The Multitude of the Doctor

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: It's almost traditional on your birthday to look back, and remember your younger self. The Doctor gets to do that quite literally. This week, we take a look at the multiple Doctor stories that always seem to come out on anniversary years. From "The Three Doctors" all the way to "The Day of the Doctor", we evaluate the science, and the lack there of, that bring the Doctor face to face with himself. Link Dump: Full length trailer for “The Time of the Doctor” Smith is 13, but Capaldi is 12, and Moffat Makes Math Hard Again Series 8 will NOT run in a split season Let the over-analysis of the Christmas Episode promo pictures…begin! Petition to the IAU to name newly discovered planet “Gallifrey” Talks with Peter Jackson to direct a DW episode “rather serious”