makes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:36

What do you stand for? It’s a question that cuts to your identity, and displays the true story of your heart. The answer often becomes clearer as you develop spiritual grit. Join Rick as and his very special guest host as they continue a month-long sampling of the newly released book, ‘Spiritual Grit’. They'll discuss how someone's character, not accomplishments, forms the building blocks of what they stand for. Slowing down, they’ll pay close attention Jesus’ actions in Matthew 20, examining how he responds to a unique request made by the mother of James and John. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit-…nce/dp/1470750899 Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- Camp Barnabas- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Overcoming Your Inner Critic- The Necessity of Risk- What defines you?-

 Season 3, Episode 18 – Overcoming Your Inner Critic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:13

It's natural for us to be our own biggest critics, scrutinizing ourselves more than we scrutinize others. This tendency isn't all bad, and can even be helpful at times. But at what point does our ongoing internal conversation turn into a trap, locking us into an untrue identity? Join Rick as he continues a month-long sampling of the newly released book, Spiritual Grit, by examining the impact a person’s internal narrative has on their identity. Digging into the Bible, we’ll slow down and pay attention to how Jesus brings freedom by changing the internal narrative of the paralyzed man found in Matthew 9. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit- Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes The Necessity of Risk- Overcoming a Culture of “Try Harder to Get Better”- Craving a Better Soul Diet-

 Season 3, Episode 17: The Necessity of Risk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

It’s often frowned upon in parenting, but celebrated in the world of entrepreneurs. It’s necessary in extreme sports, but can be dangerous in relationships. It’s RISK and it’s one of the main ways Jesus develops grit in us. Join Rick and special guest Stephanie Hillberry as they celebrate the release of the new book, Spiritual Grit, by discussing what it means to risk in a culture often obsessed with safety. Slowing down and paying ridiculous attention Jesus, we’ll dive into the story of the Canaanite woman found in Matthew 15, examining how Jesus rewards the great risks she takes, and how you can adopt her spirit with some risks of your own. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: (Now Available) Spiritual Grit- Spiritual Grit Video with Rick Lawrence- 2018 Simply Jesus Gathering- The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ Jesus-Centered Bible- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes Brutal Reality, Prevailing Hope- Finding Security When Jesus Doesn’t Promise Safety- Why Finding Your Purpose is Riskier Than You Think-

 Season 3, Episode 16- Brutal Reality, Prevailing Hope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:56

Life storms are raging and your strength is quickly diminishing. But as a Christian, you know it’s going to be okay because all things work together for good… right? Join Rick as he closes out a month-long series exploring Biblical beliefs that may not be true by focusing on the idea that all things work together for good, an idea commonly borrowed from Romans 8:23-30. During the program, Rick will introduce the Stockdale Paradox, a methodology of embracing the brutal reality of situations while balancing it with a prevailing hope. Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here- Related: - Spiritual Grit Launch Group-…3760752032385%20 - {Pre-order} Spiritual Grit-…ce/dp/1470750899/ - The Unreasonable Jesus by Thomas Christianson- - NEW Jesus-Centered Practical Guides-…actical-guides/ - Jesus-Centered Bible- - The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence- Similar Podcast Episodes- What If Jesus Gives Us MORE Than We Can Handle- Finding Security When Jesus Doesn’t Promise Safety- Waiting On A Promise-


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