The Time of the Doctor

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: "And now it's time for one last bow      Like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now,     The clock is striking Twelve's." Some of us have loved him since he first discovered fish fingers and custard. Some took a lot longer to accept that bow ties really are cool. But when that iconic bow tie crumpled to the floor, we all shed a tear as we bid farewell to Matt Smith. And then we choked on that tear as he sneezed, and became a new person. The Christmas special gave us all a bit of pause (if you watched on BBC America, they were usually numerous and inopportune pauses) and made us wonder: was this really the episode we expected? We break down an episode that has been generally regarded as "underwhelming", "muddy", and viewed by some with downright loathing, and determine exactly what the point of this episode was. (A note of mention: we're not looking to "trash" the episode in the slightest, or take away from Mr. Smith's "swan song" in any way. Have a listen, form your own opinions on the "sentiment vs. the story" as we discuss, and by all means, share with us!) Link Dump: Ratings records (for BBCA) set by the Christmas special The Time of the Doctor - Behind the Lens