015: How to Write and Distribute Press Releases Like a Pro with Dan Janal

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Dan Janal is the author of Reporters Are Looking for You! (http://www.amazon.com/Reporters-Are-Looking-YOU-Publicity/dp/1466345004/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1424298253&sr=8-2&keywords=Reporters+Are+Looking+for+You%21&tag=chromeplugin0c-20) and is a pro when it comes to getting exposure in the media. Dan has been involved in the public relations industry for decades, and he's one of the earliest entrepreneurs to use the internet for marketing back in the 1990's (he even wrote a book back then about online marketing!). In this interview, Dan and I discuss several key issues every author should know about including: * How press releases actually work from an insider's perspective (you'll learn exactly what happens after you hit "send" on your press releases, and why understanding this simple truth can transform the results your press releases and PR get you). * How to write a press release for maximum impact (aka maximum sales) by putting it in the exact format and style reporters and media producers need and expect. * How shorter can be better when it comes to headlines and press releases, and how to craft the right message for your audience. * How to save thousands of dollars on press releases while getting maximum distribution and results. * How to find lists of thousands of key media contacts who can get you exposure beyond your wildest dreams (and how to get focused on the right contacts for your business). * The biggest mistakes to avoid when writing a press release. * Why a free press release distribution service can never get you the kind of results you deserve and need for your business (hint: they don't actually distribute your press release!) * How to distribute your press releases like a pro. * How to use media lists effectively and efficiently without wasting tons of time on research, and minutiae. * and many more great tips on getting more publicity! It's time to grab your notebook and a pen and take notes because you're about to learn how to earn some serious publishing profits with publicity. To get a great press release distribution service at a discount, check out Dan's company at www.pressreleasesender.com (http://www.pressreleasesender.com) To get daily leads from journalists looking for stories in your field of expertise, check out www.prleads.com (http://www.prleads.com) To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com (http://www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com) To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit www.TCKPublishing.com (http://www.TCKPublishing.com)