Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio

Summary: A weekly ‘Doctor Who’ podcast devoted to an open and positive discussion of anything and everything in the Whoniverse, spanning its nearly 60-year history.

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 Silver Linings in the Vortex, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:08

You knew it was coming. No look at 'bad' episodes would be complete without "Timelash." The infamous 6th Doctor story has topped everyone's bad story list, and for good reason. But this is still Doctor Who, gorramit! Even the bad episodes have hidden gems waiting to be dug out. We also take a look at the Doctor, Amy, and Rory playing a bit of pirate, and facing off against a homicidal green mermaid in an evening dress in "Curse of the Black Spot." Call yourself a Whovian? You take the bad with the good... Link Dump: Series 9 coming in 2015, according to Moffat Capaldi to play a "madder" Doctor -- and photos from on set Forbidden Planet adds some items of interest 11 Doctors 11 Stories

 Silver Linings in the Vortex, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:40

No one loves to pull episodes of Doctor Who apart more than Whovians. We are the first to point out every flaw in plot, acting, or science. But yet, we continue to come back every week, and dive in once again, like schoolkids at the beach. This week, we decided to undertake the challenge of finding what compels us to love this program, despite the criticism from our own ranks. We're taking the worst episodes we can identify, and finding the golden nuggets that draw us to the show week after week, year after year. To start this Pollyanna-esque journey, we're diving into the fifth Doctor story, "Terminus", to say hello to Turlough and good bye to Nyssa, while reveling in the fantastically bad 80s costumes and rather dodgy sets. Then we jump headlong to the 10th Doctor story, "Love and Monsters", to find what happens to the normal people the after the Doctor steps into their lives -- and face off with the worst villain this side of the Slitheen. Link Dump: Principal filming for Series 8 begins in Cardiff Gareth Roberts added to the writer’s line-up for Series 8 Peter Capaldi dislocates his thumb in a costume accident on the set of Three Musketeers series

 The Role of the Companion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:52

The Doctor may have had many faces, but his Companions have had far more over the decades. In this installment, we take a look at what the role of the Companion has been, is today, and how different Companions over the years have worn each of these archetypes. We take a sampling from the entire history of the show, and lead ultimately to the question: where does Clara fit into all of this, and who will she be for the 12th? Link Dump: The 'Other' Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver, from "The Day of the Doctor" 11 Doctors, 11 Stories

 The Time of the Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:48

"And now it's time for one last bow      Like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now,     The clock is striking Twelve's." Some of us have loved him since he first discovered fish fingers and custard. Some took a lot longer to accept that bow ties really are cool. But when that iconic bow tie crumpled to the floor, we all shed a tear as we bid farewell to Matt Smith. And then we choked on that tear as he sneezed, and became a new person. The Christmas special gave us all a bit of pause (if you watched on BBC America, they were usually numerous and inopportune pauses) and made us wonder: was this really the episode we expected? We break down an episode that has been generally regarded as "underwhelming", "muddy", and viewed by some with downright loathing, and determine exactly what the point of this episode was. (A note of mention: we're not looking to "trash" the episode in the slightest, or take away from Mr. Smith's "swan song" in any way. Have a listen, form your own opinions on the "sentiment vs. the story" as we discuss, and by all means, share with us!) Link Dump: Ratings records (for BBCA) set by the Christmas special The Time of the Doctor - Behind the Lens

 Doctor Who: Legacy Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:24

Jay and Keir had the pleasure of interviewing the development and creative team behind Doctor Who: Legacy, Tiny Rebel Games. We were able to discuss with them the story behind the game's inception, the joy of developing as a fan for fans, and plans for the near future. This game is truly a labor of love, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to go over to and thank Lee and Susan personally!

 Melissa’s Classic Who Primer Add-on | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:44

Due to technical difficulties, Melissa was unable to join us on the main cast, but we wanted to make sure she was included. This is Melissa's addition to episode 65.

 The Officially Unofficial GPR Classic Who Primer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:26

After celebrating the momentous milestone of the 50th anniversary, some Whovians have found a desire to go back and delve into more than just the past eight years. We at GPR are here to serve! We have put together a tutorial for starting a journey into "the classics". Come with us as we visit some historic landmarks on the way to 2005. The War Games [2nd Doctor, Season 6] What? Why are large factions of Earth armies being taken out of time, and forced to fight? The Doctor is forced to take drastic measures to help. Why? Great amount of backstory to the Doctor’s status as a rebel from the Time Lords, and the reasons for his life “on the run”. For New Whovians: Some understanding of Time Lord “justice”, and the first clear indication that the mighty race is not necessarily a benevolent one. Spearhead from Space (Available on Netflix) [3rd Doctor, Season 7] What? The Doctor is now regenerated into his third form, and finds himself trying to make sense of the transition, while protecting very suspicious humans from an Auton threat. Why? Excellent example of a post-regen experience, while discovering the “new self”, while still having glimpses of the predecessor. Earliest use of the Autons, who recur all the way through New Who, despite being immensely easy to destroy. More of an “action” feel from the series than seen before (and yes, the stupid tattoo). For New Whovians: a solid understanding of how UNIT came to depend on the Doctor as an advisor, more so than an alien to have “tabs kept on”. The Three Doctors (Available on Netflix) [3rd Doctor, joined by 2nd and 1st, Season 10] What? A “lost hero” from the Gallifreyan past enacts his revenge on the Time Lords, and in order to defend themselves, they must enlist not only one Doctor, but three. Why? Clever dialogue between Pertwee and Troughton, and the last screen appearance by Hartnell in the series. Surprisingly interesting scientific baseline for the plot (TIme Lords drawing power from a black hole, Omega living in an antimatter universe on the other side, etc.) An example of the Doctor ‘doing a solid’ for the Time Lords, and getting a reward for his efforts (the part needed for his TARDIS). For New Whovians: a fun way to see familiar banter/argument between Doctors, great involvement by UNIT, the Brig, and Benton. Humor, danger, and an actually interesting script. Genesis of the Daleks [4th Doctor, Season 12] What? The Doctor is sent back to intercept the creation of the Daleks, and comes face to face with Davros. Why? Suspenseful script, and a brilliant war of words between 4th and Davros. For New Whovians: The origin story to the Daleks. CASE CLOSED. City of Death (Available on Netflix) [4th Doctor, Season 17] What? A mastermind of an alien race is gathering priceless art -- and technology -- in order to gain the ability to time travel. Why? Clever writing that Baker absolutely shines with -- witty, slightly mad, and always in control (while seemingly devoid of it). A compelling villain (The Jagaroth) as a greed-driven species seeking the ability to time travel. For New Whovians: a great example of the sort of fun that Classic Who can offer. Comedic bits as fun as 10th or 11th, and alien villains manipulating Earthlings (a familiar theme). Romana is a great companion for NW’vians to enjoy -- smart, capable, and able to give as much as she takes from the Doctor. (Interesting fact: the last episode had over 16 million viewers, a DW record!) Earthshock [5th Doctor, Season 19] What? The Cybermen are at it again, killing archaeologists who are getting too close to some of their plans. Why? Excellent example of Davison’s empathic Doctor,

 The Multitude of the Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:50

It's almost traditional on your birthday to look back, and remember your younger self. The Doctor gets to do that quite literally. This week, we take a look at the multiple Doctor stories that always seem to come out on anniversary years. From "The Three Doctors" all the way to "The Day of the Doctor", we evaluate the science, and the lack there of, that bring the Doctor face to face with himself. Link Dump: Full length trailer for “The Time of the Doctor” Smith is 13, but Capaldi is 12, and Moffat Makes Math Hard Again Series 8 will NOT run in a split season Let the over-analysis of the Christmas Episode promo pictures…begin! Petition to the IAU to name newly discovered planet “Gallifrey” Talks with Peter Jackson to direct a DW episode “rather serious”

 The Overabundance of the Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:00

We just flat out refuse to give up on the 50th anniversary. This week, we take a look at both the emotionally driven docu-drama "An Adventure in Space and Time", and the hilarious 'insider' mock-umentary by Peter Davison, "The Five(ish) Doctors". Yes, we're slightly bipolar this'll just have to deal with it.   The first production allows us to delve deeper into the first Doctor's history than we ever have, question how much is historically accurate, and furthermore, determine if that accuracy really matters. Shifting as madly as the crew of Top Gear on the expressway, we then set off on a wild goose chase with the 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctors (with a TARDIS-load of cameos) and allow our our classic Whovian to be sated -- and ponder how involved they really were in the 50th Anniversary episode (wink, wink). VWOORP! VWOORP! We also have some very special announcements at the end of the show: Check our Facebook page and our Twitter stream this weekend for exclusive promo codes for the (admittedly addictive) smartphone game, Doctor Who: Legacy. GPR will be participating in next year's geek-gathering event, Geekation 2014. Head over to their website, contribute to the poll regarding the event date, and get ready to get your geek on, Vegas style! Link Dump: Christmas Special Title & Image Revealed The official numbers are out and The Day of the Doctor is the most watched drama of 2013 The Time of the Doctor to air Christmas Day at 7:30 in UK and 9pm in the US (link contains episode synopsis as well) Over analyzing the poster Geekation 2014 Doctor Who: Legacy

 The Day of the Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:11

For months we have waited and the day has finally arrived. We review the mind blowing experience of watching the 50th anniversary special, both at home and in the theater. SteeMo lived up to his promise of changing things forever and we begin to break down everything that could mean for the future. We also share some listener voicemails, and just genereally geek out over the spectacle that is The Day of the Doctor. Link Dump: 2.4m viewers for simulcast on BBCA Doctor Who comes in #2 in the box office The angriest Whovian ever reviews the Day of the Doctor The Five(ish) Doctors Moffat (potentially) spoils the heck out of the Christmas Special (and changes the mythology of the entire show?) ...And goes a bit further to muddle the “Regeneration Limit Debate” waters BBC sets a Guinness World Record for global simulcast of a TV drama SteeMo explains Billie Piper’s role in the 50th Episode Some of the Easter eggs from the special, now in list form.

 The Name of the Doctor Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:45

The Doctor has a secret that he will take to his grave. The secret is out, and we are joined by Jeannie from "Tyrion's Landing" as we complete our commentary rewatch of Series 7B, and discuss "The Name of the Doctor". (Oh, and were you aware that they were doing this "Anniversary" thing tomorrow? It might know...interesting.) Link Dump: The newest webisode: The Last Day Gorgeous visualization of the Doctor’s travels Day of the Doctor DVD extras Every DW story ranked best to worst How “Doomsday” should have ended Jeannie's links:

 Nightmare in Silver Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:11

We delve into Neil Gaiman's sophomore attempt at penning for the Doctor and, well, don't really feel like it's an upgrade. In this episode, we're talking "Nightmare in Silver", and explore the newest cyberman upgrade (complete with one-time-only super speed), a stellar cast, and characters that we want to know more about and are left wanting. Oh yeah...and the obnoxious girl, too. (God, we hate that kid.) Note, too, that there's a special "addendum" at the end of this episode in response to the incredible new 7-minute "Night of the Doctor" web prequel that was released at time of recording -- SPOILER ALERT, for all you who are trying to keep uninformed about the content of the 50th Anniversary episode. (And if you are, good luck!) Link Dump: “The moment has come.” “And I am ready.” (The next trailer for “The Day of the Doctor” melts our brains.) Strax issues another Sontaran field report, concerning the Zygons and DW50 Smartphones to get a new Doctor Who game Kids being asked to design a new sonic device for one of the Paternoster Gang, to be included in S8 BBC America adds details to the “Doctor Who Takeover Week” schedule New promo images for An Adventure in Space and Time SPOILERS AHEAD!! The Night of the Doctor- 7 minutes of pure Whovian bliss  Interview with SteeMo about "The Night of the Doctor"

 The Crimson Horror Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:23

Have you ever dipped your finger in melted wax and admired the coating it gives you? Have you ever tried it with your whole body, while under the influence of a prehistoric red slug with giant black gumdrop eyes? This week we are joined once again by listener and fellow Whovian Wil, while we watch "The Crimson Horror" and relive the -- well, horror -- of Mark Gatiss' second offering to Series 7B. Listen while Keir tries to draw some good out of it, and Jay just tries to gouge his eyes out. Link Dump: More details on the Day of the Doctor mini-episode, “The Night of the Doctor” Moffat: “Best ever entrance into the TARDIS for the 50th” Troughton had some rather odd early character options as the 2nd Doctor Neil Gaiman writing 11th Dr. e-book Official Day of the Doctor trailer to air Saturday Official (2 sentence) synopsis of Day of the Doctor revealed (spoilers) Doctor Who Trivia American broadcast time confirmed for “Adventure in Space and Time” docudrama

 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:18

We travel deep into the heart of the TARDIS in this week's commentary. We are joined by Julie as we watch "more of the TARDIS than we've ever sen." So, about 25 minutes of corridors with some CGI backdrops occasionally creeping in.   Link Dump: Cinema screenings of Day of the Doctor in the US BBC 2 doing The Science of Doctor Who November 14 An Adventure in Space and Time interviews released Adventure in Time in Space posters released 11th Doctor Revisited on BBCA Day of the Doctor to feature extra content?

 Hide Commentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:31

We reach the halfway point in our commentary series, as we are joined by friend and listener Wil to bring you "Hide". We discuss the spectacular new teaser for the 50th Anniversary, and all the juicy bits contained within. We also talk about Doctors writing their own fanfic. Link Dump: Welcome back from under that rock you were living under! The 50th Trailer is out. Geeks with free time analyze the trailer’s contents Smith and Tennant devised a way to extend 10th and 11th...unbeknownst to Moffat Brits get excited about the backstories and extended interviews in the ‘Doctors Revisited’ series Tenth Doctor “Doctors Revisited” airs on BBCA Sunday, 10/27 New Adventure in Space and time promo pics Science of Doctor Who


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