Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 MARCIA WIEDER: A NEW MAP FOR DREAMING BIG! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Dream University’s CEO and Founder Marcia Wieder is committed to changing how we think, speak and act upon our dreams. Whether teaching a course on the benefits of "dreaming big" at Stanford Business School, coaching CEO's or executives one on one,  Marcia teaches practical, business tested processes and theories to help anyone achieve their dreams. In this interview, you will learn: What is the “great dream challenge?” What are the biggest obstacles that stop us from making our dreams come true? How Marcia built a brand new business that today reaches millions Marcia says that beyond traditional skill building there is something else that substantially contributes to the bottom to dream big. She knows how to dream big in a very big way! Join Cindy and Linda to learn how she has created a career that includes writing 14 books, appearing on Oprah, the Today Show, and her very own PBS-TV Show called Making Your Dreams Come True. Visit her online at: and at

 ERIC MAIZEL: The 9 Keys to Unlocking Creativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Whatever you hope to create, a new job, meaningful work, or satisfying relationships, you need full access to the unlimited creative potential that  lies within you, just waiting to be tapped, to bring  your vision to life.  And yet, reconnecting with our natural creativity can be challenging. That’s why Cindy and Linda are delighted to feature America's foremost creativity coach and bestselling author Eric Maisel! Clients seek Eric's guidance when they are challenged by a tendency to stall, block, and give up because he has the strategies to help them. In this interview, Eric will discuss: The 9 keys that can helpunlock your challenges and  implement real solutions to create your ideal work life; The one habit or practice that truly makes a difference between getting your creative work done and not getting it done; and Practical strategies for effectively dealing with stress Eric’s newest book, Making Your Creative Mark, Nine Keys to Achieving your Artistic Goals, published by New World Library, has won  praise from critics and readers of all backgrounds throughout the world. His prolific, multifaceted career is a testament to his profound understanding of what it takes to live out one’s creative ambitions. A therapist who is also a  columnist, and featured blogger for Psychology Today and the Huffington Post, Maisel is an expert on all that blocks the creative.  Visit his website to learn more about his ground-breaking work at: and  

 PATRICK RETTIG: He Helps Business Owners who Have no Hope! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Patrick Rettig is often the last stop for a business owner in financial turmoil who may be looking at an empty bank account and possibly closing shop. The situation may look hopeless but not to Rettig. He knows that somewhere deep inside, their dreams are still alive. He understands the fears they live with and, most importantly, he knows how to help them not only face them but work through them. He has saved thousands of jobs and today, you’ll find out why!  Patrick is a soldier for his clients. He adheres to the letter of the law and is excruciatingly honest about what his clients must address to achieve their goals. His manner and technique is unorthodox, unruly and irreverent. He is a tireless defender of each business that he works with, and, in so doing he has saved hundreds of companies over the years. To learn more about Patrick and how you can work with him, visit his website at:

 DR. SUE MORTER: The Energy Codes: Tools for Abundant Living | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Cindy and Linda love featuring guests whose work combines the latest scientific understandings of our bodies and  the Universe with the teachings of ancient spiritual masters.  Dr. Sue Morter’s teachings embody the best of both worlds and her interview  topic ---the Energy Codes---is a powerful example. Dr. Sue says that  understanding  the principles and techniques of The Energy Codes can reveal and unlock your capacity to move beyond “healing what is broken,” or “releasing what is no longer wanted” to a new perspective that transforms everything in your life into undeniable evidence that you are a profoundly powerful creator. In this interview, you will learn all of this and more, as she reveals an entirely new approach to living in creative genius and personal freedom through capturing and enhancing high-frequency energy patterns in the body. In addition to her private practice, Morter HealthCenter, she is founder and visionary of the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science.  You can learn more about her visionary work at  

 LION GOODMAN: How to Heal the Subconscious | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

What prevents you from making the powerful difference you are designed and destined to make? You are clear about what you want. You know you’re meant to make a difference. And, you’d feel oh so good making a difference and making a living making a difference! And yet, something is standing between you and the ease of success. That something is called the subconscious! While there’s no magic wand or instant fix, Lion Goodman has created a process to help you heal your subconscious, which he calls the “Belief Closet.” In this interview, Lion will reveal:   How to eliminate and transform your limiting and negative beliefs How to change your reality by changing your beliefs Why old beliefs that you thought were gone forever creep back in, and What is really required to bring a dream into reality   Lion is the creator of The BeliefCloset® Process, a methodology for permanently transforming beliefs at the core of the psyche. He has taught this methodology to hundreds of coaches, therapists and healers around the world.  Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome him back to the show. For more information, visit his websites at: and and

 TAPPING INTO WEALTH IN THE 5TH DIMENSION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome Elyse Hope Killoran to the Art of Joyful Living! Elyse is a "Wealth Consciousness Catalyst" who has spent the last decade using cutting-edge technologies - and the power of the Internet - to empower people to create "prosperity from the inside out." For most of us, the energy of stress, struggle and striving that is associated with money is something that has been ingrained from our earliest experiences. But what if we are living in an era with an unprecedented opportunity to direct the energy that we have been associating with money in a entirely new direction? It is Elyse's conviction that if enough of us join together we can co-create a new abundant future for everyone on the planet. In this interview, you will gain clarity about: the inner truth about money...and what you can now do to help return money to its original role of supporting exchange, mutual benefit, and the prosperity and well-being of humanity as a whole  the three core shifts that will enable you to transform your personal relationship to money and wealth  the paradoxical truths around money and wealth that become accessible to us in the next dimension  and why it is especially essential that change agents and anyone involved in the healing arts activate new personal vibrations around the subjects of money and wealth. To learn more about Elyse and her amazing work, visit her website: and at        

 THE MISSING PIECE OF THE MANIFESTING PROCESS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Do you know that there is a specific sequence of acts that you must follow in order to manifest the life of your dreams? How do you evoke positive feelings if you are stuck in your less than current reality? You “want” to create something positive in your life so what does it mean to be in a state of “want?” Cindy and Linda are the guests on the show today and they can’t wait to share with you what they’ve learned about the manifesting process and how you can make it work for you, and not against you. What role do the conscious/unconscious minds play? What do we do with negative feelings? What is the connection between your feelings and your vibrations? All this and more as they reveal what their personal journeys have taught them about the manifesting process. These are universal principles that you can begin to act upon right now, right here. And why not take action right now?! You are about to learn the missing piece (and there may be more than one!) in the manifesting process so listen up!  

 PAMELA BRUNER: Authentic Sales Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Can you relate to these scenarios? "I feel so pushy when I try to have a conversation with someone about hiring me." "When someone says 'no', it feels painful and embarrassing, like a knife in my guts." "I hate the thought of sales, and wish I could just do what I love to do."  If you provide transformational work, chances are, you can relate to all of the above.  That’s why Cindy and Linda are so delighted to welcome back Business Coach and EFT Expert Pamela Bruner. Pamela will share the secrets to sales that took her from earning $375/month to creating a million-dollar-a-year business in less than three years - all while staying in integrity. As an EFT expert practitioner, get ready for some major tapping. Pamela combines savvy business strategies with powerful tapping and she and her clients experience huge results! Want to know the number reason that heart-centered entrepreneurs fail at sales and how to overcome it? Tune in and you’ll find out the answer to this and more! Pamela is the co-author of ‘Tapping into Ultimate Success’ book and DVD with Jack Canfield, creator of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. Find out more about her work at

 MICHELLE MANNING-KOGLER: Quantum Soul Clearing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

[Special Offer: Heal Your Money Scars!] Unwilling to succumb to a devastating diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, Michelle Manning-Kogler began her search to heal her body, mind and spirit.  Her research, personal experiences, education and adventures into healing ultimately lead to the creation of the Quantum Soul Clearing Process.  In this interview, you will hear Michelle reveal: How to recognize YOUR glass ceiling of subconscious beliefs and shatter it forever - in under 15 minutes! How to discover if your limiting beliefs and subconscious programming are sabotaging you in the work place and limiting your earning potential - often by millions of dollars! Michelle will also teach you a very simple alignment and reconnecting technique that will immediately increase your energy, your mental clarity and connection with your intuition. Michelle has been in the energy medicine and alternative healing field for over 25 years. Her approach to healing is multi-faceted and “whol-istic,” integrating mind, body and spirit for optimal wellness. Her practice, Infinite Potentials Health and Wellness, serves people throughout the world.  Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome her to the Art of Joyful Living family! Visit her website to learn more about her amazing journey at:

 BILL FARBER: Your Energy Alignment! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

He’s a successful lawyer with a Fortune 500 Company who has spent the last 20 years, through his simple and profound energy work, helping thousands of people around the world create lives filled with more creativity, enthusiasm, success, harmony, personal power, and, of course, energy! Bill Farber has developed a unique energy process that can generate a profound state of peace and silence within the body and the nervous system. The results? A higher state of alignment in which the client’s own natural healing powers are accessed and amplified.  In today’s interview, Bill will take you through one of his energy wave sessions. You’ll want to listen to this over and over and each time you do, you are likely to feel a shift that will give you the same results experienced by people all over the world who have received Bill Farber’s transformational energy wave alignment processes. Bill has graciously offered a free energy wave session to Art of Joyful Living listeners!  Buy one of his packages and you get an extra session. Be sure to include “Art of Joyful Living” to get the free session. Visit his website to purchase a package and to learn more about his work! Background music for this episode courtesy of Kevin MacLeod

 CAROL LOOK: How to Tap your way from Sabotage to Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

You want to achieve your goals, live your dreams, be successful and yet something always seems to get in the way. What is it?  Fear of success? Fear of failure? Procrastination? In today’s interview, Dr. Carol Look, master EFT practitioner, shows us “How to Tap your way from Sabotage to Success.” If you have a pattern of not quite getting to where you want to go, tune in and tap along with Carol! She combines EFT tapping with Law of Attraction principles and the results are impressive! Carol used these very same techniques to increase her own income by 700%! A highly sought after international speaker and workshop leader, Carol is the author of the new Amazon Kindle best-selling book author of the new book, Stop Being Lazy: How To Break The Procrastination Cycle Once & For All & Excel.  Visit her website at  to learn more about the quality training products she offers on topics such as clearing clutter, weight loss, trauma and pain relief.

 BRUCE LIPTON: The Honeymoon Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

If you've ever wondered why an exciting, new relationship loses its magic and shine, this is the interview for you! Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome Dr. Bruce Lipton back to the show!  Bruce’s latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, has just been released and what a great read it is!    As only Bruce Lipton can do, he brilliantly and playfully explains the science behind how we relate to one another and reveals the strategies to successfully connect in the best possible way. What is the honeymoon effect and how can we keep it going? Is there really a “love chemistry” in our biology? And if so, what can it tell us about our relationships? How can reprogramming of the subconscious mind enable us to live out the fairy tale ending of “Happily Ever After?” Bruce will address these questions and much more so get ready for a content packed hour! Just in case this is your first encounter with Bruce Lipton, he is a pioneer in the new biology and an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Visit his website at: to understand the breadth of his work and the contributions he has made to science and world peace.

 LEE ZLOTOFF: How to MacGyver Your Way Through Any Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Do you remember MacGyver, the iconic television series that became a global sensation?  Do you remember how MacGyver could get himself out of any situation simply by using the creative power of his brain (he never once used a gun)? Cindy and Linda interview Lee Zlotoff, the creator of the show, and wait till you hear what the award winning writer, producer, and director is up to! Lee has developed a simple, effective way for you to tap into the vast resources of your subconscious mind to address virtually any problem, be it creative, professional or personal.  He calls it The Yurika Method. He discovered the technique after years of producing creative content for television under very strict time constraints. Not an easy thing to do and yet, Lee managed to consistently create and write imaginative plot lines and content for some of television’s most popular series, including Hill Street Blues, Remington Steel, and, of course, MacGyver. When asked by his peers how he managed to maintain such a high level of creativity under stressful conditions, Lee began to analyze his creative thinking process. You won’t believe what he discovered! It is such a wonderful gift to the world and now, Lee’s mission is to share it with everyone and everywhere!  Tune in to hear the step by step method. And, oh yes, if you’d like to know what’s ahead for MacGyver, he gives us the inside scoop on that as well. MacGyver is back! To learn more about Lee and his amazing work, visit these websites: and 

 Michael J. Chase: The Radical Practice of Loving Everyone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

  Is "loving everyone" really possible, as the title of Michael J. Chase's new book suggests?   The answer may surprise you, as he chronicles his journey toward enlightenment, gaining insight from a very unlikely source-a four-legged guru named Mollie, who happens to be the most lovable yet mischievous dog in the world.   In his attempt to understand her ability to unconditionally love all, Chase begins to see the world through his best friend's eyes, especially during their morning walks. Mollie's hilarious antics and maddening behavior ultimately lead to profound insights learned at the other end of the leash.   Written with heart and sidesplitting humor, this one-of-a-kind true story of friendship and a divine albeit outrageous dog delivers on its promise to reveal a pathway toward enlightenment . . . and brings each of us one step closer to loving everyone.   Michael J. Chase is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, and student of spiritual wisdom, both ancient and contemporary. Considered an expert on the subjects of kindness and positive behavior, he is one of today's most sought-after teachers in the field of personal and spiritual development.   As founder of The Kindness Center, Michael, along with his teachings, is recognized across the globe. His powerful message impacts countless lives each year. Michael lives in Maine with his wife, son, and best friend Mollie.   Learn more about Michael on his website:   His book will be available in May. You can pre-order it right now on Amazon now.

 PAUL ZELIZER: How Wisdom is Disrupting Business as Usual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

. What do the leaders of Google and Zappos have in common with Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and Marianne Williamson?  They’re all part of what has become a movement to disrupt the traditional way of doing business with wisdom and heart-centered leadership. Paul Zelizer is at the heart of this movement and Cindy and Linda are delighted to welcome him back to the show! Paul is the founder of Success for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and the Director of Social Media for Wisdom 2.0, a one-of-kind event that brings together technology leaders like the co-founders of Twitter and the CEO of LinkedIn with Wisdom teachers like Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle to explore how we can live with deeper meaning and wisdom in our technology-rich age.  Paul says that if you are a heart-centered leader or business owner, there’s no longer any need to hide. You are in good company and the prospects for financial success never looked better! Learn more about Wisdom 2.0 and Paul’s cutting edge work by visiting


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