013: Blog Your Book and Build Your Author Platform with Nina Amir

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Nina Amir is the bestselling author of How to Blog a Book (http://www.amazon.com/How-Blog-Book-Publish-Promote/dp/1599635402/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1424299201&sr=8-2&keywords=nina+amir&tag=chromeplugin0c-20) and several other books. She is a successful author, blogging guru and speaker. Nina has created several mainstream blogs including www.howtoblogabook.com (http://howtoblogabook.com/) among others. In this interview, Nina will show you how to literally blog your book. It's a quick, easy and much funner way to create your first book in bite-size chunks one blog post at a time (and build your audience and platform at the same time). In the interview, Nina shares some amazing tips including: * Why blogging is the fastest path to writing your first book and building a huge author platform. * How to make consistent progress on your book every single day and avoid writer's block and procrastination (the 2 deadly sins that could destroy your career if you don't get back control). * How publishing content on your blog regularly is great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). * How having a blog can allow you to write MUCH better books by getting more feedback faster from readers, and how to use the feedback you do get to make your books better. * How making a few simple tweaks to your blog or website can help you get a lot more traffic and sales. * Why every author should be blogging (even if you write fiction, and even if you have no idea what to write about on your blog!) * A simple, proven system for creating a blog that is seen as an authority site by Google and by others in your field. * How anyone with no background, no following and no marketing experience can use blogging to build an author platform and be seen as the expert in your arena. * How to use your blog to land a traditional book deal, or just sell a lot more of your self published books. * How to keep your costs as low as possible with your blog and still get great results! * Why you don't have to be an internet marketing guru to have success blogging today. Learn More You can learn more about Nina at www.ninaamir.com (http://www.ninaamir.com) You can buy Nina's books at www.booksbyninaamir.com (http://www.booksbyninaamir.com/) Check out Nina's Writer's Digest University How to Blog a Book class at http://bit.ly/WDUHTBAB (http://bit.ly/WDUHTBAB) To learn more about the Publishing Profits Podcast show, join us at www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com (http://www.PublishingProfitsPodcast.com) To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit www.TCKPublishing.com (http://www.TCKPublishing.com)