Hide Commentary

Doctor Who: Gallifrey Public Radio show

Summary: We reach the halfway point in our commentary series, as we are joined by friend and listener Wil to bring you "Hide". We discuss the spectacular new teaser for the 50th Anniversary, and all the juicy bits contained within. We also talk about Doctors writing their own fanfic. Link Dump: Welcome back from under that rock you were living under! The 50th Trailer is out. Geeks with free time analyze the trailer’s contents Smith and Tennant devised a way to extend 10th and 11th...unbeknownst to Moffat Brits get excited about the backstories and extended interviews in the ‘Doctors Revisited’ series Tenth Doctor “Doctors Revisited” airs on BBCA Sunday, 10/27 New Adventure in Space and time promo pics Science of Doctor Who