Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 MARNEY MAKRIDAKIS: Creating Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In today's technology driven, faced paced, multitasking world, it can feel like time is moving so rapidly that it's impossible to keep up with basic responsibilities, let alone have extra time to focus on our dreams, hobbies, and the things that touch our hearts most deeply. On Tuesday, May 22nd at noon Eastern time, we're delighted to welcome Marney Makridakis to the Art of Joyful Living. Marney has good news for those of us who feel there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done. In her new book, Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your Life, she turns the concept of time management upside-down by presenting exciting new tools for experiencing time in fresh and exciting ways. Marney combines creativity with science to inspire us to reshape old thoughts and patterns that have been holding us back from being all we can be. She'll show us how to use art and imagination as powerful catalysts for lasting change. According to Marney, we can create time outside a linear view and welcome a new way to experience it. She says, "Now you too can control your perceptoin of time and experience it in a way that truly supports you and the highest vision of your life. Believe it or not, time is in your hands, and you can mold, craft, and create time to be just about anything you would like it to be." To find out more about Marney's work, visit her website at: After the show, let us know your take-aways by commenting on our blog:

 HOW TO GO FROM NO ACTION TO INSPIRED ACTION! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Why is it so hard to take action, especially inspired action?  Even if we know the answer, why do we continue to hold back?  Why is action an important part of manifesting?  What role does the “big why” play? These are the questions that Cindy and Linda explore in today’s interview. Hear how one listener gets himself into high action gear mode and a simple technique to put you directly in touch with your intuition, always a “ no fail “source of inspired action.” If your default mode is to go inward without taking the external steps that are necessary to create your best year yet, right here, right now, join Cindy and Linda as they discuss techniques to get you into inspired action mode!

 PAMELA BRUNER:Make More Money Making More of a Difference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

She had fears. She had hesitations. Will they like me? Will they buy my programs? Can I really make a living doing this? In 2.5 years, Pamela Bruner built her business from  0 dollars  to $1,000,0000! If you are a business owner and aren’t charging what you are worth, if you have a block around marketing (even if you don’t own a business, how are you marketing your career?), Cindy and Linda invite you to join them as Pamela reveals how to transform your relationship with money so you make more and, at the same time, make more of a difference! In addition to being a world-renowned business success coach, Pamela Bruner is an author, speaker, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) expert. She specializes in working with conscious entrepreneurs to build six-and seven-figure businesses by removing their fears and blocks around marketing and sales. She is the co-author of ‘Tapping into Ultimate Success’ book and DVD with Jack Canfield, author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. For more information about Pamela and her amazing work, visit her website at:

 PAUL ZELIZER: How to Create Joyful Livlihood in this Economy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome back Paul Zelizer to the show! Paul  runs a global coaching business where he helps coaches, therapists and business owners grow their success using the best of inner and outer technologies. As the economy sank these past 3 years, his business shot to the top. It wasn’t always like that, however. He nearly went broke when he decided to leave the world of counseling (he couldn’t stand the focus on “problems), his marriage broke up, he lost his house. Things were pretty grim the first 3 years of his new life as a business owner. However, he learned from his journey and today, he’ll be sharing his formula for creating a joyful livelihood, even in this challenging time of transition. The best news is that his secrets aren’t only for business owners. Are you working for a company but not loving what you’re doing? Feeling trapped? This information is for you, too! To find out more about his work, visit his website at  

 BOB DOYLE: Is the Law of Attraction still Relevant?! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Is the Law of Attraction still relevant in today’s environment? With so many new tools to help folks achieve their goals and dreams, are we “over” the Law of Attraction? Not according to Bob Doyle! Bob is a prime example of an everyday person who, due to circumstances that demanded change, took on changing his life in significant ways. Years of searching led him to a series of ah-ha moments that completely turned things around in a very short period of time. He eliminated tens of thousands of dollars in debt, created a 7-figure business, and is committed to teaching anyone who will listen to exactly what he learned and what he did. Most people know Bob Doyle from the movie "The Secret", and, of course, as a teacher of the Law of Attraction. While that is a big part of what Bob is up to, there is much more. In fact, Cindy and Linda love his work because he has devoted so much of his life to discovering the “science” that is the foundation on which the Law of Attraction works. If things aren’t working for you no matter what you try, tune in. Bob will explain that there is a scientific reason preventing you from getting what you want. It’s a new, updated approach to practicing the Law of Attraction. To learn more, visit Bob’s website at

 BRUCE MUZIK: Designing a Fearlessly Intimate Relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome Bruce Muzik, inspirational trainer, author, speaker and adventurer to the Art of Joyful Living family.  Bruce has spent his life mastering and teaching others how to use the innate manifestation powers of the mind to design a “life you love.”  From all appearances, it certainly looked as though he had designed his perfect life: writing a song that went to number one on the charts, a one month motorcycle trip through India to raise money for Indian orphans, and owning the recording studio of his dreams. Despite his many accomplishments, depression was haunting him and, ultimately, impacting the love relationship of his life.  Hear Bruce talk about how overcoming his own racism helped to end his depression and freed up his energy to begin a new journey: leaning how to create a fearlessly intimate relationship. He talks openly about the ups and downs of his romantic life and how he and the woman he cherishes learned to create a relationship that acts as an incubator for self awareness and personal transformation. You can learn more about his powerful techniques at : 

 EVA GREGORY: Your Personal Cosmic Connection! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Come to this interview with pen and paper or laptop at hand to take copious notes! Eva Gregory is back and she will be revealing powerful tools and processes you can begin to apply in your life right away for tapping into your own Divine Guidance and taking it deeper! Among the techniques and insights that Eva will share in this power-packed hour,  will be  the four major areas that keep folks from tapping into their own Divine Guidance and Eva’s unique  5-Phase Guidance On Demand process Known as America's Divine Guidance Coach, Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, conscious channel, and author of several books and programs. In her work, Eva brings through her powerful, loving, non-physical guides known as Theos. Theos is a stream of consciousness whose mission is to integrate our understanding of how we can embody our Higher Selves deliberately - so we can begin to live from that highest point of consciousness now. Check our her website at for more information and some great free resources!           Join Linda and Cindy as they talk with Guidance on Demand coach Eva Gregory.

 SUZANNE FALTER AND JEFFREY VAN DYK: Spiritual Marketing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Do you want to know the key to happiness in running your own business? Do you know why a spiritual connection is so important in business? What's the connection between running an aligned business and your life purpose? Discover all this and more when Cindy and Linda speak with Suzanne Falter and Jeffrey Van Dyk. Suzanne Falter is the Web’s leading expert in Platform building, branding and niching.  She helps solopreneurs, consultants, coaches and conscious entrepreneurs create a powerful, unique online presence that conveys greater credibility and more impact. Jeffrey Van Dyk, Suzanne’s long time collaborator, is a leader in the coaching industry who works internationally to help business owners, speakers and coaches find their higher purpose and create powerful, meaningful work from it. Together Suzanne and Jeffrey show you how to tap deeply into your purpose in life, and package it as a magnetic online platform that attracts the perfect market you are meant to serve. Their business, The Spiritual Marketing Quest, helps solopreneurs craft a purpose-based platform that stands apart powerfully and gets noticed by media and audiences alike. Join Cindy and Linda and you will learn plenty of hands-on, practical tips for audiences on how to shape your online presence to truly be irresistible. Learn more about their powerful work at:             Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 ANDREA HESS: Money Manifesting Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Cindy and Linda as they interview financial psychic Andrea Hess about what truly creates a smooth and easy flow of money in our lives!  She will be sharing money manifesting strategies  that are not only effective - they are also designed to help you step into your Soul Purpose and authentic self-expression, whether you are seeking a new career, a better position, or taking your business to the next revenue level.  Andrea will also reveal some of the biggest money-manifesting mistakes she sees people make, over and over again - and teach you how to avoid them for good!   Andrea is not only a financial psychic, she is also a successful business mentor, spiritual teacher, author and speaker.  She teaches new abundance strategies that are rooted in higher consciousness, self-awareness, and Soul purpose.  Learn more about her ground breaking work at: Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 CHIP CONLEY: Emotional Equations can Save your Life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

What are the elements in your life that you can change and those you can’t? What happens when you focus on the variables, the things you can change, rather than the constants, like the tragic loss of loved ones? Chip Conley, the preeminent thought leader at the intersection of psychology and business, has developed a new lexicon for an emotionally intelligent age. When Chip hit an emotional bottom a few years ago, he relied on a survival mantra to carry on living: “Despair = Suffering – Meaning.” This “emotional equation” saved his life and led to his newest book,  EMOTIONAL EQUATIONS: Simple Truths for Creating Happiness + Success. In this interview with Cindy and Linda, Chip reveals how to better understand your emotional life, your interaction with others, and the biggest secret of all:  how to find solutions to the challenges of daily living in the twenty-first century. After founding and leading Joie de Vivre for two-dozen years and expanding it into the second largest boutique hotel company in the United States, Conley has returned to his child-hood dream of writing. His best selling book, Peak: How Great Companies Get their Mojo from Maslow, has become required reading at business schools and in companies throughout the country. Chip speaks around the world on finding meaning at work and is a regular blogger on The Huffington Post. You can learn and read more about his amazing work on his own blog at Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 RHYS THOMAS: Your chakras ARE the law of attraction! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are you wondering why you keep trying to attract things like the right opportunities, people, and resources to help you live your best life but they never seem to show up? Join Cindy and Linda for a conversation with   special guest, Rhys Thomas, founder of the highly regarded Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine, who will answer this question and more! One part of the “law of attraction” that nobody speaks about is that it’s just possible you may be trying to attract things that are not in alignment with who you are. What to do? Rhys says that your charkas (energy centers located in your body) hold the key to magnetizing everything you need to live at your highest state of brilliance, energy, joy, and enthusiasm. Learn about the Rhys Method of Chakras and Profiles and how you can begin to use this special process to create transformational change right now! To learn more about this transformational work, please visit and  Sign up for his newsletter and you will receive a free video of Rhys’ lectures! Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 HOW MARGARET LYNCH IGNITED HER POWER! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

  If anyone can teach you how to ignite your power, it’s Margaret Lynch!  In just a few short years, Margaret has gone from a struggling  coach to a rock star, light ‘em up, go BIG internationally renowned success coach, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)  expert, celebrated author, chakra clearing master, and creator of numerous teleclasses that have helped thousands of people around the world transform their lives.Cindy and Linda are thrilled to have Margaret back again. She’s just returned from her first-ever live event where she broke down step-by-step how to ignite your power. We want to know how Margaret ignited her power! Join us and find out! Find out more about Margaret’s  work by visiting her website at:     Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 DR. JENNIFER HOWARD: The Art of Conscious Living | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

What does it mean to be awake and conscious in your daily life? When you live consciously, what is the impact on your work and financial life, your relationships, and on your health?   Dr. Jennifer Howard addresses these questions and more as part of her on going exploration of --- “the art of conscious living.” In this interview, Dr. Howard will discuss how to identify and change what is getting in the way of you reaching your full potential and she will provide techniques to help you make quantum leap changes that are aligned with your biggest dreams and goals! She is a leading thought leader on spirituality and psychology and she is on a mission to help people understand the emotional freedom and spiritual connections that are available to them when they live consciously.   Find out more about Dr. Howard’s transformational work by visiting her website at:         Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 DR. SUE MORTER: The BioEnergetics of Manifesting Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00 Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging science, spirit and human possibility. Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome her into the Art of Joyful Living family. During this interview, she’ll be discussing “the bioenergetics of manifesting joy” and what it means, a simple integration process to allow you to feel and sense your true path, and other wonderful processes designed to help you live your life to the fullest. Dr. Morter founded the Morter Institute & HealthCenter, a multi-doctor healing and wellness facility, in Indianapolis in 1987. In addition to her private practice, today she holds seminars around the world with the sole intent of awakening individuals to their own magnificence. A dynamic and charismatic speaker, she has been referred to as a “Shaman in a Business Suit” and can be seen and heard in multiple documentary films, internet television and radio interviews, and live conferences worldwide. Learn more at   Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

 JANET ATTWOOD: The Passion Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be successful, happy and living their life purpose; yet others seem to be stuck in a rut, going though life unhappy, unfulfilled and in a job they don't like? That's why Janet Attwood co-created The Passion Test - a systematic process for helping you discover your passions and true calling in life. Following your passions is no longer a luxury. In a flat world, it has become a necessity. The good news is, The Passion Test is a simple, powerful way to discover your passions and align your life with what matters most to you, starting now. In this interview with Cindy and Linda, Janet will discuss how she transformed her own life  from one without meaning to a life that includes such credits as a New York Times best-selling author and sharing stages with The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Stephen Covey, Brendon Burchard and many other celebrated leaders in the human consciousness movement. However, as Janet is quick to point out, you don’t have to be a celebrity to live a passionate life. We know, without a doubt, that whenever positive passion is the energy that fuels the thoughts we think and the actions we take, we create a life that is rich in every imaginable way. As an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life, hear Janet talk about The Passion Test and how it can change your life!  Learn more about Janet’s exciting work at and             Art of Joyful Living consciousness expanding radio show. Inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.


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