Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Barry Craig – The Case of the Naughty Necklace. 511128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:20

The mundane life of a private investigator is interrupted to find and buy a pearl necklace, but what if the dame it might be attached to doesn't want to be found? Leaving his classy office building, Barry chats with the elderly elevator operator. What information might he have about the new client, or his ex-wife? Paying a call on Mrs Harper, Barry finds her corpse in the otherwise bright and modern penthouse apartment. A jealous boyfriend is fended off while waiting for the cops to arrive. Is there any sign of a pearl necklace? The trail leads to an ivy covered house, and Mrs Kendal, the wife of Barry's new client. She not only knows about the necklace, but she has it in her possession. A gunshot, a scream, and the body count rises. Barry finds himself in a cab, racing to a quiet cottage on the sound. Why is there a car following him? What will John Kendal have to say when Barry reports his findings thus far? Barry shares the story from his perspective, and the set up he has found himself in. Will his hasty trap work? The cops arrive, and Barry may have some explaining to do. Making a fast get away, Barry and John still have a way to go in unravelling a mystery. A confrontation with Mrs Kendal should get all the dirty laundry out in the open.

 Box 13 – Death Is No Joke. ep40, 490522. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:29

The letter that comes to box 13 sounds harmless and simple, but those are two words that Dan Holiday never applies to murder. A man tells a story of a long lost heir who had been gone for 15 years. If he had never returned, the family fortune would be split among the remaining family members. The heir has returned, and a rash of practical jokes has emerged that have the family unsettled. Dan steps in to pose as yet another member of the family. Meet the family with Dan, and learn about the underlying hate, suspicion, and skeletons in the closet. What kinds of practical jokes are being played? Snakes in the closet for one, prank phone calls, frogs in beds, and so forth. Odd senses of humor, and bickering as the family tries to deal with the trouble. Dan suspects it's all leading up to murder. The tension comes to a head when the household is jittery, and edgy. . When a joke of finding school yearbooks with pictures comes out, it's the thing to push the situation over the top, and the key clue that Dan needs to solve the mystery. Is there murder brewing? Can Dan stop it? Maybe, unless Dan is murdered first. There hadn't been enough evidence before, but now it's time to bring in the sheriff. In dramatic fashion, the killer is exposed and justice wins the day. Listen and learn who did it, and why.

 Mr District Attorney – Spring Fever. 480519 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Lovers on a quiet country lane talk about their future together. Mary learns from Nick that he has held up a gas station to pay for their wedding. But the news is worse, when murder became part of the theft. On the crime scene, Mr District Attorney examines the evidence. Tire tracks seem to tell the story of the robbery. Hanging out with the gang, Mary pleads with the leader to let Nick off the hook, and somehow be free of any blame for the crime. Is there any hope of cutting free of the tangled mess? Will Mary's efforts only sink the hooks of crime deeper into Nick? Now Mary finds herself entangled in the gang activities. A trip downtown has her telling her story to the District Attorney. Will he believe her story? Will he believe that she's telling the truth? More evidence rolls in, and the things Mary has to say become irrelvant. It's time to close in on the hideout, and nab the gang. Gunplay turns the game up a notch. The epilog tells how the story came out for the gang. What about Mary, and her part in trying to free Nick from it all?

 Blair of the Mounties – The Clover Creek Mystery, Part 2. ep14, 380516. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:38

Blair and his counterpart discuss the case thus far about the murder of a man who changed his will, and the boat that was tampered with that caused his drowning. The obvious suspect is the brother who stood the biggest risk in losing out in the changed will. Blair suspects someone else has just as stong of a motive, and is the one who tampered with the boat. The crime scene is recreated verbally as Blair goes into great detail. The local marshall is chomping at the bit to arrest his suspect, but Blair wants to confirm some details first. Blair has a drink with a couple of gents, but from the interchange of conversation, I'd say that Blair is just using the situation to gather fingerprints to compare with some that were found on the boat where it was tampered with. The mystery is exposed as blair sets the sheriff out for a warrant to arrest the killer.

 Blair of the Mounties – The Clover Creek Mystery Part 1. ep15, 380509. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:14

Blair - The Clover Creek Mystery Part 1. ep15, 380509. As he talks with a colleague, Blair expresses how it has been his belief that human frailties are more important than circumstantial evidence. As if to prove his point, a new case is brought to him. Word of a murder case comes to Blairs ears. At Clover Creek, two brothers have had a quarrel, and the one was cut out of the will. The will had been drawn up, but not signed, implicating that the surviving brother, Fred Sutton, had good motive for the murder, although he has an alibi. Blair sends his investigator out with the admonition to not arrest anybody just yet. Apparently the situation alone has alerted Blair's instinct for foul play. After a look at the boat that was involved, it is clear to the inspector that it was murder, it was rigged to cause the bottom to fall out and cause the passenger to fall through. The elaborate set up is explaned to Blair, and though on the surface, all signs point to Frank, Blair insists that it wasn't the brother. If not Frank, then who did it? Why does Blair think there's someone else to suspect? To find out, stay tuned to the conclusion in the next episode.

 Nick Carter – Dead Witnesses. ep46, 440226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

On the street, Nick witnesses a drive by shooting. In investigating he finds a big break on bringing down the big gangster in town, Slugs Moran. The other key witness vows to tell all he has seen in court, but the victory for the cops is short lived. The man is killed off. Is Nick next in line for Slugs to knock off? Witnesses are dropping like flies. Nick assures Patsy that Slugs would never gun him down in the open , but what sneaky trick will he use to lure Nick into a trap? An informant, Morelli, comes to Nick with a lead on where Slug's ever moving hideout is. the safe cracker is willing to open the doors, but its going to be up to Nick to act on grabbing the info. Working with Chief Riley, Nick plans his own little trap. Why is he lighting so many cigarettes in the empty house? Timing is key in cornering the rat who is trying to corner Nick.

 21st Precinct – The Cabinet. 540505 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:53

Audio resolution is a little low, but OK. Captain Frank Canelli listens to a report of a robbed licqor store, and a gun that belongs to one of his patrolmen. Two boys were positively identified as they shot the clerk while robbing the store, and the ditched gun belongs to a cop, but how did the juveniles get it? The kid is one whose dad was killed in the war, and a step son of Sgt Waters. Will the pistol still be locked safely away in the cop's gun cabinet when Captain Canelli goes with him to investigate? What do you think? Now it remains to learn where the kid is hiding out. How's mom going to take the news about the robbery? Dad's temper flares at the betrayal of his stepson, and lack of supervision by mom. She's too numb to notice, and in denial over why her boy could've done such a thing. Eddie comes to the police station, innocently and politely enough, to look for his dad. Canelli handles it smoothly as he holds the boy for questioning. Is his nervousness under pressure real concern, or a crumbling mask? Will his alibi hold up with the timeline of the crime and known facts? Is his memory and answers to all the questions a little too convenient?

 Crime Classics – The Checkered Life and Sudden Death of Colonel James Fisk, Jr. ep3, 530629 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:40

The downfall of Colonel Fisk began with the conversation between two women. Josie Mansfield, a widow, soon became his kept woman. He set her up in a home of her own, complete with servants, gifts, and trinkets. All went well until Josie met the Colonel's best friend, Edward Phelps. The tide of the romance turned, and the Colonel learns of the betrayal from his disgruntled wife. Now he knows the shame and embarrassment that she has had to endure, knowing about the other woman. Can he make his friend Edward leave Josie alone? The clash between friends leads to a week long feud, where one raises charges against the other, and having the other reciprocate. Spending jail time in the luxury of having their personal affects and furniture brought to their jail cell. In the end, the Colonel has the final blow when he damages the financial holdings of Edward. Reduced to blackmail, Edward demands his finances be restored. The trouble is that the Colonel has discovered the joys of being reacquainted with his bride and family. He doesn't count on the desperate measures that Edward will go to to restore the blow to his

 Nick Carter – Death After Dark. ep45, 440219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:18

An emergency reaches Nick Carter in the form of frantic teenagers and a strange tale of a missing friend. Betty and Bill were in the park when attackers made them run, but they forgot their friend Rose. Little creatures seemed to drop wordlessly from the trees, and the details are fuzzy. Inspecting the grounds, Nick looks for footprints or other clues that might help. A bloodless body is found with a strange mark on her neck. Is this some kind of gang war? According to Bill, the attackers didn't seem quite human. Nick shares the clues thus far with his helper, Patsy. Since the attackers only seem interested in women, she volunteers to be bait for a trap. The idea of vampires and something supernatural is batted around, but logic prevails. Tension builds as Nick prepares his trap. Will he have all his bases covered in protecting Patsy, and in snaring the mysterious attackers? Can anything really prepare Patsy for her nerve-racking ordeal in the dark? Who, or what is behind the tiny clutching hands that come to hunt for her?

 Sherlock Holmes – The Living Doll. ep206, 460311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Harry Bartel is surprised to find that Doctor Watson has a lady friend visiting him. The old friend helps tell the night's mystery from a time when she was a little girl. Her widowed mom had three gentlemen calling on her for her affections. A banker, an artist, and a man named Tanner. The other players in young Cyndthia's life was a gypsy, and a retired detective who tended his bee hives. When Watson visits, Cynthia runs down the lane with important news for her friend Sherlock. The doll made for Cyndthia is too much like a voodoo doll, but does that mean the girl may ve in danger? Holmes is on the trail to question the old gypsy, but finds the old woman has been fatally injured. What does her dying message mean? Interviews are called for to see if the old woman was in cahoots with a killer. The three gentlemen are rounded up for the big reveal. Was it Tanner, the estate manager? Pound the banker who didn't understand little girls very well? Or King the artist, who was virtually penniless but opened the mind of the widow.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Case Of The 100000 Legs. 490415. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Johnny is called away from enjoying the horse races to his next job. He has 48 hours to report to his client. He makes it to the apartment of the attractive movie star, only to find her murdered. Johnny notifies his insurance company, and goes to notify the authorities, then finds a sultry woman who could be the double for the dead movie star. Who is she, and why is she tampering with the crime scene? Being a sucker for a pretty face, Johnny seems to help her out, but gets set up for the murder instead. Shots ring out, and a man's voice is heard fleeing. Now the lady who set up Johnny is dead. Can Johnny explain his way out of being arrested by the cops? All of Johnny's witnesses are now dead, and the cops have trouble believing his story, and Johnny finds himself in a jail cell. With emotions settled down, and after realizing Johnny is telling the truth, the cops talk with Johnny to compare notes on the evidence. There's a matter of some missing letters. What kind of scandal might they release? Who would want to kill to keep that info private? With suspects in mind, Johnny volunteers to be the bait in a trap to lure the killer after him. With much publicity, Johnny's name hits the papers as a suspect that the cops are after. Sure enough when news hits the street that he has been released, Johnny gets to his hotel to find a woman there to demand the missing letters. Before long a man with a gun demands the letters. Who are all these people? How many more will show up with murderous intentions? Johnny provides voiceover commentary, and a fight breaks out that ends up with Johnny in control of the situation. More visitors pop in, more gunplay, then back at the police station, Johnny unravels the situation to the cops. Johnny is mad that the cops didn't offer him any protection, or backup for his troubles, but it turns out that it's his own fault. O that crazy old, sneaky Johnny. With all the action over, all that's left is the paperwork, as Johnny finishes up his expense report.

 Crime Classics – The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner. ep1, 530615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:55

Same as audition episode. Who is Bathsheba Spooner? The first woman to be executed in the United States. Her story is one of murdering her husband and her lover who helped her. How did she do it? What pushed the woman capable of both hate and love to go through with it? General Spooner was a popular figure in his gentlemen's clubs. Ezra is Bathsheba's young lover, but how far will he go in committing murder for her? Hiring some ne'er do wells, the deed is done, and the body disposed of. Will the plan to report the murder go off without a hitch, and cast doubt away from the new widow? Footprints in the snow, an unexpected witness, and the plan begins to unravel. Despite her defense, she, her lover, and her hired men face the same fate.

 Mr Keen – The Case Of The Leaping Dog. 440413 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

The observant Mr Keen notices a dog that has been tied up, and leaping towards a window. What does it mean? The dog seems pacified once someone takes an interest in him. Mr Keen interviews the lady who lives in the house where the dog is, but he isn't her dog. Mr keen takes the dog in as he contemplates over his missing owners. At the same time, Mr Keen gets the attention of a couple rough characters. What's happening here? How do all these elements come together? Need more clues? Ride along with Mr Keen as he keeps up the search. The trail leads from cabbies, to horse tracks, to a carnival. When the dog and master are reunited, Mr Keen realizes that he isn't just in trouble, but there's real danger for his life.

 Crime Club – The Gray Mist Murders. ep20, 470410. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

The librarian has the book all ready, and it's about a pleasure cruise that turned to horror. A cruise ship is destined for Hawaii, with three couples aboard. Kay is the jealous girlfriend of Peter, who just saw an old flame of his, and she's upset over the thought of Peter's straying. Elsewhere The other couples laugh over the practical joke of having Sally, the old flame, appear, but nobody invited her. Can she be locked in a cabin out of the way? Suddenly the body of Sally is found in Carla's room, but was she planted there to cast suspicion? Carla and Sally were friends, might there have been a rift? The remaining friends get together to figure out who had alibis, and figure out who might be a killer. Kay accuses her fiancee Peter, but did he really do it? Bob and Carla search the cabins, looking for clues, and they seem to have something conclusive. An incriminating letter points to Chet, who is now drinking himself into oblivion. Did he have an affair with Sally? Phillus approaches Peter to accuse him as well, because she things he forged the letter to implicate her boyfriend, Chet. Peter thinks that Kay is setting him up. The plot twists take a turn when kay is found dead. Bob thinks he has the answer and calls all the friends together to expose the killer and untangle the mystery. Listen in to find who wrote that letter, their motives for the crimes, and why they orchestrated the whole thing the way they did.

 Boston Blackie – Duke Murders Jo Jo. 490406. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

Blackie has a friend named Joe Joe, and he needs the help that only Blackie can give. As a go between, Blackie goes to Farraday to warn of a planned prison break. Going out on a limb, Farraday follows through on the tip, only to learn there is no prison break, and the prisoner in question is in the warden's office at the moment. There actually is a break planned, and a prisoner is shot when a disagreement arises with the others. Jo Jo has been shot and the news of his killing hits the streets, and Blackie is on the job. The whole situation also isn't sitting well with Farraday, who investigates in his own style. Somehow, he is just in time to help the recently shot Boston Blackie. . With all the shootings, bodies, and tangled list of suspects, unraveling the matter of who is doing it is the mystery. How can a man, still behind bars, be the killer? With Blackie laid up in bed, and Farraday on the job, is there any hope of finding the killer? Feeling better, Blackie takes a tour of the prison to see if he can figure out how the deeds have gone down. Even Farraday is on the track of fishy things happening at the prison. Prisoners keep escaping, and returning to prison. By now, Blackie has the answers, and reveals a secret tunnel, and exposes the mystery.


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