Barry Craig – Death and the Purple Cow. 511212

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Visiting a coffee shop, Barry is on hand when a job comes his way. He also has his messenger shot down before he knows who his client is supposed to be. Discussing the corpse with the cops, Barry returns to his office building. Will the dozing elevator man shine some light on who the client might be? <br> Barry is sorry to have kept the dame in his office waiting. Sally needs a good private detective to help her brother out of a jam. He turns down the job of protecting him. Why not go to the cops for that? But somehow the dame convinces him. <br> Tailing the dame, Barry confirms the beginning of a trail of lies. A confrontation in an alley leads to a thump on the head, but not for Barry this time. What’s the importance of a purple cow? The cheap glass trinket seems of no value, but people have been killed for it. <br> Barry is off to see Mr. Cochran, and discovers the connection between him and Sally. How does it connect her brother and the purple cow? Guns are out, but so are the lights. Sally’s brother shows up with the cops, and the tensions are smoothed. But it takes Barry to fit the puzzle pieces together. <br>