Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 RICK MOSS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

HEALING THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!  Rick Moss, Ph.D. has a remarkable ability. He can read the subconscious and the energy field and determine what limited beliefs, retained emotions and energetic attachments are the root of our unintended life experiences and recurring patterns. When these blocks are released there is an experience of what Rick calls Inherent, Divine Nature - basically, who we are without our stuff. In this interview, Rick will not only talk about the power of his work, he will demonstrate its effects with one of his trademark processes. Feeling blocked? Stuck? Resistant? Tune in for some powerful healing!

 DEE WALLACE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

You saw her first in ET: The Extraterrestrial, the movie  that touched all of us, and then Cujo, The Howling, and dozens of award winning television programs, but Dee Wallace comes back to the Art of Joyful Living show not just as one of Hollywood’s most successful working actresses, but as a globally recognized spiritual teacher and healer.  “After years with full blown aids, I began working with Dee’s principles. Applying self direction and choosing joy, I have been told I am now aids free. My count is higher than it has ever been and holding. For me this is a miracle.” M.H. Miracles. Transformational change. This is what people who work with Dee experience and Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome her back to the show. Today, you will hear more about Dee’s work and what she is intuitively feeling are the opportunities for all of us in 2014! Visit Dee’s website to learn how to work with her one on one, to take one of her teleseminars, or to learn about her upcoming New England tour at

 SHANDA SUMPTER: The Art of Execution! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Do you have great ideas for your business that never advance beyond the idea stage? Do you have trouble with execution, taking action, going big with your dreams? Shanda Sumpter, the successful  founder and Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business, has the answers! Shanda, has a passion for helping women create healthy financial lives through their businesses. As a highly sought-after business coach, she is considered to be the number one resource for women to do what they love, make more money, and live the life they want! If you feel stuck, stymied, paralyzed, not able to break into action, Shanda can help you!  In this interview, she will reveal her own personal formula for mastering the art of execution. To learn more about Shanda and her work, visit her website at

 Mark Bowness: Create your New Year's Revolution! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

From Suicide  to Success is not just a marketing slogan for Mark Bowness. It is his life. It is the story of how 3 months after a failed suicide attempt, he created a business that attracted world  wide attention from people like Richard Branson and media outlets like the New York Times. Mark Bowness is the man in whom you want to place your trust to guide you into a deep and powerful New Year's Revolution. He has been there himself and helped many others win their war against complacency and misery. How did he do it and how can you make sure 2014 will be your best year yet? That’s what you will learn in this interview! To learn more about his work, visit his website  at

 Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Join us for our annual Make this Your Best Year show. We will be completing the energy of 2013 and crafting your vision for 2014. And we will reveal the 3 Step Success Strategy. Join us for this powerful hour, and start living the life of your dreams in 2014.    

 The New Feminine Bliss Business Formula | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Nan Akasha, a best  selling author, is known as the “Secret Weapon” for ‘flipping your switch’ and re-wiring Entrepreneurs and Professionals to make quantum leaps in power, voice and money. Featured in Fast Company Magazine (July 2013) as a top 20 Business leader to watch, Nan has created a movement that she calls The New Feminine Economy™ helping women lead and succeed. In this interview you will learn: The secrets to make $100K Doing What You Love The 5 Steps to a Bliss Business - while staying in your Feminine Experience High Income Hypnosis™ to break your money setpoint and Flip your Rich Switch!; and How to most effectively use the power of your mind, how to turn obstacles into opportunities As the CEO of Akasha International, Nan’s breakthrough methods have been instrumental in transforming the sales results, income, and businesses of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can be one of them! Learn more about Nan’s work by visiting her website:

 Colin Tipping: Radical Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How do you forgive what seems unforgiveable? Why do we seem to attract the same kinds of situations again and again in our relationships? What is a change someone can make right now to improve their relationships? If you want to lead a more joyful life and free up your mental energy to create a more successful financial life, you need to hear this profound interview with Colin Tipping, creator of powerful tools for personal and spiritual growth: The Tipping Method for Radical Forgiveness and Radical Living.  You will never, ever think of forgiveness in the same way!  You can learn more about Colin and  his amazing work at 

 George Kao | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Are you wondering what you might do differently in 2014 to finally  give life to those great ideas that have been trapped in your head, the ones you yearn to bring into reality? If so, George Kao has answers for you!   George is a renowned business coach with a unique approach to marketing, productivity, and spiritual development. In this interview you will learn his unique formula for:   Creating sustainable, positive habits with ease and confidence Developing marketing copy that speaks directly and powerfully to the people who need your services  Executing with passion George has been undergoing a deep spiritual transformation that is resulting in a whole new body of work, integrating Joyful Productivity, Compassionate Marketing, and True Livelihood. For more information and to learn about his exciting new coaching program, visit

 Noah St John: Why do I Make so Much Money? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Do you know that your brain is hard wired to answer questions?  Ask yourself, “Why don’t I ever make enough money?” and your brain will give you a thousand reasons why you never make enough money. Ask yourself, “Why do I make so much money?” and your brain will give you a thousand reasons why you make so much money! If you believe that what you focus on becomes your experience, which question would you choose? Noah St. John is the creator of “Afformations,” a simple and powerful system that can help you create an amazing 2014!  He is the the author of an amazing new Hay House book called The Book of Afformations: Discovering The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness."  With just two weeks until a brand new year is ushered in, join Cindy and Linda to learn more about afformations and Noah’s many other success techniques that have helped thousands all over the world create joyful lives and successful businesses! In this interview, Noah is giving away more than $500 worth of bonus training FREE when you order The Book of Afformations at  Tune in to learn more!

 Manifest the Life You Want - By Removing What is Really in Your Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00 She was a probation officer, a psychotherapist, an attorney, and then, because of a profound experience that she had in the courtroom, Esperanza Universal changed course and became a gifted spiritual teacher and the co-creator of the S.O.U.L. Institute.  Today, Esperanza teaches people all over the world how to manifest the life of their dreams by removing blocks on a soul level. If you’ve ever felt that your life is passing you by or your dreams never seem to materialize, tune in.  This interview is for you! To learn more about her work and a very special offer for listeners of the Art of Joyful Living, visit her website at:

 Edward Mills: Stop Hating Money! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Edward Mills has stopped hating money! Yes, the man who calls himself the abundant mystic hated money! How can that be? He’s interviewed the top thought leaders on the subject of abundance, taught courses on it, is renowned for his leadership on the issue. And yet, he hated money! In this interview, hear Edward discuss his own rocky road on the path to financial well-being, how he is changing his life to transform his financial karma, and what he wants you to learn from his journey!  If you want 2014 to be a year of grace and true abundance, hear what Edward Mills wants you to know! To learn more about his work, visit his website at  

 Marc Allen: How to Create the Life of your Dreams for the New Year! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

You may know Marc Allen  as the successful co-founder of New World Library, with a dream home in Marin County, California, a happy family, and the luxury of determining when he works and when he plays. It wasn’t always like that.  There was a time when Marc had no money. There was a time when he lived in a spiritual community , worked in exchange for room and board, and his biggest task every morning was to figure out how to get a dollar to buy a latte. There was a time. And, now there is this time. Marc’s life is very, very different.  He has created a dream business, a dream life, and he no longer has to worry about how to get a dollar to buy a latte. In this interview, Marc reveals what is needed for you to Create your Dreams for the New Year! To purchase Marc’s latest book, The Magical Path, or to learn more about his work, visit or  

 SHARON HESS: Heal your Money Wounds! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

Sharon Hess is an intuitive money healer, spiritual adviser, author and speaker.  She has spent her life guiding men and women on how to bring millions of dollars into their life by helping them break through to a smooth flow of money. She does this by using both her knowledge of ancient wisdom and as a creator of multi-million dollar businesses. In this interview, Sharon identifies what money wounds are, how to know if you have them, how to remove money blocks, and how to understand your own divine money path.  Learn more about Sharon’s work by visiting her website at:

 From MindMyths to NeuroWisdom: The New Science of Happiness and Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

Do you know that you can change your brain? You can and Mark Robert Waldman can show you how! How would you like to: Find a personal value word that will turn on stress-reducing genes Know which words to avoid that can actually damage your brain Learn how spiritual practices can be used to improve relationships and enhance neural functioning Mark Waldman, along with Andrew Newberg, conducts research on the science underlying human behavior. In today’s interview, Mark will guide you through experiential “lessons” to open your mind and heart to the inner wisdom within your brain.  These lessons can help you achieve greater success in the world with less effort and more joy. They’re based from his amazing new program, “"Neuroscientific Secrets to Happiness and Success." As a business and personal-development coach, Mark integrates his research expertise in communication, neuroscience, conflict resolution, and mindfulness-based strategies to offer a unique approach to helping individuals, couples, and business organizations resolve a wide range of personal and work-related problems. He is the author of numerous best-selling books Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome him to the show! Check out his work and learn more about his programs at

 JANET CONNER: New Year’s Resolutions or Intention Mandalas? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

Ever wonder why so many people make New Year’s Resolutions and so many people never keep them?  Have you kept yours?  Author, speaker, and teacher Janet Conner long ago walked away from New Year’s Resolutions. She found something much more powerful. In this interview, Janet reveals the remarkable changes she has experienced since she created her first intention mandala three years ago. Now, it’s a ritual and one that she says has brought into focus a life of purpose and joy. “When conditions are sufficient, there is a manifestation,” so says the Buddha. What conditions do you need to create the life of your dreams? How can an intention mandala feed the process? All this and more in today’s interview! Janet is the author of several landmark books, including “Writing down your Soul” and “The Lotus and the Lily.”  To learn more about her work and her radio show, “The Soul Directed Life,” visit her website at


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