Guns, Gold, and Groceries.

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Application for gun permits, the sales of guns, and concealed weapons permit are on the rise.  The purchase and holding of gold is too.  Not as public, but definitely happening, is the storing of food.  The doomsday apocalyptic believers would be proud at the growth in this behavior, whether or not you believe the world is about to end any day now or not. The fact is, the world is changing.  Priorities are changing. Public mood is changing.  The 70+ deaths and injuries at a soccer match in Egypt on February 1st, 2012 is testament to the fact that people are easily triggered when upset and the mob mentality is at an all time high. Preparing for the worst, just in case is getting more and more urgent.  Gold, guns and groceries will be staples on many 'To Do' lists.   Join me in this discussion,  to help you be on your way to being able to check, check and check those items off as DONE!