Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Whitehall 1212 – The Case of Sydney Wolfe. ep25, 520518 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

How do false teeth, and a small jar of petrol contribute to today’s murder? The cops have their man in custody, They know he’s the killer, but they need more time to find solid clues. Sidney is being held on a misdemeanor, but due to legal technicalities, the inspectors have to avoid certain lines of questioning. A timeline of events is established. Details about a life insurance policy are uncovered. When he realizes the questioning is designed to charge him with murder, Sidney tells all he knows about the morning of his mother’s death. Will it satisfy the inspectors? Questioning continues, and details are confirmed. Story conflicts are exposed. What will medical opinion determine? The body needs to be exhumed, and a hasty post mortem is done in a schoolhouse. Lack of smoke inhalation means she was dead before the fire started. The revelation raises more questions than they answer. Calling for Sidney to return for questioning, the cops can piece the stray clues together.

 Whitehall 1212 – The Case of Margery Tate. ep24, 520511 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:30

Scotland Yard inspectors discuss the latest murder case. A young woman is found tied and beaten. Calling in their list of suspects, one man is a soldier who deserted from duty. The manhunt continues as the smallest of detail is examined. Do the inspectors know why the killer murdered Marjorie Tate? Witnesses are interviewed, and a weeping fiancee complains the police are holding her lover in error. Is Neville as innocent as she makes him out to be? Can the cops wake her to the possibility that she may be the next victim? The case builds, and more concrete evidence is needed. More murders are turned up. Patterns emerge. How were the murders committed? Who else was involved? Are the crooks too smart for the cops? Not likely. Stay tuned as the cops unpack all the clues to explain the mystery.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Santa Claus Of Bums Blvd. 471225. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

It’s that time of year for Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert as they groan about having to work on the Christmas holiday. It’s all just a hazard of their prospective jobs. As tired as they are, Ethylbert stays in the Blue Note to serve up the holiday drinks, while Ann and Casey head out on the street to get their latest story. Meet the characters on Bum’s Blvd. There’s a couple people that Casey recognizes, and their stories unfold, there’s also a mixture of bums, street people, and the homeless, some more honest than others. When Casey discovers a man in a Santa suit who was robbed, he sets out to help the overly trusting santa. Can he get the stolen money back? Mr Shepherd, the man in the Santa suit, has the highest belief that the crook is actually honest, and will return the money. Is Casey’s outlook too synical? Is there hope to find virtues among the people of the gritty street life? Shepherd has come to the street to help people, but will he connect with the one he came to give the money to? Stand by for the ending, and join Casey back in the Blue Note where a message of hope is offered. The world might just be one big family afterall. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 21st Precinct – The Plant. ep25, 531225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:39

As Captain Canelli handles the typical administrative duties, one of them is arranging to have a photographer set up shop to take portraits of each patrolman in the precinct. The call that a hold up has gone down sends the police into action to investigate. In voiceover Canelli gives the details of the robbery, and what is known about the events. Join in as Canelli interviews the witnesses to find the clues. Between getting the case solved, the admin chores keep on coming. Drop in as the police get the word before their shift. When one of the uniformed cops has some important information, he switches to plain clothes to assist the detectives. Their man is spotted, a guy named Nellie, but will he talk and inform on his accomplice? The action is interspersed with the admin functions in the precinct, but when the pressure is on, Nellie quits being secretive, and becomes more helpful. It isn’t long before the police track down their man, but there could still be trouble in picking him up.

 21st Precinct – Case Of The LD 80. ep22, 531204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:34

To carry a concealed hand gun, which is apparaently something required of cabbies in the city, the individual needs to apply with the police. Today we find Captain Canelli dealing with a retired cop who wants to apply for the LD80, the permit for a hand gun. The concern is that the aging retired cop may not see well enough to qualify. In voiceover, Canelli tells why the LD80 is required, and it’s importance. The 73 year old man is likeable, and an upstanding citezen, but Canelli has the tough duty of turning the old gent down. Still, he investigates the man a little by visiting his family to see if there might be some way to allow the LD80 to go through. The only strike against the man’s character is his failing eyesight. The decision isn’t looking good for the applicant, but how will he take it?

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Terrified Turkey Caper. ep223, 501124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:10

Sam and Effie compare notes on their family Thanksgiving celebrations, then Sam shares how his became the subject of his next report. A knock on the door reveals a little bald man with a pink birthmark under his ear, and the unfortunate name of Tom Turkey. As Tom Turkey flies the coupe, Sam sees that the man is in danger. In pursuit, things become curiouser when Tom is said to be dead… for years. Catching up with Tom, Sam learns he was only missing, and came back to rekindle a long lost love. How will Henrietta Turkey, now remarried, take the news? A confrontation is in order, but the body isn’t the one Sam expected to find. The race down the trail of clues begins. Al was a fellow detective who claimed Tom was nuts, but is that enough to have him killed? There’s sure to be gun play before its all over. Is someone trying to kill Tom for insurance money? John Smith and Pocahontas make appearances, as do brass bands, and Thanksgiving feasts. Sam’s trap for the killer is full of holiday puns. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Dragnet – The Big Little Jesus. 541221 . | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:47

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Joe Friday is working the Burglary department, when they have to investigate the theft from a church at Christmas time. Joe, and partner, Frank Smith set out to mail Christmas cards, and talk about their Christmas shopping, but are interupted to go on a case. A priest reports that baby Jesus has been stolen. Joe gives an elaborate description of the cathedral, it’s decorations, and the custom behind the decorations. It’s not so much the monetary value of the missing statue, but the sentiment behind it. Armed with some leads, Friday eleminates the possibilities. Pawn shops turn up nothing. Suspicious parishoners are interviewed, but everything proves to be OK. Other pressing cases come in, but Friday puts the captain off so he can solve this crime in time for the next church service. With every lead coming to a dead end, where does Joe turn to next? As Joe and Frank return to face up empty handed to the priest, all the loose ends of the case come together. The solution is much more simple and harmless than you might expect. Here’s a hint, it involves a small child and a Christmas wish.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – After Turkey, The Bill. ep213, 471127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

We listen in to a drama of a gal being accused by her boyfriend of cheating on him while he spent time behind bars. Does he have anything to worry about? Cut to the action in the Blue Note and Casey talking with Ethylbert and Ann. Their Thanksgiving evening is interupted with the report of a murder. Might it be the jealous boyfriend? Casey heads out to investigate. The evidence isn’t looking good for the boyfriend, but Casey isn’t leaving any stones unturned. Is someone trying to set up the young lover? Casey smells a rat in the whole situation. Listen in to get the full set of clues as Casey talks the case over with the cops. Did you catch the twist? Listen in as Casey tells how the clues worked to tip him off as he shares with his friends in the Blue Note. And will he and Ann ever get their Thanksgiving dinner?

 Dragnet – The Big Squealer. ep300, 550517 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:52

Juvenile Department: In the squad room, Frank Smith talks with his partner Joe Friday about their upcoming plans for Christmas. Joe is suspicious that Frank may be trying to play matchmaker and get him married off. Before Joe can commit to any promises, the phone rings with the next case. Working the Juvenile Department, they go on a call regarding a teenager who was spotted at the scene of a stabbing. The patrolmen hit the streets, and Joe interviews the area businessmen. A cantankerous tobacco shop owner with overly simplistic iews, tells of a frightened teen who came in to use his pay phone. The discussion of Franks Christmas party picks up again before Friday and Smith go to the hospital to talk with the injured teenager. The kid is tight lipped over who he is, and what happened, but tells a story of being jumped in the dark. The cops have a couple of names, and an address to go on, so they check up on the leads. A story of a single parent home emerges where the mom has died, and dad works nights. Though dad loves his son, there’s a lot of miscommunication that comes off as apathy. At school, the cops learn of fights and friends that fill in some of the picture. Jaded teachers who try to teach in the jungle of juvenile delinquents. With the right kind of pressure applied, a bully is smoked out, and hauled in to be sentenced.

 Dragnet – Big Key. ep50, 500525 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Assigned to homicide detail, a woman has been brutally killed, and it’s up to Joe Friday to get her killer. Examining the church grounds where the woman was found, Joe observes all the clues. There isn’t much to identify the woman with, but which of the other clues will prove important? With the new case, it looks like Joe, and partner Ben Romero, will be giving up their Christmas plans. Lab reports indicate that alcohol was involved. The first major lead comes when her fingerprints are on record as a former defense plant worker. The cops try to learn more about Maria from friends from her war defense days. A key found with the body hasn’t unlocked any doors in Maria Comacho’s old stomping grounds. People along Maria’s path have only good things to say about her, but nobody knows what the key might be used for. Another break comes when a man has been picked up who may have been with Maria on her last night. His story rings true, but his boots reveal another possible source to find the killer. Staking out a shoe shine stand, and checking out a soup kitchen, Joe and Ben may have found their man. All the pieces of the puzzle come together, including the lock the key fits into.

 Mr. and Mrs. North – The Norths Get Wired For Sound. ep82, 440719 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:40

The Norths go for a walk to cool off on a hot Summer day. After seeing a record shop where you cqan make recordings, and trying to be romantic, they decide to record themselves for posterity. They do their best to recite poetry and make love to the other. Pam doesn’t think the record will turn out like they expect. Before they can get home, gun shots rring out, and their driver crashes into a lamp posst. Finally home, the record shop worker is waiting to say they have the wrong record. Jerry insists on playing the record to be sure. Who was on the record? Did their message mean anything? When the owner of the mixed up record is on hand, Jerry insists on keeping the record. Returning to the record studio, the Norths find it on fire, and a body is inside. Was the fire a cover up for murder? Back home, the Norths find an intruder. All the burglar got was the record. However, Jerry had the foresight to switch the record sleeves. Will answers be found in a nightclub? Jerry takes the dcops, and the mystery of the record shop is revealed. Will there be gunp[lay before the drug ring is broken?

 Barry Craig – Ghost of a Chance. 511219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

A claims agent calls on barry Craig to investigate an insurance claim. The policy has already been paid out, but a tip has come in that it may have been fraudulent. Barry sets out to interview the widow. He also has a court order to exhume the body. The old caretaker at the cemitary claims he has seen ghosts. Does he know who had already dug up the grave? Barry makes the rounds and ends up in a tavern. As he trails his suspect,Barry rescues a dame, and knocks out a ghost. Although the dame claims the man was definitely not her late husband. Waiting for his ghost to revive, Barry keeps him under wraps and interrogates his man. He tells his stor of a man who looks like him, and jumped from a train platflrm. Turning the man over to the cops, Barry continues his investigation. It’s back to the graveyard for answers. Who buried the casket full of rocks? Who was the medical person who signed off on the death? Danger looms, but Barry finds Remo Torch, and returns him home. Stay tuned as he explains all.

 Barry Craig – Death and the Purple Cow. 511212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:06

Visiting a coffee shop, Barry is on hand when a job comes his way. He also has his messenger shot down before he knows who his client is supposed to be. Discussing the corpse with the cops, Barry returns to his office building. Will the dozing elevator man shine some light on who the client might be? Barry is sorry to have kept the dame in his office waiting. Sally needs a good private detective to help her brother out of a jam. He turns down the job of protecting him. Why not go to the cops for that? But somehow the dame convinces him. Tailing the dame, Barry confirms the beginning of a trail of lies. A confrontation in an alley leads to a thump on the head, but not for Barry this time. What’s the importance of a purple cow? The cheap glass trinket seems of no value, but people have been killed for it. Barry is off to see Mr. Cochran, and discovers the connection between him and Sally. How does it connect her brother and the purple cow? Guns are out, but so are the lights. Sally’s brother shows up with the cops, and the tensions are smoothed. But it takes Barry to fit the puzzle pieces together.

 21st Precinct – The Baker. ep30, 540203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

A phonecall into the police nerve center sends the cops on an emergency call. At a restaurant, the baker is found shot to death. A robbery has also been found. Was the crook after the money, and the shooting was unfortunate? Or was the murder the object, and the robbery meant as a cover up? Captain Canelli offers voiceover to move the drama along, sharing actions the police have taken. Questioning turns up a waitress who is married, and having a fling with the baker. As things move towards the obvious suspect, her husband insists that he's innocent. If his alibi is solid, things sure don't fit. Is he lieing about his whereabouts? He comes clean about the truth of where he was, but he can still account for his time. In other questioning, another employee is identified who may hold the answer to the case.

 Barry Craig – Paper Bullet. 511205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

Working with a newspaperman, Barry Craig is given his choice of two cases to investigate. He begins gathering facts about a missing manuscript. The rare book carries a high price tag when a film company is interested in it. So far, all it gets Barry is a thump on the head. Later, on the street, a clue is delivered to Barry in a fancy car. Who is the man with the tattoo of a British flag? In his search, Barry manages to find a blonde dame instead. Will he find answers to why there was only one copy of this important manuscript? Why does an American have a British tattoo? Out of the blue, the thief phones the publisher to say he wants to return the manuscript for a reward of $1000. All Barry needs to do is retrieve it. Of course, the murder enters the scene and the manuscript is stolen again. What can be so important about this manuscript that’s found, lost, and found again? Barry uncovers the secret and hands the matter over to the cops.


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