TCK Publishing show

TCK Publishing

Summary: We believe authors can change the world with great stories and messages. Our mission is to help you get your story and message out to more people and make the world a better place. On The Publishing Profits Podcast show, Tom Corson-Knowles interviews the publishing industry's top bestselling authors, publishers, editors, agents, marketers and attorneys to share inspiration, education and best practices. We can help authors and publishers learn how to thrive in the new era of digital publishing. Ebooks didn't even exist 15 years ago. Today, US readers spend more than $5 billion a year on ebooks. Are you taking advantage of this huge shift in reader demand? Tune in and learn how to take advantage of the huge changes in the industry and what you can do to succeed as an author right now. Whether you are just thinking about writing your first book or are a multi-published author, you'll find new ideas to help you take your career and income to the next level. The show's audience includes writers, new and experienced authors, publishers, entrepreneurs, literary agents, editors, graphic designers, bloggers, content creators, marketing professionals, public relations and PR experts, and publishing attorneys. Learn more on the website at

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  • Artist: Tom Corson-Knowles, Bestselling Author of Secrets of the Six-Figure Author, Founder of TCK Publishing, Destroyer of Publishing and Marketing Myths
  • Copyright: Copyright 2015 by TCK Publishing


 019: How to Become a New York Times Bestselling Romance Author with Aubrey Rose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:02

Aubrey Rose is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of several books including Heartbitten (, and she's only been writing for two years! And, she's done it all while maintaining a full-time job and social life. Who said it was impossible to become a bestselling author and keep a full-time job at the same time? Aubrey writes romance novels and loves being an author. In this interview, Aubrey shares some superb tips on writing, publishing and marketing keys for success as an author right now including: * How to guarantee you complete your next book or manuscript on time or early by getting yourself to write consistently (it doesn't have to be a grueling struggle!) * How to get focused on constantly creating new work and avoid the trap of perfectionism and editing-itis (that's when you can't stop editing, and this chronic condition could kill your career!) * How to use the "To Do List" app to manage your productivity and get more done. * How to juggle multiple projects at the same time without stress or struggle or feeling overwhelmed. * How to use Box Set Book Launches to sell tons of books, become a New York Times bestselling author, and create a great win-win relationship with fellow authors in your market or genre. * How to connect and collaborate with the competition and attract scores of new readers without spending a dime on marketing or promotion. * Why it's so hard to make it as an author with just one book, and a few key tips on how to sell more books faster by writing a series and publishing novellas. * Exactly what to do if you write a book that bombs and gets horrible reviews (and how to virtually guarantee it doesn't happen again by asking your readers for feedback and making a few changes and tweaks next time around). It's time to grab your notebook and a pen and take notes, because you're about to learn a wealth of wisdom on what it takes to become a bestselling author in just a short period of time from Aubrey Rose. Connect with Aubrey and learn more about her books at ( Check out Aubrey's author community and training program for authors to learn how to self publish at ( Check out Jami Gold's Romance Cheat Sheet that Aubrey mentioned here: ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 018: How to Earn a Full-Time Income Writing Books with Lindsay Buroker, Bestselling Fantasy Novelist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:08

Lindsay Buroker is the bestselling author of Balanced on the Blade's Edge ( and more than 20 other novels, novellas and short stories.  Today, Lindsay is ranked as one of the Top #100 bestselling Science Fiction authors on Amazon Kindle, and she's earning a full-time income as an author. She works from home and loves it. In this interview, Lindsay lets us in on her best tips for writing books that readers love, how to build your author platform, how to promote your book like a pro, how to become a master at marketing, and much more. Here are just a few of the ideas we cover in the show today: * Exactly how to build a highly targeted email list of readers who love your books and buy everything you write. * Why creating highly targeted fans is the absolute best and only concern you should have when marketing (wasting money and time promoting your books to the wrong people isn't just a massive waste of money - it can do more harm than good). * How to ensure your marketing and promotions reach the right audience every time. * How to create loyal readers and give them so much great content that they can't help but share your work with their audience. * Why you must focus on quality readers, and how a few people who open your emails, buy your books and share your stuff with other readers are the best and most valuable marketing asset you could ever hope for (and it doesn't cost any money other than the cost of setting up your email list with an autoresponder). * How to quit your day job and become a full-time author and bestseller whether you write fiction or nonfiction. Learn more about Lindsay Buroker on her website at ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 017: How to Market Your Books with Online Video and YouTube with Montina Portis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:11

Montina Portis is the bestselling author of YouTube Video Marketing Secrets Revealed and several other books. Her YouTube Channel called SparkWisdom has over 20,000 subscribers and over 2 Million video views. In this interview, Montina shares her best tips for marketing your books, products and services using online video and especially YouTube. Whether you've never recorded a video in your life or you're already a YouTube star, Montina can show you how to create an online video empire without spending a lot of money or breaking your marketing budget. In the show, Montina and I discuss: * How to get started with video marketing with the right tools, software and systems without spending a lot of money (most things you can get for free!) * How to keep things simple when you do video and avoid complex, expensive and difficult work while still staying true to yourself, your brand and your message. * How easy video marketing can be if you just embrace it and follow a simple system. * How to overcome the fear of being on camera and expressing yourself on video (it can be a whole lot easier than you think if you follow these steps!) * Why you don't need state-of-the-art equipment, and how "lower quality" videos can actually help you attract more viewers and readers. * How to come up with ideas for videos and turn your ideas into a marketing machine. * How to get video viewers on YouTube and your website to actually buy your books and sign up for your email list. * Why video is the most powerful marketing strategy today because it combines video and audio to create a deeper bond with your audience. * Some surprising statistics and data on how many people watch online video (more than half the time people spend online is watching video!) * Why you're missing out on the majority of your readers if you're not using video. * How to use video on your Amazon author page to help you sell more books. * And many more video marketing tips and tricks! Learn more about Montina and get more tips on video and marketing at ( Check out Montina's books at ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 016: How to Become a Full-Time Author-Entrepreneur of Fiction and Nonfiction with Joanna Penn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:17

Joanna Penn is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of several books including Business for Authors: How to be an Authorpreneur. Joanna writes and publishes both fiction and non-fiction. She is a sought-after speaker and lecturer at writers conferences, publishing industry events and online educational workshops. Joanna has been a full-time "author-entrepreneur" for more than 4 years, and shares her best ideas, tips and more on her blog The Creative Penn. In this interview, Joanna and I discuss a lot of awesome ideas including: * How to build your author platform using social media the right way. * Some great tips on branding yourself and your books to connect with your readers on a deeper level. * How to use blogging to attract new readers, and why you should constantly be writing new blog posts to hone your skills, stay connected with your audience, and sell a lot more books in the process. * The pros and cons of writing fiction vs. non-fiction, and why Joanna chooses to do both. * How consistency is the #1 key to success for authors, and how to make sure you stick with it and never give up even when things get tough. * How to always get your name out there and get more exposure without being overly self-promotional (it's about adding value and helping people; it's not all about you!) * Why you should use Print-on-Demand (POD) Publishing, even if you have a huge audience like Joanna. Learn more about Joanna and get more tips on writing, publishing and marketing at (   Connect with Joanna on Twitter @thecreativepenn Check out Joanna's books at ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 015: How to Write and Distribute Press Releases Like a Pro with Dan Janal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:02

Dan Janal is the author of Reporters Are Looking for You! ( and is a pro when it comes to getting exposure in the media. Dan has been involved in the public relations industry for decades, and he's one of the earliest entrepreneurs to use the internet for marketing back in the 1990's (he even wrote a book back then about online marketing!). In this interview, Dan and I discuss several key issues every author should know about including: * How press releases actually work from an insider's perspective (you'll learn exactly what happens after you hit "send" on your press releases, and why understanding this simple truth can transform the results your press releases and PR get you). * How to write a press release for maximum impact (aka maximum sales) by putting it in the exact format and style reporters and media producers need and expect. * How shorter can be better when it comes to headlines and press releases, and how to craft the right message for your audience. * How to save thousands of dollars on press releases while getting maximum distribution and results. * How to find lists of thousands of key media contacts who can get you exposure beyond your wildest dreams (and how to get focused on the right contacts for your business). * The biggest mistakes to avoid when writing a press release. * Why a free press release distribution service can never get you the kind of results you deserve and need for your business (hint: they don't actually distribute your press release!) * How to distribute your press releases like a pro. * How to use media lists effectively and efficiently without wasting tons of time on research, and minutiae. * and many more great tips on getting more publicity! It's time to grab your notebook and a pen and take notes because you're about to learn how to earn some serious publishing profits with publicity. To get a great press release distribution service at a discount, check out Dan's company at ( To get daily leads from journalists looking for stories in your field of expertise, check out ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 014: How to Get 40,000 EBook Downloads in a Week with Ameer Rosic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:55

Ameer Rosic is the bestselling author of Diagnostic Testing And Functional Medicine. He's a functional medicine expert focusing on helping people have more energy, better health and incredible performance. In today's show, Ameer shares a unique process he used to write and publish his first book and turn it into a bestseller very quickly. Here are just a few of the tips Ameer shares on this interview: * How to use a book project to land interviews with the leading experts in your field, and then turn that content into the heart of your book (Following this brilliant system basically allows you to have other people create the content for your book AND connect with the "untouchables" in your industry on a deep level in a way that would never otherwise have been possible.) * How Ameer had more than 40,000 people download his book in less than a week, and the incredible results any author can get when you follow a proven system for launching your book. * How to think about your book project when you're writing it to position it for maximum exposure and to add the most value to your audience. * The mindset you must have for success, and how to overcome any obstacle or challenge along the way. * A few life-changing ideas on how to maintain a healthy attitude, obliterate any blocks holding you back from achieving the success you deserve, and how to use failure to fuel your success instead of giving up and quitting. * How to create a hot marketing campaign for your book. * How to get industry experts and leaders in your field to promote your book like gangbusters (without spending a dime on advertising or being annoying or bugging people). * A few mental tricks anyone can use to be more productive and come up with brilliant new marketing ideas. Learn More You can learn more about Ameer at ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 013: Blog Your Book and Build Your Author Platform with Nina Amir | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:58

Nina Amir is the bestselling author of How to Blog a Book ( and several other books. She is a successful author, blogging guru and speaker. Nina has created several mainstream blogs including ( among others. In this interview, Nina will show you how to literally blog your book. It's a quick, easy and much funner way to create your first book in bite-size chunks one blog post at a time (and build your audience and platform at the same time). In the interview, Nina shares some amazing tips including: * Why blogging is the fastest path to writing your first book and building a huge author platform. * How to make consistent progress on your book every single day and avoid writer's block and procrastination (the 2 deadly sins that could destroy your career if you don't get back control). * How publishing content on your blog regularly is great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). * How having a blog can allow you to write MUCH better books by getting more feedback faster from readers, and how to use the feedback you do get to make your books better. * How making a few simple tweaks to your blog or website can help you get a lot more traffic and sales. * Why every author should be blogging (even if you write fiction, and even if you have no idea what to write about on your blog!) * A simple, proven system for creating a blog that is seen as an authority site by Google and by others in your field. * How anyone with no background, no following and no marketing experience can use blogging to build an author platform and be seen as the expert in your arena. * How to use your blog to land a traditional book deal, or just sell a lot more of your self published books. * How to keep your costs as low as possible with your blog and still get great results! * Why you don't have to be an internet marketing guru to have success blogging today. Learn More You can learn more about Nina at ( You can buy Nina's books at ( Check out Nina's Writer's Digest University How to Blog a Book class at ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 012: Free Marketing Tools and Tips for Authors and Entrepreneurs with Dan Hollings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:33

Dan Hollings is an online marketing legend, having worked in the industry for more than 20 years. He's one of the "original" online marketers, having started when the internet was in its infancy. Dan has masterminded hundreds of successful book launches and marketing campaigns. He helped create the strategy and tools for the launch of The Secret which brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in sales thanks to Dan's marketing savvy. Dan is a marketing consultant for entrepreneurs, authors and thought leaders. He helps train authors and business owners on how to grow a business and brand online without spending a lot of cash on advertising or promotion. Dan is a huge fan of free marketing. In this interview, Dan shares some of his absolute best free marketing resources. Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in this show: * The less money you spend on marketing, the more profits you will make. Only marketing with a great Return on Investment (ROI) is great marketing, and the absolute best marketing is totally free and has an infinite ROI. * How to set up a 100% free website or blog using free hosting, and * How to get a free blog or website with free hosting, and have it live within a day! * How to use a few powerful free tools to grow your audience and followers on Twitter (without spam or any blackhat stuff). * How to find great free coupons and discounts for your audience at no cost to you to get people to opt-in to your email list and stay connected with you. * How to setup reminders to make sure your to-do list always gets done and nothing important slips through the cracks! * How to start building your author email list and newsletter for 100% free. * How to get major publicity for free using HARO (Help a Reporter Out), and other awesome publicity tips for authors. * How to become a marketing genius by applying a few simple tips and strategies. * ...and a whole lot more! Grab your pen and get ready to take notes because you're about to learn how to save A LOT of money on marketing. Show Notes Free Wordpress Site Builder: ( Free Tweet Scheduling: ( Free coupons and discounts (some cost money): ( Free Email Reminder System: ( Free SEO tool: ( Free Autoresponder Email Marketing Service: ( Free Web Hosting: ( Free publicity: ( Free password manager: ( Learn More You can learn more from Dan in his free course on Zero Cost Marketing Strategies ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 011: How to Find an Agent the Unconventional Way and Writing Fiction with David Kazzie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:30

David Kazzie is the author of Jackpot. He's the creator of the viral videos So You Want to Go to Law School ( and So You Want to Write a Novel ( which led to a lot of attention from the publishing industry, and helped David land his first agent. In the interview, David shares his unique story along with some insights and tips on writing fiction, self publishing, traditional publishing and how to succeed as an author. Here are just a few of the topics David shares on the show: * How David created a viral video that lead to him finding a literary agent. * Why being creative when it comes to marketing and building your platform is crucial to success. * How the internet is changing things quickly, and so your best bet is to experiment with new marketing ideas and try new things until you figure out what works (yep, there's a lot of trial-and-error involved, but it's part of the creative process). * Why David's literary agent recommended self publishing and how they pulled off a big book launch together. * How the traditional publishing industry is changing fast due to the eBook revolution, POD publishing (Print on Demand technology), and industry shifts (and how to take advantage of these changes as you're building your career as an author). * And a few other golden nuggets... To learn more about David, check out his blog ( and his author page on Amazon. ( ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 010: Smart Marketing Tips for Authors to Increase Your Income and Influence with Michelle Booth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:25

Michelle Booth, aka Michelle Campbell-Scott, is the author of Goodreads for Authors and several other books. She is an expert on marketing and promotional strategies for self published and independent authors. In today's show, she shares some great tips on marketing and increasing your income as a self published author, including publishing your book in paperback and audiobook format, as well as some great free and low-cost marketing strategies for authors. Here are a few things Michelle and I discuss on the show: * Why publishing your books on different platforms and in different formats is a great way to expand your distribution and earn more income through increased book sales and exposure. * Why publishing your eBooks in print with CreateSpace or Lightningsource is a great idea (print on demand publishing (POD) is a powerful tool for indie authors). * Why you should consider publishing audiobooks to increase your income. * How to think creatively about your work and other streams of income, from freelancing to unique promotion strategies and more. * Why Goodreads is a powerful way to sell more books, and how to use the world's largest social media site for authors to make a name and an author platform for yourself. Watch Michelle's free training on how to format your book for CreateSpace ( to publish it as a paperback. To learn more about Michelle, check out her books for authors on Amazon ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 009: Building a Six Figure Freelance Writing Business in Twenty Hours a Week | Interview with Author Jason Brick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:57

Jason Brick is a published author, freelance copy writer, business writer, and ghost writer. He is an expert at hustling up freelance work and has built a six figure freelance writing business at just twenty hours a week. He spends the rest of his time with his kids and family. Some of his clients pay as much as $500 for a blog post on a regular basis. He serves others as a coach, speaker, and business writer. On this episode of the Publishing Products Podcast, you'll learn how to think about writing as a business, learn how to find high paying clients, get more referrals, and how to become the reliable freelance writer that all of your clients rave about. Here are just a few topics Jason and I discuss on the show: * Why writing fast and delivering on time is the absolute most valuable asset you have (the writing is secondary to the delivery of what the client wants and needs, and what they want and need is writing delivered on time first and foremost). * How to land gigs for major Fortune 500 companies for $500 per blog post, and what businesses really want from a freelance writer. * How to overcome writer's block and kick its butt for good (otherwise, you won't be able to earn big bucks as a freelance writer). * Why you must get clear on exactly what your clients want and what "good writing" means to them (hint: it's almost never what good writing means to you, and that's the difference between landing a big paying gig and landing on your face). * How to work less and earn more by raising your prices. * How to turn one client into five through creating a referral system. * How to land clients in your local community. * Why joining the local Chamber of Commerce and other business networking groups is a fast track to starting up and growing your freelance writing business. * How publishing on Kindle and writing books can provide long-term residual income while you build up your freelance writing business (so that eventually you can retire on the income from your books and the extra cash you saved up from your freelance gigs). * And much more! If you're struggling to earn a living as a freelance writer, you owe it to yourself to listen and learn from Jason! To learn more about Jason Brick visit ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 008: Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing: The Pros, Cons and Process of Getting Your Books Published | Jason Miles Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:20

Jason Miles is a bestselling author who has had several books traditionally published and has self published several more books. In today's interview, Jason shares his thoughts and experiences on the pros and cons of traditional publishing vs. self publishing. He also shares some great online marketing tips for authors. Jason is the author of YouTube Marketing Power (, Pinterest Marketing Power, Instagram Marketing Power, and several other books on business, marketing and social media. In the show, Jason shares some great tips including: * The pros and cons of self publishing and traditional publishing (from real experience doing both several times over). * How to know whether self publishing or traditional publishing is right for you, and why you should get educated and do your research before you make a decision as to how you want to publish your books. * Why starting a blog is the best way to build your author platform (and how Jason found his literary agent and signed his first major traditional book deal by writing a few blog posts). * Why sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world even before you write a book is the fastest and most effective way to get your message out and can lay the foundation to a great career as an author. * Why you might want to consider a hybrid publishing career. * Why traditional publishing is so slow, and how self publishing can be a much quicker route to market. * Why a big advance from a traditional book deal might just be the best way to go to launch your career as an author (and how to follow it up with additional books even if you have to self publish them). * Why you must find an agent who "gets it" and shares your vision (otherwise, you're just wasting your time and theirs). Grab your notebook and pen and get ready to take notes, because you’re about to learn how to make some serious Publishing Profits. To learn more about Jason Miles and his books, visit ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 007: Why Audiobooks are the Future of Publishing and How to Produce and Publish Your Own with Rob Archangel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:54

Rob Archangel is a co-founder of Archangel Ink, an independent publishing services company. Rob has done the production, mixing and editing of audiobooks for clients and bestselling author Matt Stone. In this show, Rob shares how audiobooks can help you increase your income from your books by 10% or more, and how the future is only getting better for audiobook authors. You'll also learn step-by-step how to find a production company to produce your audiobooks for you. For those of you who just want to do it yourself, you'll find some great tips and strategies on how to make the whole process easier as well. Grab your notebook and pen and get ready to take notes, because you’re about to learn how to make some serious Publishing Profits. Below are some useful links and resources mentioned in Rob's eBook, How to Create an Audiobook for Audible: Advice for authors, recording and formatting info, and more for ACX, Audible, and iTunes Applications Free Download of Audacity, A Free Digital Audio Editor ( Equipment Microphones: Snowball USB Microphone ( Yeti USB Microphone ( Audio-Technica USB Microphone ( Pop filters: Nady Microphone Pop Filter ( Auphonix Pop Filter ( AGPTek Pop Filter ( Additional Resources Archangel Ink Article Archive ( Books by Tom Corson-Knowles ( Books by Steve Scott ( eBook Publishing School ( Audiobook Production Services If you are interested in having Archangel Ink produce your audiobook, go to ( and fill out the Contact Us form. Just mention that you are interested in their audiobook production services. If you are only interested in audiobook services, let them know (they also publish eBooks and print books as well). Make sure to include the full word count of your manuscript, excluding any portions that will not be read (such as references) so that they can give you an accurate quote on your project. Also, specifically mention “audiobook-ebook” on the Contact Us ( form to receive a 10% discount on any self-publishing services you get from Archangel Ink. To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 006: Book Marketing, Publicity and Building a Platform with Publisher Rick Frishman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:22

Rick Frishman is a bestselling author and publisher at Morgan James Publishing. He's worked on publicity and marketing campaigns for some of the biggest authors including Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield's Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Brendon Burchard's Life's Golden Ticket (, John Grisham, Harvey Mackay, T. Harv Eker, Tim Ferriss, and many more. In this interview, Rick shares best practices and tips for authors who want to: * Get more publicity without spending a lot of money. * Get your nonfiction book proposals read by agents and publishers (and a proven template for writing book proposals that work). * How to get a great author website without overpaying (and how to turn your website into a lead magnet that attracts readers and helps you sell more books). * How to build your author platform and author brand using the power of the internet and social media. * How to get $10,000 of publicity for just a few hundred dollars using a discounted press release service and some smart and savvy marketing. Grab your notebook and pen and get ready to take notes, because you’re about to learn how to make some serious Publishing Profits. To learn more about Rick Frishman, visit his site at ( ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (

 005: On Writing, Self Publishing, and Loving Your Readers with New York Times Bestselling Author Hugh Howey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:59

Hugh Howey was a yacht captain when he wrote his first book which was picked up by a small publisher. But he quickly realized that all the marketing resources and tools used by publishers can be used by self published authors as well. He started self publishing his own books, and in September, 2011, his novella Wool took off and became a huge success. Hugh has sold more than 1.5 million books now, some of his books have been optioned for film, and he's turned down multi-million dollar publishing contracts because as he says in the show, "I earn more self publishing." Hugh says focusing on writing the best books he can instead of writing query letters and chasing agents and publishers has been a big key to his success. He's able to be more productive and focus on the most important part of being an author - writing. He doesn't "try to get strangers to read my work." Instead, he just focuses on writing as much as he can and responding to every reader email, comment and question. Here are just a few things shared by Hugh in the interview: * How Hugh Howey started out writing novels in his spare time while working full-time as a yacht boat captain. * How he first decided to publish Wool (, a short science fiction novella, and how it took off and lead to his rapid success as a self published author. * Why Hugh always said "yes" whenever a fan asked him to go to a book signing, do an interview, or anything else (one of the "secrets" to Hugh's success is how much he care about his fans and loves to do anything he can to help and entertain them). * What you really ought to be focusing on when it comes to marketing (the people come first). * And much more! Grab your notebook and pen and get ready to take notes, because you’re about to learn how to make some serious Publishing Profits. To learn more about Hugh Howey, visit his site at ( ( To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at ( To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit (


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